Teenage Pregnancy Essay Conclusion

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Conclusion

teenage pregnancy essay introduction body conclusion

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1. teenage pregnancy essay introduction body conclusion

Teenage pregnancy essay


Teenage pregnancy is one the many problems that teenagers face and In recent years near about 11% of total births in USA were from the wombs of Teenage mothers ; That’s a high number considering the problems that arises due to Teenage pregnancy and the number of abortions that teens undergo .


First of all , we must stop taking Teenage pregnancy as a taboo, The root cause of teenage pregnancy is lack of sexual education only ! Parents don’t talk about sex with their children and Schools don’t generally want to teach about it .

So , from where would the teens know what’s right and what isn’t , The knowledge about sexual education has increased a lot mainly from the online mediums recently ; But there’s a lot of different information available on the internet and not all of that is true .

Teenage is the period of great physical and emotional changes in human body and the quest to try new things and mimic adults is highest in this period , Teenagers engage in sexual intercourse to try it or in peer pressure but that doesn’t matter ; What matters is they must have proper sexual education before engaging in intercourse to prevent teenage pregnancy as It has potential to destroy whole future of a girl .


Teenage pregnancy has adverse effects on the health , education and career of teens , It can also lead to problems for the child . So , it’s advised to undertake proper precautions to prevent the destruction of a future of a bright girl and to save the life of an innocent child .

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2. conclusion teenage pregnancy​

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that affects the lives of many young individuals and their families. It can have long-lasting negative effects on the health, education, and future opportunities of young mothers and their children. It is important to educate teenagers about safe sex practices and provide them with access to affordable and reliable contraception. Parents, educators, and healthcare providers must work together to provide support and resources to help prevent teenage pregnancy and support those who are already affected. By addressing this issue, we can improve the lives and futures of young people and promote a healthy and thriving society.

3. Conclusion Example of Teenage Pregnancy?


Teen pregnancy is a serious problem these days.


Teen pregnancies prevent young girls from pursuing their dreams

4. four paragraph informative essay of teenage pregnancy ​


Kayo na bahala mag paliit, pero tama yan laht

Pa brainlest po

Thank you

Keep safe

5. expository essay about teenage pregnancy: CAUSE AND EFFECT​


Teenage pregnancy has been a major issue in society for decades. It refers to pregnancy that occurs in girls who are 19 years old or younger. There are several causes of teenage pregnancy, including lack of education, poverty, peer pressure, and media influence. The effects of teenage pregnancy are far-reaching and can have serious consequences for both the teenage mother and her child.

One of the main causes of teenage pregnancy is the lack of education about sex and contraception. Many teenagers are not properly informed about the risks of unprotected sex and the methods of birth control available to them. As a result, they engage in sexual activity without using any form of protection, which increases their risk of becoming pregnant.

Poverty is another cause of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers who come from low-income families often lack access to quality education and healthcare, which can make it difficult for them to make informed decisions about their sexual health. They may also be more likely to engage in sexual activity as a means of escape from their difficult circumstances.

Peer pressure can also contribute to teenage pregnancy. Teenagers who feel the need to fit in with their peers may engage in sexual activity before they are emotionally or physically ready. They may also feel pressured to engage in unprotected sex as a way of proving their maturity or popularity.

Media influence is another cause of teenage pregnancy. The media often portrays sex in a casual and carefree manner, which can influence teenagers to engage in sexual activity without considering the consequences. Additionally, the media may not adequately address the importance of contraception and safe sex practices.

The effects of teenage pregnancy are numerous and can be long-lasting. Teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school and have lower levels of education, which can limit their job opportunities and earning potential. They are also more likely to experience poverty and social isolation, which can have a negative impact on their mental health.

The children of teenage mothers are also at risk for several negative outcomes. They are more likely to have low birth weights and suffer from developmental delays. They may also be at higher risk for abuse and neglect, as teenage mothers may not have the knowledge or resources to properly care for their children.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a complex issue with several causes and effects. It is important for teenagers to receive proper education about sex and contraception, and for society to address the underlying issues of poverty and social isolation. By taking steps to prevent teenage pregnancy, we can help ensure a brighter future for both teenagers and their children.

6. persuasive essay about teenage pregnancy​

Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that affects individuals, families, and society as a whole. It is a problem that can have long-lasting negative consequences for both the mother and the child. In this essay, I will argue that teenage pregnancy should be avoided at all costs.

