My Ambition Essay Teacher

My Ambition Essay Teacher

my ambition is/are teacher

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1. my ambition is/are teacher




My ambition is to be come a Bachelor of Science Nursing that's my goal

2. my ambition in life to be a teacher​


me too


dahil gusto ko maturoan ang mga bata

3. Essay on my ambition in life to become a doctor

My aim in life is to become a doctor. A doctor lives a noble life. A doctor is someone who can help someone else in need. He renders a valuable service to the suffering humanity. He is the symbol of hope and joy.  I know that becoming a doctor is not a very easy task. It is a long journey of study to become a good doctor. (try this :) )

4. Essay describing your goals and ambitions


Personal ambition is the goals, drive, to want to achieve something, for gain. To achieve wealth, love, education, fame, rank, level etc. Some examples of being ambitious is the feeling to do well in school. Really wanting to get ahead, set your standards, goals, desires high, and meeting them.


My goal in life is to become a successful_______ someday to uplift my family from poverty and to make my parents proud of me. I would chase any challenges that comes along my way to achieve this goal of mine. My ambition is to finish my studies someday and be able to soar and fly high. Every determination, patience and courage are the key steps of all our success.


5. what is ambition in my life

something you want to achieve

6. how to get my ambition

just give your best and be responsible to all thingsyou need to think wisely and choose the right path to get your ambition which in your life you would not regret anything. Getting ambition is free .. It's always free to dream about life but it matters about how you depict the reality and be ready to accept any challenges in getting that ambition . Through all walks of life I'm sure everyone has ambition. It's how every individual would ask personally but then you can get that answers by yourself and through God's plan for you. Just believe in God and nothing is impossible . :) 

7. Write a three-paragraph essay from any of the following topic: 1. My Ambition 2. My Hobby​

[tex]\large\underline {ANSWERS:}[/tex]

My Hobby

Listening to music has always been my go to activity for all occasions. My love for music can be traced back to when I was a child. There are recorded videos of me as a child becoming hyperactive whenever music was played. I would run to the stereo, turn on the music to full volume and start running around dancing. Anyone who dared touch the sound system would face my wrath. Music was the only thing that could calm me down whenever I cried.

I always have this weird feeling that my destiny is somehow intertwined with music. In my early teenage years, my girlfriends and I would sneak into the garage, where my brother and his band mates kept their musical equipment. Then, we would pluck guitar strings and knock the drums in an effort to compose our favorite songs. I was the lead singer by the way.

Music gives me the needed refuge whenever I feel like my head is spinning and I just want to shut out everything around me. The good thing about music is that there is music for every occasion and feeling.───────────────────────Btw if this isn't your hobby you can get some inspiration to write your own here:


8. Write a three-paragraph essay from any of the following topic: 1. My Ambition 2. My Hobby​

for example 1 is to become a cop

and my 2 is listening to music



It is the starting point in preparing essays on ambition. A good thesis statement should intrigue, involve, and attract. You can also present your standpoint in several sentences in the introductory part of your ambition essay. Good essays on ambition should be well grounded.

10. what is your ambition essay​


Travel the world.

See my family settled.

Live to 100.

Write a bestselling novel.

Win the lottery.

Buy a house.

Learn a language.

Be financially secure.


That's my ambition:-):-):-)

11. what are my ambition in life?​



Human wants and ambitious are unlimited, Moreover, man is also ambitious by nature, however a good and positive ambition can built a good citizen. If wishes were horses then everyone would like to ride on them, If wishes were birds then everyone would like to hunt or keep in a cadge. In fact, many of the wishes of the people die in their budding and early stage. Despite of these facts, still man cannot give up ambitions. Everybody has an ambition in his life to do something in better and different manner. Ambition mean a strong desire to do or achieve something in the life. Ambition gives us aims, objects, goals and targets of life. It gives us a sense of direction and motivation towards our goals in the life.

