What Is Divorce Essay

What Is Divorce Essay

Argumentative essay for legalizing divorce in the Philippines

Daftar Isi

1. Argumentative essay for legalizing divorce in the Philippines


On February 4, 2020, a bill proposing the legalization of divorce in the Philippines was approved by the Committee on Population and Family Relations of the Philippine House of Representatives.


Hope it helps :)

#Carryonlearning :))

2. Philosophical theories of divorce in the philippines essay



The Philippines and Vatican City are the only states left in the world without divorce. While the

Philippines recognize relative divorce, or legal separation as termed under its Family Code, it has

not sanctioned absolute divorce in the country except for Muslims and foreigners. During pre-

colonial times and the Japanese occupation of the country, absolute divorce was legal and widely

practiced. The thesis argues for the reintroduction of absolute divorce into Philippine law on a

legal, pragmatic, and rights-based approach. It argues that divorce protects and strengthens the

family; it is legal, constitutional, and in compliance with the international human rights

obligations of the Philippines; it answers the issues on and inadequacies of the existing legal

framework on nullity, annulment, and legal separation; it is one of the solutions to decrease, if

not end, spousal violence; and its absence is discriminatory on the grounds of social class,

religion, and nationality


I am indebted to my thesis supervisor, Professor Martha Shaffer, for providing me with

invaluable guidance throughout the entire research and drafting process. I would like to thank

Carolina Ruiz-Austria for providing comments and giving direction to this project. I would also

like to thank the International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Programme of the Faculty of

Law and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for providing me with the opportunity to

learn. Finally, I am immensely grateful to James, Christine, Jamael, and Jerissa for their

brilliance, support, and patience throughout the year.

3. essay family divorce introduction, body and conclusion ​



Divorce is one of the most difficult life experiences a family can go through. It can have a profound impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of all members of the family. The disruption of family structure, roles, and relationships can cause long-term issues that can carry over into adulthood. While divorce does have its negative effects, it also presents an opportunity for families to learn and grow.


Divorce can have a lasting impact on the mental health of those involved. Children in particular are vulnerable to the changes that come with family divorce. They can experience feelings of confusion, guilt, and anger as they cope with the changes to their family structure and dynamics. Studies have also found that children of divorced parents are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and poorer academic performance. In addition, children of divorce are more likely to struggle with relationships and trust issues as they get older.

Divorce can also have a significant financial impact on families. The costs associated with divorce can be significant, including legal fees, child support, and alimony. These costs can add up quickly and put a strain on the family’s finances. In addition, many families struggle to adjust to the new financial realities that come with divorce, such as having one less income and having to divide assets.

Despite all of the challenges that come with family divorce, there are also opportunities for growth and healing. Divorce can be a difficult but necessary step in order to create a healthier and happier family dynamic. It can be an opportunity to reevaluate family roles and relationships and to create more equitable and fulfilling dynamics. It can also be an opportunity to learn how to communicate more effectively and to develop better problem-solving skills.


Divorce is a difficult and emotional experience for all members of the family. It can have a lasting impact on emotional and financial well-being. However, it also presents an opportunity for families to learn and grow. With open communication and support, family members can use the experience of divorce to create a healthier and happier family dynamic.


Divorce is a process that not only severs the legal ties of marriage, but also dissolves the emotional and physical bonds. It is a decision that is often made after much deliberation and thought and is not one that should be taken lightly. While there are many reasons why a couple may choose to divorce, the decision is often based on a lack of communication and intimacy, unresolved conflict, and a general feeling of unhappiness.

The process of divorce can be difficult for both the couple and their children. It can be a time of great upheaval and change and can be emotionally and financially taxing. There are, however, steps that can be taken to make the process as smooth as possible. Couples should try to communicate openly and honestly with each other and work to resolve any outstanding conflicts. They should also seek the help of professionals, such as therapists or divorce attorneys, who can assist them in the process.

Ultimately, the decision to divorce is a personal one. It is a decision that should be made after careful consideration and should not be taken lightly. Divorce is a difficult process, but with the help of professionals, it can be a relatively smooth experience,


It's important to treat a legal separation as seriously as a divorce because both are orders of the court, containing duties and obligations that each party must legally uphold. If the couple later divorces, judges may consider the details of the separation agreement when ruling on a divorce.

