How Does Art Influence Society

How Does Art Influence Society

how does abstract art influence the society?​

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1. how does abstract art influence the society?​


Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self.

2. how does art influence our society​


By changing opinions, Insltilling values translaring experiences across space and time


Art simply binds a society together with its simple patterns and the message that it conveys.

it influences the society with the Opinion or messenge that the artwork delivers to

3. how does the philippine society influence the art in the country?​


The arts of the Philippines reflect a society with diverse cultural influences and traditions. The Malayan peoples had early contact with traders who introduced Chinese and Indian influences. ... The cultural movements of Europe and the United States profoundly influenced Filipino artists, even after independence in 1946.

4. kindly sent me help please! I hope you have a great week. thank you and God bless.1. The birth of Sociology gave rise to the scientific and rational understanding of the society. How did Erving Goffman contribute to the field? A. He introduced participant observation as a tool for research. B. He favored historical particularism as an approach in understanding society. C. He theorized dramaturgical approach in analyzing social interactions and relationships. D. He proposed the looking glass self-theory as a way of seeing behavior and social phenomenon. 2. Political Science is an important discipline that deals with laws, governmental processes, and state formulation. Which among the following is NOT the primary concern of this field? A. Government and Business B. Political Dynamics C. Public Administration D. Social Institutions and Structures 3. Sociologists like Comte, Durkheim, and Weber gave their own views about society. What is society according to a sociological perspective? A. It is the people interacting with one another to create a culture. B. It is the group of people working on attaining one's personal desires. C. It is the shared beliefs and values of residents in a certain territory. D. It is the community of individuals building architecture and creating work of arts.4. Edward B. Tylor described culture as “complex whole”. What does this mean? A. Culture connects people. B. Culture is the end-result of society.C. Culture is about the activities of groups within society.D. Culture is comprised of all the facets and work of humankind.5. As a student studying this discipline, what is the most beneficial reason of having knowledge on the study of culture, society, and politics? A. To make people ethnocentric. B. To change the way people view the world. C. To provide people avenues for self-expression. D. To prepare people for active and responsible civic engagement. 6. Joshua is a Muslim while his friend, Benjie, is a Catholic. Sometimes, while doing their homework in Benjie’s house, Joshua makes fun of the fact that Catholics have images of saints in their houses. What should Benjie do about this problem? A. Benjie should stop being friends with Joshua. B. Benjie should retaliate by making fun of Joshua’s religion. C. Benjie should talk to Joshua to explain their religious differences. D. Benjie should do nothing. Joshua will eventually stop laughing about it. 7. Sienna is a Hindu, and she studies in a public school. Her parents forbade her to make friends with Christians because they are afraid that she will be bullied. She, however, has Christian friends, and they understand her religion because of what they learned from their lesson in World Religions. What should Devi do about this problem? A. Sienna should just avoid talking about her friends to her parents. B. Sienna should just follow her parents since they know what is best for her. C. Sienna should explain to her parents that religion should not be a barrier for friendship. D. Sienna should tell the truth and explain to her parents that her Christian friends are nice. 8. Which of the following statement does not adhere to anthropological definition of culture? A. It deals with power sharing and power struggle. B. It gives form and identity to a group or community of people. C. It includes our norms, the standards, or rules of acceptable behavior. D. It is manifested through both tangible and intangible evidence of human existence. 9. The several elements of culture tend to guide people in becoming an effective member of a society. What is the meaning of norms? A. They have a firm control to moral and ethical behavior. B. These are the standard an expected behavior within a society. C. They are behaviors of less importance yet still influence our behavior. D. They are ordinance of reason enacted to protect the people from the bad effects of outdated mores. 10.One of the goals of studying Anthropology is appreciate your own cultural identity. As a student, what can you do to help preserve your culture and tradition? A. I cannot do anything because I am still too young. B. I will use the internet to research since we live in the modern times now. C. I will imitate the culture of other countries especially those portrayed my favorite shows. D. I will continue to learn more about our culture, practice it, and influence others to do the same. ​














