Against SameMarriage Essay

Against SameMarriage Essay

From what French word did the word essay come from?a. Essaib. Esaiec. Essayed. Eshay​

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1. From what French word did the word essay come from?a. Essaib. Esaiec. Essayed. Eshay​



thats all i know correct me if im wrong


C. essayer



2. essay "unite against bullying"


Bullying is a major problem that affects people of all ages, genders, races, and backgrounds. It can occur in schools, workplaces, and even online. Bullying can have serious consequences for those who are targeted, including anxiety, depression, and in extreme cases, even suicide. The only way to effectively combat this issue is to unite against bullying.

Uniting against bullying means recognizing that it is not just the responsibility of the victim to address the problem. It is the responsibility of everyone in a community to work together to prevent bullying from happening in the first place. This includes parents, teachers, employers, and peers. Everyone has a role to play in creating a safe and respectful environment.

The first step towards uniting against bullying is education. It is important for people to understand what bullying is, how it can affect others, and what they can do to prevent it. This can be achieved through school programs, workplace training sessions, and public awareness campaigns. By educating people about the issue, we can empower them to take action and speak out against bullying when they see it happening.

Another important aspect of uniting against bullying is creating a culture of respect and inclusion. This means promoting kindness, empathy, and understanding in all aspects of life. When people feel valued and respected, they are less likely to engage in bullying behavior. By promoting these values, we can create a society where bullying is not accepted or tolerated.

It is also important to provide support to those who have been targeted by bullying. This can include counseling, peer support groups, and other resources to help individuals cope with the effects of bullying. When people feel supported, they are more likely to speak out against bullying and work towards preventing it from happening to others.

Finally, it is important to hold those who engage in bullying accountable for their actions. This can be achieved through school or workplace policies, legal action, or other forms of consequences. When people know that there are consequences for bullying, they are less likely to engage in it in the first place.

In conclusion, bullying is a serious issue that affects us all. By uniting against bullying, we can create a safer, more respectful society where everyone is valued and respected. This can be achieved through education, promoting a culture of respect and inclusion, providing support to those who have been targeted, and holding those who engage in bullying accountable for their actions. Together, we can make a difference and put an end to bullying once and for all.

3. opinion essay against death penalty


The death penalty is supposed prevent others from killing but it does not. According to “Death Penalty Information Center the top ...

4. Jose Rizal's essays go against the Catholic faith.


this is my answer, keep it up!

5. writing essay about an argumentative "ideas for and against vaccines".​


this is my opinion ok wala sanang mang bash ulit

this is my opinion about that im against about covid vaccine's because alot of people died with that vaccine and they are not survive in covid its self.

we havethe pa branliest ako ah

6. Essay: Argue for or against it using social media in teaching and learning?​




Social media can cause addiction and unhealthy habits and habits ( this is based on my experience but hope it helps)

7. example of persuasive essay of dutertes against drugs.

stop drugs i don't want drugs

8. is it true ? jose rizal's essay go against the Catholic faith​




During the 1955 Senate election, the church charged Recto with being a communist and an anti-Catholic. After Recto's election, the Church continued to oppose the bill mandating the reading of Rizal's novels Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo, claiming it would violate freedom of conscience and religion.

9. Jose Rizal’s essay go against the catholic faith.


Jose Rizal’s essay go against the catholic faith is TRUE



10. Essay: What was the major argument raised by Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo against the passage of the Rizal Bill? essay


The major argument raised by Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo against the passage ofthe Rizal Bill was, the books of Rizal, the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. According to Senator Francisco "SOC" Rodrigo he says that "Let us not create a conflictbetween nationalism and religion, between the Government and the Church.

11. essay about the dangers of that quackery andhow you fight against that fraudulent services. ​ pa help po sa essay

Quackery is a health scam that promotes bogus products and services that do not have scientific and proven quality or effects.

The first, and most troubling, is that you might come to harm through consuming something that causes effects other than those promised or expected.

This harm can be direct, as when herbal preparations result in allergic reactions (for example tea tree oil), or with unexpected drug interactions.

Or, the harm can be indirect, as is the case with vaccine denialism, which not only exposes the denialist to avoidable risks of serious disease, but also impacts on “herd immunity”, thus threatening his or her entire community. Another form of indirect harm results from not seeking effective treatment, thanks to the false belief that you’ve already found a treatment. Penelope Dingle died of a potentially treatable cancer, after years of “treatment” by a homeopath allowed the cancer to spread beyond real medical science’s capacity to treat it.

