Types Of Electronic Communication

Types Of Electronic Communication

typing in all capitals in electronic communications means​

Daftar Isi

1. typing in all capitals in electronic communications means​


this is important


you are shouting

2. Type of communication that involves the use of electronic media


computers, e-mail, telephone, video call,FAX machine,etc



Types of Electronic Communication

Electronic communication can be classified into different types like messaging, voice call, e-mail, social media, etc.

What is an Electronic Communication?

Electronic communication can be defined as, the communication which uses electronic media to transmit the information or message using computers, e-mail, telephone, video calling, FAX machine, etc.

3. e-mails and other electronic methods of sending message can be classified under what type of communication?A. Oral communicationB. Written CommunicationC. Electronic communicationD. Verbal Communication​


C. Electronic communication


4. Activity 3. Write the correct answers on the blank provided before the number. 1. It refers to the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and use. 2. It refers to any written, electronic or graphic communication on the packaging 3. It refers to a general term for any media that requires an electronic device for the content to be accessed. 4. Refers to the type of message you want to communicate to your customers, it offers different options 5. Is the statement true or false? Marketing helps to build a relationship between a business and its customersPasagot pow plsss ​


I will try and send it out today but if not properly sterilized it would have gone by then and we are not able for it is a ratio issue and we will be able to make it to the manager of the complaint procedure within 10 working days true or not as well to know the problem of not having a problem at the time of family gatherings or the 5 of the characters a white lie why or why it is the constant ratio side of life for you to be able to do something like this for a while now or in a separate sheet of paper and the bosh


Sana Maka tulong




information communication technology

6. 15. The following are definitions of media EXCEPT: A. The printed materials used for information. B. The people involved in the broadcasting world. C. The types of electronic devices used for communication. D. The means of communication method used to disseminate information.​





7. Directions:For each type of communication,there are 2 examples of how and when to use that form of communication.Write three more examples for each form. Verbal,Written,Electronic.​


ano pa sagot patulong

8. 1. It is a visual material run by electricity and can be used to display a presentation of images, plain text or video transmitted electronically without producing a permanent record. * a. Non- Electronic Materials b. printed Materials c. Electronic Materials d. Audio Materials 2. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities. * a. internet b. computer c. television 3. A type of visuals which is paper based materials that consists of all written materials, excluding non-print resources which convey information. * a. non- print materials b. graphics c. still pictures d. printed materials


1.C 2.A 3.A


Visual Materials are those materials which we see and can be perceived by noticing the visual part of any item. Visual Materials incorporate Projected materials-slide, film-strips, film Represented books. Visual materials cover the entire scope of non-text and non-sound materials, everything from unique craftsmanship, prints, photos and films. Visual Materials as Essential Sources. Visual Materials cover the entire scope of non-text and non-sound materials, everything from unique craftsmanship, prints, photos and films. The term visual materials incorporates a wide scope of structures, including photos, film and video films, tapes, compositions, drawings, kid's shows, prints, plans.

Visual Materials cover the entire scope of non-text and non-sound materials, everything from unique craftsmanship, prints, photos and films. The term visual materials incorporates a wide scope of structures, including photos, film and video films, tapes, compositions, drawings, kid's shows, prints, plans, and three-layered craftsmanship like model and design. Some can be arranged as artistic work, others as narrative record. Some are one of a kind archives, while others are reproducible to a restricted or limitless degree. Instances of the last option remember delineations for books and magazines.

how do visual materials help me? - Brainly.ph



9. DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the best/correct answer.1. Which of the following is the best explanation of masscommunication?A. Broadcast communicationB. A form of commercial communicationC. A form of interpersonal communicationD. Communication where one person, a small group of people or anorganization sends a message through some communication channelto the public or a segment of the public.an example ofmass2. Which of the following is notcommunication?A. A television commercial3. A political adC. A news programD. A company memo sent to a set of employees3.The mass media are of communication, such as books,newspapers, recordings, radio, movies, television, mobile phonesand the Internet.A. Models B. meansC. partsD. types4. The involves TV, radio and even electronic forms ofcommunication such as the Internet.A. MediaB. pressC. networkD.telecommunication5. Billboards are commonly used advertising media. They are highlyvisible and reaches a broad target market. A Billboard is an example of:A. print mediaB. Adbroadcast mediaC. online mediaD. Transit​


1.b)a form commercial communication

2.d)a company memo sent of employees


4.c) Network

5.b)adbroadcast media

10. 2.3 Three Forms of Workplace Communicatio Directions: For each type of communication, there are 2 examples of how and when to use that form of communication. Write three more examples for each form. Verbal You call a co-worker to see if they can come help you solve a problem You introduce a new intern to coworkers. Written You write a letter inviting people to an event You prepare handouts for a presentation Electronic You use Skype to ask your co-worker a quick question You set up a webinar to show the client the work you did for them☺️​



1.) You ask your co-worker about the meeting agenda.

