Institution Essay

Institution Essay

your opinion on language is an institution essay​

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1. your opinion on language is an institution essay​

Answer: The desire of communication was the main cause of language making. Nowhere has the old proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention” received a better illustration than in the history of language; it was to satisfy the wants of daily life that the faculty of speech was first exercised. Charles Winick has defined language as “a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, used to express communicable thoughts and feelings and enabling the members of a social group or speech community to interact and to co-operate.” It is the medium of oral expression.


2. essay about nonmarket and market institution​


non market and market institution


Nonmarket refers to internal and external organizing and correcting factors that provide order to market and other types of societal institutions and organizations – economic, political, social and cultural – so that they may function efficiently and effectively as well as repair their failures.a market consisting of schools, universities, hospitals, charities, clubs and similar organisations which buy goods and services for use in the production of their own goods and services.

3. What is the importance of the family as a social institution? essay​


The family performs several essential functions for society. It socializes children, it provides emotional and practical support for its members, it helps regulate sexual activity and sexual reproduction, and it provides its members with a social identity.

#Hope it help


Each Society has some basic needs which has to be satisfied for better day to day life. Social institutions are a medium like as social moulds which are established for carring out basic functions and help to established collective image of behavior. This institutions come in to existence for satisfying needs of an individual. Even though every institution carries out certain specific function, It is not entirely independent. There is interdependants in every social institution. Every institution has to use various resourses for its fulfillment.

4. write an essay whether you support or negate non state institutions contribute in fighting against socio-political inequalities in the world today​


Every individual and every ‘organ of society’ has an obligation to contribute to an atmosphere conducive to the enjoyment of human rights. This obligation is universal and concerns all - state and non-state - actors. The primary responsibilities and obligations in the field of human rights enjoyment remain with the state, and the state cannot relieve itself of these obligations by ‘delegating’ human rights obligations to non-state entities or, for that matter, international organisations. This does not, however, mean that non-state entities do not have responsibilities, both in a positive and in a negative sense: abstaining from violating human rights on the one hand and contributing to human rights compliance on the other.

5. what is the importance of state and non state institutions in our daily lives? essay​


Non-state institutions assume different functions and focus on a specific objective. In general, they develop certain services needed by members of the society for their progress. There are different non-state institutions that operate in society. Two of them are banks and corporations.


i hope it helps

6. What is the importance of state and non-state institutions in your daily lives? Essay​


State institutions are an economy's primary facilitator of social and economic development. Research shows that these institutions can be a major source of growth; effective institutions aid investment in physical and human capital, in research and development, and in technology.


7. Write an essay about How will financial institutions change your life and help you in starting a business.

Personal finance skills help you to understand how much you earn, what are your monthly expenses, and help you to budget within that income. ... Personal finance affects even the little necessary things like transport bills, and grocery, as well as the longer-term goals like saving and investments.

8. what is the best essay by giving a personal point of view of structural functionalism and the relationships of institution in the society?​


a sociological theory that explains why society functions the way it does by emphasizing on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society

9. Additional ActivitiesESSAY. What is the importance of state and non-state institutions in your dailylives?Use these parate answer sheet in answering.​


I hope it helps to you ☜ (↼_↼)☜ (↼_↼)

10. ESSAY: How important is the balance between political and economic institutions and how they can contribute in terms of building the country? ​


Cross-country empirical analyses, in combination with micro-level studies, provide strong support for the overwhelming importance of institutions in predicting the level of development in countries around the world (Hall and Jones, 1999; Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson, 2001). Protection of property rights, effective law enforcement, and efficient bureaucracies, together with a broad range of norms and civic mores, are found to be strongly correlated to better economic performance over time. This essay aims to explain why institutions are important to economic development and to provide evidence for the arguments made. It argues that institutions support economic development through four broad channels: determining the costs of economic transactions, determining the degree of appropriability of return to investment, determining the level for oppression and expropriation, and determining the degree to which the environment is conducive to cooperation and increased social capital. Evidence is derived from the literature, from comparison of countries, and from examples at the micro level.

11. Describe the relationship of social, political and non state institutions and how this helped you in understanding culture, society and politics." In essay form.


