Questioned Document Cases

Questioned Document Cases

In what cases questioned document examination can be applied?​

Daftar Isi

1. In what cases questioned document examination can be applied?​


The discipline of forensic document examination, often referred to as “questioned documents,” is frequently associated with white-‐collar crimes such as check fraud; however, in practice, this area of forensic science can be used in a wide array of cases from medical malpractice to art forgeries to homicides.



2. what is one example of a situation where a questioned document might be an important part of criminal case


when someone accidentally killed?


jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk


3. Read and analyze the case of The Focus Group Case Study and answer the guided questions for discussion. Discuss and answer the following questions first and followed by the the case presentation using the template. Introduction, Body of the case, and recommendation. 1. What are the problems and ethical considerations in the case? 2. Identify what segment of the market affecting marketing decisions? 3. Explain the pros and cons of the decision. 4. Suggest solution/recommendation and incorporate theories to support such decisions. visit this site as your reference to answer the Case study question.

1. What are the problems and ethical considerations in the case?

2. Identify what segment of the market affecting marketing decisions?

3. Explain the pros and cons of the decision.

4. Suggest solution/recommendation and incorporate theories to support such decisions.

4. Home Emergency Plan Instructions: This activity seeks to guide you in making your home emergency plan. Answer the following questions (you may seek the help of your parents/relatives in making this plan) and write it on a separate sheet of paper. 1. What type of emergencies could affect the ende fariya 2. Who are part of the plan? Are there people with special needs in the family? X What about your pets and/or livestock? * Where is your property located? Are you close to the danger zone? What is the level of hazard in your area? 6. Is there more than one way to exit the house in case of an emergency? 7. Where would you go in case you cannot go home for some reason? 8. Where would the primary and secondary rendezvous sites for the farnily be? 9. What are the alternate routes in case of road blocks ard dosures? 10. Do all family members have survival kits or go-bags they can easily grab? 11. Do you have enough food and water supply for the family? 12. Are your important documents secured? How are you going to take it with you? 13. Are you exposed to multiple types of hazard? ​pa help☺️


In the event of a sudden, catastrophic event, you may have just minutes to gather your family and get out of your house—possibly for good. What would you take? Where would you go? Planning ahead for the worst can help minimize the impact of a tragedy and may even save lives. This five-step plan can help get you and your family on the road to safety.

i hope it help tank you

5. 1. This type of data gathering instrument is used when the researcher personally asksthe respondents about the information they need.A. Observation B. Interview C. Focus Group Discussion D. Questionnaire2. It is a process of structuring techniques and strategies that helps researchers solveor answer their problems.A. Research blueprintC. Research ethicsB. Research designD. Research proposal3. It is commonly used to elicit different ideas, opinions, or beliefs from therespondents.A. Ethnography B. Grounded theory C. Case study D. Phenomenology4. It is a form of interview wherein the researcher uses an interview schedule and usesa set of prepared questions which are unchangeable to ask from one respondent toanotherA. Unstructured interviewC. Structured InterviewB. Semi-structured interviewD. Group Interview-5. This type of data collection method is used when the study participants are veryyoung children and those with disabilities.A. ObservationC. Focus Group DiscussionB. InterviewD. Document Review6. It is a group of individuals that represents characteristics of a population.A. Data B. PopulationC. SampleD. Variable set-7. This type of sampling is done by asking relevant people if they know somebody whois willing to participate in the study.A. Convenience samplingC. Opportunistic samplingB. Snowball samplingD. Homogenous sampling-8. It refers to any procedure done to select samplesA. Experimentation B. Replication C. SamplingD. Treatment9 What type of data gathering​











I think that is correct answer

6. V.EVALUATION:Date:Directions: Write the letter of your best answer on your activity sheetScore:1. What part of the sewing machine that controls the bobbin while winding thethread is known asa. bobbin winder c. needle clamp b. needle bar d. spool pin2. What fabric that appears different in the up-and-down directions depending onthe reflection of the light isa napped c. synthetic b. non-woven d. wash-and-wear3. What is the first step in threading the upper part of the sewing machine isa. bring the thread to thread guide b. pull it through the lower thread guidec. put the spool of thread on the spool pin d. thread the needle4. what is the first step in threading the lower part of the sewing machine is toa. make sure that you hear the case being locked upon inserting the bobbin caseinside the shuttle.b. pull the upper and lower thread together by 4 inches.c. put the bobbin back to the bobbin case and pull the thread through the little slotby at least 4 inches.d. remove the bobbin case by pulling on the bobbin case latch.5. What is the most suitable fabric for beginners.a. brocade c. satin b. cotton d. velvet6. When sewing, place one foot on the treadle and the other foot slightlyback. a. forward c. sideward b. downward d. none of the above7. what is the correct way to stop the electric sewing machine is toa. ask for assistance b. release the pressure on the foot controllerc. place one hand on the balance wheel d. push the sewing machine8. What is a good characteristic of stitches:a. There are skipped or broken gaps in stitching. b. The length of stitches isproportioned to the texture of the fabric. c. The stitches have tangles. d. Thestitches are tight.9.. The upper tension controls the thread from thea. bobbin c. thread guide b. needle d. spool pin10. A documentation that shows the adjustments done on the sewing machineduring the set up and the performance of the machine after setting.a. Accomplishment Record b. Fault Analysis Card c. Progress Chart d. RecordMatrix Form11. The pressure must be regulated according to theto bestitched.a. fabricс. paper b. clothing d. plastic12. When sewing, place one foot on the treadle and the other footslightly back.a. forward c. sideward b. downward d. none of these13. What part of the sewing machine controls the looseness and tightness ofstitches? a. bobbin c. thread guide b. presser foot d. upper tension14. What part of the sewing machine checks the length of stitches?a. balance wheel c. feed dog b.belt d. stitch regulatorpls asnwer this question​