5. what is the main cause of divorce?​


Being Unhappy in that relationship and Marriage


kung may anak ka sa asawa mo pwedi nila itong ikasira dahil iisipin nila na hindi na sila buo at magiging magisa kan sa buhay at kailangan mamili ng mga anak nila kung saan sila sasama pwedi itong e korte. bat pa kasi mag papakasal kong mag hihiwalay do naman nakakalokaa

6. what are the benefits of divorce

Actually There's No Benifits in Divorce. Because The Family Goes Wreck then Children Gets Sad. So Divorce is a Bad Idea.

There are several benefits of divorce.

"You get your happiness back" and "You get your freedom" are one of the benefits of divorce. If you feel unhappy or very sad with your wife or husband, don't force yourself to be with him or her. Not everyone stays the same and maybe your partner will eventually change to a bad person. You may be dissatisfied with this kind of behaviour and you won't be happy anymore with him. Therefore, don't be afraid to get a divorce.

7. argumentative essay You agree or disagree to legalize a divorce in philippines​


In the Philippines, divorce is currently not allowed due to the strong influence of the Catholic Church, which believes in the sanctity of marriage. However, with the changing times and the increasing number of failed marriages, there is a growing need to legalize divorce in the country. I firmly believe that divorce should be legalized in the Philippines for the following reasons.

Firstly, not allowing divorce goes against the basic human right to seek happiness and fulfillment. Couples who are trapped in unhappy and abusive marriages should be given the option to dissolve their union legally, without being forced to stay together for the rest of their lives. Denying them this option is a violation of their basic human rights.

Secondly, legalizing divorce would provide protection for women who are often the victims of domestic violence and abuse. Women who are in abusive marriages are often unable to leave because they have no legal options. Divorce would give them a legal means to leave the abusive relationship and protect themselves and their children.

Thirdly, divorce would help reduce the stigma surrounding failed marriages. In the Philippines, there is still a strong cultural and religious stigma attached to divorce, which makes it difficult for those who have gone through it. Legalizing divorce would help remove this stigma and provide a more supportive environment for those who have experienced it.

In conclusion, legalizing divorce in the Philippines would provide an option for those trapped in unhappy and abusive marriages, protect women and children from domestic violence, and help reduce the stigma surrounding failed marriages. It is time for the government to recognize the need for divorce and provide a legal framework for it.



8. Philosophical theories of divorce in the philippines essay po pls need real answer

Reintroduction of Divorce into Philippine Law


The Philippines and Vatican City are the only states left in the world without divorce. While the

Philippines recognize relative divorce, or legal separation as termed under its Family Code, it has

not sanctioned absolute divorce in the country except for Muslims and foreigners. During pre-

colonial times and the Japanese occupation of the country, absolute divorce was legal and widely

practiced. The thesis argues for the reintroduction of absolute divorce into Philippine law on a

legal, pragmatic, and rights-based approach. It argues that divorce protects and strengthens the

family; it is legal, constitutional, and in compliance with the international human rights

obligations of the Philippines; it answers the issues on and inadequacies of the existing legal

framework on nullity, annulment, and legal separation; it is one of the solutions to decrease, if

not end, spousal violence; and its absence is discriminatory on the grounds of social class, religion and nationality

9. what is the concept of divorce?


Around 13.82 billion years ago, matter, energy, space – and time – erupted into being in a fireball called the Big Bang. It expanded and, from the cooling debris, there congealed galaxies – islands of stars of which our Milky Way is one among about two trillion. This is the Big Bang theory.


to legally dissolve one's marriage with : to end marriage with (one's spouse) by divorce (see divorce entry 1 sense 1) She divorced her husband. b : to dissolve the marriage contract between They were divorced last year. They are getting divorced.


The main goal of divorce is to reach an agreement with your spouse. The terms of the agreement are memorialized, in writing, in a Marital Settlement agreement. This agreement is also known as a Property Settlement Agreement. A very high percentage, meaning almost all, divorce cases settle

10. what are the negative sight of divorce?

The negtive effects or sights of divorce mainly revolves around the children. When divorce occurs, the children are the ones suffering the most since some parents would make the children choose either if they will go with their mother or father making the children grow incomplete because of this. Some even would go to court for the sake of whose side should the children be given guidance to. Making also the children completely sad and would result to them growing without really experiencing many hidden things behind a family bonding. 

11. what is divorce?what is annulment?


Divorce is the way of ending a legally valid marriage formally and it involves a legal process. Both parties can re-marry.

Annulment of marriage is a legal decree that a marriage is null and void. It treats the marriage as if it never existed.