Politics is the way that a group of people make decisions or agreements. ... Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the nature and form of culture and has the function of improving and transformin

12. What is the difference between financial institutions to financial markets? Essay po ito.​


Financial markets facilitate the movement of funds from those who save money to those who invest money in capital assets. ... Financial institutions facilitate and improve the distribution of funds, money, and capital in several respects: Payments mechanism. Security trading.

13. 2. The government is NOT in charge of this institution (Independent)..A. Foreign Institution C. Religious Institution B. Non-state Institution D. Social Institution E. State Institution​

A because government is not giving the foriegnber

14. discuss the impact of Covid-19 in the education institution essay


since covid-19 the schools have changed to, yes maybe, no school attendance but that’s a different approach now. students today have difficulty especially those without signals or gadgets that can be used in online school. it is also difficult to earn now due to the pandemic but one day it will return to normal


sanaa po makatulong(◠‿・)—☆

15. Cite and explain your career plans counting from 2021 to 2031 (10 yrs). Give specific year, place/school, course & institution. essay​


In 11 years’ time, the year 2030, it’s highly likely you’ll be working in a job that doesn’t even exist yet – and no, we’re not talking about building flying cars or developing the world’s first time machine. The world of work is evolving quickly, which means you have to figure out how to prepare for a future job role that’s impossible to predict.

Of course, there isn’t a crystal ball that can tell us exactly what skills will be needed and what won’t be needed. However, with the help of the University of the Witwatersrand, we’ve come up with five skills we believe you’ll need to succeed in your future career, whatever it ends up being.


The rise of digital technologies means you’re going to need to be able to handle the plethora of opportunities and challenges that come with it.

Do you have the ability to adapt to change and conceptualize complex multiple ideas all at once? If so, you’re showing qualities that reside in advanced multi-taskers and which are highly valued by employers and recruiters.


As the world continues to rely on highly technical and continuously evolving technologies, the need for those with the digital skills to match also increases.  


Sana makatulong yung sagot ko...

hindi po yan kopya sagot ko rin po yan sa module ko


Engineers' demand has always been increasing rapidly. It is believed that in the coming time, by 2030 people will hire registered nurses. It is believed that people can also choose a registered nurse as a career option. Robots are being built these days to make the work easier.

sana makatulong

16. 2. What are the roles of the financial institution, financial instrument and financial market in the well-being of the country (Philippines)? (ESSAY) ​


filipinos are known for be strong in facing challenge did the split give up for the paragraph about how you face your greatest challenges using one or more types of context clues

17. Choose one important institution in Philippine society. Write an essay that describes how this institution works in terms of actors, rules governingthe behaviour of actors, goals of the institution and what was done to attain these goalsand write in 100-150 words.Need help guys?​




I can only give you an example cause im bad at essays good luck

18. In Essay Form, Thank you! <3 Why is family as an institution important? What is the importance of marriage in societies?


The institution of family has three important functions: To provide for the rearing of children. To provide a sense of identity or belonging among its members. To transmit culture between generations.

19. ESSAY. What is the importance of state and non-state institutions in your daily lives?​


Non-state institutions assume different functions and focus on a specific objective. In general, they develop certain services needed by members of the society for their progress. There are different non-state institutions that operate in society. Two of them are banks and corporations.


20. write an essay by choosing an institution that has a vital role in the society and explain how important their function in this time of pandemic​


Government must play a role in safeguarding citizens and their data in the digital world and enable continued technological innovation.

Political leadership at the centre is essential to sustain the complex political, social and economic balance of adopting containment measures

21. Activity 4: ESSAY. What is the importance of state and non-state institutions in your daily lives? Use the separate answer sheet in answering​


sariling sagot nyo na po yan

22. Essay Type: Question: How do state and non-state institutions differ in terms of their roles and responsibilities in serving the needs of society?​


Basically, state organisations / institutions are directly organised and funded by the state. On the other hand, non-state organizations / institutions are independently funded and not directly controlled by the state. This are groups and organizations which operate outside the support of any state or government. They are referred to be 'stateless' since they are considered to be independent of any state, although, they usually collaborate with the government in implementing projects. NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) are not for profit, voluntary organisations working for public good. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are business for profit companies who span more than one state.

Additionally, state institutions are those endorsed and supported by a central state, and part of the formal state structure. Non-state institutions are those that operate outside of the formal support and endorsement of the state structure, though they might be recognised to some extent within that formal structure.