sorry lang yan nakayanan ko

7. 1. It is a systematic process of analyzing documents for research purposesA. document review B. interview C. questionnaire D. visual materials2. It refers to a type of data that describes qualities or characteristicsA data analysisB data collection C qualitative dataD quantitative data3. It refers to the process of understanding data or known facts or assumptions serving as the basis of any claims orconclusions you have about somethingA data analysisB. data collection C document review D structured interview4. It is series of summarizing sets of data to obtain a refined understanding of data.A codingB collatingC. questioningD. recursive abstraction5 A research study that aims at developing a theory to increase your understanding ofsomethingА. case studyB grounded theory C historicalD phenomenology6. It refers to any information collected, stored, and processed to produce and validate original research results.A dataB. interviewC observationD. questionnaire7. It is something you experience on Earth as a person that makes you perceive or understandthings that naturally occur in life such as death, joy, friendship, caregiving, defeat, victory,and the likeA phenomenonB CaseC. designD. concept8. It is a word which means a plan or something that is conceptualized by the mindA phenomenonB caseC designD concept9 No research design means no researchA dataB directionC. motivationD title10. In choosing historical design, what could prevent you from finishing your study?A budgetary requirements needed to gather all the dataB. absence or loss of complete and well-kept data or documentC. willingness of participants to answer interview questions or participate in the studyD. cannot be determined, as it depends on the historical study that the researcher will conduct.













8. These big scissors are used for cutting fabrics. *2 pointsa. Pinking Shearsb. Shearsc. Seam Ripperd. Embroidery ScissorsThis is a required question3. Complete tools in sewing classifies according their __________. *2 pointsa. useb. Numbersc. Sharpnessd. SizeThis is a required question4. A sewing tool that is placed in a finger used to push the needle while sewing by hand . *2 pointsa. thimbleb. glovesc. rulerd. gaugeThis is a required question5. This is used to measure small folds . *2 pointsa. thimbleb. tape measurec. rulerd. gauge6.Used to transfer pattern markings to the fabric. *2 pointsa. thimbleb. Tracing Wheelc. rulerd. gauge7. Usually made of cloth or plastic, this is used for taking body measurements as well as cloth and other materials *2 pointsa. French curveb. Tape Measurec. rulerd. gauge8. This is used to keep the fabric in place while cutting or sewing. *2 pointsa. Scissorsb. Pinsc. Seam Ripperd. Needles9. This is a hard-square wax usually colored orange used to mark the seam lines or sewing lines in fabric *2 pointsa. Soft Pencilb. Chalkc. Seam Ripperd. Tailor's chalk10. This tool is used in drafting curves in the pattern of arm, neckline, and crotch. *2 pointsa. Soft Pencilb. Meter Stickc. French Curved. Tailor's chalk11. This is made up of varied materials such as cotton, it is used to keep needles and pins when unused. *2 pointsa. Sewing kitb. Pin Cushionc. Emery Bagd. Tool box12. Sewing tools are classified according to their use namely: *2 pointsa. Cutting Toolsb. Measuring Toolsd. All of the above13.. __________ tools greatly contribute in making your garment construction easier, faster, and more efficient. *2 pointsa. Sharpb. Incompletec. Completed. None of the above14. A formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project. What do you call this document? *2 pointsa. patternb. Projectc. Project Pland. Design15. The following are important why we need to make a project plan. Which is not? *2 pointsA. It serves as guide in making the project.B. It prevents you from over spending for a project.C. It develops your skills in planning for a project.D. It will serve as an extra-income for your familyThis is a required question16. In selecting the best cloth for the project, you should select cloth that is *2 pointsA. ColorfulB. Appropriate for the projectC. ExpensiveD. Trending17.This cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. *2 pointsA. CottonB. LinenC. SilkD. Wool18. This is an expensive fabric. It is quite difficult to cut, and sew because of its fine and lustrous texture. *2 pointsA. linenB. silkC. syntheticD. Ramie19.This fabric comes from the flax plant. It is the oldest kind of fabric. *2 pointsA. linenB. silkC. syntheticD. Ramie20. A kind of cloth that is thick and slightly rough. *2 pointsA. linenB. silkC. syntheticD. Wool21.It is made from man-made fibers woven into different fabrics like nylon. This cloth can be easily washed and dried *2 pointsA. linenB. silkC. syntheticD. Wool22. Cotton : Cotton plant ; Linen : ______________ *2 pointsA. sheepB. Abaka FiberC. Pineapple plantD. Flax plan23. ____________ : worm ; Wool : sheep *2 pointsA. RamieB. LinenC. SilkD. Wool24. Cotton : Curtain ; Wool : _________________ *2 pointsA. table clothB. pillow caseC. JacketD. placemat25. Before the fabrics are cut, the first thing that you should do is: *2 pointsA. pressingB. foldingC. soakingD. stretchingpasagot po kahit onti lang salamat po babrainliest kopo makakasagot​









Xori yan lang alamq



























yan lang po alam ko

yung mga wala pong sagot hindi ko na po alam yun.

