How Do You Understand Yourself Essay

How Do You Understand Yourself Essay

how do you understand yourself? Can you help me for my essay? ​

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1. how do you understand yourself? Can you help me for my essay? ​


I understand my self and I help my self is tell the truth about something wrong

2. How do you understand the different dimensions of yourself now as reflected in your learnings in the subject of Understanding the Self? -essay​


The subject of Understanding the Self has helped me to gain a better understanding of the different dimensions of myself. Throughout the course, I have gained insights into my own identity, values, beliefs, and goals which have enabled me to understand myself more deeply. I have learned to recognize my own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs and to be aware of both my strengths and weaknesses. I have also gained an understanding of my own unique qualities and abilities, and how they shape my perspectives and behavior.

Moreover, I have been able to develop a greater appreciation for my own individual journey, and how my experiences have shaped me. Through this course, I have become more aware of my own personal growth and how it affects my life. I have also gained an understanding of how my actions and decisions affect the world around me.

In summary, the subject of Understanding the Self has enabled me to gain a better understanding of the different dimensions of myself. Through this course, I have been able to gain insight into my identity, values, beliefs, and goals, and to recognize my own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. I have also developed an appreciation for my own individual journey and how my experiences have shaped me. All of this has enabled me to gain a better understanding of myself and the world around me.

3. Examine yourself now that you are in college.Write a short essay in not less than 100 words on how well do you understand yourself.Identify the influences, factors, and forces that led to yourselfpls, help me and give a answer please!thank you ​


please give me an answer

4. Identify the writing techniques used in the following informative essays below. Then, write at least 2-3 sentences as an explanation to support your answer. 1. Solo travel will not only reveal colorful new heights, but it will also introduce you to yourself - your resiliency, your sense of adventure, and your independence. Learning how to travel solo is as intrinsic as tying your shoes, and it is something that can be learned today. The first, most obvious, way to travel solo successfully is to research your area. The number one indicator of a tourist is someone stopped in the middle of the sidewalk scanning the GPS on their phone. According to World Travel News Report, four in fifteen tourists will be pickpocketed if they standstill on a busy street (Parker, 2019). Arrive well-informed on the area. Understand the public transportation system to the point where you can blend in as a local. Also, in line with safety, you may want to splurge on accommodations. You can stay alone in a hostel but read the reviews carefully. Make sure it is in a safe area and security is a priority for them. You might even want to consider a private room, some of which include a private bath. In terms of fun, pack for your lack of companionship. Bring a blank journal to record your adventures. Pack a paperback to enjoy while you wait out a rainstorm in a coffee shop. World traveler Samantha Byrnes says, “I never travel with friends. When I’m exploring a new continent, my journal is my only sidekick” (Byrnes, 2018). This allows her to absorb her new surroundings, make new acquaintances, and focus on the act of encountering herself. Byrnes continues, “We lost sight of ourselves in the day-to-day. We focus on work, family, to-do lists, and chores. Solo travel allows us to return to ourselves so that, when we resume our day-to-day activities, we can give our all” (Byrnes, 2018). Learning how to travel solo successfully is an achievable feat. You can stay safe if you remain knowledgeable about the area and choose your accommodations wisely. Beyond that, you can experience true transformation through the simple act of carrying a tattered old journal. What do you say? Will you explore solo travel? Choose wisely, for it just might change your life forever. 3. The definition of climate states that the word “climate’ is used to refer to long-term periodic variations in the weather patterns that are observed over centuries. Ever since the Earth was created, it is going through many changes simultaneously, and this leads to climate change. Climate change happens cyclically, it started from a colder ice age, and at the very present, it is much warmer than it was two million years ago. All these millions of life forms we see today on Earth are because of the non-stop energy received from the Sun, which is the ultimate source of energy, and is continuously fueling the weather system. To jot down a few notable changes, the world is experiencing arbitrary droughts, unexpected weather patterns, and sudden rainfall and snowfall, there is a constant fluctuation in the temperatures leading to disasters like a forest fire, and the weather is no longer predictable enough. The changes are random, and it is getting stressful day by day even to keep track of the changes occurring. These changes have drastically influenced human lives in both positive and negative ways.