Firstly, teenage pregnancy can have serious health consequences for both the mother and the child. Teenage mothers are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as premature labor and low birth weight. These complications can have long-term effects on the health of the child, including developmental delays and chronic health problems. Additionally, teenage mothers are more likely to suffer from depression and other mental health issues, which can have a negative impact on their ability to care for their child.

Secondly, teenage pregnancy can have a significant impact on the education and economic opportunities of the mother. Teenage mothers are less likely to finish high school or pursue higher education, which can limit their future career prospects and earning potential. This can result in a cycle of poverty that can be difficult to break.

Thirdly, teenage pregnancy can have a negative impact on society as a whole. It can lead to increased healthcare costs, as well as increased social welfare costs. Additionally, children born to teenage mothers are more likely to experience poverty, abuse, and neglect, which can have a negative impact on their future prospects and well-being. This can lead to increased crime rates, as well as other social problems.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that should be avoided at all costs. It can have serious health consequences for both the mother and the child, limit the educational and economic opportunities of the mother, and have a negative impact on society as a whole. It is important that we work to prevent teenage pregnancy through education, access to contraception, and support for young mothers. By doing so, we can improve the health and well-being of individuals, families, and society as a whole.

7. make a short essay about " TEENAGE PREGNANCY"​


Teenage pregnancy is an early pregnancy than the average women have.

Teenagers are susceptible to early pregnancy because they already experience menstruation. All women who experience menstruation are ready to fertilize or reproduce.


8. teenage pregnancy essay


Pregnancy in girls aged 19 or below is termed as teenage pregnancy. There are many social, emotional and health problems associated with teenage pregnancy. Even though increased awareness about sexual health and greater used of condoms has brought down the cases of teenage pregnancy in countries like U.S., the responsible factors like low education standards, poverty, inappropriate knowledge of sex amongst adolescents contributes to cases of teenage pregnancy.

Some developing nations are faced with problems of early marriage and non-awareness about contraceptives which also contributes to cases of teenage pregnancy.


Since unplanned sexual intercourse is more common in age group 12-14 who are not aware of protected sex, the concern becomes grave for younger girls who get pregnant. If an adolescent girl gets pregnant in such an early age, abortion is one option to be considered if the pregnancy is tested and detected in time.

In cases where girl is in later adolescence, adoption or support of community to raise the child are some ways to help the teen pregnant emotionally and also if she is financially incapable of nurturing a child. It is highly important to seek support from parents of the girl or the father of the expected child so that appropriate prenatal care can be offered. It is essential that teenage mothers stay away from smoking, drug abuse and so on.

Teenage mothers may not be educated enough and have complete awareness about precautions to be taken during pregnancy. It becomes therefore essential to offer education and community support to such young girls and also create awareness about contraception to keep them safe from any such experience later upon.

Pregnancy in teenage is also a very troubling time for parents of the teenager who have dreamt a bright future ahead for their children. However since the teenager who gets pregnant also undergoes feelings of anger and frustration for the situation that has arrived, it is important that parents keep their anger in control so as to reduce the adolescent’s stress.


The parents should get complete medical check up done for the child by a qualified physician in the field and ensure that she gets counseling as well from outside if needed to overcome emotional stress. If both the families of the girl and boy are ready to raise the child properly, it is good. Else adoption should be chosen as the way where some appropriate organization should be chosen to adopt the child.

Teenage pregnancy is not socially acceptable in many communities and cultures and therefore the social problems needed to be considered besides giving medical and pre-natal care to the expecting adolescent girl. Children who are born to teenage parents are more likely to face problems with good education because social support may lack in their case. If appropriate community support is offered through child-care support and social services, such children can also get good education and settle as independently earning individuals in the society.

A teenage pregnancy is certainly debilitating for the girl child who is often faced with societal and family pressure because of the indiscretion that resulted into her pregnancy. If a teenage girl suffers all the hostility from friends and family, she is not likely to understand and know the aspects of nutrition associated with pregnancy and may give birth to low-weight or malnourished child. Behavioral problems are also common in such children as they do not get to witness the right parental skills that they can imitate.

Teen pregnancy becomes an issue of embarrassment for most parents and as a result they do not find it easy to accept the situation and deal with it positively and patiently. Moreover a teen girl is also not bodily prepared to give birth to a child that adds to all other problems that she faces.