My Ambition:

My ambition in life is to become an ideal teacher in order to take part in nation building through this holy profession. If I fulfill my ambition, I will do my best as a teacher. I can serve people by becoming an ideal teacher. I shall try to mold the character of my students and help them to choose their career in a befitting manner. I will make them ideal citizens and good Muslims. As an ideal teacher, I should have high moral character and personality. I shall be sincere, truthful, honest, punctual, humble, modest, kind, well organized and efficient in the said profession. Most of the people choose their profession which can give money but my aim is change and different from them and not in this category. My aim is to serve the country in a befitting manner. I hope I can serve my nation, children and students by becoming an ideal teacher in befitting and suitable manner.

Work Hard

Everything is possible in the life with hard work and positive attitude. I am already working hard, trying to get good marks in the classes, which will help me in getting admission good college and university. Meaning of hard work has been divided into following three categories:-

1) Ambition. Ambition means a strong desire to do or achieve something in life which will proceed everyone towards achieving their goals

2) Punctuality. Punctuality is another main factor to achieve and fulfill ambitions. Punctuality means happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time.

3) Efficiency or Efficient Work. Efficient work is the method of working in a well-organized and competent way.


I am not hungry for fame, popularity or any type of monetary benefits. Rather I think that fame is like a bubble which can burst on any way. I want to see human beings leading a comfortable and bright life which is possible through only this holy profession. I want to make a special study in the field of teaching. A good teacher can provide doctors, engineers, scientists and builds good nation.


hope it helps >//33

12. My greatest ambitions in life​


My greatest ambitions in life is to finish my school and have a permanent job.


Because I want to help my parents someday for all the hardworks they did for me and I want to spoil them with my riches soon.


Your greatest ambitions in life is to study hard and have a permanent job because you want to make your parents proud, become smart, kind and have a happy life.


Tell me your ambition and Ill do it for you


My ambition in life is to become a flight attendant


i hope that my dream will become true so that soon i can help my parents.

Yan lng wala na ako maisip tsaka nalng pag naka isip ako mg bago

14. Critique Essay about “Man’s Short Life and Foolish Ambition”


speed dentace vehicle time

15. My Dreams and Ambition and plans in life​


I recently wrote a post where I came up with 100 life goals.

In it, I tried to focus on certain goals I thought anybody could benefit from. I wanted it to remain somewhat impersonal- a list for anyone else out there seeking life goal-related inspiration.  

However, though it was intended for others, compiling it inevitably got me thinking of my dreams in life too!

I thought it might be fun to put together a related piece. This time, detailing my personal aspirations, my dreams and the aims I have for my life.

Knowing someone’s personal goals provides an insight into who they are.  

I figured writing this might help you guys get to know me a bit better. Likewise, it’s always somewhat inspiring to learn about someone else’s goals- it’s an encouragement to set goals of your own.  

Hopefully, you might feel in some way inspired by reading about mine.

Equally, from a selfish perspective, there’s something powerful about writing down the goals in your head. When your life’s dreams and goals remain unspoken, it’s all too easy to ‘forget’ they were ever there.

Telling others about your goals is a crucial step to committing to them.

With all that said, here you go: my own personal dream list of 37 dreams for the future.


16. short paragraph of an ambition in life a teacher​


a teacher ambition is to make his/her student learn and understand the topic of a lesson by doing its best just to make sure that its students are learn and understand it carefully and clearly

they want a good future for students and make their best


hope it helps

#keep on learning

#better with brainly


17. my ambition in life essay po pakisagot po please poI need full paper I will branliest you if you can☺️​


always be helpful when other needs you

Answer :



because i want to help people

18. Make an essay about "My Ambition in Life" ​


My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer. I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.



Ambition is an incentive for a person to work hard and achieve success in school and later in life. Ambition is what we want to achieve in our lives, and what propels us to work hard to achieve it. Ambition is the driving force that makes us work hard to achieve our goals.

Essay on My Ambition

All of us dream of attaining some of the other things in life. They can be called our goal of life. Ambition is the driving force that makes us work for achieving our goals. It is necessary to be ambitious in life so that there will be a motive behind our living. Without a motive, life is like a burden. Find here some essays of your interest to get in detail about your ambition.



