How Are Culture Society And Politics Interrelated With One Another

How Are Culture Society And Politics Interrelated With One Another

how are culture society and politics interrelated with one another​

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1. how are culture society and politics interrelated with one another​


Culture influences the daily state of society and its direction of development, while politics determines the nature and form of culture and has the function of transforming it. Therefore, politics has a decisive role in deciding which direction the culture is going to develop. Culture is the basis for shaping social normalcy and development. Politics only fundamentally changes this foundation, while culture reflects its reality and internality. Has nurtured social characters, such as nationality, people's general personality characteristics and customs and habits. However, culture and politics are influencing and interacting with each other. While politics determines culture, culture also influences politics in a subtle manner.

The reason why culture affects a society is that culture not only shapes the human nature of people in the society, but also casts people’s world outlook, outlook on life, and values; social customs and ethical morality are gradually formed in the process of cultural influence. Fixed down. In a certain sense, the sociality of a society is a concentrated expression of the social culture. Harrison believes: "Culture is the values, beliefs, and concepts shared by members of a society. These values, beliefs, and attitudes are mainly through the environment, religion, and the adoption of child-rearing practices, religious practices, education systems, media, and The historical accidental factors that were passed down from their peers were formed." The impact of culture on society is in all aspects, from the formulation and implementation of policies and laws, the formation of social ideologies and customs, and the status of interpersonal relationships, while the smaller ones involve the shaping of individual personalities and the establishment of ideological concepts. Behavioral performance and so on. In general, culture will generally affect the status, direction, and speed of a society's activities. When culture succeeds in shaping the customs of a society, then the customs and habits of this society will edify and influence people's ideas, behaviors, and personalities; therefore, there will be such things as Tocqueville. This phenomenon was said to have occurred.

The impact of culture on the path of social evolution is not only crucial to achieving the goal of reducing poverty and injustice throughout the world, it is also a key factor in foreign policy.

2. How are culture,society and politics interrelated with one another?

How are culture,society and politics interrelated with one another?

To complement it, I will  add economics to the mixture.  


Human beings are social creatures, we have always lived in a social arrangement of  family, tribe, village, town, country , region, continent at world level as we progressed.  

Culture is the unique identity  of this different social life.  

We need to trade with each other for our needs and that trade, combined with  more and more productive ties between production and consumption, is gradually building up economic structures.  

When the system of social and economic relations became more complicated, we needed a more complex, effective governance  mechanism to make it work. In modern times, this governance is carried out through the democratic, political system.

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3. How are culture, society and politics interrelated with one another? ​


Politics is the way that a group of people make decisions or agreements. ... Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transforming it.

Politics is the process by which a group of people makes decisions or agreements. Politics governs the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transforming it, whereas culture influences the daily condition of society.

4. Explain how the social functions of family, school, religion, government, culture, and the economy are interrelated and interdependent with one another.​


The social functions of family, school, religion, government, culture, and the economy are all interrelated and interdependent with one another in a complex network of social systems. Each of these institutions plays a unique role in shaping society, and their functions often overlap and influence each other in various ways.

Family is the most basic social institution, and it provides individuals with emotional support, socialization, and a sense of identity. Families also provide a workforce for the economy and a voter base for the government. Schools, on the other hand, are responsible for educating and socializing young people and preparing them for future roles in society, such as the workforce, the political system, or cultural groups.

Religion plays a significant role in shaping culture and values, and it often provides moral guidance for individuals and communities. It also shapes political opinions and can influence economic decisions. Government, on the other hand, provides the framework for the social contract between individuals and society, enforces laws, and regulates the economy.

Culture is the shared set of beliefs, values, customs, and practices that shape the way people interact and live their lives. It is shaped by all of the institutions mentioned above and influences the way they function. The economy is also influenced by culture, as it provides the demand for goods and services that drive economic growth and development.

In summary, these social institutions are interconnected and interdependent, and they work together to shape the way people live, work, and interact with each other. They create the framework for the organization of society, and each institution's function influences and is influenced by the others.


pa brainliest

5. How are Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science interrelated with one another?​


Sociology, anthropology, and political science complement each other in showing different facets of how humans structure their societies. Sociology investigates average social behaviors of people, while political science focuses on certain areas of society like laws, policies, governments, and other such customs.



6. How Culture, Society, and Politics are interrelated with each other?


It is our culture that determines the mindset of our society. The actions of the society encourages some political leaders and these political leaders make laws in correspondence to our culture so that they do not hurt the sentiments of any citizen, which is why the society flourishes.



7. how are culture and society interrelated with one another

The culture greatly influences the society. One example of which is our religiousness which sometimes influences the government which is wrong.

8. how are culture society and politics interrelated with one another?​

Culture is able to influence conditions in people's daily lives, while politics can regulate the nature and form of culture and work as an improvement and to transform it. Our culture certainly determines the mindset of our society. The actions of the people will encourage some political leaders and it is these political leaders who make laws that are appropriate to our culture so hopefully it doesn't hurt the sentiments of any citizen, so that's why society thrives.

