Beowulf And Grendel Had Enormous Strength

Beowulf And Grendel Had Enormous Strength

Beowulf and grendel had enormous strength

Daftar Isi

1. Beowulf and grendel had enormous strength

yes. beowulf and grendel had enormous strenght

2. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength

Yes, yes they did. :)

3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength?

Yes they have enormous strength

4. Beowulf and grendel had eouemous streght




coz grendel had a powerful arms and Beowulf had too

5. TASK 4 Say Yes or No Write Yes or No to the given statement. Be sure to support your answer with details from the text. 1. Grendel was a greedy monster. 2. He was considered the foul enemy of God. 3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. 4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster. 5. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar. 6. Grendel swallowed his victims. 7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel. 8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf's hands. 9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts. 10. Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.justify your answer​












(These are based on our answers when we had this.)

6. Beoful and grendel had enormous strenght

True. they fought one on one battle, they are powerful but still grendel lost the fight making boewulf hang the claws of Grendel proving that he defeated the monster.

7. beowulf and grendel have a enormous strength?

they have strength

8. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength..answer.YES OR NO.?

I Think it is Yes. .. Because it was told in the Story of how Grendel the Monster defeated and Eat those people without even a fight and killed soldiers at their sleep. Beowulf was not just ordinary man, if he is ordinary he can't defeat Grendel.

9. TASK 4 Say Yes or No Write Yes or No to the given statement.BE SURE TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER WITH DETAILS FROM THE TEXT.1. Grendel was a greedy monster. 2. He was considered the foul enemy of God. 3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. 4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster. 5. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar. 6. Grendel swallowed his victims. 7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel. 8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf's hands. 9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts. 10. Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.​​







10. THE BATTLE WITH GRENDELanswer YES or NO then support your answer ...1.Grendel was a greedy monster.2.He was considered the foul enemy of God.3.Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength.4.the weapons of the warriors could easily killed the monster5.Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar6.Grendel swallowed his victims.7.the danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of grendel8.grendel was able to escape from beowulf's hands9.hrothgar gave beowulf gifts10.beowulfwas considered the hero of heorot

1. Yes

Filled with rows of young soldiers sleeping together and crammed with warriors. His heart was giggling as he enjoyed the sight and intended to snuff out the life from those bodies. The monster's mind was heated by morning.

His gut would soon become aware of the eating and the prospect of food. But that evening, Grendel was destined to munch on the dismembered remains of his last human meal. His nefarious steps were being watched by human eyes, watching for his quick, powerful claws.

Grendel grabbed the first person who came to him, tore him apart with his mighty teeth, tore his corpse to pieces, drank the blood from his veins, and fled.

2. Yes

The sounds altered, and the Danes began. As the dreadful screams of the Almighty's enemy sang, people shivered in new fright as they hid in their mattresses. The horrifying shrieks of pain and defeat, the tears ripped from Grendel's eyes, and the darkness.

3. Yes

Danes began to tremble with fear. The fight raged and swept along the aisles. Herot quavered, admirably constructed to bear the blows, the stumbling Great bodies pounding at its lovely walls;

The building stood solid due to its artistically crafted iron shaping and fastening on the inside and outside. As Grendel and Beowulf fought over its benches, they trembled and tumbled to the ground, and their gold-covered boards grated.

4. No

The sharpest and hardest iron could not scratch at his skin because that sin-stained demon had charmed all men's weapons and cast a spell, preventing their points from being able to harm him and blocking a passage for his wicked soul.

5. No

On this excursion to high Herot, he tried to capture anybody he could. In the foggy darkness, he moved fast. From his swampland, up and silently sliding toward the hall with the gleaming gold. He knew the path because he had already been to Hrothgar's Home.

6. Yes

Watching for his quick, powerful claws. Grendel grabbed the initial Geat. He awoke, tore him apart, and cut him. His powerful jaws ripped his body to pieces and drank his own blood, then rushed away. A dead man with hands and feet down. Grendel's massive teeth also came together. deathly silence.

7. No

The victory is dangling high from the roof. The monster's arm, complete with claw and shoulder, was suspended from the rafters where Beowulf had hanged it. Then, in the morning, throngs of people surrounding Herot as fighters entered that chamber.

8. Yes

had been given new glory: Grendel managed to run, but he was injured and could only make it to his dismal lair at the bottom of the marsh, where he would wait until the end of all his days before dying.

9. Yes

Beowulf never received a present from Hrothgar.

10. Yes

From that joyful excursion, they mounted their passionate stallions with hard hooves and rode slowly back toward Herot while recounting Beowulf's valor.

They often vowed that nowhere. Was there a warrior more deserving to rule over men on Earth, in the expanse of the sky, or between the seas? Nobody, however, intended Beowulf's praise to minimize Hrothgar, their generous and compassionate monarch!

Learn more about Beowulf here:


11. beowulf and grendel had enorimous strength ?

i think so..........

yes,because according to our copy,Grendel is a bad monster and Beowulf is a brave warrior.Beowulf won against Grendel.


