7 Functional Areas Of Management

7 Functional Areas Of Management

Activity 1Direction: Complete the table below on how you understood the topic. Use aseparate sheet of paper for your output. See Table 1 for your reference. Accomplishyour table independently and check the rubric to assess your output.Table 1. Functional Areas of ManagementFunctional Areas ofManagementFunction / DescriptionNeeded Skills of thePersons Involved1.​

Daftar Isi

1. Activity 1Direction: Complete the table below on how you understood the topic. Use aseparate sheet of paper for your output. See Table 1 for your reference. Accomplishyour table independently and check the rubric to assess your output.Table 1. Functional Areas of ManagementFunctional Areas ofManagementFunction / DescriptionNeeded Skills of thePersons Involved1.​


determined, hardworking, good enfluencer, strong personality, fast learner and a team leader

2. Activity II: Recall the nature and roles of the different functional areas of management and answer the crossword puzzle below. Horizontal B health care, educational, and vacationleave 2. stimulation of demands for companyproduct 7. important in attracting qualified applicants Vertical 1. settle differences between labor and management 4. bonuses 5. most important resource of management​

heheksovcdjlbvssld isbsksbsdkdbdbdj

3. b. What's new?Activity 1. Jumbled WordsDirections: In your answer sheet, rearrange the following jumbledfunctional areas of management.1. GNTIEKARM2. NAMUHERO SRUEC3. SNOTIRAEPO4. LAICNAN FIN5. SLAIREMAT6. CHSAGNRUPI7. ECIOFF8. ROFMANO IFTN9. MUMOCNINOITAC10. TNEMEGANMADAV,​














4. II. TRUE OR FALSE: Just write true if the statement is correct, while false if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.__________ 1. Effective classroom management principles work across almost all subject areas and grade levels (Brophy, 2006; Lewis, et al., 2006).__________ 2. Although effective classroom management produces a variety of positive outcomes for students, according to a 2006 survey of pre-K through grade 12 teachers conducted by APA, teachers report a lack of support in implementing classroom management strategies.__________ 3. Chaotic classroom environments are a large issue for teachers and can contribute to high teacher stress and burnout rates.__________ 4. It is important to use effective classroom management strategies at the universal level in a tiered model, as they serve as both prevention and intervention methods that promote positive outcomes for teachers. __________ 5. At the school wide level, teachers and staff create a positive school culture by clearly defining positive expectations that are taught to all students and adults (Bradshaw, 2014).__________ 6. Teachers should assume that students know the appropriate and expected classroom behaviors. Instead, teachers should make it a priority to help their students understand what appropriate classroom behaviors are and make this information explicit.__________ 7. Make your classroom goals easy to understand and measurable (e.g., if your goal is to "be respectful" make sure your students know what that means. Provide them examples of negative behaviors that you expect from them).__________ 8. Most classroom teachers have trained in functional assessment or analysis of behavior, so it is important that they consult with their colleagues (e.g., school psychologists, special education teachers) who have expertise in this area. __________ 9. Large group instruction can be established for students who need to focus on specific skills to improve and manage their classroom behavior.__________ 10. Research indicates that classroom management systems are effective in managing student behavior and learning because they sustain an orderly learning environment for students, enhance students' academic skills and competencies, and further social and emotional development.​
