plsa correct me if I'm wrong

hope it helps

9. In TLE sewing class, Ms. Cruz makes a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project. What do you call this document? *1 pointA. Project PlanB. School PlanC. Group PlanD. Community Plan12. Julie wants to sew a pillow case but she doesn’t know how to make one. If you are Julie’s friend, what will you suggest to do first? *1 pointA. Make a patternB. Make a project planC. Make a budgetD. Buy a pillow case13. If Julie will make a project plan, which of the following must be the first part? *1 pointA. ObjectiveB. Name of the projectC. EvaluationD. Procedure14. Which of the following is the least to be considered in making a project plan? *1 pointA. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.B. Decide on the design of the project.C. Plan the steps to be followed.D. Safety tips of making the project.15. The following are important why we need to make a project plan. Which is not? *1 pointA. It serves as guide in making the project.B. It prevents you from over spending for a project.C. It develops your skills in planning for a project.D. It will serve as an extra-income for your family.16. In selecting the best cloth for the project, you should select cloth that is ______________. *1 pointA. ColorfulB. Appropriate for the projectC. ExpensiveD. TrendingThis is a required question17.This cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. *1 pointA. cottonB. linenC. silkD. woolThis is a required question18. This is an expensive fabric. It is quite difficult to cut, and sew because of its fine and lustrous texture. *1 pointA. linenB. silkC. syntheticsD. rami19. Before the fabrics are cut, the first thing that you should do is: *1 pointA. pressingB. foldingC. soakingD. stretching20. After stretching the cloth on all sides, until the horizontal an vertical threads are inline with each other, what is the next step? *1 pointA. stretchingB. foldingC. soakingD. pressing21. Labels provide important information about the products. Which of the following is not included in the label of products? *1 pointA. address of the producerB. name or brand of the productC. name of tools and equipment usedD. weight and list of ingredientsThis is a required question22. Mr. Delgado’s marketing strategy is by promoting his products in exhibits and bazaars. What strategy did he use in selling his products? *1 pointA. internet marketingB. print mediaC. product displayD. social media23.We need to keep records of transactions for purchase of materials and sales. Which of the following does not show reason of record keeping? *1 determine if your products are marketed wellB. to know if there is an increase in your incomeC. to improve the quality of the products madeD. to throw all the unsold products24.What will you do to have a successful business? *1 pointA. Sells imported productsB. Sells products with high demands.C. Sells products with high pricesD. Sells products with low demands.25. You have a business of RTW clothes, what will you do to sell more of your products? *1 pointA. Post them in social media (on-line selling).B. Sell them in prices lower than your capitalC. Sell them to the department store.D. Sell them to your relatives Pa sagot po plsss :(((​



10. Mr. Camposano is an employee in a government agency. In order for him to be promoted, he has to present a Case study on an area relevant to the identified purposes of the agency. In the presentation of his study, a deadline has been set. Since, he was preoccupied with a lot of work and other personal concerns, he was not able to work on his paper. In this situation, he bought a ready – made research paper. On his presentation, he could not properly answer the questions asked by the panel members because he did not make his own paper. In the critiquing, he does not agree with the suggestions such as improving some parts of his paper, proper citations, etc. In what ways did Mr. Camposano’s behavior violate the ethical principles? You may cite and discuss more than one principle (principles are provided in a separate document. Then, tell the possible effects of his/her action. ​



U can do it your the best

11. Activity 3: Channel of HopeDirections: Read the selection below andanswer the questions that follow.1. How can the government educate the public about Covid19?2. What made the nurse came up with the idea of documenting the case of HowieSeverino?3. As a student, what are the words of wisdom that you can share to people whoare suffering from Covid19?​


1) The Government should use Technological devices and broadcasts to spread the news and updates about Covid 19.They should also task LGU's and other non private sectors to further educate the people for it's their job after all.

12. 1. Which of the following is not considered as description of case study? a. in-depth research b. uses respondents ranging from one to a small size of less than 10. c. gathers relatively limited data d. made over a considerable period of time. 2. It refers to the study on the efficiency or effectiveness of policies, instruments, the variables that may be considered. a. Assessment and Evaluation Studies b. Case Study c. Tracer Studies d. Survey research3. What research design is used to gather relatively limited data from relatively large number of cases? It seeks to gather information about the prevailing conditions or about the variables under study.a. Assessment and Evaluation Studies b. Case Studyc. Tracer Studies d. Survey research4. What research design is used when one wants to follow up the development of certain conditions or particular sets of people?a. Assessment and Evaluation Studiesb. Case Studyc. Tracer Studies d. Survey research5. Which of the following is not considered as definition of CorrelationalDesign?a. Comparing resultb. Explores the relationship between two or more variables e. Having predictor and criterion variablesd. Variables consist of X and Y.6. What research design refers to comparing the result in the differences in certain characteristics according to variable considered?a. Documentary Analysis b. Trends and Projectionc. Comparative Studiesd. Experimental Research design7. What research design used for projects that are forward looking and is also called feasibility study?a. Documentary Analysis b. Trends and Projection.c. Comparative Studies d. Experimental Research design8. What research design involve the gathering of information by analyzing written records and documents to solve a problem? It uses secondary data from the archives, or records.a. Documentary Analysisb. Trends and Projection e. Comparative Studiesd. Experimental Research design9. What research designs are future-oriented type of research and it basically seeks to answer the question: "what will be?",a. Documentary Analysis b. Trends and Projectionc. Comparative Studiesd. Experimental Research design​












