Introduction Of The Story Of An Hour

Introduction Of The Story Of An Hour

introduction of story of an hour​

Daftar Isi

1. introduction of story of an hour​


story of a web page and the video of an explosion that has killed more people on earth than a single earthquake on a site of about five to three million tons and the video is now in its second week on a daily workout in a personal life with the process and its history in this country is not the first to make it easier for people who are in a relationship to their lives in a few ways and.

2. Read the attached short story 'The Story of an Hour' by Kate Chopin. Then, write the part of your critique by answering the given guide questions. Write your answers in paragraph form. A. Introduction Guide Questions 1. What is the title of the short story? 2. Who is the author of the short story? 3. How would you describe the short story? 4. What element or part of the short story do you want to examine? 5. What is the significance of the short story? B. BodyGuide Questions 1. What is your reaction when reading this portion of the short story? 2. What is the condition of Mrs. Mallard? 3. What happened to the husband of Mrs. Mallard? 4. How would you describe the events in the story? 5. What is your interpretation of the eventa in the story? C. Conclusion Guide Questions 1. How does the story end? 2. What is your overall interpretation of the element studied in the story? 3. What general meaning have you gained from the story? 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the story? 5. What is the overall importance of the short story?​​


"The Story of an Hour” characters

Louise Mallard

- Bre ntly Mallard: husband of Louise

- Josephine: sister of Louise

- Richards: friend of Br ently Mallard

"The Story of an Hour” time and place

- The story is set in the late nineteenth century in the Mallard residence, the home of Brently and Louise Mallard. More about the location is not specified.

"When Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” was written and published

- It was written on April 19, 1894, and first published in Vogue on December 6, 1894, under the title “The Dream of an Hour,” one of nineteen Kate Chopin stories that Vogue published. It was reprinted in St. Louis Life on January 5, 1895. The St. Louis Life version includes several changes in the text. As we explain in the questions and answers section of this page, it includes the word “her.”



3. Imagine you are reading a story about a character named Dray. Dray is captain of the basketball team and practices for hours after school in order to achieve his goal of playing in the NBA. One day, Dray decides that he hates basketball. He quits the team and takes up knitting instead. The introduction of this new plot point is an example of________? A. An anticlimax B. A conclusion C. A contrivance D. a climax

It is a contrivance since Dray shifts his objective; hence, finding a new goal in life.

4. The Sob Sister's StoryThe dead girl beautiful and peaceful in death, her scarlet lips slightly partedas though whispering a caress to her lover, her blue eyes gentle and unquestioningas a baby's, lay in the murderer's arms like a child who has been rocked to sleep.Her golden har falling in profesion about her shoulder all but concealed the cruelweit of red about her throat. The murderer, clutching is still burden to him, like amother holding an ninfant, appeared dazed. As the police came in, he rose to meetthem, staring his precious burden in his arms. The officers had almost to forcehim to relish there could not answer questions could merely clutch the closerto his best that of the girl he loved better than life, and mutter," I lovemain a dream. A few hours later when I saw him in the sordidoth Preet Station House, so different from the coxy cottagewhich had been the abode of love, he was still dry-eyed, though his face worehay part when the question him, I became aware of terrific straindal sins of a man on the verge of hysteriafor the pitiful tragedy, he could only rely,his pade bystar but God didn't say a word, a word."killed her so that she would be mineAnd this is the one the very greatness of his love made him strangleher. Separated as they were with social position, and all that implies, it was onlywho are we to pass judgment on such love?Complete the outline based on "The Sob Sister's Story" selection.SettingTime:Place:I. Characterc. ProtagonistD. AntagonistPlotE: introduction:Rising action:Climax:Falling action:Resolution:Conflict:Themes:​