19. type of essay in "Man's Short Life And Foolish Ambition'​

pakitignan nalang po sa picture

sana makatulong

20. essay about man’s short life and foolish ambition

sana makatulong but mot sure ako kung correct to

21. My ambition in life.?

I think the most common ambition of every individual is to have a bright and better future.. for them to be able to help their parents and serve the countryActually you're ambition in YOUR life depends on YOU.  What you want to be, and who you want to be.  You're ambition can be whatever that makes you happy. An ambition that can inspire someone because you achieved it by being yourself, helping the world to be a better place but also having fun.

22. Descriptive essay 1. My life as a stude 2. The greatest gift i can give to my parents 3. My greatest ambition in life


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23. girl with ambition essay​


“Ambitious girl,

I'd rather you tell me to hit you later

Because you gotta finish a paper,

Than to be in my face asking for a Rozay cup.” - Wale

Not many young people worry about brains nowadays, it’s more about beauty and outward appearance to try to fit in. Most teenagers just want to have fun, party, and hang out with their friends. Focusing on school, setting goals, and being ambitious seems to be the last thing on a lot of teens’ minds. Being a girl that loves attention and being the life of the party, like myself, someone wouldn’t think to ask “what do you aspire to be” in a typical conversation. A lot of times someone wouldn’t think that a young girl like me even has dreams and aspirations. This quote from a poem called “The Ambitious Girl” reveals a lot about me. When people ask about the classes I take and the grades I earn, I get a lot of different reactions, most are usually shocked at what they hear. You wouldn’t think an outspoken, party animal would be taking advanced classes and maintaining above a 3.5 GPA. The reactions I get are used as motivation to prove everyone that ever doubted my capabilities wrong. People are very quick to judge me by the company I keep and my very outspoken ways. Little do they know, this obnoxious teenager will one day become a pediatrician and do everything that I have ever wanted to do. There is a lot more to me than what meets the eye. I know what college I would like to attend, what I’d like to major in, and what I plan on doing in life; things many people think I’ve never even thought about. Although many people are surprised when I answer their questions, I am never surprised by their reactions. The typical teenage girl that spends her free time partying and getting into mischief probably doesn’t have goals and aspirations. I am not your typical teenage party animal though, I am an ambitious girl. There is a time for work and a type for play, and I am able to distinguish the two very

Overall, Shakespeare presents ambition as something which can corrupt a character and lead to an inevitably tragic fate for them. He uses Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as antimodels for people with an immense amount of ambition; their insatiable greed and ambition for power ultimately cause their deaths.


24. Write a three-paragraph essay from any of the following topic: 1. My Ambition 2. My Hobby​

Just write about what's your ambition or hobby

25. my ambition in my is to become a policewomn​


ambition is police woman para makatulong sa mamayan

26. My ambition in my life i​


my ambition is a good plan for my life.

27. my ambition for my country 1.2. 3. ​

Answer: be clean the dirtiest place have piece make my country the best


that's my own opinion hope it helps : )

28. my ambition is Soldier ​

Answer: great choice



Ever person has some aims and ambitions of his life. Some get success to achieve these goals and some fail. Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his life for the sake of India. Everybody is bom to serve some purpose. Every one should be aware of his ambition in life.

Desires may be many, but an ambition is a different thing. I have thought long and well about the ambition of my life. I neither want wealth, nor fame, name nor power. My only ambition is to serve my motherland honestly, sincerely and lovingly. There are many ways to serve our motherland. We can serve the country as an engineer, as a politician and as a doctor. The profession of a teacher is a noble one. An honest teacher is the real builder of tI desire to become a soldier. I feel I can serve my beloved country best in this way. The army life is so full of adventure, discipline, toughness and risk. All these things attract me most. Wherever the soldier goes, he is received with great respect.

he nation.


29. what is ambition on my life

Ambition in your life is this is the ambition or your wish in the future or your goal u wanted to be.

30. my Ambition is pulis​

Answer: kung gusto mo mag police then ito ang mga gagawin sa pulis


Here are some good reasons people typically pursue this profession:

To save lives

To make communities safer

To help others make better life choices

To do new things every day

To build comradery among police officers

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