Persuasive Speech On SameMarriage

Persuasive Speech On SameMarriage

Persuasive Essay : Persuade residence to stay in a evacuation areas (a speech)​

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1. Persuasive Essay : Persuade residence to stay in a evacuation areas (a speech)​

Good afternoon and thank you for coming. I am here to discuss the necessity of staying in evacuation areas during emergency times. As a university academician, I have done extensive research on the topic, and the facts and figures I am about to present to you should help illustrate the seriousness of the issue.

Let us begin by taking a look at the data of the initial damage inflicted by natural disasters. It has been determined that lives and property are most threatened in the initial stages of a disaster. By far the greatest destruction is not caused by the actual disaster itself, but rather by the destruction caused by people fleeing. This can be attributed to the displacement of people, disrupting the flow of goods and services in the market and the destruction of property during relocation.

Hence, the first way in which staying in evacuation areas can help is that it can lessen the destruction caused by displacement. The benefit here is two-fold: it reduces the destruction caused by people evacuating and it reduces the destruction caused by the disaster itself.

Another key reason for staying in evacuation areas is the improved access to assistance. Many disaster relief organizations are set up only in evacuation areas which offer temporary housing, medical and other services. By staying in these areas, you increase the chances of getting immediate assistance both during and after the disaster.

Additionally, staying in evacuation areas reduces the impact of the current disaster as well as the dangers of future disasters. First, by having people stay in these areas, there is less disruption to the market and government services which can lead to a swift return to normalcy. Second, by having people stay in these areas during one disaster, it will incentivize them to do the same for future disasters, thus reducing the toll of displacement on property and people in the future.

All of this just goes to highlight the importance of staying in evacuation areas during times of disaster. Yes, it can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it is the responsible thing to do both for yourself and for the community. Staying in evacuation areas helps reduce the destruction caused by displacement and improves access to assistance. Moreover, it also reduces the impact of the current disaster and risks of future disasters. Therefore, I urge you to think of your safety and the safety of others by staying in evacuation areas when a disaster strikes. Thank you.

2. 1.what is persuasive speech?*choose 4 purpose of a persuasive text and write the persuarive statement for each.​


Persuasive speech is used when presenters decide to convince their presentation or ideas to their listeners. Their goal is to convince or persuade people to believe in a certain point of view. Advertisement is one of the examples of persuasive speech. ... We also use a persuasive speech in debates and legal proceeding

The persuasive purpose is used to convince, or persuade, the reader that the opinion, or assertion, or claim, of the writer is correct or valid. Persuasion is more selfish than argument (debate). Argument attempts to arrive at a logical solution to an issue.

3. Give the distinction of persuasive speech to entertainment speecg​


Persuasive speech is about making your audience agree with your idea and make them believe that it is true. This is also a way of making a point to your topic. On the other hand, entertainment speech is capturing your audience's attention and have them to feel emotions while you are delivering your speech.

4. Is the Valentines Day is a waste of time or money.. "Choose what type of speech, informative persuasive or argumentative speach​




sana Tama tnx.


Argumentative 100%

5. what are the featuresof a persuasive speech or persuasive text ​


Characteristics of persuasive speechDirect and precise language from the start A persuasive speech engages the audience from the start. ...Credibility in the exhibition Success in persuasive speech depends on how favorably the audience evaluates the credibility or competence of the speaker. ...Logical presentation ...Balanced rhythm ...Incentive conclusions

6. 1. What is the persuasive speech all about2 which part of me persuasve speech is the moon bocconcusonperagraph number for each3. How did you identity that the paragraph santrouchonboy? concuson4 How is the topic being developed in the persuasie speechPls help me :◁​


1. The persuasive speech is all about THE MORNING CATCH.

7. persuasive essay about persuade residence to stay in an evacuate area( A speech ) ​


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about a critical issue that affects us all: evacuating an area in times of emergency. In particular, I want to persuade those of you who may be hesitant to evacuate during a crisis that it is vital to do so.

I understand that leaving your home and possessions behind can be a daunting prospect, but sometimes, it is necessary to preserve your life and the lives of your loved ones. In the face of natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, staying behind can be a fatal decision. Therefore, I implore you to take the necessary steps to evacuate when advised to do so.

Firstly, it is essential to remember that emergency personnel, such as firefighters and rescue workers, are trained to handle these situations. They are there to help, but they need you to follow their instructions. If they ask you to evacuate, it is because they believe that it is in your best interest to do so. By staying behind, you not only put yourself at risk but also those who may have to rescue you.

Secondly, your home can be replaced, but your life cannot. No material possession is worth risking your life for. Your house, your car, your belongings can all be replaced, but your life is precious and irreplaceable. It is vital to value your life above all else.