The second way in which consumers can be harmed is

for many of us fairly trivial, and amounts to our simply wasting money on products that can’t deliver on their promises. This is of course not trivial for the poor, or for people who spend significant amounts of money they can’t afford on quackery – but if you like to pop an occasional homeopathic sleeping aid, it’s not going to cost you much.

The third kind of harm is a broad category and includes harm to public understanding of the scientific method, where claims need to be held accountable to evidence, and violations of the trust consumers place in manufacturers that the claims made about their products are accurate.

As with the extended, but ultimately futile, attempts by the British Chiropractic Association to silence Dr Simon Singh’s criticisms, this is little more than an attempt at legal bullying – especially in the light of the ludicrous amount of damages sought.

Some readers might be familiar with the “Streisand Effect”, after Barbra Streisand’s 2003 efforts to suppress photographs of her Malibu home simply drew more attention to those photographs, thanks to internet sharing. USN wants to keep fair criticism underground, but thanks to this lawsuit, perhaps that criticism will end up more Streisand than silent.

12. short essay about fight against COVID-19


always be aware brought some alcohol and always wear your face shield and face mask


COVID-19, we, as a community of shared future for mankind, recommend for all international leaders to support preparedness in low and middle income countries especially, take strong global interventions by using old approaches or new tools, mobilize global resources to equip hospital facilities and supplies to protect noisome infections and to provide personal protective tools such as facemask to general population, and quickly initiate research projects on drug and vaccine development.


i hope it can help you

13. write an essay arguing for or against the topic


While some people believe peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are too simple, they’re versatile sandwiches that you can easily turn into a gourmet meal.” You can turn a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into a gourmet meal by using artisanal bread, toasting the bread, and adding additional toppings.” This method is effective because it gives readers a clear idea of everything


I don't know po kung tama


14. How is the death penalty against human rights? (essay)



Capital punishment violates human rights and therefore cannot be justified for any reason. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every human has the inalienable right to life and the right not to be tortured or subjected to any cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. The death penalty is not always smooth and painless, and therefore it is torture.

Every legal system is fallible, and it would therefore be very possible for innocent lives to be extinguished. The death penalty can be unfairly administered to the poor and minorities. The death penalty does nothing to improve society as it takes away any chance of rehabilitation and redemption. The death of a criminal is not for humans to decide, and will only serve as revenge for the victims, not justice.

The relatives of criminals do not usually support the death penalty because they ‘know’ the person and circumstances and feel that it is not warranted. The death penalty is more likely to be supported by the victims of crime who go by the “eye for an eye” ideology of revenge. However, the purpose of the legal system is not to deal out revenge, but justice. The death penalty is just state-sanctioned murder and revenge.

Offenders’ organs are used like the cheap base of supply without their permission. To conclude, if such violations do happen, they are degrading and inhuman; therefore, the USA should abolish capital punishment not only because of the United Nations but also for the welfare of the country’s citizens.

The death penalty is the incorrect way of punishing offenders, as it doesn’t act as a deterrent and provides the possibility for executing the innocent; thus human rights are ignored. Additionally, it is not clear whether the USA Constitution allows.

If capital punishment was abolished and replaced by other alternative, such as live imprisonment, which is cheaper than the execution process, both sides would benefit of even lower homicide rates. In addition to that, people would feel secure that nothing could take away the most important inherent right-to live.

15. argumentative essay about preventive measures against covid 19 ​


Preventive measures include physical or social distancing, quarantining, ventilation of indoor spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, hand washing, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face. The use of face masks or coverings has been recommended in public settings to minimise the risk of transmissions.

Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Although vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing infection, if we continue to get vaccinated, we protect ourselves and those around us. If enough people are vaccinated, societies can develop herd immunity. The amount of people vaccinated to obtain herd immunity depends on the disease, but if this fraction is obtained, the spread of disease is contained. Through herd immunity, we protect those who may not be able to get vaccinated, such as people who are immunocompromised and the tiny portion of people for whom the vaccine is not effective.”