(Stay happy)

13. Directions: Before you start the lesson, please answer the following questions for the Pretest. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. It is a process of structuring techniques and strategies that helps researchers solve their problems or answer their inquiry. A. Research blueprint C. Research ethics B. Research design D. Research proposal 2. It is commonly used to elicit different ideas, opinions, or beliefs from the respondents. A. Ethnography B. Grounded theory C. Case study D. Phenomenology 3. It is a set of characteristics representing the research variable. A. Data B. Population C. Sample D. Variable set 4. It is a group of individuals that represents characteristics of a population. A. Data B. Population C. Sample D. Variable set 5. This type of data collection method is used when the participants of the study are very young children and those with disabilities. A. Observation C. FGD B. Interview D. Document Review 6. It is a form of interview wherein the researcher uses an interview schedule and a set of prepared questions, which are unchangeable, to ask from one respondent to another. A. Unstructured interview C. Structured Interview B. Semi-structured interview D. Group Interview 7. Pedro uses convenience sampling to gather respondents for his research. Choose an explanation on how he can properly use this sampling technique. A. Gather respondents who are readily available regardless of any criteria and qualifications B. Ask his friends if they know someone who is willing to participate in his research C. Use his friends as research respondents D. Use a set of criteria and qualifications to be followed before selecting respondents 8. As a researcher, how are you going to use phenomenology as an approach to a qualitative study about the people affected by typhoon Yolanda? A. Ask the victims on their experiences during the typhoon B. Look for historical data about instances where Yolanda survivors experienced flooding in the past C. Have an in-depth understanding on the socio-economic impact of typhoons D. Formulate a theory 9. Maya used an unstructured interview as her data gathering instrument for her research. What type of data do you think Maya will get from her respondents?


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14. In TLE sewing class, Ms. Cruz makes a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project. What do you call this document? *1 pointA. Project PlanB. School PlanC. Group PlanD. Community Plan12. Julie wants to sew a pillow case but she doesn’t know how to make one. If you are Julie’s friend, what will you suggest to do first? *1 pointA. Make a patternB. Make a project planC. Make a budgetD. Buy a pillow case13. If Julie will make a project plan, which of the following must be the first part? *1 pointA. ObjectiveB. Name of the projectC. EvaluationD. Procedure14. Which of the following is the least to be considered in making a project plan? *1 pointA. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.B. Decide on the design of the project.C. Plan the steps to be followed.D. Safety tips of making the project.15. The following are important why we need to make a project plan. Which is not? *1 pointA. It serves as guide in making the project.B. It prevents you from over spending for a project.C. It develops your skills in planning for a project.D. It will serve as an extra-income for your family.16. In selecting the best cloth for the project, you should select cloth that is ______________. *1 pointA. ColorfulB. Appropriate for the projectC. ExpensiveD. TrendingThis is a required question17.This cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. *1 pointA. cottonB. linenC. silkD. woolThis is a required question18. This is an expensive fabric. It is quite difficult to cut, and sew because of its fine and lustrous texture. *1 pointA. linenB. silkC. syntheticsD. rami19. Before the fabrics are cut, the first thing that you should do is: *1 pointA. pressingB. foldingC. soakingD. stretching20. After stretching the cloth on all sides, until the horizontal an vertical threads are inline with each other, what is the next step? *1 pointA. stretchingB. foldingC. soakingD. pressing21. Labels provide important information about the products. Which of the following is not included in the label of products? *1 pointA. address of the producerB. name or brand of the productC. name of tools and equipment usedD. weight and list of ingredientsThis is a required question22. Mr. Delgado’s marketing strategy is by promoting his products in exhibits and bazaars. What strategy did he use in selling his products? *1 pointA. internet marketingB. print mediaC. product displayD. social media23.We need to keep records of transactions for purchase of materials and sales. Which of the following does not show reason of record keeping? *1 determine if your products are marketed wellB. to know if there is an increase in your incomeC. to improve the quality of the products madeD. to throw all the unsold products24.What will you do to have a successful business? *1 pointA. Sells imported productsB. Sells products with high demands.C. Sells products with high pricesD. Sells products with low demands.25. You have a business of RTW clothes, what will you do to sell more of your products? *1 pointA. Post them in social media (on-line selling).B. Sell them in prices lower than your capitalC. Sell them to the department store.D. Sell them to your relativesPa help po plssss :((​


11. A

12. B

13. D

14. B

15. D

16. B

17. A

18. B

19. D

20. D

21. C

22. A

23. D

24. B

25. A

15. Case study The photocopying businessis thriving in Dagupan City. Miss josefina "Fina" Datu is the owner and operatorof the biggest copying firm in the city. Fina has been in the business for more than 20 years and because of her courage and enterprise, she was able to put up 3 branches in each of the capital towns of 3 adjoining provinces, namely Nueva ecija, Tarlac and Pangasinan . She is planning to operate in nueva vizcaya and isabela in the near future. The business involves using machine to copy documents, books, magazine and other material. Fina employs 6 young ladies per branch. A big dealer in manila supplies her with the latest copying machine, paper and ink. Fina has open credit line with the dealer. Fina personally trains new employees in the firm's main office in Dagupan. After a month of training, the new employees are deployed in various branches. New employees are paid daily wages depending on output . They are also entitled to free board and lodging . The firm's customer consist of teachers,students, government employees and some others. Just a week ago, the dean of a big school in the city propose to her the copying of books to be sold to students. The dean indicate tht she will take care of selling the books to students in her School. For the service, the dean was expecting a 20 percent commission. Fina thinks the proposal is a good one and it will yield good profits. Shes not yet fully convince, however, is the proposal is ethically right . Fina considera seeking the advice of someone who should be informing her about the right thing to do before she makes a decision.Guide Question:If you were consulted by Fina, what would you advice her ? why?NOTE : ESSAY TYPE ANSWER​

If Fina consulted me about the ethical implications of the dean's proposal to copy books for students, my advice would be to carefully consider the potential consequences of this decision.

