Importance Of Tourism And Hospitality Essay

Importance Of Tourism And Hospitality Essay

What is the importance of macro perspective in the tourism and hospitality industry?ESSAYASAP PLEASE ​

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1. What is the importance of macro perspective in the tourism and hospitality industry?ESSAYASAP PLEASE ​


Macro perspective in the tourism and hospitality industry is important because it allows for an understanding of the larger trends, patterns, and forces that shape the industry. It helps to identify the key players in the industry, their roles, and how they interact. It also helps to identify areas of opportunity and potential threats, as well as to identify potential new markets and areas of growth. Macro perspective can also be used to analyze the impact of external factors on the industry, such as economic conditions, political events, and technological advances.

2. write a short essay regarding the importance of food flow in the tourism and hospitality industry​


The tourism and hospitality industry relies heavily on the availability and quality of food for its customers. In order for a hotel, restaurant, or attraction to be successful, it is essential to have a steady flow of fresh and high-quality food. This is where food flow comes into play.

Food flow refers to the process of procuring, preparing, and delivering food to customers. It includes everything from sourcing ingredients to managing inventory and waste. In the tourism and hospitality industry, food flow is a critical aspect of operations as it directly impacts the customer experience.

Proper food flow is essential for ensuring that customers have access to a variety of delicious and safe food options. This is particularly important in the tourism industry, where visitors may be unfamiliar with local cuisine and may have specific dietary needs. By having a steady flow of fresh ingredients, restaurants and hotels can offer a wide range of food options that cater to different tastes and preferences.

In addition to ensuring the availability of high-quality food, effective food flow also helps to control costs and reduce waste. By managing inventory and sourcing ingredients locally, businesses can reduce their expenses and minimize waste. This not only helps to improve the bottom line but also supports the local community and promotes sustainability.

Furthermore, proper food flow also ensures that food is safe and hygienic for consumption. It involves strict adherence to food safety regulations and sanitation practices, which helps to prevent foodborne illnesses and protect customers’ health.

In conclusion, food flow plays a crucial role in the tourism and hospitality industry. It is essential for ensuring that customers have access to high-quality and safe food options, controlling costs and reducing waste, and promoting sustainability. Businesses that prioritize food flow can provide a better customer experience and be more successful in the long run.


3. Explain the relationship of tourism and hospitality essay


The hospitality industry is an industry that offers services that usually cost extra income to enjoy and include things like hotels, restaurants, transportation, and leisure activities. Tourism is the act of traveling to a destination for pleasure purposes. The tourism industry is important for the benefits it brings and due to its role as a commercial activity that creates demand and growth for many more industries. Tourism not only contributes towards more economic activities but also generates more employment, revenues and play a significant role in development.



The relationship between Hospitality and Tourism: Tourism and hospitality go hand in hand, the hospitality industry offer services like accommodation, transportation, food and beverage, recreation and leisure. Tourism is the activity by the tourists where they engage in travelling to destinations where they want to experience recreational and leisure activities and most of the time avails of accommodation, food and beverage. The hospitality industry is the supplier of the services for tourism. The meaning of hospitality is providing a safe and enjoyable environment for patrons. It also means responsibly serving liquor, to ensure that patrons do not become unduly intoxicated and subsequently a problem for management, staff and the…show more content…

The Food Hygiene, Health and Safety Act provides food hygiene regulations for people who work in the hospitality industry it reviews the legislation which regulate hygiene, health & safety practices. The Chefs role in the safe preparation and service of food is critical and the law states that a food handler has a legal responsibility to ensure that food is maintained in a hygienic & safe manner.

The Gambling Act: Tourism is one of Australia's most important industries and together with the hospitality and gaming sectors makes up a significant part of our economy. The industry is facing a raft of challenges from decreased global travel to increased regulation and workplace reform, the objective of this Act is to ensure the State and community as a whole benefit from interactive gambling. This regulation is designed to protect players and the community, ensuring games are fair, people and organisations offering interactive gambling act honestly and harm to individuals is minimised.