6. 1. This is a machine used in shops that has a drawer for money and totals, displays, and records the amount of each sale. * A. Cash Register B .Calculator C. Fax machine D. Time Stamp 2. This is a long flat-topped fitment across which business is conducted in shop. * A. Reception Area B. Counter C. Receiving Area D. Elevator 3. A scanner or machine used to swipe a small plastic card issued by a bank, building society, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit. * A. Scanner Machine B. Credit Card Machine C. Telephone D. Cash Register 4. A holder of information such as magazines, newspaper, maps, and menus. * A. Reception Desk B. Filing Cabinet C. Information Rack D. Key Rack 5. A device to access data, encode data, and gather data in the internet. * A. Fax Machine B. Laptop/Desktop C. Guests’ Folio D. Intercom 6. This a device to record charges and payments made by the guest. * A. Guest Folio and Folio Printer B. Laptop / Desktop C. Safe Deposit Box D. Reservation Form 7. A paper with encoded list of the expenses and amount paid by the client or costumer. * A. Reservation Slip B. Cash Receipt C. Message Slip D. Key Card 8. This person is responsible for estimating the volume of future reservations; preparing for busy seasons; organizing all departmental functions so that they operate efficiently, and maintaining a close check at all times on occupied and available rooms and confirming reservations. * A. Assistant Managers B. Front Office Manager C. Concierge D. Clerk 9. This person is responsible for arranging special requests, such as obtaining theater tickets, securing reservations at popular restaurants, or arranging sightseeing tours. * A. Front Office Manager B. Assistant Managers C. Concierge D. Clerk 10. What Personal Entrepreneurial Competency is shown when a personnel encourages guest to upgrade his /her room into a more luxurious and expensive one? * A. Persistence B. Demand for quality and efficiency C. Opportunity-Seeking D. Fulfilling commitments


Ty po sa points godbless po





Srry if I'm wrong

7. 1. The goal of financial management is to maximize the current value per share of the existingstock orin a business firm.2. Financial management is part of a larger discipline called3.is a decision making process concerned with planning,acquiring and utilizing funds in a manner that achieves the firm's desired goals.4. In view of modern approach, the finance manager is expected to analyze the business firmand determine the following:a. The total funds requirement of the firmb.C.5. Thedecision is concerned with the determination of quantumof profits to be distributed to the owners, the frequency of such payments and the amountsto be retained to the firm.6. Financing decisions assert that the mix ofandchosen to finance investments should maximize the value of investment made.7.deals with the economic decisions of individuals and firms.8. Objectives are developed by the9.is long range in scope and has its focus on theorganization as a whole.10. Theshould enable the firm to judicious allocation offunds, capitalization of relative strengths, mitigation of weaknesses, early identification ofshifts in environment, counter possible actions of competitor, identification of business andfinancial risk, and so forth.11. A company's strategic orreflects how it plans to achieve its goalsand objectives.12. Thefunction deals with managing the firm's assets.13. This third responsibility area of the finance manager concernsmanagement​


Unsaon na?

Wasab ko kahibaw

8. 1.Cover 1 year or less 2.apply to a particular unit area only3.refers to completeness of planning coverage4.Clearly stated in understandable language5.State organization s overall goals6.Stated only7.Number of months or years covered8.Gives general guidlines9.on going plans 10.Go beyond 3years11.Focused on major actions12 Involves routine tasks13.first management FunctionCOLUMN BA.Directional plansB.Standing plansC.Long term plansD.Short term plansE.Specific plans F.Strategic plansG.Operational plansH.Single use plansI.ComprehesivenessJ.Time frameK.Tactical planning L.Operational planningM.Planning​


1 D












13 M



9. 4. A step-by-step process in accomplishing a task or achieving an objective 5. The vision is achievable and realistic. 6. A set of principles that guide managers in addressing a particular issue. 7. Describes what the company wants to achieve and where it wants to go in the future. 8. These plans translate broader plans into functional goals for each area or department 9. A regulation which describes and regulates the functions of an organization. 10. Determines a particular function or process and is formulated by middle-level management officers. 11. The vision is clear on why the path is practically sensible and serves the interests of members in the long run. 12. It describes the path where the company wants to go and presents specific plans to move forward in the future. 13. Are specific accomplishments or action plans that are usually attained after a long period 14. Is a primary management function. 15. These plans are designed by the top management which is usually broad plans based on the company's vision, mission, and values, and address the company as a whole.​


1 thetgenuwhwk shhnsvztajns dbjememrmsjdmndmdmdmjfjfjrjejemmehahajkdhgagoooiiijej3nrbrur