place-preet station house


sorry I'm not sure

5. A. Choose the correct transitional devices. Write your answers on a separatepaperb. Due tof. Seconda. Soe. Wherec. First d. Wheng Lastly h. SimilarlyDuring my younger years of being a diligent worker, I would spend at least 10 hoursworlding in the office and I would even bring home some paper works. Until, one day I wasbrought to the hospital 1me that I collapsed 2I experienced more anxieties. My attending physician toldstress. spend at least three times a week for exercise. 5. Another is to take stock of internalI started to follow my doctor's advice. 4.stressors I could control 6overwhelmed and make sure that I got sufficient rest. Lastly, is to take time to do things Iis to use meditation techniques whenever I feltenjoy 7to pursue some hobbies and pleasures to live a more balanced lifestyle.Choose the letter of the correct answer Write your answers on your answer sheet8. Which text focuses on presenting points of view and seeks on encouraging itsreaders to accept a particular argument or act in a particular way?A PersuasiveC. Cause and EffectB. Problem solutionD Comparison and Contrast9 Which written text involves sensory images to figure out something?A DescriptionC NarrationB DefinitionD. Problem Solution10. What pattern shows similarities and differences of two subjects in a paragraph?A. Comparison and Contrast C. NarrationB. Cause and EffectD Problem Solution11 When giving the full meaning of a certain topic, which pattern is applicable?A. DescriptionC. NarrationB. DefinitionD. Problem Solution12. If you were to tell a story, which pattern of paragraph development would youuse?A DescriptionC NarrationB. DefinitionD. Problem Solution13. What pattern presents the reasons and possible results of an event?A. DescriptionC. NarrationB. Cause and EffectD. Problem Solution14. In this section, you need to mention an overview of the problem, the why of theproblem, and who should be concerned about the problemA IntroductionC conclusionB. middle sectionD. exposition15. Which would best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group offossils that were recently discovered by a paleontologist?A Comparison and Contrast C. NarrationB. ClassificationD. Problem Solution​


















sana po makatulong

6. Basketball is one of the sports that Joreen loves. He plays basketball every afternoon in a small space in the neighborhood with a ring made from shanty materials. He always finishes his chores before 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon because he does not want to be absent in any of the basketball games with his friends. One day, when they were playing with his friends, it rain suddenly that stopped their game. He ran fast towards their house but still caught up by the rain and went home wet. He thought it will stop after an hour but it did not, instead, it rained the whole night. As Joreen was staying at home, he felt something not good. He felt feverish and was worried. His mother gave him medicine and let him rest. The next morning, his mother did not allow him to go out though the sun came out already. He was sad because he knew he could not go out and play. Joreen listened to her mother. He rested well and ate nutritious foods for him to be better. He even stopped drinking soft drinks, instead, drank water. Three days after, he ran to the basketball court happily as his friends welcomed him. He was very happy playing with his friends again. He keeps on playing basketball because his dream is to be part of his most liked team in the NBA, the Miami Heat. Introduction plot from the story. Conflict Resolution X End1.Introduction 2.Conflict3.Resolution 4.End​

Introduction: Basketball is one of the sports that Joreen loves. He plays basketball every afternoon in a small space in the neighborhood with a ring made from shanty materials. He always finishes his chores before 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon because he does not want to be absent in any of the basketball games with his friends.

Conflict: One day, when they were playing with his friends, it rain suddenly that stopped their game. He ran fast towards their house but still caught up by the rain and went home wet. He thought it will stop after an hour but it did not, instead, it rained the whole night. As Joreen was staying at home, he felt something not good. He felt feverish and was worried.

Resolution: His mother gave him medicine and let him rest. The next morning, his mother did not allow him to go out though the sun came out already. He was sad because he knew he could not go out and play. Joreen listened to her mother. He rested well and ate nutritious foods for him to be better. He even stopped drinking soft drinks, instead, drank water.

End: Three days after, he ran to the basketball court happily as his friends welcomed him. He was very happy playing with his friends again. He keeps on playing basketball because his dream is to be part of his most liked team in the NBA, the Miami Heat.