4. What are the importance of studying Tourism and Hospitality Management


for future we need to study and work for future generations

5. what is the important of TQM to tourism and hospitality industry?​


In its simplest form, TQM is providing a service quality that strikes a balance between guest expectations and their perception of the service received. Therefore, the more information the hotel can glean from the guest, the smaller the gap between the expectation and the perception of the service provided.


TQM is providing a service quality that strikes a balance between guest expectations and their perception of the service received. Therefore, the more information the hotel can glean from the guest, the smaller the gap between the expectation and the perception of the service provided.


kita ko lang sa g00gle

6. What are the importance of tourism and hospitality?​


The most significant contribution of the tourism and hospitality industry in any country or region is the immediate creation of new jobs. When people travel abroad, they want to visit places of natural beauty or historic significance.

Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant.






Tourism and hospitality will train you to be trustworthy when it comes to being with people

[tex]answer[/tex]National and international regulation of the travel and hospitality industry; consumer contract law; the law of carriers and inns, the duties of travel operators and agents, the travel insurance law; the law of bailment; the responsibilities of travel agents and tour operators; hotel management law.


8. Reaction paper of importance of tourism and hospitality

Hospitality involves friendly treatment of guests or tourists and is a very important sector in the tourism industry (Horner and Swarbrook, 2007). ... Understanding consumer behavior is very crucial towards making decisions about marketing of tourism products and activities.

The tourism industry is important for the benefits it brings and due to its role as a commercial activity that creates demand and growth for many more industries. Tourism not only contributes towards more economic activities but also generates more employment, revenues and play a significant role in development.

. Tourism and the Economy in General

The most important economic feature of activities related to the tourism sector is that they contribute to three high-priority goals of developing countries: the generation of income, employment, and foreign-exchange earnings.

9. What are the importance of the history tourism and hospitality?​

The most significant contribution of the tourism and hospitality industry in any country or region is the immediate creation of new jobs. When people travel abroad, they want to visit places of natural beauty or historic significance.


hope it helps.

10. How does the organizations affect the Tourism and Hospitality Industry? Essay ​


Tourism organisations are essentially organisations that exist to look out for the tourism industry and act on its behalf. They may have influence over national tourism policies, might in the interests of the tourism industry, and could also work to bring the various sectors together.

11. What are the importance of Tourism and Hospitality law?


PROTECTING YOUR REPUTATION • Knowledge of hospitality laws protects your business's reputation. For example, hotels have to provide access to disabled patrons, and if your business fails to comply, you could face lawsuits, protests and negative publicity.


12. Explain what is tourism multiplier is. How it is important in tourism and hospitality industry?


the multiplier effect which in its simplest form is how many times money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy. ... Money spent in a hotel helps to create jobs directly in the hotel, but it also creates jobs indirectly elsewhere in the economy.

The Importance of Tourism on Economies and Businesses Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens.


pa brainliest pls


The Importance of Tourism on Economies and Businesses Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. Tourism not only creates jobs in the tertiary sector but also encourages growth in the primary and secondary sectors of industry. This is known as the multiplier effect which in its simplest form is how many times money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy.

13. why is safety and security in tourism and hospitality important?​


Training safety and security measures is important to the hospitality industry whereby without the important of measures, the hospitality and tourim industry will not have boom so fast. ... Morever, the hospitality should be more concern on which aspects that will have a high rate of accidents happen in the daily rountine.

14. discuss the importance of tourism and hospitality​

The Importance of Tourism and Hospitality

In detail, the following are some of the important roles of hospitality:

Help improve people's industryHelp create more job opportunitiesHelping education and training efforts for a competent workforceHelp increase regional and state revenueHelp increase the country's foreign exchangeImproved relations between countries

Hospitality has a very important role because it can be used as a place to carry out various activities, this is because the facilities owned by a hotel are indeed very cloudy to carry out various activities. The role of hospitality is also one of the important things in tourism. How not, the hotel which is one of the places to provide accommodation services for tourists, is very helpful in making it easier for tourists who are carrying out tourism activities with the lodging services it provides.

The tourism sector has an important role as a source of foreign exchange earnings, and can encourage national economic growth, especially in reducing the number of unemployed and increasing the productivity of a country. The business sector is one in all the strategic sectors that has got to be used for business development as a part of national development. business development has the final word goal of skyrocketing people's financial gain that successively will improve people's welfare and economic process. the event of business additionally encourages and accelerates economic process. business activities produce demand, each consumption and investment, that successively can result in the assembly of products and services.