Firstly, Fina needs to review any legal implications of copying and selling books, especially if there are any copyright or intellectual property rights involved. She needs to make sure that she is not violating any laws and regulations by taking on this project.

Secondly, Fina needs to consider the impact of this decision on her reputation and that of her business. Copying and selling books to students may be viewed as unethical by some people, especially if it is perceived as taking advantage of students who are already struggling financially. This may lead to negative publicity, loss of customers, and ultimately, damage to her business.

Thirdly, Fina should assess the financial implications of this proposal. While the proposal may generate significant profits, it may also require additional investment in equipment, labor, and other resources. She needs to ensure that the profits outweigh the costs and that the investment is worthwhile.

Lastly, Fina should evaluate the long-term consequences of this decision. Is this proposal in line with her business goals and values? Will it create sustainable growth and opportunities for her business? Will it align with the interests and needs of her customers?

16. 17. It is a characteristics of research that gives correct or accurate data, which the footnotes, andbibliographical entries are documented or acknowledgedb. accuracytimelinessd. relevancec. objectiveness18. The researcher honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property.a carefulnessb. opennessc. integrityd respect for intellectual property19. It is a written list of questions intended to provide answers to the problems of the study.a sampleb. observation c. stratifiedd. questionnaire20. There is no standard set of questions and often used to explore an ideas; can use open-ended questionsa. Structured interview b. unstructured interview c. Focus Group d. direct observation21. It is one-on-one interview using predetermined questionsStructured interview b. unstructured interview c. Group interview d direct observation22. Type of qualitative research method which examines the primary documents to make you understand theconnection of past events to the present time.a. Grounded Theory b. Case Study c. Ethnography c. Historical Analysis23. The indicators per variable are clearly based on read articles from different published reference books,textbooks, manuals, and other materials ( Cristobal & Cristobal, 2013). The statement is expressed usingwhat type of citation?a. Integral b. non-integral24. One study by Laguardia (2015) has identified the seven components of Intercultural competence thataccording to Florentino (2015, p.45) are likewise the leading elements of one "contemporary languagetheory called Systemic Functional Grammar.” The statement is expressed using what type of citation?a. Integral b. non-integral25. There are several sources of research. These are published writings and reports that critique or report ona primary source and can be found in periodicals and reference books.a. primary sources b. secondary sources c. tertiary sourcesa. non-documentary searching26. In this type of sampling, an equal chance of participation in the sampling or selection process is given toevery member listed in the sampling frame.a. sample b. non-probability C. sampling frame d. probability27. The researcher shares data, results, ideas, tools, resources and open to criticism and new ideas.a. careful b. integrity c. opennessd. objective28. Part of research that includes reasons for conducting research, issues, trends and related studies.a. Rationale b. statement of the problem c. methodology d. abstract29. Part of research that shows how a researcher will conduct data collection and analysis.a. Rationale b.statement of the problem c. methodologyd. Findings30. A statement that makes a specific prediction between one or two variables.a. hypothesis b. problem c. literature d. proposition31. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain.a. Basic Research b. Action Research c. Evaluation Research d. Applied Research32. Type of research which aims at solving specific problems within a program, organization, or community.a. Basic Research b. Action Research c. Evaluation Research d. Applied Research34. This type of research seeks potential solutions to human and societal problems.a. Basic Research b. Action Research c. Evaluation Research d. Applied Research35. Evaluation research studies the processes and outcomes aimed at attempted solution.a. Basic Research b. Action Research c. Evaluation Research d. Applied Research36. It is a short catchy part of your paper made up of only 12 to 15 words that gives information and descriptionof the subject matter of the research.rsa. Abstract b. appendixc. referenced. title37. This explains the types and sources of data as well as the method you used in collecting and analyzing thedata you have gathered.a. Introductionb. abstractc. Methodd. Findings​


17. b

18. d

19. d

20. b

21. a

22. c

23. b

24. a

25. b

26. d

27. c

28. a

29. c

30. a

31. a

32. b

34. d

35. c

36. d

37. d


17. Scenario 2: you are making a report on the effects of COVID-19 on person's mental health. To make your report more appealing, you thought putting a picture of the disease into your report. You also considered presenting graphical data on the trends of COVID-19 cases in Cebu city. Task: Describe briefly how you can insert pictures or images in a word document. Note: please if you have a question comment it to comment section tab. (NONSENSE = REPORT)​


Covid 19 cr3mate insert of the world


hope i corect

18. What's MoreDirections: Read the questions carefully. Write the word TRUE * the statementscorrect and FALSE if it is incorrect.1. Center aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins2.Press the ENTER key if you want move the insertion point to the nextparagraph line3.If you want to copy a selected text from your document, press CTRL+C on yourkeyboard4. Ctrl+X is a command for redo5.A small rectangle will appear below to indicate that you are moving text6. Change Case includes UPPERCASE7. Press the spacebar to add spaces after a word or in between text8. Ctrl+B is a command to select all.9. Times New Roman is the default font style for Microsoft Word 201610. Bold Italic and Underline commands can be used to help draw attention toimportant words or phrases.​