7. cerningTask 2Identifying Geare, Subgenre, & Author's PurposeDirections: Read the description of uit texts and determine the gove and subgensc. Tanmacenterco explaining your answer. You will also identify the author's parpose.1. Al! Se le a Day" by Ray BradburyThis short story is about a class of school children on Venus, a planet where the sun is visible for canlytwo hours acry seven years, A man group of school children lock a young girl from Earth co thecloset and forget about her for the whole to hours. She criesGoare:Subgenre:PersuadeInformAuthor's Purpose:EntertalaEsplash Your Austri2. "The Story of the Three Bears" Retold by Robert SoutheyThis is the story of a young girl who stumbled upon the home of three bears while walking through thesoods. She calls the baby bear's porridge and sleepis in bil bed, finding it to be just right. She iswokea whico the three bears return to find an intruder in their home and action ensues.Gcare:Subgenre:PersuadeInformEntertadoAuthor's PurposErplain Your ARNET:3. Intermediate Science by Houghton Mimin Harcourt Publishing CompanyThis is a science textbook. It contains the most up to date information about Earth science, biology.chemistry, physica, gcology, astronomy and more.Subgenre:Persuade.InformEntertajaGenre:Author's Purpose:Esplat Yeur Aan4. “More Sports at Erisoo" by Kelvio waliamusKelvin writes five paragraphs arguing for more sports programs at Ericson Scholastic Academy Hepreviews his points in his introduction and developa bla tec arguments in body paragraphsSubgenrePersuadeInformEntertatuGenre:Aothor's PurposeEsplule Your Aserer​



because its inform the venus plannet they have a man that look younger on earth

8. Module 4 Assessment Case Study You are the head of a large department and several supervisors report to you. Recently you were confronted with a knotty problem. It seems that one of the supervisors had gotten into a loud and disagreeable argument with an employee. You called the supervisor to your office to hear his story. The supervisor admitted losing his temper and shouting at the employee, but he believed it was justified. He had been observing the employee over the year the man had been with the company. During this period the employee had been frequently late, and his absentee rate was above average. In addition, the supervisor went on to say that the employee was a socializer on the job, frequently leaving his work to talk to other employees and to use the telephone for personal calls. The supervisor then said that the proverbial last straw caused his outburst. The employee had come in late, and after about an hour of work he made a telephone call which the supervisor had timed as lasting 14 minutes. The supervisor then started his tirade. The employee denied being on the telephone that long, the supervisor called him a liar, and they continued the vituperative exchange which ended when you called the supervisor to your office. After listening to the supervisor, you asked him if he had disciplined the employee before, since apparently he had a poor record. You also asked if the employee had been placed on probation or had been warned. The supervisor looked at you sheepishly and seemed reluctant to answer. You pressed him, for an answer, and he finally blurted out that he was afraid to discipline the employee because he was black. He stated that the impression he had from you and higher management was that black employees should be given special treatment so that they would feel welcome and not discriminated against. He felt the company wanted to impress the public with its forward-looking employment practices and didn't want any trouble with the black community. As a result, he was lax in discipline and had kept a hands-off approach with all black employees until his outburst. He said he couldn't stand it anymore, and the 14-mintue telephone call caused him to lose his temper. 1. Introduction Template of the Case Study Identify the key problems and issues in the case study. Formulate and include a thesis statement, summarizing the outcome of your analucic in 12 conton

Answer: Sometimes teachers have to remember what an honor it is to do the right things. Tough times teach us different perspectives. Always treat someone the way you want to be treated. We are all human at the end of the day


Common Sense.

9. VI. Assessment Directions: Read the selection carefully using different types of reading approach and write a close analysis and interpretation in the short story entitled “Stories of Nature from Japan” by Nitin Das. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. Title: Author: Introduction: Body: Conclusion: My Opinion:Stories of Nature from Japanby Nitin DasAt the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan was a dense forest that was home to many animals. A group of samurai warriors passing by decided to cut down the forest and make place for a training ground for martial arts. But a monk who lived in a secluded monastery nearby objected. Since the Samurai could not fight the monk, they decided on a simple competition to end the argument. The Samurai and the monk would race to the top of Mt. Fuji and the person who lost would have to leave.The samurai chose their fittest soldier and next morning both the monk and the soldier set off from the base of Mt Fuji to reach its summit. The samurai being young and energetic quickly took the lead. For a while the going was easy, but soon he found his path blocked by thick forests that cut into his flesh when he tried to pass. But the Samurai used his sword and cut his way up. He climbed hurriedly but his path was blocked by steep rocks. The samurai shed his heavy armour and sword and began to climb. He climbed for hours even though the way kept getting tougher. Soon he found himself hanging from a precipice with no way to go further. Many hours passed and by the next morning the Samurai’s strength was completely drained. He was about to let go of his hold and fall down to his death, when a hand reached out from above and pulled the Samurai up. The grateful Samurai was surprised to see that it was the monk who had saved his life. The Samurai was ashamed and he asked the monk how he had managed to climb up so fast. The monk explained that when you climb a mountain, you don’t make your own path, but you let the mountain show you the path.Moral: We need to learn to make our way around Nature, not against Nature​

An haba but thank you say point hintay ka lang kung may sumagot happy Sunday!!