It is important that such teen parents reenter educational institutions after giving birth to the child so that they can be educated about being better parents in rearing their child. Child care should be accessible and within financial reach of such teen mothers. Many teen parents begin to abuse their children as early as 6 months of age if they also suffered abuse as children. Even more there are higher chances of death associated with teenage pregnancy for the mother as well as the child.

Therefore early prenatal care is essential to save the child as well as mother from any complications or serious medical conditions.

Teen pregnancy prevention programs like abstinence education, knowledge based programs that guide them about their bodies, clinic focused programs for easier access to sex education and peer counseling programs are some measures that can help control the teenage pregnancy rates in the world.


The main reason of teenage pregnancy is the lack of parental guidance. Nowadays, teens do what they see in social medias and other medias that they think is cool. Another reason is the lack of sex education. We need to enlighten the teens because this generation is so much different than the others because teens now are more curious and bolder about doing such things.

9. Teenage pregnancy argumentative essay​

Pls see attached file below:

10. # Essay1. As a teenager. now can you eradicat.or less Teenage pregnancy? ​


encouraging them not to have sex.

encouraging them to use effective birth control to prevent pregnancy, along with condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

11. conclusion about teenage pregnancy



Teen pregnancy is a crisis that concerns the baby, parents, other members of the family, as well as resources of the community. Every year, approximately 750,000 women aged 15 to 19 become pregnant every year.

Nevertheless, despite the numerous elements that can influence teen pregnancy, for many teenagers, the lack of safe sex education from schools, parents, or otherwise is the root cause of teenage pregnancy. Generally, teenagers are not taught regarding the means of birth control and how to respond with friends who compel them into having sexual intercourse before they are prepared.

Teen pregnancies carry additional risk equally to the health of the infant and the mother. On the average, teen pregnancies are more expected to result in low-birth-weight babies and premature births. This is because pregnant teenagers often do not obtain the timely prenatal care required. In addition, the aforesaid teenagers have a higher risk of high blood pressures associated to their pregnancy and other related complications. Further, teenage mothers are less expected than other women to complete or attend college, and divorce is more expected to result from their early marriage. Abortion is another effect of teenage pregnancy.

Given with these numerous effects of teenage pregnancy, I think that the society here in the Philippines still does not accept this issue. Especially the Church. Having premarital Sex is wrong in any aspect, it is forbidden. Since the Philippines is considered as a Christian Country.

12. Research for conclusion about teenage pregnancy​


Conclusions. It is known that girls who become pregnant as a teenager will face increased medical risks, and if the pregnancy is taken to term, there are also increased medical risks for their babies. We also know that teenage mothers, and their children, can suffer from poorer life outcomes.


hope it helps



Conclusions. It is known that girls who become pregnant as a teenager will face increased medical risks, and if the pregnancy is taken to term, there are also increased medical risks for their babies. We also know that teenage mothers, and their children, can suffer from poorer life outcomes.


I hope it's help

13. informative essay of early teenage pregnancy​

Teenage pregnancy refers to the pregnancy of a female under the age of 20. Early teenage pregnancy, typically refers to pregnancies that occur to girls aged 13-17 years old. Early teenage pregnancy is a significant issue in many countries around the world, particularly in developing countries.

Early teenage pregnancy can have serious consequences for both the mother and child. Pregnant teenagers are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as pre-eclampsia, premature birth, and low birth weight. They are also at higher risk of developing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and may face social stigma and discrimination.

In addition, children born to teenage mothers are at greater risk of experiencing health and developmental issues, such as low birth weight, developmental delays, and behavioral problems. They may also face economic disadvantages and have lower educational attainment.

The causes of early teenage pregnancy are complex and multifaceted. Factors that contribute to early teenage pregnancy may include poverty, limited access to education and healthcare, cultural and social norms, early sexual activity, and inadequate sex education.

Preventing early teenage pregnancy requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. This can include providing comprehensive sex education that covers topics such as contraception, safe sex practices, and healthy relationships. Access to family planning services and reproductive healthcare is also important in preventing unintended pregnancies. Addressing underlying social and economic factors, such as poverty and limited access to education and healthcare, can also be effective in reducing the rates of teenage pregnancy.