23. Do these institutions/concepts remain relevant? why/why not?essay​


Institutions and concepts are integral parts of society, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with one another. While some institutions and concepts may have been relevant in the past, their relevance in the present-day context may be debatable. In this essay, we will explore the relevance of some of these institutions and concepts in contemporary society.

One of the most enduring institutions is the family. The family has been a fundamental unit of society for centuries and has served as the cornerstone of socialization and upbringing. Despite changes in the way families are structured, the institution of the family remains relevant as it continues to provide a sense of belonging, support, and guidance to individuals. In today's world, where individuals often face increased isolation and disconnection, the family serves as a vital source of emotional and social support.

Another institution that remains relevant is education. Education is essential in shaping individuals, imparting knowledge, and developing skills necessary for personal and societal growth. While the traditional form of education may be evolving due to technological advancements, the importance of education in shaping individuals' minds and preparing them for the future cannot be overstated.

The concept of democracy also remains relevant in contemporary society. Democracy is a system of government that allows citizens to participate in the decision-making process, elect their leaders, and hold them accountable. Despite the challenges that democracy faces in the form of polarization, populism, and disinformation, the concept remains crucial in ensuring that power remains in the hands of the people and that the government is held accountable.

The concept of sustainability is also gaining increasing relevance in contemporary society. As humans continue to exploit natural resources, causing irreversible damage to the environment, the concept of sustainability serves as a reminder that we need to adopt responsible and sustainable practices to ensure the well-being of future generations.

In contrast, some institutions and concepts may have lost relevance in contemporary society. For example, the traditional concept of gender roles and patriarchy may no longer be relevant in a world that values diversity and inclusion. Similarly, traditional forms of mass media such as newspapers and television may have lost relevance due to the rise of social media and online news sources.

In conclusion, institutions and concepts remain relevant to the extent that they continue to serve their intended purpose and meet the needs of society. While some institutions and concepts may have lost relevance, others have evolved and adapted to the changing needs of society. It is crucial that we critically evaluate these institutions and concepts to ensure that they remain relevant and beneficial to society.


24. how important is this institution to society and to you as a person? why? ( Essay )​


They work as the backbone of a society. Without the social institutions a society cannot achieve fulfilment in terms of economy, academy or relationships. When there are no rules and regulations in a society, people are more likely to indulge in crime and other harmful activities. Social institutions help in taming such activities. They contribute in organizing a society and its people. There are different types of social institutions which come with a set of rules and norms and ask the people to follow them. The violation of such rules often results in condemnation and prosecution. The institution of family has three important functions: To provide for the rearing of children. To provide a sense of identity or belonging among its members. To transmit culture between generations. Institutions help individuals know how to behave in a given situation, such as when driving in traffic, bargaining at a market or attending a wedding. Institutions are critical for establishing trust in society. People obey laws because of a whole system of societal beliefs, values and norms.

25. ESSAY: how these non-state institutions contribute to nation building?​


Providing vital public services is typically seen as the responsibility of the state. However, in practice a number of formal and informal providers are likely to be delivering water, sanitation, education and health in most developing country settings. Non-state providers (NSP) take many forms, ranging from large-scale for-profit firms, to individual entrepreneurs, to non-profit community groups. In conflict-affected contexts, some basic services may also be delivered by non-state armed groups with territorial control over a particular area. In other contexts, NGOs or faith based organisations may be the provider of choice for some or all parts of the population. Research shows that poor people use private providers to a surprising extent, given the associated costs, and sometimes choose them over free public services.

There is considerable debate about the role and impact of private and non-state health and education providers in developing countries. Some experts argue NSPs are pro-poor where they provide access to services in areas not reached by state provision. Others are concerned with the equity, quality, affordability and sustainability implications of non-state provision. Promoting better state engagement with non-state providers is often proposed as a route towards reducing any such negative impacts, but in practice state-NSP relationships are often characterised by mistrust.


hope it helps


26. write an essay (of at least 250 words) discussing how the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global economy?​


Since inception at Bretton, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have undergone several transformations in their roles of supporting the global financial architecture. There is some significant progress regarding the globalization of commercial architecture, which has a great boost to foreign operation and private investment.