TrueFalseFalseFalseTrue TrueFalseTrueTrueFalse













19. is it possible for two or more elements to have the same number of protons whyif an atomic number indicates the number of protons in an atom of an element, what does it suggest about the proton compostion of each element?Within weeks, the virus has infected more people than Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) did in months. On Jan. 30, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global emergency.The chart below shows the cumulative number of cases starting from the day that symptoms were documented for the first case. When compared to the new virus, the spread of SARS took much longer to gain momentum. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) that first emerged in Saudi Arabia in 2012, took eight years to infect almost 2,500 people.Confirmed infections since the first case.Image: ReutersThe latest statistics indicate a fatality rate of about 2.2%, but disease experts say the actual rate may be higher or lower as there are likely more unconfirmed cases.The SARS virus killed about 10% of all infected individuals, while the MERS outbreak identified in 2012 had a fatality rate of around 35%.Fatality rateImage: ReutersDisease experts caution that it will take several more weeks to be confident of how the new virus behaves given how quickly it has spread and the fact that a reliable diagnostic test has only recently been introduced.“Not everybody is being seen, not everybody is being tested,” said Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.“All the experts, myself included, tell the public that there is much we don’t know about this virus and we are learning as we go along. That is not so reassuring.”Some experts question whether the new virus shares similarities with seasonal flu, which has a low mortality rate but infects so many people that more than half a million may die from it each year, according to global health estimates.​


sorry di ko alam ang sagot...ikaw lang ang di ko nasagutan na nadaanan ko huhu sorry talaga ahh

20. 1. It is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon.It involves inductive and deductive methods.2. It is a list of cited sources or references.3. It's where the author supports the thesis and builds the argument. It contains most of the citations andanalysis and focuses on the rational development of the thesis with clear reasoning and solid argumentation at allpoints. This is generally the longest part of the paper.4. After spending a great deal of time and energy introducing and arguing the points in the main body ofthe paper, it brings everything together and underscores what it all means.5. This includes tables, charts, summaries, questionnaires, interview questions, lengthy statistics, maps,pictures, photographs, lists of terms, glossaries, survey instruments, letters, copies of historical documents, and manyother types of supplementary material that are used for the better understanding of the research, however they can nolonger be included in the body of the studies.6. It contains the paper's title, the author's name, address, phone number, e-mail, and the day's date.7. It describes the essence, the main theme of the paper. It includes the research question posed, itssignificance, the methodology, and the main results or findings. Footnotes or cited works are never listed in an abstract.8. It states the main research problem and thesis argument.9. It indicates what the researcher intends to do and not to do.10. These methods include laboratory experiments, field experiments, surveys, case studies, focus groups,ethnographic research, action research, and so forth.11. It includes a discussion or review of what is known about the subject and how that knowledge wasacquired.12. These are pieces of information collected through surveys, interviews, or observations. They areusually produced from data, and data must be processed to be of practical use.13. It is the process by which data are organized to better understand patterns of behavior within thearget population. It is an umbrella term that refers to many particular forms of analysis such as content analysis, cost-enefit analysis, network analysis, path analysis, regression analysis, etc.14. It is a statement that predicts the relationship between the independent (causal) and dependentutcome) variables.15. It is a clear statement in the form of a question of the specific issue that a researcher wishes to answerng data from one or more sources.16. It is a group that is selected from a larger group (the population). The researcher tries to draw validclusions about the population from it.​


sana makatulong









yan lang alam ko

21. NONSENSE = REPORTED IMMEDIATELY Ramon , a 20-year-old man, visits an outpatient clinic. He appears to be weak and lethargic. Ramon tells the health care provider that he feels like he has a bad case of the flu. He states he has night sweats that drench the bed, and that he has lost around 10 pounds since becoming ill. He seems anxious and admits that he has had unprotected sex with two male partners over the last few months. The care provider examines Ramon and documents that he has a fever and swollen lymph nodes in his neck. Questions 1. Based on this information, what disorder might Ramon have? 2. How is this disorder transmitted from one person to another? 3. Why must the care provider continually monitor the T-cell count? 4. What complications can individuals with this disorder eventually develop? 5. What is the prognosis for individuals with this condition?


It is HIVIt can be transsmitted by unprotected se-.xIt is for their safetyDeathAIDS

Hope it helps!@Delli Skartrov



2.if an infected partner had unprotected sesx make sure your safety



[tex]\huge\color{yellow}\boxed{Hope it helps you}[/tex]