In conclusion, early teenage pregnancy is a significant issue that can have serious consequences for both the mother and child. Preventing early teenage pregnancy requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that addresses the underlying social, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to the issue. By providing comprehensive sex education and access to reproductive healthcare, we can work towards reducing the rates of early teenage pregnancy and improving the health and well-being of young people.

Pa brainliest, thanks. It would mean so much.

14. write a position paper about teenage pregnancy with introduction,body and conclusion​


Teenage pregnancy is a complex and serious issue that affects individuals, families, and society as a whole. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 16 million girls aged 15-19 years give birth each year, with significant consequences for their health, education, and future prospects. Teenage pregnancy is often associated with negative outcomes such as increased risk of maternal and infant mortality, higher rates of poverty, and lower levels of education attainment. Therefore, it is important to address this issue to reduce its impact on individuals and society.


Teenage pregnancy has far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, and communities. First, teenage mothers are at a higher risk of maternal and infant mortality due to their young age and lack of knowledge about maternal health. This can have a significant impact on their physical and mental health, as well as their future prospects. Second, teenage pregnancy can disrupt education, limiting the opportunities for young mothers to pursue their academic and career goals. This can also have long-term consequences for their economic stability and overall well-being.

Moreover, teenage pregnancy can also have a significant impact on families and communities. Families of teenage mothers often struggle to provide for their needs, increasing their risk of poverty and social exclusion. Communities that have high rates of teenage pregnancy may also experience social problems such as increased crime, unemployment, and drug abuse.

To address the issue of teenage pregnancy, there are several strategies that can be implemented. One approach is to provide comprehensive sex education and access to contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies. This includes teaching young people about healthy relationships, responsible sexual behavior, and safe sex practices. Another approach is to provide support services for teenage mothers, such as healthcare, education, and vocational training, to help them achieve their goals and improve their well-being. Finally, addressing the root causes of teenage pregnancy, such as poverty, social inequality, and lack of access to healthcare, can help to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy in the long term.


Teenage pregnancy is a complex issue that has significant consequences for individuals, families, and communities. It is important to address this issue through a comprehensive approach that includes education, access to healthcare, and support services for teenage mothers. By addressing the root causes of teenage pregnancy and providing opportunities for young people to achieve their goals, we can help to reduce the impact of teenage pregnancy on individuals and society as a whole.

15. Persuasive essay about how to stop teenage pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is something that has been around for ages, and isn’t all that uncommon. As of 2006, out of a million teens between the ages 15-19 three quarters of them end up pregnant every year. Out of all those teens, only a very few planned on becoming teen mothers. Through my interviews I have learned just how difficult and life changing becoming pregnant and having a baby as a teen can be. The best thing for teens to do is wait to have a baby, because having a baby this young is a lot more difficult than it looks. 

“Having a baby this young is not easy. Even though you might have your parents to help you, it’s still really hard. School becomes overly stressful and your friends drop really fast. And the boy who promised to be there forever finds a new girl. It changes your life and creates many obstacles” - Nicole. Being a teen mom you don’t get the high school or even college experiences you would have gotten if you had waited. Statistics show that most teenagers who become pregnant do not end up going to college. Girls who become pregnant as teens who had planned on going to college and getting an education have to figure out alternative solutions such as going to community college or taking classes online. The best things for teens to do is wait, wait to have a baby. Its better for them to just enjoy high school and college so they can have that experience. 

Most teen girls who end up getting pregnant and having a baby are not ready physically or mentally. 
“Teenage years are already feel like your being judged by everyone, add a big belly and it all gets worse” - Cathy. Teens who become pregnant get looked down upon and are judged by so many people, which makes things more difficult. Plus most teen girls who end up pregnant think that just because they have a baby, the dad will stay. However in all my interviews, each lady stated how the guy left. Having a baby means growing up and taking on many responsibilities, which many teens are not ready to do at such a young age. “The second you find out your having a baby, you have to grow up right then” - Nicole. Getting pregnant as a teen changes your whole life, your forced to grow up. The best thing teens can do is to wait and just enjoy being a kid while they still can be one. One day they will have to grow up, but it doesn’t have to so soon.