2.) You relay a message to your boss about someone's absence in the workplace.

3.) You inform an intern about what facilities are available to use.


1.) You helping your co-worker in writing his resignation letter.

2.) You are requesting for materials to the inventory in-charge through a note.

3.) You are drawing up a contract for you and your client.


1.) You e-mail someone from work about the upcoming visit of the chairman.

2.) You use a messaging app to inform your co-worker about your broken work desktop.

3.) During pandemic times, you attend work meetings through Zoom.

11. which type of electronic magnetic radiation is used when mobile phones communicate which their base stations?​


Radio Waves


Mobile phones communicate by transmitting radio waves through a network of fixed antennas called base stations. Radiofrequency waves are electromagnetic fields, and unlike ionizing radiation such as X-rays or gamma rays, can neither break chemical bonds nor cause ionization in the human body


radio waves

Mobile phones communicate by transmitting radio waves through a network of fixed antennas called base stations. Radiofrequency waves are electromagnetic fields, and unlike ionizing radiation such as X-rays or gamma rays, can neither break chemical bonds nor cause ionization in the human body.

#Carry on learning


12. B. Direction. Write the correct answer's on the blank provided before the number. 6. It refers to the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and use. 7. It refers to any written, electronic or graphic communication on the packaging 8. It refers to a general term for any media that requires an electronic device or the content to be accessed. 9. Refers to the type of message you want to communicate to your customers, it offers different options. 10. Is the statement true or false? Marketing helps to build a relationship hetween a business and its customers.​



3.digital media




13. 2. Typewriter first appeared ina. Pre-industrial ageb. Electronic Agec Industrial Aged Information Age3. What format/ equipment did people use to communicate with each other during IndustriAge?c. Traditional paper and writing materialsc Paper and Pen, Typewriterd. Telegraph, Telegram, Telephone, Computers d. None of these4. What are different types of new media?15​


2. D-information Age

3. C-Paper and Pen, Typewriter

14. E 2.3 Three Forms of Workplace Communication: Part 3Instructions: For each type of communication, there are 2 examples of how and when to use thform of communication. Write 3 more examples for each form.ElectronicVerbalWritten​


Verbal communication entails the use of words in delivering the intended message. The two major forms of verbal communication include written and oral communication.

15. Instructions: For each type of communication, there are 2 examples of how and when to use that form of communication. Write 3 more examples for each form. VerbalWritten Electronic patulung naman ​



Giving credit to others.

Recognizing and countering objections.



Internet Web sites





instant messaging



We are one EXO

16. _____1.facial expression _____2.electronic mail_____3. hand gestures_____4. presentation slides_____5. public speakingCompare and contrast verbal and nonverbal communication? 1.What type of interpersonal communication needs more effort and concentration to fulfill a specific purpose?a. listeningb. verbal communicationc. oral communicationd. written communication2. What type of interpersonal communication can be easily achieved via first choice facial expression and gestures and body language? a.non-verbalb. verbalc. listeningd.oral3.What do you call the process of exchange of information ideas and feelings between two or more people through verbal or nonverbal methods?a. written communicationb. intrapersonal communicationc. interpersonal communicationd. oral communication4.what type of intrapersonal communication refers to any form of spoken communication such as possibly speaking phone calls posting or speaking up during a staff meeting?a. written communicationb. oral communicationc.verbal communicationd.nonverbal communication5.what do you call the interpersonal communication that when people communicating face-to-face or via telephone with health or spoken words? a. verbal communicationb. written communicationc. oral communication​







di ko na po alam ung iba sana po makatulong

17. Activity 3 A. Direction. Write the correct answer on the blank provided before the number. 1. It refers to any written, electronic or graphic communication on the packaging. 2. It refers to the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and use. 3.________________ 4. Give at least 2 types of packaging. 5. Give at least one common material for packaging.please p need np bukasplease ​


Ito na po ang sagot


MARK BRAINLIEST po thanks pray always to


18. Instructions: For each type of communication, there are 1 examples of how and when to use that form of communication. Write 3 more examples for each form.ExamplesVerbal: You call a co-worker to see of they can come help you solve a problemWritten: You write a letter inviting people to an eventElectronic: You use Skype to ask your co-worker a quick question​