16. make an informative essay safety protocols against covid-19​


1.Wash your hands

2.Social Distancing

3.Sanatize your hands

4.Wear a face mask

5.Wear a Face shield

6.Eat Healthy food

7.It is forbidden to leave the house

8.Don't throw it anywhere

9.Go out if your purchase is important

10.Always follow the health protocol


Pa brainlest po plsss :)

17. argumentative essay about idea for and against vaccines​


report niyo poyan


kanina payan

18. make an essay about against death penalty​


The death penalty has been a method used as far back as the Eighteenth century B.C. The use of the death penalty was for punishing people for committing relentless crimes. The severity of the punishment were much more inferior in comparison to modern day. These inferior punishments included boiling live bodies, burning at the stake,


∵     i hope its help                                                                                                                                                  


19. write in essay! Are you for or against same -sex marriage in the PPhilippine?


Check if marriage has occurred in the following States under the consular jurisdiction of the Philippine Consulate General in Houston:

Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas

Civil Registry does not require personal appearance, and may be sent via registered mail (instructions below) or it can also be submitted personally


welcome yan lang alam ko

20. make sample of decision(for or against) for essay type​


Topic: Should schools require students to wear uniforms?

Decision: FOR

Reasons for decision:

Wearing uniforms promotes a sense of unity and equality among students. Without uniforms, some students may feel pressure to dress in a certain way or may feel self-conscious about their appearance compared to their peers. By requiring uniforms, schools can create a level playing field where students are judged based on their actions and achievements rather than their clothing choices.

Uniforms can improve school safety. By making it more difficult for outsiders to blend in with students, uniforms can help reduce the risk of violence or other incidents on school grounds.

Uniforms can help students focus on their studies rather than their appearance. Students may feel less self-conscious or distracted if they are not constantly worried about what they are wearing. This can lead to a more positive learning environment where students are able to fully engage in their studies.

Uniforms can save families money. Purchasing a few sets of uniform clothing is typically less expensive than buying a variety of everyday clothing for a child. This can be especially beneficial for families with limited financial resources.

21. informative essay about war against drugs​


Thousands of people in the Philippines have been killed since President Rodrigo Duterte launched his “war on drugs”


Sana po makatulong

22. essay was the revolution against the Spaniards successful? ​


The Revolution against Spain had two phases: the first from the declaration of defiance against Spanish rule on August 23, 1896 till the conclusion of a truce in December 1897; the second from the return till the outbreak of the Filipino-American War in February 1899.

Because the gravity of the earth is running to the sun


djk. di ko ren Alam sagot eii

23. essay about discrimination against lgbt?​


everyone. But in the Philippines, students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) too often find that their schooling experience is marred by bullying, discrimination, lack of access to LGBT-related information, and in some cases, physical or sexual assault. These abuses can cause deep and lasting harm and curtail students’ right to education, protected under Philippine and international law.

In recent years, lawmakers and school administrators in the Philippines have recognized that bullying of LGBT youth is a serious problem, and designed interventions to address it. In 2012, the Department of Education (DepEd), which oversees primary and secondary schools, enacted a Child Protection Policy designed to address bullying and discrimination in schools, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The following year, Congress passed the Anti-Bullying Law of 2013, with implementing rules and regulations that enumerate sexual orientation and gender identity as prohibited grounds for bullying and harassment. The adoption of these policies sends a strong signal that bullying and discrimination are unacceptable and should not be tolerated in educational institutions.

Paraphrase mo nalang

Over the past decade, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people have made significant legal and political gains in the United States, including the freedom to marry. Despite this progress, federal law does not expressly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in fields like employment, housing, and access to services, and fewer than half of the states offer explicit protections for LGBT people at the state level. Without these protections, LGBT people across the United States lack clear recourse and redress when they are fired, evicted, or refused service because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Against this backdrop of legal vulnerability, lawmakers who oppose marriage for same-sex couples and recent moves to advance transgender equality have led an anti-LGBT charge, pushing for, and often succeeding in getting, new laws that carve out religious exemptions for individuals who claim that compliance with particular laws interferes with their religious or moral beliefs. While LGBT equality is not the only area where exemptions have been debated—particularly as lawmakers have sought to substantially broaden exemptions related to sexual and reproductive healthcare—this report specifically examines a worrying wave of exemptions being introduced to blunt the recognition of LGBT rights across the United States.

The freedom of religion, as well as nondiscrimination, is a significant rights issue, and it is important that governments do not unnecessarily burden the exercise of religious conscience. This is especially important to minority religious groups, whose practices are all too easily trampled on by laws and policies enacted by majorities. But when exemptions to laws to accommodate religious beliefs or practices impinge on the rights of others or core societal values like nondiscrimination, lawmakers should proceed with caution.