and forth on my phone and follow back and like back and then we can go for a ride kagising and like I have a question for me me during a time for your help with the kids and sell mo yan be

a little while to 4

5. pa answer po i will mark you In the previous lesson, you learned how to use appropriate transition device in writing a persuasive essay. Let us find out if you understand the lesson by answering the activity below. Directions: Rewrite the sentences using the transition words in the parenthesis. Example: (as can be seen) All the facts have been presented. The results are clear. Answer: All the facts have been presented, as can be seen, the results are clear. (therefore) 1. She pursued her studies despite of her financial struggles. She graduated and reached her dreams in life. (As a result) 2. You are doing what you love. You should be happy in life. (however) 3. There is a community transmission of the virus. The local government with the help of the citizens are doing its best to stop its further spread. (For instance) 4. A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself. For smoking for many years before developing lung cancer. (Nevertheless) 5. There is a lack of reliable data to establish a clear correlation between these variables. It has been argued that a relationship does exist.​


1. She pursued her studies despite of her financial struggles. therefore, She graduated and reached her dreams in life.

2. You are doing what you love. As a result, You should be happy in life.

3. There is a community transmission of the virus. However, The local government with the help of the citizens are doing its best to stop its further spread.

4. A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself. For instance, For smoking for many years before developing lung cancer.

5. There is a lack of reliable data to establish a clear correlation between these variables. Nevertheless, It has been argued that a relationship does exist.


pa brainliest please <3 gamsahabnida!

6. Part 1: ESSAYInstructions: Discuss briefly the following questions based on your own opinions and self-thought. Each question will be given 5 points.1. Why is it important to identify and understand your strengths and weaknesses?2. Have you ever experienced being embarrassed in front of others? How did you overcome the situation.3. What is the importance of valuing yourself?4. Based on the idea given from the topic Moral/Spiritual Changes and Their Implications, what would you do if one of your friends sat beside you to copy your answer because he was not able to study. He whispered that if you do not share your answer he would unfriend you, and you know that this person is popular in your school so you know that you would be left in some social activities. What would you do considering your personal conscience?5. Based on the topic Social Changes during Adolescence, why is it important to clarify your boundaries or limitations in your relationships with your peers?​


thanks sa points lodi


need point po ako eh

7. Grade & A. Read and understand the argumentative essay below. As you read, label its different parts. Cheating is not the answer The life of a student can be very stressful. Students wake up very early in the morning to go to class and sleep very late at night just to finish schoolwork. There are so many assignments to do, projects to accomplish, and tests to pass. That is why many students resort to the bad act of cheating. Cheating in school comes in many forms. Some students cheat in a small way. secretly glancing at their notes during a test. Others do it in a massive scale like copying an entire essay from the net and claiming it as an original work. Whatever its form may be, cheating is definitely wrong and will never be the right thing for a student to do. Here are some reasons why. Cheating is a bad act that can develop into a bad habit with the passing of time. According to an article from Grown and Flown, an internet site made specially for parents, cheating at school is a habit that can be brought by a child into adulthood. Bad habits produced by cheating too often at school can be carried on at work resulting to employees who are also lazy and cheaters at the workplace. Cheating can also lead to serious punishments. In some schools in the United States, students caught cheating automatically gets a fail for the subject or may even be expelled. In China, students caught cheating during an entrance exam may even be imprisoned for seven years! In the Philippines, punishment for cheating is not as severe as in the other countries, still it has negative effects on a student's standing in class. Worse, it can create mistrust and sour the relationship between teachers and students. Moreover, cheating is a form of self-deception. While it may eppear that cheaters fool other people and oftentimes gets unpunished, at the end, cheaters only fool themselves. The act of cheating creates a false idea of achievement. Would you rather work hard for your grades or simply copy just to pass? Cheating is bad. It is an act that can grow into an unstoppable habit and can cause serious damage to a student's academics and relationships with school officials. The worse, it is a form of self-deception. Therefore, cheating must always be avoided by students. Rather than cheat, learn how to balance one's own time between studying and relaxing to be a more productive, honest, and good student. Surround yourself with peers who are good influence when it comes to studying and can help you in your studies without pushing you to cheat or be insincere. Lastly, learn when to ask for help and assistance: if a lesson is hard, the solution is not to cheat. Ask help from your teachers, friends, and family members. B. After labeling the parts, answer the following questions: 1. What is the topic of the essay? 2. What is the writer's stand about cheating in school?3. What reasons were given by the writer for his stand about cheating in schools? 4. After reading the essay, do you agree or disagree with the writer's opinion about the issue? Were you convinced? Why?kailangan ko po asap pls help me?​