In addition to welcome, the role of business is additionally vital, as a result of business will support national development. what is more, these are the importance of tourism: Tourism will produce a lot of job opportunities, together with during this case, hotels, restaurants, transportation, food and article of clothing industries, handicrafts, agriculture, and varied alternative business sectors.

In addition to hospitality, the role of tourism is also very important, because tourism can support national development. Furthermore, these are the importance of tourism:

Tourism can create more job opportunities, including in this case, hotels, restaurants, transportation, food and clothing industries, handicrafts, agriculture, and various other business sectors.Tourism plays a role in the development of small businesses in it, such as entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants, and other tourist attraction businesses.Tourism helps in the preservation of culture and nature in tourist destinations.Tourism plays a role in the introduction of mutual respect between tribes and nations, which can strengthen relations between people.

Find more about the importance of tourism and hospitality​ here:


15. Why Tourism and Hospitality is important in each country?​


Hospitality generates revenue for local economies directly when tourists spend money in hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues. ... In addition, tourism can stimulate the building of infrastructure such as roads and public transportation. Also important economically are the jobs created by the industry.

16. What are the importance of tourism & hospitality?​


A better community for residents.

The money that tourists spend can be reinvested in local economies, from public services to education.

Did you know that for every $1 generated in direct Travel & Tourism GDP, more than $2 are generated on an indirect and/or induced basis

Lots of jobs.

Tourism is a sector that is all about people - and as such is an incredible driver of job creation from big cities to small local communities.

Did you know that in 2019 the sector employed 1 in 10 people on the planet and it created 1 in 4 of all new jobs globally in the last 5 years

More creative and entrepreneurial.

Tourism’s positive ripple effect not only helps support local businesses but fosters entrepreneurship and new business ventures.

Did you know that 80% of the sector is composed of SMEs

Opportunities for all.

Tourism offers opportunities to people from all walks of life, supporting vulnerable groups, including minorities, youth and women among others.

Did you know that the tourism sector has almost twice as many women employers as other sectors and employs a higher share of youth than the overall economy

More peaceful and more tolerant.

Tourism is a driver for peace. It helps promote tolerance between people as they learn and better understand each other’s cultures.

Did you know that countries that have more open and sustainable tourism sectors will likely enjoy higher levels of positive peace in the future

Preserving heritage.

Tourism can help protect and finance the preservation of historic and cultural sites, and even prompt the creation of new community initiatives.

Did you know that 40% of travellers identify as cultural tourists?

Preserving the wildlife we love.

Tourism can help protect and revitalise wildlife through preservation programmes against illegal poaching and creates conservation jobs

Did you know that the total economic contribution of wildlife tourism amounted to $344 billion in 2018, equivalent to the entire GDP of South Africa or Hong Kong

Fuelling the adoption of sustainable tech.

Tourism helps accelerate the integration of innovative technologies, which can facilitate your everyday activities while enhancing sustainability and creating more touchless experiences.

Did you know that 66% of consumers are using less cash and moving toward more contactless solutions in the wake of COVID-19

Written by Tiffany Misrahi, VP Policy and Ioanna Pampoulova, Membership & Commercial Assistant, World Travel & Tourism Council

Responsible TravelImpact

17. what are the importance of tourism network and supply components of the success of the hospitality and tourism operation?​



The tourist supply inspires, conducts, and affects the entire tour. If any one of the above given components does not work well, it impedes the experience of the tourists and the tour does not turn out to the tourists' satisfaction.

18. essay: discuss what are the economic effects of tourism and hospitality? ​


Positive impacts from this economic boom include robust foreign exchange, increases in income, and GDP growth. Tourism can also offer diverse employment opportunities, can be developed with local products, and is often compatible with other economic activities within a destination.


19. What is the importance of the components of tourism in the tourism and hospitality industry?​

Remember this people if you think your Ugly then there people out there that is uglier than you



20. what is the importance of tourism and hospitality?​

If reflects the good service and people.