27. Compare our government institution, economic institutions, educational institutions, and family institutions ​

saan yung icocompare


dko maintindihan

28. Essay Type: Question: How do state and non-state institutions differ in terms of their roles and responsibilities in serving the needs of society?​


State and non-state institutions play a crucial role in serving the needs of society. However, they differ in terms of their roles and responsibilities. State institutions refer to governmental bodies that are created by the state and derive their authority from it, while non-state institutions are private and voluntary organizations that operate independently of the state. This essay will explore the differences between state and non-state institutions in terms of their roles and responsibilities in serving the needs of society.

State institutions have a legal authority that enables them to enforce laws and regulations. They have the power to collect taxes and allocate resources to serve the needs of society. State institutions are responsible for providing essential services such as security, healthcare, education, and infrastructure. They are also responsible for regulating industries, monitoring the economy, and ensuring social welfare. State institutions are accountable to the public and are required to act in the public interest.

On the other hand, non-state institutions operate independently of the state and are not legally bound to follow state regulations. They rely on voluntary participation and are accountable to their members and donors. Non-state institutions serve the needs of society through voluntary actions such as charity work, advocacy, and social mobilization. They can operate at the local, national, and international levels and can address a wide range of issues such as human rights, environmental protection, poverty alleviation, and disaster relief.

The roles and responsibilities of non-state institutions vary depending on their objectives and organizational structures. However, they generally focus on addressing social issues and providing services that are not adequately addressed by the state. Non-state institutions often operate in areas where the state is unable or unwilling to provide services. They can also complement the work of state institutions by providing innovative solutions and advocating for social change.

One of the key differences between state and non-state institutions is their source of funding. State institutions are funded through taxes and government budgets, while non-state institutions rely on donations, grants, and fundraising. This difference in funding can affect the autonomy and independence of non-state institutions. It can also limit their capacity to provide services and advocate for social change.

In conclusion, state and non-state institutions play important roles in serving the needs of society. While state institutions have a legal authority and responsibility to provide essential services and regulate society, non-state institutions operate independently and focus on addressing social issues that are not adequately addressed by the state. Both types of institutions have their strengths and weaknesses, and they can complement each other in serving the needs of society. Ultimately, it is important to recognize the diversity and complexity of institutions in addressing the complex challenges facing society.

29. Write Essay The importance of Government and non-state institution?

Every individual and every ‘organ of society’ has an obligation to contribute to an atmosphere conducive to the enjoyment of human rights. This obligation is universal and concerns all - state and non-state - actors. The primary responsibilities and obligations in the field of human rights enjoyment remain with the state, and the state cannot relieve itself of these obligations by ‘delegating’ human rights obligations to non-state entities or, for that matter, international organisations. This does not, however, mean that non-state entities do not have responsibilities, both in a positive and in a negative sense: abstaining from violating human rights on the one hand and contributing to human rights compliance on the other.

Non-state entities take on various forms: NGOs, both national and international; indigenous and minority groups; (semi-) autonomous groups; human rights defenders; terrorists; paramilitary groups; autonomous areas; internationalised territories; multinational enterprises; and, finally, individuals. Many of these groups promote human rights while others, on the contrary, condone crimes or even commit crimes affecting the lives and human rights of individuals.

The role of non-state actors cannot be discussed without touching upon the question as to what extent human rights also apply to relations between private individuals and/or enterprises. This question is also discussed under the term ‘horizontal effects of human rights’, or identified with the German term Drittwirkung. There is no universal consensus on the phenomenon of Drittwirkung: Should individual citizens have some sort of minimum guarantee as to his or her human rights in relation to other persons? Can paramilitary groups be called upon to respect human rights? To what extent should states legally recognise and give effect to Drittwirkung. One may maintain that it is the responsibility of the state to secure that an individual human right - such as the right to freedom of expression - is not unjustifiably interfered with by others. Such a right should be protected and infringements by others should be prevented. Some experts argue that a distinction can be made between rights which largely depend on state intervention such as the right to elections or the right to a fair trial on the one hand and rights which are more free-standing, such as freedom of expression, freedom of religion and freedom of movement, on the other.

30. what is the effect of this pandemic in financial institutions especially in investment?please help meeee :(( we need an essay for this​


As Financial Institutions measure the impact of public heath ... counterparties, investment credit and lending portfolios.

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