16. informative essay of teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is now one of the biggest problem of the country. Most of the teenagers are students who became really curious about “sex” to the point they done some adventure and do it with a person who’s not ready too, to build a family. And it’s one of the problem too, because they can’t provide anything for the family. Teenage pregnancy should stop as soon as possible. Parents should look up to their sons and daughter, while it’s still early they should teach lessons to their children for them not to be that curious. Teenagers is on puberty their hormones is high so as a parent you should be strict

17. Essay:Is teenage pregnancy good for the mother and baby? Why or why not?​


No,its not good at all because the mother is too young,she does have no enough experience on how to raise a baby and something terrible will happen if the mother is not really ready yet,she might abort her child thats not really good,especially to baby.


hope it helps

18. conclusion about teenage pregnancy​


teenage pregnancy are a big problem in society which can lead to overpopulation it can ruin both teenagers life may it be the male or female this cases are common in some places but it's best to be avoided.

19. essay about teenage pregnancy pls(500 words)​


Teenage pregnancy refers to the pregnancy of a female between the ages of 13 and 19. It is a significant issue that affects not only the young mothers but also their families and society at large. Teenage pregnancy has been linked to numerous negative outcomes, including reduced educational and employment opportunities, financial instability, social stigma, and health risks for both the mother and child. In this essay, we will explore the causes and consequences of teenage pregnancy and the ways to prevent it.

Teenage pregnancy is a sensitive and complex issue that affects millions of young girls worldwide. It refers to the occurrence of pregnancy among teenagers, usually between the ages of 13 and 19. Although teenage pregnancy rates have declined in recent years, it remains a significant public health concern with lasting effects on the lives of both the mother and child.

One of the main causes of teenage pregnancy is lack of access to sexual education and contraception. Young people may not have access to accurate information about sexuality, safe sex practices, and contraception due to societal norms or inadequate education. This lack of information can lead to unintended pregnancies, which can lead to negative health and social consequences. Additionally, teenagers who live in poverty, who have a low level of education, or who come from dysfunctional families are at a higher risk of experiencing teenage pregnancy.

Teenage pregnancy has several consequences for the mother and child. For the mother, it can result in physical and mental health problems, such as complications during pregnancy and childbirth, depression, anxiety, and reduced educational opportunities. Teen mothers may have to drop out of school or delay their education to care for their child. This can lead to financial difficulties and a reduced standard of living.

For the child, being born to a teenage mother increases the risk of developmental and health problems. These children may have a lower birth weight, a higher risk of infant mortality, and a higher likelihood of developing chronic health conditions later in life. Additionally, children of teen mothers may experience financial instability and are more likely to grow up in single-parent households.

Preventing teenage pregnancy requires a multifaceted approach. Education programs that provide accurate information about sex, contraception, and pregnancy prevention can help reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy. Health care providers can also play a critical role in preventing teenage pregnancy by offering contraception and counseling services to young people.

In addition to education and healthcare, addressing the underlying causes of teenage pregnancy is essential. Programs that target poverty, unemployment, and lack of educational opportunities can help reduce the risk of teenage pregnancy. Support for parents and families can also play an important role in preventing teenage pregnancy, as young people who have strong family relationships are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a complex issue that affects the lives of millions of young people worldwide. It has lasting consequences for both the mother and child, including physical, emotional, and financial problems. Preventing teenage pregnancy requires a comprehensive approach that includes education, healthcare, and addressing underlying causes such as poverty and lack of education. By working together, we can help reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy and support young people to achieve their full potential.

Teenage pregnancy is a sensitive and complex issue that has garnered significant attention in recent years. This is mainly because of the negative consequences that arise from early pregnancy, including poverty, health complications, and social stigma. Unfortunately, teenage pregnancy is a persistent problem in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries where access to quality reproductive health services and education is limited. This essay discusses the causes, effects, and possible solutions of teenage pregnancy.

The root causes of teenage pregnancy are multifaceted and vary across different regions and cultures. One of the most common causes is inadequate access to comprehensive sex education and contraception. Some teens may engage in risky sexual behavior due to lack of knowledge about contraceptive methods, while others may not have the resources or awareness to obtain contraception regularly. Additionally, cultural factors such as poverty, peer pressure, and early marriage can increase the likelihood of teenage pregnancy.

The effects of teenage pregnancy can be devastating for both the mother and child. Teen mothers often face significant challenges in terms of social, health, and economic outcomes. They are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth, drop out of school, and live in poverty. Furthermore, children born to teenage mothers may face developmental delays, health issues, and social stigma. Early motherhood can also limit the opportunities and lifestyles that both the mother and child can have.