21. Why is it important to study tourism and Hospitality?​


Tourism is witnessing huge global growth every year and it is forecast to grow far into the future. It is definitely an industry of the future. Growth means that more and more skilled workers are needed all over the world. By studying tourism you give yourself the skills and knowledge to be a part of this growth.



22. Discuss the importance of tourism and hospitality​


The tourism industry is important for the benefits it brings and due to its role as a commercial activity that creates demand and growth for many more industries. Tourism not only contributes towards more economic activities but also generates more employment, revenues and play a significant role in development.

Tourism is a continual source of income for public & private income. Tourism also helps in employment generation. It created jobs specifically in the hotel industry, hospitality industry, service sector, entertainment, and transportation industry.

Hospitality matters because it feeds the most basic human need that we all have, to feel loved and accepted. That is not something to overlook. There is a surplus of beauty in providing space for others to feel important, cared for and genuinely loved. It allows us to nurture.

23. Why are hotels important in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry?​


Hotels are the most valuable in terms of Tourism and Hospitality Industry because the serve as a place where tourists spend their time resting, sleeping, and relaxing while waiting for their next itineraries. It is important that the tourists or clients will feel comfortable during their stay.

24. The importance of sustainability in tourism and hospitality​


Sustainability saves us money by reducing spending and waste. It helps our environment. And it also gives us a public relations advantage over competing operations that don't care about efforts to be "green". But there's another important reason for hotels and the hospitality industry to embrace sustainability.


25. importance of managing a sustainable tourism and hospitality industry?​


Be aware of the good and the bad consequences of the development of tourism in the world. We want to encourage good use of tourism, so we decided to support sustainable tourism. Travel Information. Cheap and Fun Travel. Brands: Hostelling International, Get Your Guide.


26.  importance of applying knowledge in the tourism and hospitality workplace. ​


Tourism education plays a major role in preparing students to gain professional and practical skills required by the tourism industry. Given that the tourism industry is a labor-intensive sector, it is undeniable that practical training is as important as theoretical training. In tourism education practical training is necessary for students to find the opportunity to apply what they have learned into practice and to develop personal skills and abilities.

27. how important is the tourism and hospitality industry?​


hope it helps


Hospitality provides essential services (i.e., lodging and food) for travelers, whether they are on the move for reasons of necessity, leisure or luxury. Hospitality is a major factor in every vacation and business trip, and is thus important to individual customers and to businesses.


The tourism industry not only generates revenues for a country and cultural wealth, but it is also one of the most important economic engines for growth and development. Globalization, as well as diplomatic relations among countries, has made traveling increasingly common.



28. what is importance of macro perspective tourism and hospitality?

filipino po tayo di english

baket ganyan po nilagay nyo?

29. Importance of hospitality and tourism for the economy


Hospitality generates revenue for local economies directly when tourists spend money in hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues. ... In addition, tourism can stimulate the building of infrastructure such as roads and public transportation. Also important economically are the jobs created by the industry

30. explain is the importance of different tourism and hospitality organizations how they can help the tourism and hospitality industry

The tourism and hospitality industry is a crucial part of many economies around the world, as it generates significant amounts of revenue and provides employment for millions of people. Tourism and hospitality organizations play a key role in supporting and promoting the industry, and can help in a number of ways.

For example, tourism organizations such as destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and national tourism boards work to promote their destinations and attract visitors. This can help to increase the number of tourists visiting a particular area, which can in turn boost the local economy and create jobs.

Hospitality organizations, such as hotels and restaurants, are also important for the tourism industry. These organizations provide the accommodations and dining options that tourists need during their trips. By offering high-quality services and amenities, hospitality organizations can help to enhance the overall experience of tourists and make their trips more enjoyable.

Additionally, tourism and hospitality organizations can also help to support the industry by providing training and education to workers in the field. This can help to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge they need to provide excellent service to tourists, which can help to enhance the reputation of the industry as a whole.

Overall, tourism and hospitality organizations play a vital role in supporting and promoting the tourism and hospitality industry. By working together, these organizations can help to ensure that the industry continues to thrive and provide benefits to the economy and the people who work in it.


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