22. 1. Which of the following is a quick and easy source of knowledgeA experienceauthority C. deducuve reasoning2. When a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another should be done?A ObjectivityD. Responsible Publication3. What is the approach that differs from inductive reasoning in that it uses hypotheses?A Scientific Approach3. Grounded ApproachD. Deductive Approach4. What is the purpose of quantitative research?A TO study the relationships, in rich detailB. To study the relationships, cause and effectC. To study the cause and effect of a phenomenonD To examine a phenomenon as it is, in nich detail5. What is the classification of a quantitative research?A experimental and nonexperimentalC. document or content analysisB. basic interpretative studiesD. Correlational and Ex post facto6. Which of the following is an example of a qualitative research?A. SurveyB. Ex post facto C. Correlational D. Narrative Inquiry7. What type of qualitative research that focuses on analyzing and interpreting recorded material to learn abouthuman behaviorA Case Studies B. Ethnography C. Historical D. Document or content analysis8. Qualitative research examines a phenomenon as it is, in rich detail. Which of the following approach is used inthis kind of research?A. deductiveB. inductivec. test theory D. Scientific approach9. What is the first step in stages in the research process?A. Selecting a problemC. Collecting the dataB. Designing the researchD. Reviewing the literature in the problem10. The following are Instruments to gather data in a quantitative research EXCEPT one.A. testsB ratingsC. questionnaires D. participant observation11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about authority?A. Two supervisors observing the same classroom at the same timeB. Superintendent can consult a lawyer about a legal problem at school.C. A student can look up the accepted pronunciation of a word in a dictionary.D. A beginning teacher asks an experienced one for suggestions and maytry a certain technique for teaching reading.12. It is a statement describing relationships among variables that is tentatively assumed to be true.A. theoryB. hypothesis C. approachD. variables13. Educational research is the application of the scientific approach to the study of educational problems. Whyeducators conduct educational research?A. To have incomeC. To travel in other countriesB. To answer scientific theory,D. To find a solution to some problem14. Survey research uses instruments such as questionnaires and interviews to gather information from groups ofindividuals. Are the data primarily in the form of numbers or words?A. wordsB. numbersC. words and numbers D. None of the above15. What would the researcher have to do to make the study a true experiment?A. Use a small sampleC. Use online feedbackB. Use a random processD. Use to control variables16. Why a case study focuses on a single unit such as one individual, or one group?A. To understand the world or experience of another,B. To arrive at a detailed description and understanding of the entity or case?C. To arrive at a complicated description and understanding of the entity or case?D. To generate a theory from a multiple data and understanding of the entity or case?17. An educational researcher might want to investigate the trends in kindergarten education in a particular schooldistrict from its beginnings to the present. What type of qualitative research is appropriate in this study?A. Case Studies B. Ethnography C. Historical D. Document or content analysis18. What research methodology do you believe would be the most appropriate for investigating this researchquestion; "How do parents conduct home schooling"?A. SurveyB. Quantitative C. QualitativeD. Ex post facto​





















correct me if im wrong

23. Exercise No. I Direction: Read carefully before answering. Choose the best answer by writing the letter of your correct answer. 1. Base on the infographics “ Beat COVID -19 Today” , are there how many classification of the active cases? A. 5 B. 3 C. 4 2. Which among the following is not belong to the group on the Linear and Non- linear texts? A. Cause and Effect Diagram C. Flow Diagram B. Venn Diagram D. Receiving stage 3. It refers to the moral lesson that you can get from a story. A. plot B. character C. theme 4. These are the first- hand documents written by those who witnessed originally the event happened. A. Secondary B. Primary C. Tertiary5. This is a source of information that provides answers to the questions such as statistics, maps , background information redirecting to additional sources, its detailed and factual. A. reference Materials B. Books C. Scholarly articles EXERCISE NO. 3 Direction: Read the following statement and identify what is being defined. ___________ 1. It provides information, discussions and interpretation of the evidence. ___________ 2. These are visual displays that have key content information. ___________ 3. It is considered the “ Turning point” of the story. ___________ 4. These are documents written by experts of scholars discussing results of scholarly works like research. ___________ 5. It allows the listeners to provide verbal and non- verbal feedback and responses based on the listening context.​

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A

1. Secondary Sources
2. Graphic Organizers
3. Climax
4. Scholarly Articles
5. Short or Long Term Memory

Correct me if, I’m wrong:)

24. PLS HELP PO..Identify the following terms. Choose your answer inside the box andwrite your answer in the space provided.1. Personnel of such industry read, analyze, and annotate digital images of memos, payroll andmedical records, old engineering specs, and other documents that might be used as evidence in legal cases.2. Customers that call for transactions like order processing, administrative assistance like complaintsor billing questions can be handled by customer service call centers.3. Selling some products and services are much easier to sell via the phone, and do not require 'faceto-face' interaction.4. Is a system of phoning the contacts within a database in order to ensure that all the details such asnames, phone numbers and the like are correct.5. Trained representatives who handie transactions do the jobs which are formerly found in anorganization's customer service, accounting, and sales department. 6. This is increasingly being outsourced or 'off-shored', with software development teams based inareas such as Central and Eastern Europe and Asia where there is access to highly-educated, low-cost personnel. 7. This involves looking for appropriate suppliers, monitoring supplier performance, implementingappropriate processes and procedures, managing requests for information or proposals and recommending the bestpotential suppliers, selecting suppliers and issuing or managing legal contracts.8. Is carried out online with the data being held at a third party's premises and accessed via the webOne can save physical office space and can retrieve information quickly and easily through this type of BPO.9. Processes related to finances have to be accurate. In most instances, this cannot be replaced bymere accounting software. It requires resources and procedures like raising invoices, matching them with purchase ordersand reconciling bank accounts.10 These companies use a system that routes each call automatically to the next free call-centeremployee, to ensure that customers never have to wait for too long for a call to be answered.||- Call Centers-Telemarketing and telesales (outbound calls) - Finance and Accounting- Data cleansing- Customer Services (in-bound calls)- Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)- Legal Services- Software development Procurement - Document Management||​