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19. on. Write the correct answers on the blank provided before the number. 6. It refers to the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and use. 7. It refers to any written, electronic or graphic communication on the packaging. 8. It refers to a general term for any media that requires an electronic device or the content to be accessed. 9. Refers to the type of message you want to communicate to your customers, it offers different options. 10. Is the statement true or false? Marketing helps to build a relationship between a business and its customers.​

6. Packaging

7. Package Labeling

8. Electronic Media

9. Mail

10. True    


20. it is a type of communication that includes listening and speaking skills. this may be done through face to face interaction with a person or a group, or through electronic means such as telephones or cell phones, video conferencing, seminars or speeches.​


Verbal is the type of communication that includes speaking skills.

21. what does it imply when you're typing in all capitals in electronic communications ​


Typing in all capitals in electronic communications means: ? this message is very important. ... it's okay to forward this message to others.

22. Typing in all capitals in electronical communications means:A. this message is very importantB. you are shouting.C. it's okay to forward this message to other.D. nothing special-typing in all caps is normal.​




is so very important all capitals in electronical


23. 1. Which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves is used mostly incommunication?A. Gamma rays B. Infrared C. Radio wave D. X-ray2. What type of electromagnetic wave is produced by making electronsvibrate in an antenna?A. Infrared B. Microwave C. Radio wave D. X-ray3. Which of the following energy transformations occur at the receivingstation?A. Sound energy to electrical energyB. Electromagnetic energy to sound energyC. Electrical energy to electromagnetic energyD. Electromagnetic energy to electrical energy4. Satellite Communication is an application of what type of wave?A. Infrared B. Microwave C. Radio wave D. X-ray5. Which type of radio waves are used to broadcast FM station?A. Infrared B. Microwave C. Radio wave D. X-ray​

Electromagnetic waves that is used mostly incommunication?

Signals can be sent as voltage or current through wires, radio emissions over the air, or light via optical fibres. In communication systems, transmitted signals can be thought of as electromagnetic waves.

A wave cycle's frequency and wavelength are essential properties. Furthermore, wavelength refers to the distance between any two adjacent waves' corresponding places. Furthermore, frequency refers to the number of waves that travel through a certain spot in a given amount of time.

In order to carry out numerous computations relating a wave cycle, frequency and wavelength are required. In addition, frequency is defined as the number of oscillations of a wave per unit time, which is measured in hertz (Hz). Furthermore, the pitch is precisely proportional to the frequency.

Which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves is used mostly in communication



1. Which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves is used mostly in communication?

C. Radio wave

2. What type of electromagnetic wave is produced by making electrons vibrate in an antenna?

C. Radio wave

3. Which of the following energy transformations occur at the receiving station?

B. Electromagnetic energy to sound energy

4. Satellite Communication is an application of what type of wave?

C. Radio wave

5. Which type of radio waves are used to broadcast FM station?

C. Radio wave

24. I learned that there are four (4) basic known types of electronic components testing such as and 2. Testing and measuring tools are used to determine the serviceability and functionality of an electronic 3. Referring to the job order or requirements makes the job specific and guided. 4. To evaluate a testing job after completion, an sheet is needed 5. A job order or client requirements contains the of the job. 6 In testing electronic components, planning comes after obtaining the testing 7. Documentation means to the details of the process. 8. The criteria for testing come first before the planning stage, testing stage, and the evaluation stage 9. Reporting and communicating to the personnel ensures an efficient workflow and success of the test. 10. A client is also known as the 11. Preparing and the tools before and after using them is a standard practice ​


1. continuity,voltage or current,performance and diagnostic test





6.NRIL ready


8.program evulation

9.supervisor or test




hope it helps

thanks for helping me 2

25. True(Type of Test). Modified True or FalseDirections: Read the following statements about communication. Tell whether thstatement is true or false. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise,rewrite the statement to correct it.True1) The fastest way to get a response is through writtencommunication.2) Written communication is synchronous.3) Oral and written communication are both verbal communication.Tallic4) The primary communication pathway used in the Contact CenterServices industry is from agent to supervisorTrue5) The use of electronic communication disregards the aspect ofdistance.True 6) It is important to be simple and concise when communicating.false 7) E-mail and other electronic forms of messages can be classified aoral communication.rue 8) Examples of written communication are memos, proposals, trainmanuals, company policies, and phone calls,9) Most industries and businesses rely on the use of email for inteand external comrnunication.10) One advantage of oral communication is the lack of timethe speaker to process the message before delivery.​