#carry on learning

god loves yo

5. 5. 8 9. on kay parts of the selection D. Consider how the selection relates to a broader problem or context. Which section of a critique paper should give a systematic and detailed assessment of the different elements of the selection? Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Evaluation 6 It is a study of text/art based solely on an analysis of its form. A. Formalism B. Feminism C. Marxicism D. Euphemism 7. As a critical approach, what does formalism considers primarily? А. The content of the literature and its background C Background of the author B Structure of words in a text studied D. The sequencing of arguments Which of the following approaches in literary criticism focuses more on the arrangement of language, rather than on the Implication A Formalism B Ferninism C Manicism D. Euphemism Below are features of Formalisin, except A Grammar and syntax B. literary devices C. Women empowerment d. Style of a literary text 10. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A Formalist approach analyzes, interprets, or evaluates the inherent features of a text. B. Marxist approach looked into the social class of the writer. C Manast approach focuses on the conflicts between the working class and the elite. D. Formalist approach includes features of gender issues and oppression of women. 21. What type of literary anticism is concerned with differences between economic dasses and implication of capitalist systems? A. Marxist B. Formalist C. Feminist D. Historical 12 Which of the following is commonly looked into using Marxist Criticism? A. Grammar and Syntax C. Literal interpretation of a tone and theme B Conflict and interactions between economic classes D. Irterary devices 13 "Mrs. Orozco, greeted her dass with 'Good day to one and all. I had never heard an adult speak with respect regardless of their status. The given excerpt suggests aspect of A. Mandst Approach B. Formalist Approach C. Feminist Approach D. Historical Approach The German philosopher where the Marxist approach gets its name. A Cari Marcos B. Karl Marx C. Carl Max D. Karl Marcs 15. Which approach critiques a work of literature in terms of the society it presents. A Marist B. Formalist C. Feminist D. Historical 16. What literary criticism approach focuses on how literature presents women as subjects of socio political, psychological and economic oppression? A Marxist B. Formalist C. Feminist D. Historical 17 A literary criticism which includes the cultural events that might influence the author whose work is being considered A Marxist approach B. Formallst approach C. Feminist approach D. Historical approach 18 What aspect if Feminist approach is presented by the line, "I am woman and not white.? А. Women Issues B. Women exploitation C. Women empowerment D. Women oppression 19, What type of historical criticism seeks to determine a unit's original form and historical context. A Source criticism B. Form criticism C. Hedaction criticism D. Traditional criticism 20. Which type of historical critidsm analyzes how the author's life is shown in the work. A. Source criticism B. Form criticism C Redaction criticism D. Traditional criticism 14.​























sana maka t u l o n g

6. how does the philippine society influence the art in my region

There are various events in our history that changed and influenced art in our region. There are places in the Philippines that whose arts and practices are based on which colonialism emerged in that place. For example there are certain places whose arts are more inclined with the Spanish culture and history that can be seen through the buildings and forms. There are also those whose forms of art are more inclined with the Chinese. While there are those whose art remained untouched and still symbolizes the art of the native Filipinos.

Related links:

7. 1. What animals or objects are depicted in this cave art, and what do they represent? 2. How does the style of this cave art compare to other cave art from the same period or region? 3. What messages or meanings might the creators of this cave art have intended to convey through their art? 4.How did Greek art reflect the values and beliefs of Greek society? 5. How did the development of democracy in Ancient Greece influence the art produced during this time period? 6. How did the Greek concept of the human body influence their artistic representation of the human form? 7. How did Greek art change over time, and what were the major stylistic periods and movements? 8. How did the function of Egyptian art differ from its form and style? 9. How did the Ancient Egyptians depict the human body in their art, and what did these depictions reveal about their culture and beliefs? 10. How did Egyptian art influence later cultures and art movements?​

i dont know Laugh out loud


8. How does the Philippines society influence the arts in my region


Because it is your country


If your society have a problem, the arts in your region will be change because of the emotion you will get in the problem in your society

9. How does the Philippines society influence the arts in my country?​


The arts of the Philippines reflect a society with diverse cultural influences and traditions. The Malayan peoples had early contact with traders who introduced Chinese and Indian influences. ... Among those who were assimilated arose an educated elite who began to establish a modern Filipino literary tradition..




10. 2. Which of these art forms is/are most distinct in your region? Why do you say so? 3. How is my region responding to the promotion of culture and the ans? 4. How does the Philippines society influence the arts in my region? 5. How does the Philippines society influence the arts in the country? 6. What can you do to preserve and promote this distinctive art form in your region? 7. What can you do to preserve and promote this distinctive art form in your region (other region or to international communities)? 8. What is the significance of the contemporary arts of the regions to its citizens?​


tanong please let us have

11. How does diversity in culture and people in the society affect or influence your understanding about art? ​

Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self.