Proponents of these laws argue that they properly balance religious freedom with the rights of LGBT individuals. In fact, with few exceptions, the laws as drafted create blanket exemptions for religious believers to discriminate with no consideration of or even mechanism for consideration of the harms and burdens on others. Because of their narrow focus on the objector, the laws provide little protection for the rights, well-being, or dignity of those who are turned away.

Statements made by legislative supporters of the laws, and in some cases the content of the laws themselves, moreover, make clear that they aim to push back against recent gains toward LGBT equality and to dilute the rights of LGBT people to secure protection from invidious discrimination.

Together, the failure of most states to enact nondiscrimination protections and the growing number of religious exemption laws leave many LGBT people with little recourse when they encounter discrimination. While these exemptions are almost always couched in the language of religious freedom or religious liberty, they directly and indirectly harm LGBT people in a variety of ways.

The results of this research indicate that the laws already enacted in eight states and the bills still under consideration in many more do not strike a proper balance between the freedom of religion and the equal rights of LGBT people under the law. And in fact, few if any of these laws even represent a serious attempt to do that. Lawmakers at the federal, state, and local level should work to ensure that LGBT people are protected from discrimination in employment, education, housing, healthcare, adoption and foster care, and public accommodations, and should repeal religious exemption laws that give government support to those who would discriminate based on their religious or moral beliefs.

24. Essay on the role of teachers and students in the fighting against corruption​


Students, teachers and educational institutions could play a pivotal role for making Pakistan a corruption-free society and bringing about positive changes in the country, they said while speaking at an inter-universities declamation contest organised by the National Accountability Bureau here on Tuesday.

Senior officials of NAB, Al-Hamd University and the Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Sciences were among those who spoke on the topic ‘Polluted wealth never bring prosperous nation’.

Students from all universities in Balochistan participated in the declamation contest held in connection with the ‘awareness and prevention regime’ of the country’s premier accountability bureau.

25. make an essay about " against globalization"​


Globalization refers to the integration and interdependence of economies, societies, and cultures across the world through the exchange of goods, services, information, and people. While globalization has brought many benefits such as increased trade, investment, and economic growth, it has also faced significant criticism and opposition.

One of the main criticisms against globalization is that it has led to increased inequality, both within countries and between countries. The global economy has favored developed countries and multinational corporations, while developing countries and smaller businesses struggle to compete. This has led to a widening income gap, as well as a growing divide between the rich and the poor.

Another criticism of globalization is that it has damaged the environment and contributed to climate change. The expansion of trade and the increase in consumerism has led to a growth in energy consumption, carbon emissions, and waste, which have all had negative impacts on the environment. Additionally, globalization has encouraged the exploitation of natural resources, including forests, oceans, and minerals, which has led to environmental degradation and the loss of biodiversity.

Furthermore, globalization has been criticized for its cultural impacts. Many people argue that globalization has led to the homogenization of cultures, as multinational corporations spread their products and services around the world. This has been seen as a threat to cultural diversity and traditional ways of life, as well as to local economies.

In conclusion, while globalization has brought many benefits to the world, it has also faced significant opposition. Critics argue that it has contributed to increased inequality, environmental degradation, and the loss of cultural diversity. These are important issues that must be addressed in order to ensure that globalization benefits everyone and leads to a sustainable future.

26. jose rizals essays go against catholic faith.True or false? ​




Because During the 1955 Senate election, the church charged Recto with being a communist and an anti-Catholic. After Recto's election, the Church continued to oppose the bill mandating the reading of Rizal's novels Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo, claiming it would violate freedom of conscience and religion.

27. make a short essay on the fight of the government against COVID-19 ​


The United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) promotes global awareness and understanding of the work of the United Nations.

23 June 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the interconnected nature of our world – and that no one is safe until everyone is safe. Only by acting in solidarity can communities save lives and overcome the devastating socio-economic impacts of the virus. In partnership with the United Nations, people around the world are showing acts of humanity, inspiring hope for a better future.

sana maka tulong

28. essay about violence against woman/misuse of techonology​


ipapaliwanag nyo po yung mga issue at sasabihin nyo po kung ano ang palagay nyo dito

29. Does jose rizal essay go against catholic faith


soma nimo tigowang naman ka


yeah, because jose rizal doesn't believe in idols

30. ESSAY : significance of biotechnology in the fight against covid 19


hi po thanks po sa points he he thanks

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