Detailed Explanation

Culture or culture comes from the Sanskrit language buddhayah, which is the plural form of the word buddhi, which means things related to the mind and human mind. Another form of the word culture which comes from Latin is cultura.

Culture is an overall form of attitudes and patterns of behavior and knowledge which is a habit that is owned and owned by certain members. The influence of culture is very much, especially on aspects of life, including religion, customs, politics, language, clothing, buildings, to works of art. According to Linton, culture consists of three things, namely attitudes, patterns, and knowledge. All of them are forms of habits of certain community groups that are applied and passed down from generation to generation. So culture is complex because it consists of these 3 main things

Science, science, or science is a systematic effort by the scientific method in the development and organization of knowledge as evidenced by explanations and predictions that prove as human understanding of the universe and its world. These aspects are limited to produce a definite formulation.

Characteristics of a science:

Having the object of study is a concrete object.Developed based on experience or empirical.Systematic.Use a logical and consistent or sequential way of thinking.The research results are objective.The resulting theory is general.

Then for the relationship between science and culture is reciprocal. Where culture affects science and culture, science influences culture affects science and culture. Science and culture developed by humans. Science is formulated by humans, and culture is shaped by humans.

Learn more about

Understanding culture


9. How are earth's subsystems interrelated with one another?

Answer:Earth's subsystems are dependable to each other..

Explanation:For the subsystems will depend on each other in order to do their own function.

10. What are the three (3) sciences that are directly interrelated in the study of culture, society and politics.


anthropology,political science,sociology


hope it helps you..ok lang po kahit na hindi nyu po ako i pa brainliest!pero ok po pag i brainliest

11. society and culture is indeed connected with one another, all encompassing, meaning we visualize culture and society as a complex whole. The following descriptions below clearly explain how culture, society, and politics are interrelated with one another, except for one. Which description is it?A. People interact meaningfully with one another and observe social norms as members of the society.B. The culture of a society encompasses the meaningful processes and products of social interactionC. People interact in society as individuals and as group with duties and privileges.D. Members of the society are not active in the engagement in political activities.​


D. Members of the society are not active in the engagement in political activities.

12. how are culture, society and politics interrelated to each other

Politics is the way that a group of people make decisions or agreements. Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transforming it.

13. 1. Social change, cultural change and political change have relationship to one another. In simple words, explain how these 3-concepts are interrelated?


Social change is any change, which is witnessed in the structures of society. This kind of change is comprehensive and includes all the aspects of society. On the other hand, modernization is a specific change aimed at the attainment of the norms of modernity.

14. How culture and politics interrelated and significant in society​

Culture influences the daily state of society and its direction of development, while politics determines the nature and form of culture and has the function of transforming it. Therefore, politics has a decisive role in deciding which direction the culture is going to develop. Culture is the basis for shaping social normalcy and development. Politics only fundamentally changes this foundation, while culture reflects its reality and internality. Has nurtured social characters, such as nationality, people's general personality characteristics and customs and habits. However, culture and politics are influencing and interacting with each other. While politics determines culture, culture also influences politics in a subtle manner.

15. 1. Why Culture, Society and Politics interrelated to one another?​


Politics is the way that a group of people make decisions or agreements. ... Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transforming it.


hope it helps

pls make me brainliest

16. It is a field of interrelating disciplines that investigates how science and technology shape societies, culture, politics, and economy. Your answer It is the variety of knowledge, people, * 1 point skills, organizations, facilities, techniques, physical resources, methods and technologies that taken together and in relation with one another. Your answer logic proceeds from the specifics and arrives at a generalization. ​


Science, Technology, and Society Studies, or STS, is an interdisciplinary field of academic teaching and research, with elements of a social movement, having as its primary focus the explication and analysis of science and technology as complex social constructs with attendant societal influences entailing myriad.


Pa Brainliest Po

17. How are the three kinds of literacy interrelated to one another?


Since adults use different kinds of printed and written materials in their daily lives, NAAL measures three types of literacy—prose, document, and quantitative—and reports a separate scale score for each of these three areas.


18. how are politics, society, and culture interplay or interrelated?


Politics is the way that a group of people make decisions or agreements. ... Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transforming it.


hope it's helped make it brainliest

19. are culture and society interrelated? why or why not?​


Culture and society are intricately related. A culture consists of the “objects” of a society, whereas a society consists of the people who share a common culture. When the terms culture and society first acquired their current meanings, most people in the world worked and lived in small groups in the same locale.

20. How Culture, Society, and Politics are interrelated with each other?


It is our culture that determines the mindset of our society. The actions of the society encourages some political leaders and these political leaders make laws in correspondence to our culture so that they do not hurt the sentiments of any citizen, which is why the society flourishes.


sana po makatulong.

21. how are culture, society, and politics interrelated with one another? ​


Politics is the way that a group of people make decisions or agreements.Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transforming it.

22. how the Earth's subsystems are interrelated with one another?​


The geosphere has four subsystems called the lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere. Because these subsystems interact with each other and the biosphere, they work together to influence the climate, trigger geological processes, and affect life all over the Earth.

23. how does culture society and politics interrelated with each other?

I would add economics to the mixture to complement it.

