How Can Humanity Achieve Peace According To Hobbes

How Can Humanity Achieve Peace According To Hobbes

how can humanity achieve peace according to Hobbes?​

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1. how can humanity achieve peace according to Hobbes?​


According to Hobbes, the only way to escape civil war and to maintain a state of peace in a commonwealth is to institute an impartial and absolute sovereign power that is the final authority on all political issues.


In such a state, Hobbes contends that individuals have a “natural right” to do whatever they believe is necessary to preserve their lives. ... The human power of reason, Hobbes says, reveal the “laws of nature” that enable humans to establish a state of peace and escape the horrors of the state of nature.

2. how lasting peace can be achieved according to the Catholic teaching.

Thus, Pope John Paul II has written: “The goal of peace, so desired by everyone, will certainly be achieved through the putting into effect of social and international justice, but also through the practice of virtues which favour togetherness, and which teach us to live in unity.

3. what is true about human nature according to Thomas Hobbes​


Human nature is the sum total of our species identity,the mental,physical,and spiritual Characteristics that make humans uniquely,well,human.

4. how can we achieve world peace by simplify reading literature​

we can achieve world peace by simply reading literature by knowing and learning the most significant things written in there, rhe more we read, the more we learn, the more we knew the values of life and its importance

5. how can we use Civil Military Operation in order to achieve peace?​


by killing off corrupted politicians

6. how can we use CMO in order to achieve peace​


There may be no two groups more opposed to each other than IT and marketing. One traditionally focuses on back-end support and long-term strategy. The other values creativity and quick wins. Their leaders form the ultimate odd couple: CIO and CMO. In the best cases, the two coexisted, but rarely collaborated. In the worst, the relationship was downright acrimonious.


It’s no mystery how things got this way. Marketing feels IT refuses to acknowledge the urgency of its requests and has “the uncanny ability to make the simple more complex,” says Forrester Research vice president and principal analyst Nigel Fenwick. IT thinks marketing lacks effective business processes and thwarts optimization efforts. “Some misunderstandings are no doubt caused by conflicting priorities,” Fenwick says. “The CIO is forced to plan technology into the future, and this long view can be at odds with the need to make a market impact this quarter.”

7. How can we use communication to achieve world peace?


Communication can be used to achieve peace through talks and negotiation, since communication in all its forms can be used to create and exchange meaning,.Communication for peace creates chances for people to consider and value nonviolent responses to potential and actual conflict.

8. how can we achieve global peace ​


Start by connecting with friends, family, partners, and neighbors. Focus on dealing with any disharmony in your life in a generous, compassionate way and giving back to people in your community. Make sure you also maintain your own personal sense of harmony, as this will help you feel in sync with others. Strengthening peace and non-violence through education, advocacy and media including.


10 steps to world peace

1 Start by stamping out exclusion. ...

2 Bring about true equality between women and men. ...

3 Share out wealth fairly. ...

4 Tackle climate change. ...

5 Control arms sales. ...

6 Display less hubris, make more policy change. ...

7 Protect political space. ...

8 Fix intergenerational relations.


9. how can we achieve peace in our home and in our country?​


Bring about true equality between men and women

Alam ko nayan paki fallow sa aking acc giys

10. How can you help to achieve world peace​


Start by stamping out exclusion. ...

2 Bring about true equality between women and men. ...

3 Share out wealth fairly. ...

4 Tackle climate change. ...

5 Control arms sales. ...

6 Display less hubris, make more policy change. ...

7 Protect political space. ...

8 Fix intergenerational relations.

11. how can peace and understanding among people of differwnt religious group be achieved​


by understandning each other and respecting each other

12. How can we achieve world peace?​

We can be able to achieve world peace by minding one's own business, especially when it doesn't really concern you or doesn't have anything to do with you, and by implementing world justice and fairness.


In this lesson you will learn to:

1. Enumerate


in measuring tools in measuring tools (SFSFE-IIIB-2)

2. Conduct an activity in measuring distance using ruler and meter stick

3.Record data using correct standard unit

13. how can we achieve peace and unity


We can achieve peace and unity by respecting each other, and accepting others opinion.

14. how can achieve peace in mindanao?

If Luzon Vizayas and Mindanao are the same Religion

15. Negative peace includes structural (human) integration, preventive and achieved always by peaceful means.

Don't prevent sins,
They will just come back by you hiding.
But how to really prevent sins,
Is to face them.