Bakit wla pong box dapat may box

25. 1. Use the appropriate modal verbs in the following sentences. Write your answer on the space provide1.CanI ask you an important question?May2. My brother is at a restaurant and he feels a little hungry. Heorder food.canmay3. Studentsnot enter this room.shallwill4. The judgegive a judgment on Dacera's case.shallwill5. It's a hospital. Younot smoke.mustshould6. Youapply for that job.mustshould7. Banksexamine all documents.mustshould8. Take an umbrella. Itrain later.mightshall9.1be happy to help you with preparation for your exam.wouldcan10. Margaretexercise more.canought to​

1. Can

2. Can

3. Shall

4. Will

5. Should

6. Must

7. Should

8. Might

9. Would

10. Can

26. wh L Watermarks TRAP files online. Document Formatting 2.1 A data is lost or damage. 3 p A. Choose among the terms below that best answers to the question that follows. Write your answer on the space provided for. Google Drive Google Docs Anti-Virus Download d deadisg W D Cursor Font Blogs Hacker Back Up 1. It is a free cloud-based storage service that enables users to store and access 2. The blinking vertical line in upper left corner of the text area and it marks the insertion point. 3lt refers to a complete collection of letters, numerals, symbols and punctuation marks that have common characteristics, including their style and size 4. A translucent image that appears behind the primary text in a document. 5. This is referring to software that can detect the presence of a virus within a computer file and warn you there is a problem. 6. To transfer a copy of data, a computer program, a text file, an image file, a sound file or video file from one computer to another computer. This is the main means of obtaining data and programs from the World Wide Web 7. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating with other users in real time. Colors Fonts 8. A person who spends their time trying to gain access to information stored on other people's computers all around the world. 9. is a website that is used like a diary. Many people create it and then write regularly about things they have been doing or events which have taken place. Posts often include links to other site Effects Set as Def 10. This means to make a copy of the data held on the system in case the original Address​


Hindi ko po alam


hope it helps

27. 1. First identified in the 1950s, dengue is spread by the female Aedes aegypti mosquitothe first documented cases were in the Philippines and Thailand. The disease hassince struck worldwide, with over 100 countries at risk and 390 million infectionsyearly. It takes 4-10 days to become obvious, with a high fever and flu-like symptoms.(But that's exactly what it's not. It's important not to mistake it for the common flu.) Itdoes not have a cure. The only thing to be done is to maintain the patient's bodilyfluids until the disease runs its course. It's crucial that dengue be detected early, asthe proper medical attention can lower mortality from 20 percent to just under 1percent. Left unchecked or identified, dengue kills,a informativeb. journalisticc. poeticAns: InformativeExplain:Because the question is informing caused what happened last 1950s.​




Because we need to be able and not just be the only one who can make it

28. ASSESSMENT Instruction: Answer the questions below by selecting the letter of the best answer on the separate answer sheet provided. 1. Which of the following items should NOT be included in the “Go Bag”? A. Food and water B. Chips and fruit juice C. flashlight and whistle D. important documents and money 2. How long should supplies in disaster kit last? A. 12hours C. 72 hours B. 20hours D. 100hours 3. The following items are essential in disaster kit except ____ A. First aid kit C. Gadgets B. Food D. Hygiene kits 4. How much water does each person need per day? A. 2 water bottles C. 1 gallon B. 1⁄2 litters D. 2 gallons 5. What other individual needs should you consider when packing your emergency kits? A. Pet supplies B. Baby supplies C. Medical supplies D. All of the above 6. It is a bag that contains supplies that one would require to survive when evacuating from disaster. A. Make up Bag B. Sanitary Bag C. Medical Bag D. Survival Kit Bag 7. The following items are used for light and signalling instruments except ______________.? A. Flashlight B. Matches C. Mirror 8. Robert was tasked to prepare their “go bag” in case of emergency. Which of the following is not a proper way to prepare for the “go bag”? A. Store perishable food. B. Food should be sufficient for three days. C. Count the number of person in your family. D. Keep the important documents inside a plastic bag. 9. How long can a person survive without food intake as long as there is water? A. 1 day B. 3 days C. 5 days D. 10 days 10. When should we check the survival kits to make sure the items are functional and in good condition? A. Every month B. Every quarter C. Every three months D. Every six months ​

1. A.

2. C.

3. B.

4. A.

5. D.

6. A.

7. A.

8. B.

9. A.

10. D.



I felt upset. This clipping shows that the said program "oplan tokhang" matters more on resolution, only a documentation not having a proper or thorough investigation.

30. 1- Read and understand each question Choose theletter of your answer and write it on the spaceprovided1. It is the process of thinking about the activitiesrequired to achieve the desired goal.a. planningb. preparingo processing asewing2. It is a formal document designed to guide thecontrol and execution of the project.a. Patternb. Project Designc. Project Pland. Project Cost3. It is the part of the project plan which states thereason for making the project.a. Materialb. Procedurec. Evaluationd. Objectives4. It is the process of checking the quality of thefinished product.b. Evaluation c. Materials d.Design5. The following are examples of household linensexcept for one. What is it?a. table clothb. pillow casec. bed sheetsd. utensilsa. Plan​


1. A. Planning

2. C. Project plan

3. B. procedure (?)

4. B. Evaluation (?)

5. D. Utensils


Hope this helps❣Correct me if i'm wrong o(〃^▽^〃)o

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