Lastly, when you evacuate, you are not alone. You are part of a community that is facing the same crisis, and the evacuation center is there to help you. The center provides food, shelter, and medical care if needed. You will have access to resources that will help you and your family through this difficult time.

In conclusion, I urge you all to take evacuation orders seriously. Remember that your life is precious, and emergency personnel are there to help. Do not hesitate to evacuate when advised to do so. By doing so, you will not only be saving your life but also that of your loved ones. Thank you.

8. 1.How will you start the conversation in order to persuade him/her for your request?2.What persuasive techniques would be most appropriate to employ?3.Compose a three-sentence speech to persuade the customer service assistant to grant your request using the persuasive you chose!!​​


1. I will talk to him properly and politely and i will ask him if i can ask for a favor from him


I hope is help

9. compare and contrast persuasive speech and informative persuasive​


i cant see the more letters in the circle


difference is that a between a two words a difference is a two word it's difference

10. The goal of a persuasive speech is toor persuadepeople to believe in a certain point of view.A. Conceive B. DeceiveC. ConvinceD. Negate​


letter A. po ang sagot para sakin check nyo din


fllw nyo ko


C. Convince


The goal of a persuasive speech is to convince its audience.

11. Identify persuasive speech elements in a sample persuasive speech.​


A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in wich has the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view.


during the sales pitch, trying to convince the audience to buy his or her product or service

12. persuasive speech, entertainment speech , exploratory/ informative speech​


There are three kinds of persuasive speeches most often used in the area of beliefs and attitudes. These are speeches of fact, value, and policy. You can argue about what is, what should be, or how it should be. In making any of these kinds of speeches, you make specific claims that you seek to prove to you

corectt me if wrong

13. define Persuasive speech, Entertainment Speech, and Informative Speech​

Answer: ...


Persuasive speech, from the name itself is used for persuading the listeners. Speakers used words effectly that can make you buy what they say.

Entertainment speech functions just to entertain you. It aims to make you happy, sad, motivated, and etcetera.

Informative speech functions for disseminating facts or important contents. Primary goal is to reach people and deliver handy content they desire.

14. are persuasive essay and persuasive speech are similar?​


Difference Between Persuasive Speech And Persuasive Essay

While both the speechwriter and the essay writer communicate information to a live audience or reading audience, the steps the writers go through to create the final version require varying methods, such as the choice of diction and dramatic effect.




Generally speaking, both will follow the base base structure and have the same objective, which is to persuade people into thinking differently or, more precisely, into thinking about a subjecti in the way that you want them to. Differences: Clearly, one of them is written and one of them is spoken.

15. The goal of a persuasive speech is to or persuade people to believe in a certain point of view​


ano po yan?

lagyan nyo po picture

16. persuasive speech about persuading the audience that president duterte should shut down the Abs -Cbn.​


Journalism plays a significant role in any place or country. It is the primary source of information of what is happening around the globe. However, I believe, the significant role of journalism vanishes if it is not "true" journalism.

True journalism is a kind of journalism which upholds not only excellence and quality, but also justness and fairness. And to me, ABS-CBN is not even close to giving just and fair news at all times. Hence, the network should be shutdown.

The act of ABS-CBN not showing true journalism is enough reason to shut it down. Such kind of journalism like of ABS-CBN's has certainly no place in the country. It should be stopped already so that it would not be able to create and report or present unjust and unfair news to people. The people deserve quality, excellent and most importantly just and fair news presenting. And any media outlet who cannot provide such should be shutdown to paralyze and disable them to further influence the people with unjust and unfair information and or news.

Unjust and unfair news reporting should be stopped already. A lot of medias out there who are still doing such things, and it is now the right time to show those medias that the government is not tolerating such actions. ABS-CBN should be shutdown. Shut down ABS-CBN and significant change could happen in the kind of journalism the Philippines has.



Techniques in writing persuasive essay. Read here:

17. What is the purpose of persuasive speech? What are the things that a persuasive speech must have?  ​


to persuade the audience

it shoud be convincing


The Goals of a Persuasive Speech: Convincing, Actuation, and Stimulation. Persuasive speeches can be designed to convince, incite action, or enhance belief by the audience.

18. make a persuasive speech about how you persuade filipinos to vote for you as the president of the country (10 sentences) ​


In the first few sentences, include a greeting.

Acknowledge important people.

Speak about the reason for your presentation in brief.

Break the ice with some humor, if it is appropriate.




