It s More Fun In The Philippines Plagiarism

It s More Fun In The Philippines Plagiarism

C. What is plagiarism? Cite 1 case of plagiarism in the Philippines.​

Daftar Isi

1. C. What is plagiarism? Cite 1 case of plagiarism in the Philippines.​


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.

2. Is plagiarism punishable by law in the Philippines?​


aral po tayo mabuti hindi po aasa lang sa mga ibang tao o magulang natin


Under the IPC, the act of plagiarism — when it amounts to copyright infringement — carries a penalty of 3-6 years imprisonment and a fine of P50,000-P150,000.


3. is plagiarism a big offense in the philippine journalism?​


While plagiarism only sometimes has legal repercussions (e.g., when it involves copyright infringement—violating an author's exclusive legal right to publication), it is always a serious moral and ethical offense.


Student journalists from the University of the Philippines (UP) have denounced the Red-tagging and harassment against various campus publications and organizations.

4. How will the issue affect the philipinnes government and the country as a whole about the Philippines senators accused of plagiarism.​


what is the unit of force in metric system

5. what is the two important characteristic of mosaic plagiarism selfism direct plagiarism accidental plagiarism​


The Common Types of Plagiarism

There are different types of plagiarism and all are serious violations of academic honesty. We have defined the most common types below and have provided links to examples.

Direct Plagiarism

Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work, without attribution and without quotation marks. The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for disciplinary actions, including expulsion. [See examples.]

Self Plagiarism

Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved. For example, it would be unacceptable to incorporate part of a term paper you wrote in high school into a paper assigned in a college course. Self-plagiarism also applies to submitting the same piece of work for assignments in different classes without previous permission from both professors.

Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic Plagiarism occurs when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks, or finds synonyms for the author’s language while keeping to the same general structure and meaning of the original. Sometimes called “patch writing,” this kind of paraphrasing, whether intentional or not, is academically dishonest and punishable – even if you footnote your source! [See examples.]

Accidental Plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure without attribution. (See example for mosaic plagiarism.) Students must learn how to cite their sources and to take careful and accurate notes when doing research. (See the Note-Taking section on the Avoiding Plagiarism page.) Lack of intent does not absolve the student of responsibility for plagiarism. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism and are subject to the same range of consequences as other types of plagiarism.

6. PLAGIARISM: Term Etymology Part of Speech Class/Category Characteristics Synonym/s Antonym/s

TermPlagiarismEtymologyearly 17th century: from Latin plagiarius ‘kidnapper’ (from plagium ‘a kidnapping’, from Greek plagion ) + -ism.Part of SpeechnounClass/CategoryrepresentationCharacteristicsanother author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.Synonym/sCopying, piracy, stealingAntonym/sReturn, original, originality

7. what are your thoughts about plagiarism? why is it offensive?(I just need more Ideas guys)​

Plagiarism is a crime and it is way more offending because you are not giving proper credits to the author.


Plagiarism is mostly happening right now especially in social media.


It is very bad to steal something that doesn't belong to you. It offends the original owner of the thoughts or ideas because she haven't received any credits. Putting credits is very easy to do, it is the least thing you can do for the owner to be also recognized for something.

8. Make a research about law in the Philippines for plagiarism.​


i searche nyo yun naka lagay eh


thank me later

If plagiarism amounts to copyright infringement, the imposable penalty is one to three years of imprisonment and a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 pesos for the first offense, three years and one day to six years of imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 to 500,000 pesos for the second offense, and six years and one day to Plagiarism is not illegal in the United States in most situations. ... However, plagiarism can warrant legal action if it infringes upon the original author's copyright, patent, or trademark. Plagiarism can also result in a lawsuit if it breaches a contract with terms that only original work is acceptable.

Plagiarism is not illegal in the United States in most situations. ... However, plagiarism can warrant legal action if it infringes upon the original author's copyright, patent, or trademark. Plagiarism can also result in a lawsuit if it breaches a contract with terms that only original work is acceptable.