10. ASSESSMENTThe Sob Sister’s Story The dead girl, beautiful and peaceful in death, her scarlet lips slightly parted as though whispering a caress to her lover, her blue eyes gentle and unquestioning as a baby’s, lay in the murderer’s arms like a child who has been rocked to sleep. Her golden hair falling in profusion about her shoulder all but concealed the cruel welt of red about her throat. The murderer, clutching is still burden to him, like a mother holding an infant, appeared dazed. As the police came in, he rose to meet them, still carrying his precious burden in his arms. The officers had almost to force him to relinquish her. He could not answer questions- could merely clutch the closer to his breast all that remained of the girl he loved better than life, and mutter, “ I love her, I love her,” like a man in a dream. A few hours later when I saw him in the sordid surroundings of the 10th Precinct Station House, so different from the cozy cottage which had been the abode of a tragic love, he was still dry-eyed, though his face wore a ghastly pallor. But when tried to question him, I became aware of terrific strain under which he suffered, and he showed all signs of a man on the verge of hysteria. When I tried to draw from him the motive for the pitiful tragedy, he could only rely, his pale boyish face like a mask: “I killed her, but God didn’t say a word, a word.” At last he managed pitifully to say: “I killed her so that she would be mine alone for always!” And this is the irony of fate! The very greatness of his love made him strangle her. Separated as they were wealth, social position, and all that implies, it was only in death that they could be united. Who are we to pass judgment on such love? Complete the outline based on “The Sob Sister’s Story” selection. I. Setting A. Time :B. Place :II. Character C. Protagonist :D. Antagonist :III. PlotF. Introduction: Rising Action: Climax: Falling Action: Resolution: Conflict :V. Themes :​Plsss answer thisTY in advance



A.when the murderer strangled her to death

B. House or the place where the woman died


C.The sob sisters

D. Murderer or the woman's lover


F.The dead girl, beautiful and peaceful in death, her scarlet lips slightly parted,as though whispering a caress to her lover, her blue eyes gentle.

Rising Action:

When I tried to draw from him the motive for the pitiful tragedy, he could only rely,

When I tried to draw from him the motive for the pitiful tragedy, he could only rely, his pale boyish face like a mask: “I killed her, but God didn’t say a word, a word.” ,At last he managed pitifully to say: “I killed her so that she would be mine alone,for always!”

When I tried to draw from him the motive for the pitiful tragedy, he could only rely, his pale boyish face like a mask: “I killed her, but God didn’t say a word, a word.” ,At last he managed pitifully to say: “I killed her so that she would be mine alone,for always!” And this is the irony of fate! The very greatness of his love made him strangle her.


The murderer, clutching is still burden to him, like a mother ,holding an infant, appeared dazed. As the police came in, he rose to meet them, still ,carrying his precious burden in his arms. The officers had almost to force him to relinquish her. He could not answer questions- could merely clutch the closer to his ,breast all that remained of the girl he loved better than life, and mutter, “ I love her, I love her,” like a man in a dream.

Falling Action:

as though whispering a caress to her lover, her blue eyes gentle and unquestioning ,as a baby’s, lay in the murderer’s arms like a child who has been rocked to sleep. Her ,golden hair falling in profusion about her shoulder all but concealed the cruel welt of red about her throat.


And this is the irony of fate! The very greatness of his love made him strangle her. Separated as they were wealth, social position, and all that implies, it was only ,in death that they could be united.

in death that they could be united. Who are we to pass judgment on such love?


Her golden hair falling in profusion about her shoulder all but concealed the cruel welt of red about her throat. The murderer, clutching is still burden to him, like a mother holding an infant, appeared dazed. As the police came in, he rose to meet them, still

Her golden hair falling in profusion about her shoulder all but concealed the cruel welt of red about her throat. The murderer, clutching is still burden to him, like a mother holding an infant, appeared dazed. As the police came in, he rose to meet them, still carrying his precious burden in his arms. The officers had almost to force him to relinquish her. He could not answer questions- could merely clutch the closer to his breast all that remained of the girl he loved better than life.


Love,Betrayal, And Death.


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