19. 3.Compose a three-sentence speech to persuade the customer service assistant to grant your request using the persuasive techniques you chose above.​


3.Compose a three-sentence speech to persuade the customer service assistant to grant your request using the persuasive techniques you chose above

20. HANDS-ONLearning Task 10. Persuade and Get a Grade!Directions. Compose a persuasive speech to persuade other learners to focus on their study and air for the attainment oftheir dreams. Write it on a clean sheet of paper. Use the rubrio as a guide.​


Students, are the hope of every families and also education is a key of a very good future so dont be tired and give up of reaching your dreams because if theres a wheel

Theres A way

21. similarites of informative speech, persuasive speech, and entertaiment speech​


they are all kind of speech


they are speeches by a person that tend and aim to give information

22. One of the speeches according to purpose is a persuasive speech. How are you going to persuade someone your age to get COVID19 vaccination? Reflect in your answer the mode/s of persuasion applicable in this situation.


Dance Toxic infront of them

23. What is the difference between persuasive speech in private institution and persuasive speech in public institution?


The difference between the two lies in the speaker's end goal and what the speaker wants the audience to leave with. ... However, persuasive speeches are designed for the audience to not only hear and understand the information, but to use it to be convinced of a viewpoint


hope makatulong

24. Make a persuasive speech about yourself. Persuade the people why they should choose you.​


Hey guys! So, you're probably wondering why you should choose me over anyone else. Well, to start off with, I have a proven track record of achieving success in whatever task I put my mind to. My interpersonal skills are top-notch, which allows me to connect and communicate effectively with different personalities and backgrounds. Moreover, my passion for learning and self-improvement fuels my desire to stay ahead of the curve - constantly keeping up with industry trends and market changes. Additionally, I possess a high level of adaptability that enables me to handle even the most challenging situations calmly and rationally. With all these attributes combined, I am confident in my ability to offer not just professional excellence but also personal growth as well. Simply put, if you choose me, you can rest assured that your goals become mine too - meaning that together we can achieve great things!



25. True or False 1. Persuasive speech is one of the three used speeches 2. The goal of persuasive speech is to convince people to believe in certain point of view. 3. Sales pitch is one of the examples of persuasive speech where ti speaker tries to convince the audience to buy his or her product. 4. Persuasive speech is a form of informative speech. 5. Reporting is an example of persuasive speech.​


1. true





26. Is the Valentines Day is a waste of time or money.. "Choose what type of speech, informative persuasive or argumentative speach​


Argumentative Speech


The speaker would need to argue either for or against the idea that Valentine's Day is a waste of time or money, presenting reasons and evidence to support their argument.

27. Differentiate informative speech and persuasive speech?​


-informative speech is the one that intends to educate the audience in a particular topic

-persuasive speech is the one who used when presenters decide to convince their ideas to their listeners

28. persuasive essay about persuade residence to stay in an evacuate area( A speech ) ​


Good morning everyone!

My name is [name], and I am here today to talk to you about why you should stay in your evacuate area in the face of disaster.

Now, I know this may seem like a difficult concept to understand. It's common to want to escape danger and seek safety, but sometimes staying put is the best choice for you and your family.

The first thing to consider is the cost involved in evacuation. Taking a family away from their home and finding alternative housing can be expensive. Leaving your home may also mean leaving behind your belongings. It may also mean taking children out of school and disrupting their normal routines.

The second benefit of staying in your evacuate area is that some of the infrastructure may still be salvageable even after a disaster. Power, water and other vital services may be available and ready to be used, therefore reducing the cost of rebuilding.

The third benefit is the sense of community. People who stay in the evacuate area are likely to band together in order to rebuild their homes and their lives. This can create a strong bond between you and your new neighbours which can be invaluable following a disaster.

Finally, staying put can actually be the safest option in some cases. It can be safer to stay in your home rather than attempting to evacuate an unstable area. In addition, staying put may be the only option if you have special needs that require electricity or other services that are not available elsewhere.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider the cost, benefits, and safety when making a decision about staying or evacuating. In some cases, staying put can actually be the best choice. So please, take the time to evaluate your situation and make the decision that's best for you and your loved ones.

Thank you.


29. short persuasive speech on how you persuade student to enroll in your school.​

▪Identify your value proposition. Know perfectly the most attractive features of your program or school.

▪Promote and make unique events.

▪Make them visualize.

▪Customize your attention

▪Use visual tools.

▪ Collect all the data.

▪Take advantage of word of mouth


Hello and good morning/afternoon to everyone. Today I stand right here in front of you to consider on enrolling to our school for we offer a 4 year scholarship both in education and sports you want to compete in. Our school also offers more advanced and effecient learning to of all our students and is money friendly to your parents pockets. We also secure the safety and security of our students in our campus. In short choose (name of school that you're in or anything that comes inside your mind) not only we ensure you the quality education we had but we also ensure you the future and growth of our students. Thank you and God bless to all of you.

30. 5. It is a speech both informative and persuasive. It seeks to persuade the audience toconsider favorably and who or what to representa Informative speechSpeech of dedicationc Speech of goodwill​


I think it's A (Correct me nalang kung mali ako)

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