9. Learning Task 1: Brainstorming: Write word/s associated with the word "PLAGIARISM"​


10. definition of plagiarism and the authors of plagiarism​


Plagiarism occurs when an individual or organization passes off someone else's work or idea as their own. ... Plagiarism is the representation of others' ideas as one's own without giving proper attribution to the original author or authors.


Sana po maka help

11. What might be the impact of plagiarism (to the one who plagiarizes, to the one plagiarized and to the society)?


Students who plagiarize or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty face serious consequences. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, failure on an assignment, grade reduction or course failure, suspension, and possibly dismissal.

(I wrote this in terms of plagiarism in school)

He/she may be suspended or expelled in school. Their academic records can lead to possible downfall of a student because plagiarism would reflect the student's ethics and can possibly be banned from entering to other schools, colleges or universities. Plagiarism can result in penalties or legal actions and it is taken very seriously therefore people should not do it.

:) sorry, I mixed them together.

12. 2. What is plagiarism?A. Plagiarism is a term that describes the unacknowledged use of someone's workB. Plagiarism is an effort not to copy the work of others.C. Plagiarism is intruding an individual's privacy.D. Plagiansm is a term used to hide one s laziness and lack of time.? Which is a corneci hihlinnanhic on​




copying the work of others without their permission.




Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.

13. 5 sentences about how you view plagiarism in the philippines


this is based on my opinion. not an expert.


Plagiarism is Inevitable since many of us rely on search engines. Plagiarism in the Philippines grows time by time, especially these days when most of the students use the Internet to provide their answers. According to the Department of Justice, plagiarism is not a crime in and of itself, but plagiarism that simultaneously constitutes copyright infringement is. Presenting someone else's unique ideas or artistic expressions as one's own is an intentional and conscious act. I couldn't think any more information, I'm shorey

14. it is a form of plagiarism where the author/s include data or information that were not initially included?​


yes because many people using brainly app is usually have a improvement now

15. What is plagiarism?what are signs of plagiarism?what are ways to avoid plagiarism?​


1.Plagiarism means using someone else's words or ideas without properly crediting the original author.

2.Inconsistent Grammar/Spelling and adds changes to the work such as change of font

3.Crediting the original author in an in-text citation and in your reference list.

Explanation:Brainliest pls


what is plagiarism?

plagiarism is the representation outhor's language, thoughts ideas expressions as ones own original work.

what are the signs of plagiarism?

change in writting style, writting style is a big more vague than gammar rules, but most readers can pick up quickly can feel of how a piece can writting

what are way to avoid plagiarism?

1. keeping track of the sources you consult in your research

2. paraphrasing or quoting from your sources (and adding your own ideas)

3. crediting the original outhor in an intext citation and in your reference list

4. using a plagiarism cheker before you submit


pa brainlest po

16. Why is plagiarism more prevalent with the ease in getting information from the web?how can this be prevented?Nonsense=report​


In my own opinion, plagiarism is more prevalent because many people think that it is easy to copy someone's information from the internet but the only thing they didn't know that plagiarism is a crime. It can be prevented by providing our own informations and be responsible for making informations from the web.


17. After learning more on plagiarism in this lesson, have you committed any acts of plagiarism? If so,are you aware of it?​



acknowledge your dependence on another person's ideas or words, and to distinguish clearly your own work from that of your sources. receive credit for the research you have done on a project, whether or not you directly quote or borrow from your sources, so yes

18. How will you know if someone’s work is plagiarized?

if they don't put credits

19. What can you say about the culture and identity of the Philippines considering that our country was colonized by different countries.Explain your answer in not more than 5 sentences. No plagiarism please.​


Ahh no to plagiarism pala eh plaplagiarise mo lang din naman sagot nila dto

20. What's your opinion on how the Philippine government is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?Nonsense + Plagiarized = Report​


The Philippines' reaction to COVID-19 has been regarded as one of the world's longest and most stringent lockdowns, lasting for more than a month. As part of its "fight" against COVID-19, why has the Philippine government resorted so extensively to draconian tactics and measures? Moreover, what discourse influenced the framing of its reaction as a battle against the virus? Based on this article's findings, it is argued that the government's reliance on harsh measures resulted from their securitization of COVID-19 and recognition of the virus as an "existential danger." With the help of a narrative that depicted the nation's situation as one of war against an "unseen enemy." The securitization of COVID-19 was furthered and maintained.