16. how can we prevent war? is it possible to achieve universal peace?​


1 Start by stamping out exclusion. ...

2 Bring about true equality between women and men. ...

3 Share out wealth fairly. ...

4 Tackle climate change. ...

5 Control arms sales. ...

6 Display less hubris, make more policy change. ...

7 Protect political space. ...

8 Fix intergenerational relations.


yan lang po

How can we prevent war?Require the leaders who promote and support war to personally participate in the hostilities. This would provide a critical threshold of personal commitment to war by requiring some actual personal sacrifice of leaders. Show the faces and tell the stories of the children of the “enemy” until we can feel the pain of their deaths as though they were the deaths of our own children. It is much more difficult to slaughter an enemy who one recognizes as being part of the human family. Give full support to the establishment of an International Criminal Court so that national leaders can be tried for all egregious war crimes at the end of any hostilities. All leaders who commit egregious crimes must be held to account under international law as they were at Nuremberg, and they must be aware of this from the outset. Impeach any elected leaders who promote or support illegal, preventive war, what was described at the Nuremberg Trials as an “aggressive” war. It is the responsibility of citizens in a democracy to exercise control over their leaders who threaten to commit crimes under international law, and impeachment provides an important tool to achieve this control. Rise up as a people and demand that one’s government follow its Constitution, cut off funding for the war, and find a way to peace. US citizens must demand that Congress not give away or allow the president to usurp its sole authority under the Constitution to make the decision to go to war. Citizens should also demand that Congress exercise its power of the purse to prevent war, including not giving financial support to a president attempting to bribe other countries to participate in an illegal war.

Is it possible to archive universal peace?

Yes, by restoring faith in humanity and promoting love as brothers and sisters of this nation.

17. How cancho in order to achieve peace?​

to a victory

because i want to have a big

See more ...

18. How can we achieve world peace by reading literature


we can achive world peace by reading literature,


By giving so much value to it and do things that is good. Reading literature can guide/help you achieve it, following what is written in the literature.



Listen with the intent to understand. Be helpful to others when you can (help your neighbor with their groceries, walk their dog, clean up their yard) Meditate and invite others to meditate. Study nonviolence, ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, Peace studies.

20. how do you make the right decision in every stage of the human act to achieve a peaceful life? ​



21. how can peace be achieved throughout the world?

Be mindful, smart and obigent

22. how can world peace can achieve​


it cannot be happen if we continue are bad deeds,so we must do what is the best to do or in other words we must be good not only to one person but to others also,we must follow the rules that government gives to us so in that way we can achieve peace in the world

23. how can we achieve inner peace?


How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness?

•Spend Time with Nature. ...

•Meditation. ...

•Be Grateful. ...

•Take Responsibility for Your Actions. ...

•Don't Let Your Past Mistakes Define You. ...

•Love Yourself. ...

•Practice Acceptance and Contentment. ...


24. how can we achieve peace

By restoring faith in humanity and promoting love as brothers and sisters of this nation. 

25. how can inner peace be achieved?pa help po plss ​


Another way of achieving it is by medidating in a quiet place. Meditation is also helpful on improving concentration and it will give an endless patience.Meditation should be often done in a week.

26. how can solidarity achieve peace? ​


Solidarity is a tool for reducing inequality and social injustice in the world. Solidarity leads to the sustainable development of peoples. For this reason, it is essential that it be used for the benefits it can offer to a particular cause. Solidarity can be cultivated through education, as children or adults.


27. how will a country like Philippines, achieve peace, and can be considered a prospered country??

Philippines can achieve peace and be a prospered country, just by being a success country first. If the people help each other in overcoming difficulties like poverty and corruptions. Have a deserving presidents and senators unlike what's happening in our politics today. And last but not least, if the students focus on their studies first. Because the future depends on them or they are the next generation.

Kamui was here~  :)
By having a peaceful community and supportive people to the government. Having unity, not dragging down those people who leads us (the government). By helping each other in a peacefull way.

28. How can we achieve peace and love


A key element of finding peace,as well as being able to focus on love and happiness,is embracing forgiveness.



Answer: We can achieve this by being nice to others. Make more friends, help the poor. This can increase the love and peace of the other people you helped including their families towards you.

Explanation: I hope it helps:D

29. How do you make the right decision in every stage of the human act to achieve a peaceful life?​

Regardless of how important a decision is, good decision skills are useful in life, especially if you feel indecisive about something and it’s getting you down.

Don’t let stress get the better of you.Give yourself some time (if possible).Weigh the pros and cons.Think about your goals and values. Consider all the possibilities.Talk it out.Keep a diary.Plan how you’ll tell others.Rethink your opinions.

30. how can we use cmo in order to achieve peace


CMO stands for Conflict Management and Organizational Development. It is a process that helps organizations manage conflict in a constructive manner, and also encourages organizations to develop in a positive way. To achieve peace, CMO can be used to help organizations identify areas of tension, mediate disagreements, build trust, and create a framework for communication and collaboration. CMO can also help organizations develop strategies to promote peace and resolve disputes in a constructive and cooperative manner.

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