Yes because grendel and beowulf are the characters in an epic story 
and "epic" means extraordinary powers

13. is grendel and boewulf  had enormous strength?\

Yes , They both are. Even though in story it wasn't mentioned... We can all say that Grendel is strong because of his enormous body while Beowulf is like us a normal human being but, He was given super strength to beat Grendel unlike all of us.

14. Beowulf and Grendel had a enormous strength?Yes/NO..Why?

yes because they are both powerful even if beowulf is a human and grendel is a monster

15. beowulf amd grendel had enormous strength?

Yes they have enormous strength

16. is Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength..answer.YES OR NO.?

yess..... both of them have enormous strengthYes, they have enormous strength.

17. TASK 4 Say Yes or No; Write Yes or No to the given sure to support your answer with details from the text. 1. Grendel has a greedy monster 2. He was considered the foul enemy of god. 3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. 4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster. 5. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar. 6. Grendel swallowed his victims. 7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel. 8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf’s hands. 9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts. 10.Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.



(These are based from our answers when we had this.)

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. No

5. No

6. Yes

7. No

8. Yes

9. Yes

10. Yes

18. task 4 say Yes No 1. Grendel was a greedy monster 2. He was considered the foul enemy of god 3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength 4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster 5 Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar





hope it helps

thanks me later

19. say yes or no and why? beowulf and grendel had enormous strength.

yes !! beowuLf have enormous strength because ge got his strength from the people around him and grendeL is a Monster and powerful

20. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength yes or no support your answer

Yes. They have enormous strength because Grendel is a monster and only Beowulf can beat him because Beowolf has the strength more than an ordinary human can have.

21. QUESTIONSYES/NOSTANZANUMBER1. Grendel was a greedy monster.2. He was considered the foul enemy of God.3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength.4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster.5. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar.6. Grendel swallowed his victims.7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel.8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf's hands.9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts.10. Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.​




because consider to the hero

22. BEOWULFDirection: Write T if the statement is true and F if is false.1. Grendel was a greedy monster.2. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength.3. The weapons of the warrior could easily kill the monster.4. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar.5. Grendel swallowed his victims.6. Unferth is Beowulf’s trusted friend.7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel.8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf’s hands.9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts.10. Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.​













Hindi ko na alam yong iba


1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. F



23. TASK 4 Say Yes or No Write Yes or No to the given statement. Be sure to support your answer with details from the text. 1. Grendel was a greedy monster. 2. He was considered the foul enemy of God. 3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. 4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster. 5. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar. 6. Grendel swallowed his victims. 7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel. 8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf's hands. 9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts. 10. Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.​









24. THE BATTLE WITH GRENDEL answer YES or NO then support your answer ... 1.Grendel was a greedy monster. 2.He was considered the foul enemy of God. 3.Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. 4.the weapons of the warriors could easily killed the monster 5.Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar 6.Grendel swallowed his victims. . please ,,,,,, i need your help.

1.yes coz he just want to eat people
3.yes grendel had his hard skin and beowulf had his strong arms
4.yes because the sword cant make any scratch on its skin
6 . yes

25. 1. Grendel has a greedy monster 2. He was considered the foul enemy of god. 3. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. 4. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster. 5. Grendel was afraid of Hrothgar. 6. Grendel swallowed his victims. 7. The Danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of Grendel. 8. Grendel was able to escape from Beowulf’s hands. 9. Hrothgar gave Beowulf gifts. 10.Beowulf was considered the hero of Heorot.


1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. No

5. No

6. Yes

7. No

8. Yes

9. Yes

10. Yes


This was our answers during our English time.

26. Are Beowulf and Grendel had enermous strengths?

yes, they're both best in their own nature.

27. Beowulf and Grendel had enormous strength. True or false?

true because Beowulf fought Grendel with his bare hands and Grendel is known for being a monster who is undefeatable.

28. does grendel and beowulf had enormous strength?why?

Grendel has enormous strength from her mother, in the movie, The mother then makes a relationship with the one who become kings, and then make monsters, then just repeats the cycle.

Yes , because Grendel is a demon which attack many people at the Danes . And Beowulf because he fight with grendel by his own strength , and he defeat grendel and the mother of grendel

29. ◆Beowulf and grendel had enormous strength.  Yes or no?◆the weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster. Yes or no?◆grendel was afraid of hrothgar .yes or no?◆grendel swallowed his victims yes or no?◆the danes were not allowed to celebrate the defeat of grendel yes or no?�◆grendel was able to escape from beowulf's hands yes or no?◆hrothgar gave beowulf gifts yes or no?◆beowulf was considered the hero of heorot yes or no?�◆◆

yes no no no no no yes yes1. Yes
2. No
3. no
4. yes
5. no
6. no
7. yes
8. yes

30. did beowulf and grendel had enourmous strength

yes, because grendel killed many people. also, beowulf because he killed grendel

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