On the other hand, this warlike story was always followed by the appearance of a subject, the pasaway. As a constant threat to public health and order, the pasaway became the focus of disciplinary and law enforcement efforts. According to the report, the targeting of the pasaway was motivated by deeply ingrained class stereotypes as well as Duterte's dictatorial inclinations.


I hope that helps. 100% Unique. Not plagiarized.

21. If the form(s) of documentation you listed in the previous problem is (are) missing, why will an assignment be plagiarized?


Any outside material used to research a paper is called a source . If the form(s) of documentation you listed in the previous problem is (are) missing, why. An assignment would be considered plagiarized because the presentation of words, ideas, or techniques of the author would be presented as your own.

hope it helps <3

22. which of the following is not a type of plagiarism of language?a. Plagiarism of languageC. plagiarism of ideasb. Patchwork plagiarismd. word for word plagiarism​


A. plagiarism of language


hope this helps

23. what is plagiarism and what are the examples of plagiarism?​

Answer: Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work without giving the original source credits…

Example: You’re writing your research paper and you found a good explanation of what your searching, you decided to copy it WITHOUT giving that source credits. That’s plagiarism.

Hope it helps
Please rate it

And if you want please make this answer Brainliest

24. what type of plagiarisms occurs when someone steals an entire project from one source?A. global plagiarismB. patchwork plagiarismC. incremental plagiarismD. instrumental plagiarism​


A. global plagiarism

Types of Plagiarism:

When someone steals an entire project from one source, it's what Stephen Lucas (2001) has called global plagiarism. against. Patchwork plagiarism is when someone edits together two or more different sources and presents the result as his or her own work.


A. Global plagiarism


Global plagiarism means taking an entire work by someone else and passing it off as your own. If you get someone else to write an essay or assignment for you, or if you find a text online and submit it as your own work, you are committing plagiarism.

25. known as the copy-and-paste plagiarism? A. Word order plagiarism B. Idea plagiarism C. Word-for-word plagiarism D. Plagiarism ​

known as the copy-and-paste plagiarism? A. Word order plagiarism B. Idea plagiarism C. Word-for-word plagiarism D. PPlagiarism

D. Plagiarism

26. Write the difference/s and similarity's of Intellectual Property Right and Plagiarism.​


While both plagiarism and copyright infringement can be characterized as the improper use of someone else's work, they are distinctly different improper uses of someone else's work. The biggest difference is that copyright infringement is illegal, while plagiarism is not.

27. In 500 words, kindly answer the following in your own words. (Do not plagiarize) 1. What is Intellectual property and the intellectual property code of the Philippines? 2. As a student, why you should not plagiarize?​


The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines was signed into law 22 years ago today and became effective on January 1,1998. But did you know the intellectual property system in the Philippines existed before the country even declared itself an independent state?

The Spanish Law on Intellectual Property, approved on January 10,1879 and came into force in 1880, was the first known copyright law in the Philippines. Under Spanish laws, copyright is deemed as a property right and governed by civil law but with special legislative provisions.

On patents, even if historical records can’t confirm when the Spanish patent law of 1826 was administered and adopted in the Philippines, some royal decrees pertaining to the colonies passed in that period, saw the question of patents placed under the jurisdiction of ordinary tribunals in the Philippines. Patent applications from the Philippines had to be sent to Spain for examination and grant.

Following the outbreak of the Philippine revolution in 1896 and the defeat of Spain in the Spanish-American War, the Treaty of Paris was signed between the European country and the United States to formalise the end of hostilities.

The Treaty of Paris, signed in December of 1898 ended 300 years of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, and dictated the cessation of the Philippines and Guam from Spanish dominion to the American colonial order.