10. 7. What is the difference between a disaster and a disaster risk?A. Disaster is a process, phenomenon, or human activity that may causeloss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, social andeconomic disruption or even environmental degradation; whereas adisaster risk is the situation of people, infrastructure, housing,production capacities and other tangible human assets located inhazard-prone areas.B. Disaster is the combination of all strengths, attributes, and resourcesavailable within an organization, community, or society to manage andreduce disaster risks and strengthen resilience; whereas a disaster riskis the potential loss of life, injury, or destroyed /damaged assets whichcould occur to a system, society, or a community in a specific period,determined probabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure,vulnerability, and capacity.C. Disaster is defined as a serious disruption of the functioning of acommunity or a society at any scale due to hazardous eventsinteracting with variety of conditions; whereas the latter is the potentialloss of life, injury, or destroyed /damaged assets which could occur toa system, society, or a community in a specific period, determinedprobabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability, andcapacityD. None of the choices.​


A. Disaster is a process, phenomenon, or human activity that may cause

loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, social and

economic disruption or even environmental degradation; whereas a

disaster risk is the situation of people, infrastructure, housing,

production capacities and other tangible human assets located in

hazard-prone areas.

11. is a permanent organization designed to achieve specificresults by using teams of specialists from different functional areas in the organizationa. Matrix Organizational Structureb. Divisional Organizational Structure:c. Functional Authorty Organizational Structured. Line Organizational Structure7. Anis a collection of people who work together and coordinate theiractions to achieve a wide variety of goalsa. Formal Organizationb. Nature of Organizationc. Infomal Organizationd. Organizationafter planning is in place, organizing is the next step in the8. Themanagement processa. Formal Organizationb. Nature of Organizationc. Infomal Organizationd. Benefits of Membersis a position in the direct chain of command that is responsible forthe achievement of an organization's goals anda. Staff positionb. Line positionc. Line and staff postiond. No position​


hula hula lang





12. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read carefully and write or encircle the best answer. 1. This type of computer network belongs to functional relationship except a. peer-to-peer C. client b. local area network d. server 2. A network that connects computers across a large geographic area using telephone lines or satellites a. virtual private network C. wide area network b. metropolitan area network d. local area network 3. It is used to provide access to the Internet or a private computer network. a. wireless router c. patch panel b. managed switch d. LAN adapter 4. Most basic networking device that connects multiple computers or other network devices. a. switch c. hub b. router d. patch panel 5. Which among the following does not belong to Network Equipment. a network hub c. network interface card b. wireless router d. raceway 6. How many types of computer network in accordance to topology. a 4 C. 6 b. 5 d. 7​









hope it helps you :)))

13. Pre-TestDirections: Arrange the letters to form the correct word. Write youranswer on the space provided(PEETSHADSE) 1. A document for organizing andanalyzing data.(CINORTCLEE TEES DEARSP)2. An electronic toused for computing large quantities of numbers.(LEESC) 3. It is where data/information in thespreadsheet is placed.(LUAQE IGSN) 4. It is a starting sign of a basic Excelformula.(LMAUFRO) 5. It is used as guide/rule to performcalculations.(WOKREETSH) 6. It is arranged into a series of cells witha unique address, which is determined by column androws.(FORLAMU RAB) 7. This area displays the contents of theactive cells.(MISOFTCRO CELEX) 8. A program that provideseverything you need from application managementto easy and efficient filling.(MUS TIONFUNC) 9. It is the function that is mostfrequently used in worksheet. 10. It is shown when worksheets do not followthe set of rules.(REROR)​



1. spreadsheet










14. 4. Sheryl will use an Excel function on what sign she always needs to begin?A. / (Division sign) B. -(Equal Sign) C. (Multiplication) D. +(Plus sign)5. Teacher Yhda will make her class record she will going to use the excel.Where she will going to put her data/information in the spreadsheet?A. CellsB. FormulaC. Rows and Columns D. Spreadsheets6. It is arranged into a series of cells with a unique address, which is determinedby column and rows.A. Formulas B. Spread sheets C. Rows and Columns D. Worksheets7. This area displays the contents of the active cells.A. Cells B. ElectronicC. Formula BarD. Spreadsheets Equal Sign8. A program that provides everything you need from application managementto easy and efficient filling.A. Microsoft Excel B. Microsoft Word C. Microsoft Power point D. Publisher9. It is the function that is most frequently used in worksheet.A. MultiplicationB. Division C. Sum PunctionD. Formulas10. It is shown when worksheets do not follow the set of rules.A. ElementB. ErrorC. ReturnsD. Syntax​