12. What is your stand when it comes to legalizing divorce in the Phillipines? write a possible introduction to an argumentative essay regarding you stance on this issue. Please help! ​


Divorce is unavoidable in society, it is something that can help couples and even families, yes, families. Divorce is necessary for couples stuck in abusive relationships and abuse can lead to horrible things. Legalizing divorce isn't just for couples, but also their families. So many children nowadays and even then have suffered and have grown up never tasting the sweet love that comes with a loving and supportive family because of their parents/guardians' relationship.


Hope I was able to help even though I'm not that good with essays!

13. What is the effect of divorce?

Effects of divorce. ... After divorce the couple often experience effects including, decreased levels of happiness, change in economic status, and emotional problems. The effects on children include academic, behavioral, and psychological problems

14. what are the disadvantages of not legalizing the divorce


Probably the main disadvantage of not legalizing divorce is that there is a much higher rate of wives being beaten up by their husbands or threatening them which basically has a huge mental effect on a person who is going to be living with them till the end of their lives


The disadvantages of not legalizing a divorce is that both parties are not morally free take another lover or partner. If either one of them take a lover despite not legalizing divorce, they can be.sued for adultery. Furthermore, they cannot marry another as they are still bound by marriage.

15. not ligalized divorce in the Philippines... essay 5 paragraph po​


Divorce is a legal process by which a marriage is terminated, and both parties are granted the freedom to remarry. While it is a commonly accepted practice in many countries, divorce remains illegal in the Philippines. This is a topic of ongoing debate, with advocates for and against legalizing divorce in the country. In this essay, we will explore some of the reasons why divorce is not legalized in the Philippines and examine some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of changing this law.

Firstly, one of the main reasons why divorce is not legalized in the Philippines is due to its religious and cultural beliefs. The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country, where the church views marriage as a sacred and lifelong commitment. This belief is deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the country, and many Filipinos see divorce as a violation of this sacred commitment. Furthermore, there are concerns that legalizing divorce would weaken the institution of marriage, undermine traditional family values, and promote a culture of infidelity and promiscuity.

Secondly, the lack of a divorce law in the Philippines can have severe consequences for women and children. In cases of abusive or dysfunctional marriages, women are often left trapped in these relationships with no legal recourse for ending them. This can result in significant emotional and psychological distress for both the women and their children, who may be exposed to violence or other forms of abuse. Without a legal framework for divorce, these women are left with no option but to continue enduring these abusive relationships, with potentially devastating consequences.

On the other hand, legalizing divorce in the Philippines could have several potential benefits. For one, it would provide an avenue for couples in dysfunctional or abusive marriages to legally separate and protect themselves and their children from harm. Furthermore, it would allow Filipinos to exercise their right to self-determination and make their own choices about their marriages, rather than being bound by a law that may not reflect their values or needs.

In conclusion, the issue of legalizing divorce in the Philippines is a complex and multifaceted one. While the country's religious and cultural beliefs remain a significant obstacle to its legalization, there are compelling arguments in favor of legalizing it. Ultimately, the decision to legalize divorce should be made with the best interests of all Filipinos in mind, weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks and seeking to promote the safety, well-being, and autonomy of all citizens.

Comment if I'm wrong, thanks.

16. make a essay 20 sentences of legalization of divorce in the phil.


Legalization of divorce in the Philippines is a highly controversial issue that has been widely debated for years. The Philippines is one of the few countries in the world where divorce is not allowed, and it is the only country where it is illegal for all citizens, regardless of their religion or cultural background.

Proponents of divorce argue that it is a basic human right for individuals to have the freedom to dissolve their marriage if they are in an unhappy or abusive relationship. It provides a legal and moral way out of a marriage that is causing emotional distress, physical harm, or financial instability. It also protects the rights of women and children by allowing them to escape from abusive relationships and seek legal protection.

Opponents of divorce, on the other hand, argue that it undermines the sanctity of marriage and the family. They believe that divorce can have a negative impact on children, who may suffer emotional and psychological trauma as a result of their parents' separation. Furthermore, they argue that it can have a negative impact on society as a whole, leading to a breakdown of traditional values and increasing rates of crime, poverty, and social unrest.

Despite these opposing views, there is growing support for the legalization of divorce in the Philippines. In 2018, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow divorce in certain circumstances, such as when the marriage is irreparable or when one of the spouses has committed adultery. However, the bill has yet to be passed by the Senate, which remains divided on the issue.

