Rogerian Argument Example

Rogerian Argument Example

Simmilarities of classical and Rogerian argumentation

Daftar Isi

1. Simmilarities of classical and Rogerian argumentation



•Instead of promoting the adversarial relationship that traditional or classical argument typically sets up between reader and writer, Rogerian argument assumes that if reader and writer can both find common ground about a problem, they are more likely to find a solution to that problem.


Instead of promoting the adversarial relationship that traditional or classical argument typically sets up between reader and writer, Rogerian argument assumes that if reader and writer can both find common ground about a problem, they are more likely to find a solution to that problem.

2. the tree techniques in writing an argumentative essay are classical rogerian and traditional​


MYKONOS Two Side String Ruched Top










3. read the argument essay that uses rogerian argumentation style and complete the table provided. is euthanasia morally wrong?​


1.g have it done ✅✅ have a wonderful

2. have no idea how long

3.haven't seen it don no idea how exciting

4. have it is a good one else has been a good week and get together

5.sihh then I'll be home in about an and then analyze

4. What do you think is more effective in raising argument: the Toulmin Method or the Rogerian Method? Why?​



Both the Toulmin Method and the Rogerian Method are effective in raising an argument, but their effectiveness depends on the context and purpose of the argument.

The Toulmin Method is a deductive reasoning approach that relies on evidence, reasoning, and logical analysis to support a claim. It is more effective in situations where the audience is more analytical and requires evidence and logic to be convinced. This method is useful for debates, legal arguments, and scientific papers.

On the other hand, the Rogerian Method is an inductive reasoning approach that focuses on finding common ground between the speaker and the audience. It emphasizes empathy, understanding, and respect for different perspectives. It is more effective in situations where the audience is more emotional and requires a compassionate approach. This method is useful in conflict resolution, negotiations, and personal interactions.

In summary, both methods have their own strengths and limitations. The Toulmin Method is more effective in situations that require a logical approach, while the Rogerian Method is more effective in situations that require empathy and understanding. The choice of method will depend on the context, audience, and purpose of the argument.

5. The following describe the informative writing, EXCEPT ONE.A.It uses evidences and informationB.It criticizes the subject of the storyC.It educates the readerD.It uses variety of sentence structuresThe following is the basic element of Rogerian argument, EXCEPT ONE.A.It presents the issueB.It shows the pros and cons of the issueC.It summarizes the opposing argumentsD.It state your pointsThis type of writing typically asked to take a position on an issue or topic and explain and support your position with research from reliable and credible sources.A.informative writingB.argumentative writingC.critical writingD.persuasive writingIt refers to the connection of your ideas both at the sentence level and the paragraph level.A.main ideaB.cohesive writingC.substance and standardsD.introductory statementIt is one sentence in your introductory paragraph that concisely summarizes your main point(s) and claim(s), and presents your stance on the topic.A.Topic sentenceB.Main ideaC.Thesis StatementD.Introductory statement​


wearing nylon stockings in a chemistry laboratory is quite foolish because nylon is very easily damaged by accidental spillage of acid or base

6. Read thoroughly the argumentative essay that uses Rogerian Argumentation style and complete the table provided after the essay below.​


The Rogerian Argumentation style is a conflict resolution technique that is typically used to resolve conflicts between two opposing sides. The technique involves acknowledging the opposing side's point of view and finding common ground to reach a compromise that benefits both sides. The Rogerian style is especially useful when dealing with contentious issues that are difficult to resolve.

One contentious issue that requires the application of the Rogerian style is the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Marijuana has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions, including chronic pain, nausea, and anxiety. While some states have legalized the use of medical marijuana, others are still opposed to its use, citing concerns over the drug's safety and potential for abuse.

Proponents of medical marijuana argue that the drug has numerous health benefits and can be used safely under the guidance of a medical professional. They point to studies that show medical marijuana can reduce the symptoms of chronic pain, alleviate nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and help with anxiety and depression. They also argue that medical marijuana is a safer alternative to other prescription drugs that can be addictive and have severe side effects.

On the other hand, opponents of medical marijuana argue that the drug is not safe and can be abused by patients. They are concerned that legalizing medical marijuana will lead to more widespread use and abuse of the drug, particularly among young people. They also argue that marijuana is a gateway drug that can lead to the use of more dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and heroin.

To resolve this conflict using the Rogerian style, both sides should acknowledge each other's concerns and find common ground. Both sides agree that patient safety is a top priority, and that any use of medical marijuana should be done under the guidance of a medical professional. There should be strict regulations in place to prevent abuse and ensure that patients are using the drug as intended.