Correct nyo na lang po ako pagmali :)

15. Directions: Read the following sentences comprehensively. Write the word CORRECT on the blank if the statement is true. Write INCORRECT if the statement is false.____________ 1. The computer’s Operating System is responsible for managing memory such as allocating data and instructions to an area of memory while being processed.____________ 2. Starting a computer is not one of the main functions of an Operating System.____________ 3. Today Multi-tasking Operating Systems enable user to work with two or more application programs at the same time.____________ 4. Only personal computers needs an Operating System not mobiles or robots.____________ 5. Most operating system come with drivers for popular input and output devices.____________ 6. The User Interface is the part of the Operating System that you use to enter commands and data.____________ 7. Virtual memory is a technique for an Operating System to manage memory.____________ 8. Only personal computers need Operating Systems, not mobile phones or robots.____________ 9. A computer needs both hardware and softare tow work.____________ 10. One of the capabilities of an Operating system is it is capable of operating multiple applications at the same time.​












16. pls po pahelp po sana naman po yung tama pls II. Directions: Read the following sentences comprehensively. Write the word CORRECT on your Answer sheets if the statement is true. Write INCORRECT if the statement is false. ____________1. The computer’s Operating System is responsible for managing memory such as allocating data and instructions to an area of memory while being processed. _____________2. Starting a computer is not one of the main functions of an Operating System. ____________ 3. Today Multi-tasking Operating Systems enable user to work with two or more application programs at the same time. ____________ 4. Only personal computers needs an Operating System not mobiles or robots. ____________ 5. Most operating system come with drivers for popular input and output devices. ____________ 6. The User Interface is the part of the Operating System that you use to enter commands and data. ____________ 7. Virtual memory is a technique for an Operating System to manage memory. ____________ 8. Only personal computers need Operating Systems, not mobile phones or robots. ____________ 9. Buttons, ports, and scokects vary from computer to computer. ____________ 10. You cannot plug many different types of devices on the extra ports on your computer. ​


1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. F

17. ova 1. The most important business resource 2. The study of how goods and services are produced in organizations 3. Any system or method of attracting public notice to an event to be attended or the desirability of commercial products for sale 4. The process of setting of financial objectives and determining what should be done to accomplish them 5. Forecast of cash needs and sources 6. The process of managerial planning and carrying out of the conception priemg, promotion and distribotion of ideas, goods and services to bring exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals 7. Individuals or groups of people who have acquired much information and understanding of things due to experience practical ability, and easy access to information through the Internet 8. The process of obtaining mformation about jobs needed in order to achieve the organization's goals/objectives by determining its duties, tasks or activities 9. Functional area of management which handles the evaluation of employees performance 10. Punctional area of management which is concerned with the stimulation of demands for the company's products​

hey what to do??


sa comment nalang if seryoso ka sa question mo huhu

18. 3. is a collection of independent, usually single function organizations/companies that work together in order to produce a product or service. a. network structure c. horizontal structure b. vertical structure d. organization structure 4. involves the collaboration and coordination of its different work units or work divisions. a. specialization c. integration b. differentiation d. coordination 5. refers where departments are formed based on management of their products, customers, or geographic areas covered. a. divisional approach c. line department b. staff department d. matrix approach 6. __________refers to the process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks. a. coordination c. specialization b. differentiation d. management 7. __________ involves division of labor and specialization. a. specialization c. integration b. differentiation d. coordination 8. __________ clears out issues related to authority rights, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. a. vertical structure c. network structure b. horizontal structure d. matrix approach ​