To address the issue of teenage pregnancy, there are various possible solutions that need to be implemented. Firstly, comprehensive sex education should be provided to all students to promote safe and responsible sexual behavior. This education should include information on contraception and healthy relationships. Additionally, access to affordable contraception should be made available to every teen. Health clinics and schools can provide reproductive health services to ensure that young people receive care and information they need to make responsible choices. Furthermore, programs that empower teenagers with life skills such as communication, decision-making, and critical thinking can also help prevent teenage pregnancy.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a complex problem that requires a multifaceted solution. Preventing teenage pregnancy is everyone's responsibility, and it requires individuals, families, communities, and governments to work together. By providing comprehensive sex education, access to contraceptive methods, and life skills programs to teenagers, we can empower them to make responsible decisions regarding their sexual health and wellbeing. This way, we can help to mitigate the adverse effects that teenage pregnancy has on the mothers and children involved.

20. Teenager pregnancy Essay pleass​


research about popular literary visual.and performance arts in the Philippines find out the history behind these artwork and their relevance to culture and society


Teenager pregnancy is a severe problem that has an impact on a lot of young people globally. Teenage pregnancy, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is defined as pregnancy in girls under the age of 20. It is a serious social and health issue with potential negative effects on both the mother and the kid.

There are several factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy. These include poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, lack of family support, peer pressure, and inadequate sex education. Teenage pregnancy can also be the result of sexual abuse and exploitation.

The health hazards for both the mother and the child are among the most important effects of teenage pregnancy. Premature birth, low birth weight, and maternal death are more prevalent among teenage mothers throughout pregnancy and childbirth. The child is also more likely to have health issues, such as behavioral issues, developmental delays, and a higher chance of infant mortality.

Teenage pregnancy also has significant social and economic consequences. Teenage mothers are less likely to complete their education, which can limit their employment opportunities and income potential. They may also face social stigma and discrimination, which can lead to isolation and mental health problems.

A thorough strategy that tackles the root causes of the issue is needed to prevent teenage pregnancy. This involves giving access to education, healthcare, and family planning services. Comprehensive sex education programs that instruct young people on safe sex behaviors and contraception are also crucial.

Parents, caregivers, and community leaders can play an important role in preventing teenage pregnancy by providing support and guidance to young people. This includes talking openly about sexuality and the risks of unprotected sex, and promoting positive social norms that encourage responsible behavior.

In conclusion, teen pregnancy is a major problem that has to be addressed right away. Both the mother and the child are affected significantly in terms of their health, social situations, and finances. A comprehensive strategy that tackles the root causes of the issue and gives young people the information and tools they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health is necessary to prevent adolescent pregnancy.

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21. Persuasive essay about how to prevent teenage pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is something that has been around for ages, and isn’t all that uncommon. As of 2006, out of a million teens between the ages 15-19 three quarters of them end up pregnant every year. Out of all those teens, only a very few planned on becoming teen mothers. Through my interviews I have learned just how difficult and life changing becoming pregnant and having a baby as a teen can be. The best thing for teens to do is wait to have a baby, because having a baby this young is a lot more difficult than it looks. 

“Having a baby this young is not easy. Even though you might have your parents to help you, it’s still really hard. School becomes overly stressful and your friends drop really fast. And the boy who promised to be there forever finds a new girl. It changes your life and creates many obstacles” - Nicole. Being a teen mom you don’t get the high school or even college experiences you would have gotten if you had waited. Statistics show that most teenagers who become pregnant do not end up going to college. Girls who become pregnant as teens who had planned on going to college and getting an education have to figure out alternative solutions such as going to community college or taking classes online. The best things for teens to do is wait, wait to have a baby. Its better for them to just enjoy high school and college so they can have that experience. 

Most teen girls who end up getting pregnant and having a baby are not ready physically or mentally. 
“Teenage years are already feel like your being judged by everyone, add a big belly and it all gets worse” - Cathy. Teens who become pregnant get looked down upon and are judged by so many people, which makes things more difficult. Plus most teen girls who end up pregnant think that just because they have a baby, the dad will stay. However in all my interviews, each lady stated how the guy left. Having a baby means growing up and taking on many responsibilities, which many teens are not ready to do at such a young age. “The second you find out your having a baby, you have to grow up right then” - Nicole. Getting pregnant as a teen changes your whole life, your forced to grow up. The best thing teens can do is to wait and just enjoy being a kid while they still can be one. One day they will have to grow up, but it doesn’t have to so soon.