12. 4.It requires the critic to know about the author's life and times.a. Reader-Responseb. Historicalc. Feministd. Moralist5. To research about the author’s time and location (the political history, economic history, etc.) and relate that information to the text is an example practice that we can consider using this approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response6. To observe how sexual stereotypes might be reinforced or undermined in the text–specifically, how the text reflects, distorts, or supports the place of women (and men)in society is an example practice that we can consider using this approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response7. To focus on how particular details shape readers’ expectations and responses is an example of practice that we can consider using this approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response8. The question, “Is the author part of a dominant culture, and how does that status affect the work?” is under _______________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response9. The question, “What is the author’s attitude toward women in society? Explain your reasoning using detailed examples from the text.” is under ___________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response10. The question, “How is your response shaped by the text? For example, do the actions of a certain character bring you pleasure or displeasure?” is under ____________approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response11. “There are two main ways to approach Alice. Either critics have seen her as a feminist hero, a rebel breaking out of the traditional female gender roles.” This criticism is an example of _______________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response12. “How well did you enjoy the text (or not) as entertainment or as a work of art?” is an example of thought under _______________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response13. “Mulan is believed to have lived during the dynasty that lasted from 386CE to 534CE which is known as the Northern Wel. The historical Mulan’s real name was Hua Mulan.”The given statement can be categorized under _____________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response14. The story of the Trojan War—the Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece. It influenced Homer's Iliad the poem, which narrates the story of the 10-year Trojan War. This criticism is an example of ______________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response15. “As I started reading, I thought I was not going to have any interest at all in the story;however, after I got into the story, I found myself more interested than I thought I was going to be. This story is an excellent depiction of war itself.” This is quoted from a student’s response to “The Things They Carried," by Tim O'Brien. This criticism is an example of ___________ approach.a. Marxistb. Historicalc. Feministd. Reader-Response​

4. b
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. d
11. c
12. d
13. b
14. b
15. d


nsagutan q na k yung akin...

13. how does art influence our society 5 sentences each​


Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds and stories.


Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time

Art also has utilitarian influences on society.

Art is well known for its amazing feature of educating people and creating that pleasant environment of a new world in a whole new vision.

14. what i want to learn of how does abstract art influence the society​


Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self.

15. 3. How does abstractart influence thesociety?'K''W''L'​

human populace devastated

16. How does the philippine society influence the arts in the country?

you have to be smart to anwer yourself

17. How does the Philippine society influence the arts in the country?​

Arts in the Philippines refer to the various forms of the arts that have developed and accumulated in the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the present era. They reflect the range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including indigenous forms of the arts, and how these influences have honed the country's arts. These arts are divided into two distinct branches, namely, traditional arts[1] and non-traditional arts.[2] Each branch is further divided into various categories with subcategories.

18. 3. How does abstract art influence the society ? What I want to learn ? What I learned ? ​


Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self.

What I learned about abstract art?

Abstract art gives you the freedom to explore the artwork and assign your own meaning to the piece. This intensely personal process enriches a viewer's experience of an artwork. ... The truth is, abstract art is not "about nothing". At its basis, it is about form, color, line, texture, pattern, composition and process.

19. What I Have Learned Activity 1.3 (KWL TABLE) (Do this in your Answer Sheet) Directions: Below is a KWL table. For this section, you can now correct your previous answers on this table. Write what you have learned on the third column. Statements/Questions What I know? What I Want to What 1 Have Learned? "K" Learn? "W" "L" 1. Abstract art uses form that has no recognizable form. (True or False) 2. What are the characteristics of an abstract art? 3. How does abstract art influence the society?




Im based of my experience while answering this um brainly thing I'm thinking like I'm a teacher that all. By the way the answer is true

20. 2. How does the Philippine society influence the arts?​


The arts of the Philippines reflect a society with diverse cultural influences and traditions. The Malayan peoples had early contact with traders who introduced Chinese and Indian influences. ... The cultural movements of Europe and the United States profoundly influenced Filipino artists, even after independence in 1946.




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