Medical professionals should have the ability to prescribe medical marijuana to patients who would benefit from its use, but there should be strict guidelines in place to ensure that patients are not abusing the drug. Patients who are found to be abusing the drug should be immediately referred to substance abuse treatment programs.

In conclusion, the use of medical marijuana is a contentious issue that requires the use of the Rogerian Argumentation style to resolve. Both sides should acknowledge each other's concerns and find common ground to ensure that the drug can be used safely and effectively for medical purposes.

| Criteria | YES | NO |

| --- | --- | --- |

| The Rogerian Argumentation Style was effectively used | ✓ | |

| Both sides of the argument were acknowledged | ✓ | |

| Common ground was found between both sides | ✓ | |

| The writing was convincing and informative | ✓ | |

| The essay effectively resolved the issue discussed | ✓ | |

7. 1. What is argumentative essay?2. What is the goal of an argumentative essay?3. State the five types of argument claims that can drive youressay.4. A typical argumentative essay is comprised of how manyparagraphs?5. There are three main ways to structure an argumentativeessay:Classical, Rogerian, Toulmin. Explain briefly itsdifferences.​


1. An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. It could be that both sides are presented equally balanced, or it could be that one side is presented more forcefully than the other. It all depends on the writer, and what side he supports the most.

2. The goal of an argumentative essay is to convince your reader that your position is logical, ethical, and, ultimately, right.

8. 1. What type of writing requires clear, logical thinking and the know-how to appeal to readers' needs? A. Argumentative B. Informative C. Persuasive D. Declarative 2. Which of the following are used in argumentative writing to support the claim it's reaking? A. evidence and facts C. values and ethics B. reasons and assumptions D. opinions and perceptions 3. What argumentative format begins with an introduction, follows with a thesis/claim, and gives data and evidence to support the claim? A. The Toulmin model C. The Rogerian model B. The Deductive model D. The Inductive model 4. What argumentative format weighs the strengths and weaknesses of both sides before reaching a conclusion? A. The Toulmin model C. The Rogerian model 3. The Deductive model D. The Inductive model 5. Which of the following is another term for opinion statement? A. proposition B. logos C. ethos D. persuasive 6. What type of opinion statement claims that something is or is not the case? A. Statement of policy C. Statement of value B. Statement of truth D. Statement of conclusion 7. What type of opinion statement claims that something should or should not be done? A. Statement of policy C. Statement of value B. Statement of truth D. Statement of conclusion 8. What type of opinion statement claims that something does or does not have worth? A. Statement of policy C. Statement of value B. Statement of truth D. Statement of conclusion 9. What rhetorical appeal provides clear thinking and solid reasoning to support claims? A. Appeal to logos C. Appeal to ethos B. Emotive Language D. Appeal to menthos 10. What rhetorical appeal builds trust by citing reputable sources, providing factual evidence, and fairly presenting the issue? A. Appeal to logos C. Appeal to ethos B. Emotive Language D. Appeal to menthos Ko














9. 4. Which of the following best describes Rogerian modela. is comprised of negative issue in the thesisb. is comprised of an introduction with a claim or thesisc. includes an ending or summary of the issued. asks to weight two options, lists strengths and weaknerecommendation after an analysis.​


D. Ask to weight two options, Lists strengths And weakne recommendation After An Analysis.


Hope it's Help

10. What do you think is more effective in raising argument: the Toulmin Method or the Rogerian Method? Why?​.


ty for points I just need become ambitios

11. In what parts of the Toulmin and Rogerian method are similar? ​


Rogerian and Toulmin arguments are both complete with elements that will combine to make an effectual argument. In debating which one could be called better, the only thing that would separate the two is their context. Toulmin arguments are focused on strengthening a claim as well as limiting its scope into one that can be most commonly agreed upon. Rogerian arguments are instead focused on finding a common ground between two perspectives and providing a compromise as a conclusion.


hope it helps huhu<3

12. 4.captures the reader's interest, provide background information,present your thesis statement, and (in longer essays) to summarize the structureof the bodya. Introductionb. bodyc.conclusiond. argumentative essay5. Claim, grounds, warrant, rebuttals are parts of what argumentative essaymodel?a. Rogerianc. Toulminb. Persuasived. argumentative essay​