Human Beings are social creatures,we always lived in social arrangement form family, tribe, village, town, country, region, continent to world levels as we progressed.

Culture is the unique identity of these different social life.

We need to trade with one another for our necessities and that trade combined with more and more efficient production/consmuption relations gradually built economic systems.

As the social and economic relations, system became more complicated we needed more complex,suitable governance structure to make it work.In modern times this governance is conducted through politics,political system.

24. How is communication and culture interrelated to one another?

The Relationship Between Communication and Culture

First, cultures are created through communication; that is, communication is the means of human interaction through which cultural characteristics— whether customs, roles, rules, rituals, laws, or other patterns—are created and shared.


The Relationship Between Communication and Culture

First, cultures are created through communication; that is, communication is the means of human interaction through which cultural characteristics— whether customs, roles, rules, rituals, laws, or other patterns—are created and shared.

25. how do art, religion, and culture interrelate with one another​


How does culture and art affect each other?

All in all, culture and art do affect each other. Culture shapes the texture and subject of art, such as religion and portraits. While art affects culture in that it uses art as a way to depict wealth, as well as used for decoration and symbolism, and as a catalyst and form of release for the philosophical savants of that era.


I hope I can help with your modules, give me 5 stars and heart or ELSE!

26. how society, community and education interrelated to another?​


Education and society both are inter-related or inter-dependent because both mutually influence each other i.e. complimentary. Without education, how we can build an ideal society and without society how we can organize education system systematically that means both are needed to understand.

27. How does earth subsystem interrelating with one another


There are four system of the Earth:

Hydrosphere - This correspond to the water layer of the EarthBiosphere - This correspond to the living organism found on Earth.Atmosphere - This correspond to the gas layer of the EarthGeosphere - This correspond to the rock layer of the Earth.

These four system are constantly interacting between each other. The biosphere needs water (hydrosphere) in order to survive. The biosphere needs gases (atmosphere) like for example the animals needs oxygen as a fuel for the cells to function and survive. The environment of the Earth is also protected by the layer of the atmosphere to trap dangerous radiation coming from the sun. The biosphere usually lives in land (geosphere) and some lives in water (hydrosphere). The existence in each system is important for the other system. To know more about how each system interact, kindly study on nutrient cycle.

28. Explain how the social functions of family, school, religion, government, culture, and the economy are interrelated and interdependent with one another. Use your own examples.​

The social functions of family, school, religion, government, culture, and the economy are interconnected and interdependent with each other. Each of these institutions serves a specific purpose in society, and their functions overlap and intersect in many ways.

For example, family is the basic unit of society and provides emotional, social, and economic support to its members. Schools provide education and training to individuals, preparing them for employment and helping them to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Religion provides individuals with a sense of meaning and purpose in life, and helps to guide their moral and ethical decision-making.

Government, on the other hand, provides the framework for maintaining law and order in society, protecting citizens' rights, and providing essential services such as health care, education, and infrastructure development. Culture, which includes art, music, literature, and other creative expressions, helps to define the identity of a society and shape its values and beliefs.

Lastly, the economy provides the means for individuals to earn a living, create wealth, and consume goods and services. It also shapes the way people interact with one another, both socially and economically, and influences the way societies develop over time.

Overall, these institutions are interrelated and interdependent, each playing a vital role in shaping society and influencing the behavior of its members. They work together to ensure that individuals are provided with the resources, skills, and values needed to thrive and contribute to the well-being of their communities.


The social functions of family, school, religion, government, culture, and the economy are all interconnected and interdependent with one another. Each of these institutions plays a unique role in shaping society and ensuring that it functions properly.

For example, families are responsible for socializing children and teaching them the norms and values of their culture. This helps to create a sense of social order and cohesion within society. Schools also play a role in socializing children and preparing them for the workforce. They provide knowledge, skills, and training that are necessary for individuals to succeed in the economy.

Religion provides a sense of meaning and purpose for individuals, and helps to establish a set of moral and ethical values that guide behavior. This helps to promote social stability and reduce conflict within society. Government also plays a role in promoting social stability by providing laws, regulations, and services that help to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens.

Culture shapes the way that people think, feel, and behave, and provides a sense of identity and belonging. It also influences economic activity, as cultural beliefs and practices can impact consumer behavior and the types of goods and services that are produced and consumed.

Finally, the economy is dependent on all of these institutions. The family, school, religion, government, and culture all play a role in shaping economic activity by providing the necessary human capital, infrastructure, regulations, and social support systems that are needed for businesses to operate and individuals to participate in the economy.

In summary, the social functions of family, school, religion, government, culture, and the economy are interrelated and interdependent with one another. Each of these institutions plays a unique and important role in shaping society and ensuring that it functions properly.

brainliest me please

29. How is language interrelated/related/connected to culture and society ?​


Culture and language share human beliefs, realities, and actions within a social community. As a result, there is a relationship between culture and language. Whether it’s national folklore or daily conversation, language and culture go together. Paralanguage is the non-lexical portion of any culture’s language.

30. 1. How are the disciplines Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science interrelated with one another? Give one concrete example.




Like what hmm the politicians

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