22. teenage pregnancyIntroduction, body and conclusion ​


dahil sa teenage pregnancy

post ng post ng Medusa sa soc med kasi akala nya may ahas syang kaibigan.

23. critique essay about teenage pregnancy ​


I if it affect the metamorphosis of frogs and other living in the best seller and the best seller and I will be happy 2nd time with and maturing if a great reminder and maturing is the best way for us and we can get

yan po ang sagot bwiset naman kailangan mahaba itytype para mabigay yung sagot

24. Persuasive Essay about Teenage Pregnancy Introduction , Body 3Reasons / Claim / Supporting Details and Evidences and lastly Conclusion ​


As time goes on, teen pregnancy is becoming more and more common throughout the world. So many people frown upon this whole idea. Such people act as if the teenage parents’ world is going to come to an end. Although these kids’ life is going to be making a big turn, there are many of them who are mature enough to take on the responsibilities of a baby. As the medical field advances, the ways to avoid teen pregnancy goes up as well. There are ways such as abortion, plan B pills, and birth control. Some people use this because they know they are not ready to become parents, which I feel is a good and responsible choice. On the other hand, those who use these methods as a way to technically “kill” the unborn is what should be frowned upon instead

25. essay...how teenage pregnancy can be avoided​


Teen pregnancy is something that has been around for ages, and isn’t all that uncommon. As of 2006, out of a million teens between the ages 15-19 three quarters of them end up pregnant every year. Out of all those teens, only a very few planned on becoming teen mothers. Through my interviews I have learned just how difficult and life changing becoming pregnant and having a baby as a teen can be. The best thing for teens to do is wait to have a baby, because having a baby this young is a lot more difficult than it looks.  

“Having a baby this young is not easy. Even though you might have your parents to help you, it’s still really hard. School becomes overly stressful and your friends drop really fast. And the boy who promised to be there forever finds a new girl. It changes your life and creates many obstacles” - Nicole. Being a teen mom you don’t get the high school or even college experiences you would have gotten if you had waited. Statistics show that most teenagers who become pregnant do not end up going to college. Girls who become pregnant as teens who had planned on going to college and getting an education have to figure out alternative solutions such as going to community college or taking classes online. The best things for teens to do is wait, wait to have a baby. Its better for them to just enjoy high school and college so they can have that experience.  

Most teen girls who end up getting pregnant and having a baby are not ready physically or mentally.  

“Teenage years are already feel like your being judged by everyone, add a big belly and it all gets worse” - Cathy. Teens who become pregnant get looked down upon and are judged by so many people, which makes things more difficult. Plus most teen girls who end up pregnant think that just because they have a baby, the dad will stay. However in all my interviews, each lady stated how the guy left. Having a baby means growing up and taking on many responsibilities, which many teens are not ready to do at such a young age. “The second you find out your having a baby, you have to grow up right then” - Nicole. Getting pregnant as a teen changes your whole life, your forced to grow up. The best thing teens can do is to wait and just enjoy being a kid while they still can be one. One day they will have to grow up, but it doesn’t have to so soon.


pa brainlist if u want tho


Teenage pregnancy today has been one of the country's problem that's in need of solution. Although there are many different ways to prevent a teenage girl from becoming pregnant, the only one that is absolutely effective is sexual abstinence. This method is the only one that guarantees no risk of getting pregnant and protects the teen from getting any STD's.


Hope I was able to help. Pabrainliest na rin po

26. expository essay about teenage pregnancy​

One of the primary causes of teenage pregnancy is a lack of comprehensive sex education. Many teenagers are not taught about contraception, safe sex practices, or the risks of unprotected sex. This can leave them vulnerable to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, cultural and social factors, such as poverty, peer pressure, and limited access to healthcare and education, can contribute to the problem.

The consequences of teenage pregnancy can be significant and long-lasting. Teenage mothers may face social stigma, economic hardship, and limited educational and employment opportunities. Their children may also be at risk for developmental and health problems, as well as a lack of support and resources from their teenage parents.