26. __1. It refers to a type of communication between and among people and establishes personal relationship.________________2. It is referred to as a diverse array of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication. ________________3. It refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet, and other types of media. ________________4. It refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a group.________________5. It is a method of communication that helps every person to communicate with himself or herself. ____6. It is referred to as a type of communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a group. ________________7. It is a form of communication wherein the transmission of information is done electronically via media such as films, radio, recorded music, or television. ________________8. It comprises both internet and mobile mass communication.________________9.They are referred to as interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.________________10.It is the way that people use to communicate and transmit message orally or verbally. ​

✏️ Answer


It refers to a type of communication between and among people


It is referred to as a diverse array of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.

mass media

It refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet, and other types of media.

Mass Communication

It refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a group


It is a method of communication that helps every person to communicate with himself or herself.


It is a form of communication wherein the transmission of information is done electronically via media such as films, radio, recorded music, or television.

Broadcast media

It comprises both internet and mobile mass communication

digital media

They are referred to as interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.

social media

It is the way that people use to communicate and transmit message orally or verbally.





27. 2.3 Three Forms of Workplace Communication: Part 3 Instructions: For each type of communication, there are 2 examples of how and when to use that form of communication. Write 3 more examples for each form. Verbal Written You call a co-worker to see if You write a letter inviting they can come help you solve people to an event a problem Electronic You use Skype to ask your co- worker a quick question? more example​


28. Let's Apply!2.3 Three Forms of Workplace Communication: Part 3Instructions: For each type of communication, there are 2 examples of how and when to use thatform of communication. Write 3 more examples for each form.WrittenElectronicYou write a letter inviting You use Skype to ask your co-people to an eventworker a quick questionVerbalYou call a co-worker to see ifthey can come help you solvea problemYou introduce a new intern toco-workersYou prepare handouts for apresentationYou set up a webinar to showthe client the work you didfor them​


Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. What is the importance of enhancing and decorating finished products?

A. It makes the products more attractive and saleable.

B. Finished products are easy to buy.

C.We can sell finished product.

D. It can be painted.

2. What enhancing technique is used in transferring a design on metal using

a hardened steel tool called burin or graver?

A. Embossing

B. Engraving C. Etching

D. Texturing

3. What do you call to a process of using a lathe to make various forms and

shapes of wood?

A. Etching

B. Flocking C. Inlaying

D. Woodturning

4. What process of enhancing or decorating applied to a wood product using

hot pointed tool?

A. Engraving B. Etching C. Pyrography D. Staining

5. In what way the process of gilding gives effect on metal crafts?

A. Gilding demands higher value and earn profits for the entrepreneurs.

B. Gilding gives the product a thin coating of gold.

C. This increases the marketability of the product.

D. All of the above.

6. What is the most important thing that you should always remember every

time you work?

A. Grades from your teacher.

B. Design of your project.

C. Result of your output.

D. Health and safety.

7. What do you call the preparatory coating applied on previously unpainted

materials before painting?

A. First coat

B. Paint

C. Primer

D. Topcoat

8. A wood working tool used to remove excess wood.

A. Gouge

B. Mallet

C. Pallet

D. Saw

9. The common material used to polish the surface of a finished product is


A. Chisel

B. Gloss paint C. Knife

D. Sandpaper

10. Enhancing the finished product improves one's


A. creativity and workmanship

C. health and profit

B. orderliness and cleanliness

D. pride and honor

29. 1. Which of the following is used to store information during the electronic age?a. Telegram b. Radio c. Books d. Typewriter2. Typewriter first appeared in . a. Pre-industrial age c. Industrial Ageb. Electronic Age d. Information Age3. What format/ equipment did people use to communicate with each other during IndustrialAge?a. Traditional paper and writing materials c. Paper and Pen, Typewriterb. Telegraph, Telegram, Telephone, Computers d. None of these4. What are different types of new media?​







ayan lang po alam ko pabrailiest naman po

30. Tipplication ofeletromagnetie WavesTitleMicrowaveTypes ofEM WavesRadio Waves-It has the longest wavelength inthe electromagnetic spectrumThey are produced by makingelectrons vibrate in an antennaThey are used to transmit soundand picture information overlong distancesShortdescriptionInfraredRadiocommunicationTV BroadcastingEM WavesUses/ApplicationSatellitecommunication​





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