The push for the legalization of divorce is also gaining momentum from the Catholic Church, which has long been an opponent of divorce. In recent years, some Catholic leaders have recognized that divorce can be a necessary solution for people in abusive or dysfunctional marriages.

The legalization of divorce in the Philippines would bring the country in line with many other countries that recognize divorce as a legal and moral option for people in troubled marriages. It would also provide legal protections and recourse for people in abusive marriages, particularly women and children.

In conclusion, the legalization of divorce in the Philippines is a complex and contentious issue that raises important questions about the role of marriage in society and the rights of individuals. While there are valid arguments on both sides, ultimately, the decision to legalize divorce should be based on what is best for the people of the Philippines, particularly those who are in troubled or abusive marriages.


Carry on Learning

Click the crown if you like my Answer thank you.


Couples made a vow to each other and form a bond to live their lives together. But then, there are some instances that the bond they form was not enough to sustain their relationship forever. Many couples or married people ended up in divorce cause of many different issues like lack of commitment, too much arguing, infidelity, early marriage, and mostly common is abuse.

17. What is better annulment or divorce?

divorce is much better than annulment because divorce means you were really married and loved in other but in the one of you had an affair or he loved you but he found another... in the other hand, annulment is from the start you didnt love him/her it depends on the situation

18. what is divorce billwhat is divorce bill


Marriage Dissolution Bill or "Divorce Bill" was approved this year by a committee in the House of Representatives.

They approved three measures (House bills 100, 838, and 2263). These three will be consolidated. These bill seek to legalize divorce in our country. Actually, before the approval of this bill, Philippines and Vatican City are the only remaining places that have no divorce law.

Absolute divorce validates the separation of married couples which allows the husband and wife to return to their single status with the right to be married again.

According to Albay 1st District Rep. Edcel Lagman (author of House Bill 100), "Divorce is not a monster that will destroy marriages and wreck marital relationships. Let us be clear about this — the monsters that lead to the demise of a marriage are infidelity, abuse, financial problems, lack of intimacy and communicaiton, and inequality."

Learn more:





The Divorce Bill is house bill number 116 which was introduced by Rep. Edcel C. Lagman entitled "An Act Instituting Absolute Divorce in the Philippines and for Other Purposes". This law was submitted on February 28, 2018 with the aim to legally dissolve marriages in the Philippines. The representative further explained that we are only among the short list of countries who are not practicing divorce which made this house bill necessary. On the thought of preserving marriage as a sacrament, he argued that there is no more marriage in a union where love and understanding is not present anymore. As such, this gives value to the arguments of dissolution of marriage in our country.

Read about divorce:






The Christian view of marriage is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospels, including the passage you referenced from Matthew 19:5-6. This passage highlights the importance of the union between a man and a woman in marriage and emphasizes the permanence and unity of the marriage bond.

Christianity teaches that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, instituted by God, and should be a lifelong commitment. The Bible teaches that marriage is a reflection of God's love for His people and that the relationship between a husband and wife should be characterized by mutual love, respect, and self-sacrifice.

However, the issue of divorce has been a contentious one within Christianity. While Jesus taught that divorce was not part of God's original plan for marriage and that it should be avoided, He also recognized that it was sometimes necessary due to the hardness of people's hearts (Matthew 19:8).

In general, the Catholic Church and many other Christian denominations hold that marriage is a permanent and indissoluble union, except in cases of grave sin or the invalidity of the marriage itself. In cases where divorce is allowed, the Church encourages individuals to seek annulment, which is a process of determining whether the marriage was validly contracted in the first place.

While divorce and family breakdown can be difficult and painful, Christianity teaches that God's love and grace are available to all who seek Him. The Church also seeks to support and minister to individuals and families who are going through difficult times, offering pastoral care, counseling, and other resources to help them through their struggles.

20. write an argumentative essay from the topic of:Should we legalize divorce in the philippines?​


"Should We Legalize Divorce in the Philippines"

For the longest time, if I'm not mistaken, the party-list group Gabriela has been filing their own version of a divorce bill since they first entered the parliamentary arena. In the 18th Congress, they've already done so—again—as part of their key advocacies.

This time, they may yet succeed in getting what they've worked really hard to achieve. But maybe not exactly.

Banish the thought that the divorce bill approved recently by the House committee on population and family relations would pave the way for something like what Las Vegas has in place for a long time now: A no-fuss process that makes it quite easy for couples to disengage, or decouple.

According to Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, author of one of three divorce bills approved at the committee level in the House of Representatives, the measure has very strict requirements that would not be an easy way out of a rocky marriage.