Article 13 of the Treaty of Paris specifically made mention of the existent intellectual property system in the Philippines:

“The rights of property secured by copyrights and patents acquired by Spaniards in the Island of Cuba and in Porto Rico, the Philippines and other ceded territories, at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, shall continue to be respected…”

In 1913, the Philippine legislature passed Act No. 2235 making United States’ patent laws applicable in the Philippines.

Act No. 3134, entitled, "An Act to Protect Intellectual Property” was passed in 1924, making it the main intellectual property law in effect until after Philippine independence from the US in 1945. Act. No. 3134 was based on the U.S. Copyright Law of 1909.

As a newly independent state, the Philippines enacted two laws strengthening the IP system in: Republic Act 165 and Republic Act 166, establishing a patent office and allowing for registration and protection of trade marks, trade names, and service marks respectively, in 1947.

During the Marcos administration, Presidential Decree No. 49, which governed copyright works, was passed and superseded Act No. 3134.

As a politically independent state from the mid-1940s onwards, the Philippines also entered into international conventions that laid out the foundations of the intellectual property system we know today: the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1951), and the Rome Convention of International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (1964).

The Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), came into force in 1980, of which the Philippines was already a signatory of since the 1960s.

More significantly, the Philippine Constitution promulgated in 1987 recognised the importance of intellectual property in Article XIV, Section 13: “The State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to the people, for such period as may be provided by law.”

Later on, as the Philippines progressively became a member of the global community, it also adhered to the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in 1995 following its entry into the World Trade Organisation in the same year.

In keeping with its commitment to these international conventions and the Philippine Constitution, the Philippine government consolidated the pending intellectual property laws in 1997, and the efforts led to the passing and enforcement of Republic Act 8293, the Intellectual Property Code in 1998.


Lim, Christoper L. “The Development of Philippine Copyright Law.” Ateneo Law Journal, 46 , ser. 368, 2001.

Sapalo, Ignacio S. Background Reading Material on the Intellectual Property System of the Philippines. World Intellectual Property Organization, 1994.


more than 500 words, brainliest me.

28. define plagiarism through acostic using tge letter. P L A G I A R I S M​


It is the act to copy an answer,article or information from someone without giving credits.some people commit plagiarism because some of them want to gain attention and praise from other people.


because they want to gain and attention.

29. should plagiarism and cheating be punished more strictly? INTRODUCTION reason 1 ?reason 2? reason 3? CONCLUSION? ​



Plagiarism and cheating have been a long-standing problem in educational and professional settings, which can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole. The question is whether or not stricter punishment is necessary to deter such behavior. In my opinion, there are several reasons why stricter punishment is necessary.

Reason 1:

Firstly, cheating and plagiarism undermine the fundamental principles of learning and intellectual development. Students who cheat or plagiarize are essentially depriving themselves of the opportunity to learn and grow, while also diminishing the value of education for those who work hard and follow the rules. Therefore, it is important to enforce stricter punishment to protect the integrity of the learning process and ensure that everyone has a fair chance to succeed.

Reason 2:

Secondly, plagiarism and cheating can have serious consequences in the professional world. In many fields, such as science and technology, integrity and honesty are critical for the safety and well-being of the public. In addition, plagiarism and cheating can damage one's professional reputation and limit future opportunities. Therefore, stricter punishment is necessary to prevent such behavior from harming individuals and society.

Reason 3:

Finally, cheating and plagiarism can have moral and ethical implications. Students who cheat or plagiarize are essentially lying and stealing, which are actions that go against basic moral principles. If such behavior goes unpunished, it sends the message that dishonesty and unethical behavior are acceptable. Therefore, stricter punishment is necessary to reinforce the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of life.


In conclusion, stricter punishment for plagiarism and cheating is necessary to protect the fundamental principles of learning, ensure safety in the professional world, and uphold moral and ethical values. It is important for educators, employers, and society as a whole to take a strong stance against such behavior to promote fairness, honesty, and integrity.

30. 2. The ________ prescribe grounds for non registrability of the trademark.A. Intellectual property code of the PhilippinesB. trademarkC. CopyrightD. Plagiarism





brailyiest answer please

for me

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