1. Cheating

2. Cheating is a form of self-deception. Therefore, cheating must always be avoided by students.

3. It is an act that can grow into an unstoppable habit and can cause serious damage to a student's academics and relationships with school officials, can create mistrust, and sour the relationship between teachers and students, and bad habits produced by cheating too often at school can be carried on at work resulting to employees who are also lazy and cheaters at the workplace.

4. I agree with the reason that I believe, rather than cheat, students must learn how to balance their own time between studying and relaxing to be more productive, honest, and good students. Surround yourself with peers who are good influences when it comes to studying and can help you in your studies without pushing you to cheat or be insincere, and learn when to ask for help and assistance: if a lesson is hard, the solution is not to cheat.


8. write an essay,about the world's current relationship in terms of cultural,natural/enviromental,historical heritage.Base your essays on the guide questions below Introduction: what do you mean by"cultural ties"? What it is importance in creating a harmonious relationship whith other countries Body:do groups whith diverse members make better decisions? How can we better learn to understand,respect ang value individual differences? Conclusion: Do you consider yourself to be culturally competent when interacting and talking whith people of a different race and heritage? Summarize your points ​

Cultural heritage gives people a sense of unity and belonging within a group and allows them to better understand previous generations and the history of where they come from. Cultural heritage implies a shared bond and our belonging to a community.

Best Tips For Writing Cultural Identity Essay

Best Tips For Writing Cultural Identity EssayChoose focus. Think, “What is my cultural identity

Treat topic selection thoughtfully because everything is going to depend on it.


Make an outline before completing essay


Use linking words

Stay personal.

Proofread essay.


☺️ I hope this answer will help you


9. Read the following persuasive essay carefully. Encircle the verbs, box the adjectives, and underline the adverbs that express strong or pressing points. Why People Should Exercise In the past, I have never been inclined to participate in sports. Honestly, I did not like it, but many persons whom I lived with kept telling me every day how good it was. Since the peer pressure was growing, I decided to go to the gym. It was not until then that I could really understand people when they said exercise really helped a person get organized and keep yourself healthy, physically and mentally. For starters, when you are a lazy person, it is difficult to take the first step, but it is all a matter of committing yourself to something that will provide you a lot of positive feedback. Once you start doing exercise and observing positive results, you enjoy it. It takes a lot of effort and strong will, but it's worth it. The principal thing to do is to participate in an activity you like. If you do you’ll start organizing your day in a way that enables you to do everything you have to, including exercising. You will no longer be a person stressed-out without time to carry on with all your activities. Second, it is obvious that once you exercise you will have a better condition. You will be healthier in a physical way. It is probable that you will lose weight and your muscles will get stronger and stronger. Your body will feel good, full of energy and it will respond immediately to any action you want to do, any activity that has to be done with high spirits. The third reason why exercising is good is that it affects you positively in a mental and psychological way. Doing exercise helps you set specific goals which along with strong will can be achieved. When you do that, you are aware of your abilities, accept your weaknesses, and your self-esteem goes up. Any sport distracts you because it helps you not to think about school, friends, problems, among other things. It brings you time to think about yourself and no one else. It helps you keep your mind busy and to avoid dangerous habits like drugs. Doing exercise is very important to any person of any age. The positive effects of exercising, which I’ve already mentioned, are like a chain. Once you do a sports activity that you like, you get organized; therefore, you start doing things the right way and get enormous benefits which make you feel good as a whole human being. You start living your life happily. ​


for the circulation of the body and healthy and he/she didn't lack of energy

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