13. 1. The first paragraph of the argumentative essay that outline the topic, provide backgroundinformation necessary to understand your argument, outline the evidence you will present andstates your thesis.a. Thesis statementc. conclusionb. Body paragraphsd. Introductory paragraph2. This is part of your first paragraph. It is concise, one sentence summary of your main point.a. Body paragraphc Conclusionb. Thesis statementd. Introductory paragraph3 Present the problem, acknowledge the opposing side of the argument state your point of view, andexplain why yours is the most beneficial to the reader.a Rogerianc. Toulminb. Classicald. Platonism4. This type of argument is effective in polarizing topics, as it acknowledges both sides and presentsthe middle grounda Toulminc. Platonismb. Rogeriand Classical5. Also called Aristotelian, this the most popular strategy for making an argument because it's thesimplest line of thinking to follow.a. ToulminC. Platob. Rogeriand. classic​


1.a2.a3.c4.d5.b yan po ang aking pagka-intindi ng mga tanong

14. This is also called the "common ground" argument. The writer acknowledges the opposing side of the argument with the assumption you and the readers share common ideas, beliefs, and argument. a. classical b. toulmin c. rogerian d. none of the above


a.po yong answer ko sana makatulong

15. True or False _ 1. The tree techniques in writing an argumentative essay are classical, Rogerian and traditional _ 2. A classsical argumentative highlihts evidence and refutation on convince an opponent. _ 3. Rogerian argumentatio attempts to establish a cause and effect relation_ 4. The Toulmin argumentation breaks the argument into six part_ 5. IF the writer wants to express a point in a more direct, aggressive ways with credibility and powers, classical argumentation is used,_ 7. When the writer wants to deal with scientific ang factual topics in nature, toulmin argumentation comes considerably appropriate._ 8. When you are writing your argumentative essay, first, you have to state your opinion, then you gave reason in order to support your opinion, and last, argue against the opposite opinion_ 9. For you to persuade the audience or the reader, your essay must be balance._ 10. If your essay is balance, a reader is more likely to agree with you​


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False

10. True

16. ______36. Body paragraphs ______37. Argumentative essay ______38. Thesis ______39. Conclusion ______40. Rogerian ______41. Fact ______42. Introductory paragraph ______43. Policy ______44. Classical ______45. Value A. It answers the question with a "Yes" or "No." then supports the factB. This is a one-paragraph that restates your Thesis and summarizes all the arguments made in the body paragraphs. C. This part consists of three (3) or more Paragraphs that explain the reasons why you support the thesis.D. A type of argumentative essay which is also called Aristotelian. E. A type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. F. This is part of the first paragraph. It is a a concise one-sentence summary of your main point and claim. G. This technique gives importance to the value of your stance. H. This technique appeals to the reader's emotion and thinking as to why they should care about your stance. I. It is the type of argumentative essay where the the writer acknowledges the opposing side of the an argument with the assumption that they share common ideas, beliefs, and arguments. J. It outlines the topic, gives background information of the argument, outline the evidence, and state the thesis.K. This technique gives meaning to a concept that forms the argument through the dictionary definition of what you are arguing.​


Body paragraphs

Argumentative essay





Introductory paragraph




A. Fact

B. Conclusion

C. Body paragraphs

D. Classical

E. Rogerian

F. Thesis

G. Value

H. Emotional

I. Rogerian

J. Introductory paragraph

K. Value

17. ______1. What is the essay mainly about? A. Banning of smoking in public places B. Smoking as causes of respiratory problemsC. Smoking in public places D. Smoking as dangerous to your health ______2. How was the argument presented in the essay? A. Classical Type B. Rogerian TypeC. Toulmin Type D. Both A and C______3. What is the introductory paragraph of the essay? A. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. B. Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems. C. Smoking cigarettes should be banned. D. It does not include smoking at home. ______4. What is the thesis statement of the essay? A. Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems. B. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. C. My position is that smoking in public places should be banned. D. Smoking in public places should be banned because it poses health risks to individuals who are non-smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from cigarettes? _______5. How was the argument presented in the essay? A. Classical Type B. Rogerian TypeC. Toulmin Type D. Both A and C​








hope it helps

18. 2. From the three techniques of writing an argumentative essay, Classical, Rogerian and ToulminArgument, which of these techniques will be appropriate for you and why? (10points) Pakisagotan po please ​


rogerian argument is a rhetorical and conflict resolution techniques based on empathizing with others seeking common ground and mutual understanding and learning while avoiding the negative effects of extreme attitude polarization,

19. In what instance classical method is different from toulmin and rogerian methods?​.


The Rogerian argument (or Rogerian rhetoric) is a form of argumentative reasoning that aims to establish a middle ground between parties with opposing viewpoints or goals. Developed by psychotherapist Carl Rogers and adapted to rhetoric by writing scholars Young, Becker, and Pike, the speaker seeks compromise, acknowledging positive aspects of each party’s argument to arrive at a mutually-beneficial solution to an issue.

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