The lawmaker explained that their bills have safety measures to ensure that only “exceptional cases” of couples with “irremediably damaged marriage” will benefit from this measure.

These safety measures include the provision that a prosecutor would be assigned to determine within six months after filing of the divorce petition if the grounds are valid or if there is collusion between parties, and that the court would also apply a judicial dispute resolution mechanism and try to reconcile the parties within this period.

Divorce is necessary, Lagman pointed out, because the current options under the Family Code—legal separation, annulment of marriage and declaration of nullity—do not give complete reliefs to qualified parties. Legal separation only grants separation “in bed and board” but does not grant severance of marriage bond, while annulment would allow remarriage only on grounds prior to or simultaneous to the solemnization of marriage.

On the other hand, “divorce will allow grounds that are supervening or during the marriage like marital infidelity, domestic violence, chronic gambling and engagement in illegal drugs and at the same time allow re-marriage,” he explained, adding that it would also offer protection to children who suffer and witness daily torment and stress.

Over at the Senate, most of the senators are against legalizing divorce and instead prefer to streamline the annulment process “allowed by our faith and belief,” according to Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri.

"What we don’t like about divorce is it seems to be an easy way out." He said shortening the process of Church-decreed annulment would be a “more accepted” option for his colleagues in the Senate.

21. what is divorce for you?​


ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴs ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴘᴇʀᴀᴛᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ɪᴛ :ғ

22. what is the closing about divorce​


A closing statement helps to bring all the different threads that are introduced during a divorce case together, to make sure that attorneys can connect with the judge on the behalf of their client, showing the humanity of the person that they represent.


I hope its help

don't report me

paki brainliest if tama ba yung sagot ko

NO, Because Divorce has been seen to have a negative effect on the children involved, especially during the transition period as they deal with the separation of their parents. This may manifest in various ways such as diminished social skills, proneness to anger and increased irritability.Divorce also does not safeguard or promote the mental and physical health of children as it is difficult to cope with one’s problems when one’s family, their main support system, is broken apart.

In addition, the divorce may influence the child into losing faith in the concept of a family entirely, which leads to another negative effect of this process. If divorce were to be legalized, it would amplify the mentality that marriage can be easily broken, which may result in people putting less effort into making it last and ensuring that they will pick the right partner. The family is thus put into danger and further exposed to the risk of breaking apart.

Abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines for it is a painful surgery. Despite the use of such anesthetics, Almost 97% of women that committed abortions have been reported experiencing extreme pain during the procedure. Compared to other pains, researchers have rated the pain from abortion as more afflictive than a bone fracture, about the same as cancer pain. The use of more powerful general anesthetics can reduce the pain, but it increases the risk of cervical injury.

sana makatulong

24. what are the types of divorce​


The Different Kinds of Divorce

What Is Divorce? Generally speaking, there are

two types of divorce. Summary Divorce.Uncontested Divorce.Default Divorce. Contested Divorce. Fault and No-Fault Divorce. Mediated Divorce.Collaborative Divorce.


I hope it helps you:)

25. agumintative essay the topic of divorce should not legalize in the philippines? sana po mau makatulong!​

Currently, the Philippines and the Vatican are the only two sovereign states in the world that still prohibit divorce. Opponents of this initiative argue that, if divorce is allowed, it will destroy the institution of marriage.Not every relationship can be fixed, making divorce a necessary step in the process of healing and moving on to a healthier future



26. What's the main reason for divorce?

the main reason for divorce is mirage.

The main reason of divorce is fighting or family problems

27. What is the main cause of divorce?​

According to various studies, the three most common causes of divorce are conflict, arguing, irretrievable breakdown in the relationship, lack of commitment, infidelity, and lack of physical intimacy. The least common reasons are lack of shared interests and incompatibility between partners.

We went to the mall when the school was cancelled. Please correct me if im wrong.

Have a great day!


Sana makatulong

I hope it helps

28. what is divorce and give an example?​


Divorce: A legal dissolving, termination, and ending of a legally valid marriage. A divorce ends a legal marriage and declares the spouses to be single again.


A divorce is when a married couple decides to end their relationship together.

I'm sorry if this is not what your looking for!;)

29. What is worse than a divorce?​


a death of a loved one


hope this helps?


something like... you're unwanted in life...


or all their problems passed by bullying you

30. what’s the best way for the children to understand divorce or why the parents are getting divorced?​


what’s the best way for the children to understand divorce or why the parents are getting divorced?

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