Possible solutions to teenage pregnancy include comprehensive sex education programs that provide accurate information and promote safe sex practices. Access to affordable contraception, healthcare, and support services can also be crucial in preventing unintended pregnancy and supporting teenage parents. Additionally, addressing the root causes of teenage pregnancy, such as poverty and limited access to education and opportunities, can help to reduce the incidence of the problem.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. By addressing the causes and consequences of teenage pregnancy and implementing comprehensive solutions, we can work towards reducing the incidence of unintended pregnancy among teenagers and improving the lives of teenage parents and their children. It is important that we continue to raise awareness about this issue and work towards creating a world where all teenagers have access to the education, resources, and support they need to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.


expository essay about teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem in today’s society. It is defined as a teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. The causes for teenage pregnancy, and the consequential effects, are deeply intricate.

The primary cause of teenage pregnancy is a lack of education on safe sex and reproductive health. Many teenagers are not taught about contraception or how to use it properly before they become sexually active. This leads to an increased risk of unplanned pregnancies due to unprotected sex or incorrect use of contraceptives such as condoms or birth control pills. Additionally, some teenagers may be engaging in risky sexual behavior due to peer pressure or lack of parental guidance and supervision.

The consequences of teenage pregnancy can be both physical and emotional for the mother and child involved. Physically, there are many risks associated with early pregnancies such as premature labor, low birth weight babies, higher rates of infant mortality and long-term health problems for both mother and baby alike. Emotionally there can be feelings of guilt or shame from the parents who may feel unprepared for parenthood at such a young age; this can lead to depression which could have long-term effects on their mental health if left untreated. Furthermore, financial strain can also occur due to medical bills associated with childbirth as well as additional costs that come with raising a child at an early age when resources may already be limited in the household

In order to reduce teen pregnancies it is important that teens receive comprehensive sex education that includes information about contraception methods so they understand how best protect themselves against unwanted pregnancies; additionally parents should also talk openly with their children about sexuality so they feel comfortable discussing any questions they have regarding sexual activity without feeling embarrassed or ashamed . Finally providing access to free contraception services would help ensure teens have access to reliable protection against unplanned pregnancies if needed .

Overall ,teenage pregnancy has serious implications on both mother and child involved ; however by educating teens on safe sex practices , talking openly with them about sexuality ,and providing access free contraception services we can help reduce teen pregnancies .


pa brainliest

27. Gumawa ng essay ayon sa teenage pregnancy



a Panahon ngayon Mraming kabataan ang nabubuntis sa mura na edad,. Maraming epekto ng maaga ng pagbubuntis sa bansa, sa pag aaral at sa kalusugan nito. Sa bansa at Lipunan ang pagbubuntis ng kabataan ay nananatiling isang malaking kontribyutor sa maternal at child mortality. ... Ang pagbubuntis ng kabataan ay maaari ding magkaroon ng negatibong epekto sa lipunan at ekonomiya sa mga batang babae, kanilang mga pamilya at mga komunidad. Sa pag aaral naman ay may mas malaking epekto ang pag bubuntis ng maaga bagamat malakinang porsyento na maraming kabataan ang napapahinto sa pag aaral oh hindi nakakapagtapos ng pag aaral



28. what is the best conclusion in teenage pregnancy?

Teenage pregnancy has been one of the largest crisis that is evident among the youth. Despite the numerous effects and consequences dealt with teenage pregnancy, it seems that the teenagers have gone farther in this situation.  

The percentage of teenagers getting pregnant goes higher each year, and one of the encouraged means to process this crisis and probably aid in the control of it is sex education.  However, sex education have been abused by other teaching staff as reported in the news.

The supposed goals or objectives of sex education is to provide knowledge on birth control, and how to respond to friends or partners who force them to have sexual intercourse when they are not ready for it yet.

Read the link about teenage pregnancy:



29. Essay about Teenage Pregnancy in your own opinion


Teenage pregnancy is one of the problem we are facing inside our country.

Teenage pregnancy is happening because of the curiosity of teens nowadays. I think why teens being curious is because on what they watch on the internet which is not good and incline with sex. We should be discipline on how we use technology nowadays. And we must be aware on the results of what they do. Sex education is one way on which teens become aware in having sex.


30. Write an argumentative essay about "teenage pregnancy" or "education in the new normal" introduction,body,and conclusion please pa help po kailangan napo ito​ huhuhuh​


pa plsss plsss kapa wala namang may tutulong sayo ano ka naaksidente yan sinasabi ko eh purol yang utak mo g*g* b*b* ta*********

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