i reaserched it

19. write t if the statement is true write f if the statement is false and change the underlined words to make it right. 1. The office management is responsible in monitoring the firm's activities and assign task of the employees to meet company's company's objectives.2.the managers are usually focused on the business location of the firm so it means promotion is highly recommended for feasibility studies relating to marketing mix.3the process of recruiting and selection is under the human resource management that is linked to leading on the major functions of management.4. this ict management of the firm is being tied up with different online shopping as a strategy for productivity.5.it is the financial management area that purchase raw materials and supplies for the firm and also responsible for shipment and delivery.6. the 4ps namely product price promotion and place are the main focus of marketing mix in marketing management.7.the financial management is the process of monitoring the financial position in the business firm in terms of gains and losses.8. checking the quality of the product produces in the manufacturing plant involves material management.9.the human resource management is also charged on evaluating the job performance of each employee in the company for them to identify those employees who are qualified to receive an increase in salary rewards incentives and benefits.10 innovations of products are being process honda manufacturing plant of the firm that usually describes the area of material and procurement management.underlined words are;1. office management2. promotion3. leading4. ict management5. management6. marketing management7. financial management8. material management9. human resource management10. material and procurement managementorganizational management po ang subject nito. Thanks po sa tutulong. ​












20. Part 1. Instruction: Read the sentence CAREFULLY and Write T if the sentence is True and F if the sentenceis False.1. Wireless communication gadgets an indicator of a fast-paced industrial age.2. The expansion of Jollibee Foods Limited to the different places in the Philippines and abroadcontributed to the employment growth in the places they branched out.3. Business permit is not an example of a political-legal factor.4. Staffing is a management function that manages the organization structure keeping it manned.5. Management is an art of knowing what to do.6. Management is an interdisciplinary and interational field that has evolved over the years.7. Availability of management resources can't be easily accessed nowadays.8. Management became a formal discipline at the turn of the century.9. Still, even with all the improvements provided by scientific management in production and operations,critics believed there were some areas overlooked by some management gurus.10. Henry Fayol is the one who contributed the 10 Principles of Management.11. Technical skills are most important at lower levels of management.12. One of the responsibilities that team leaders fulfill is managing external relationships.13. When Fred acts as a liaison, dealing with others outside the firm, he is enacting an informational role.14. Several fields apply the principles of management.15. Management is a forward-looking field and history doesn't matter.16. According to Fayol, the principle of authority indicates that the right to give orders must accompanyresponsibility.17. There are many models that describe the behavior and roles of successful managers but no onemodel can be applied to all types of managers and situations.18. Intellectual skills are most critical for successful management.aspects.19.Natural resources which include supply and demand for basic commodities are part of the ecological20. The power structures and forces such as constitutional and legal frameworks constitute the political-​


1 T

2 T

3 T

4 T

5 T

6 T

7 T

8 T

9 T

10 T

11 T

12 T

13 T

14 T

15 T

16 T

17 T

18 T

19 T

20 T


1.t 2.t3 3.f 4.t 5.t 6.t 7.t 8.f 9.t 10.t

11.f 12.f 13.f 14.t 15.t 16.t 17.t 18.f 19.t 20.t

21. 5. Teacher Yhda will make her class record she will going to use the excel.Where she will going to put her data/information in the spreadsheet?A. Cell B. Formula c. Rows and Columns D. Spreadsheets6. It is arranged into a series of cells with a unique address, which is determinedby column and rows.A. Formulas B. Spread sheets C. Rows and Columns D. Worksheets7. This area displays the contents of the active cellsA Celis B. Electronic C. Formula Bar D. Spreadsheets Equal Sign8. A program that provides everything you need from application managementto easy and efficient filling,A. Microsoft Excel B. Microsoft Word C. Microsoft Power point D. Publisher9. It is the function that is most frequently used in worksheet.A. Multiplication B. Division C. Sum Function D. Formulas10. It is shown when worksheets do not follow the set of rulesA Element B. ErrorC. ReturnsD: Synte​

1 a
2 a
3 c
4 d
5 b
6 b
7 b
8 a
9 b
10 d

22. Section:DIRECTIONS: Identify the word/wors being described in each sentence. Write youranswer on the space provided before each number:1. It is the most common type of microscope.2. The number of groups which a compound microscope can be divided.3. Part of the microscope which allows you to look through and observe theenlarge image of the object.4. Parts of the microscope which magnify the image.5.6. Three groups which the parts of the microscope are divided into.7.8. One of the groups of the part of the microscope which provideand manage the light source in order to clearly see the image of the object.9. Part of the illuminating parts that controls the passing of light in theopening of the stage.10. It is used to provide light on the object and help focuses it.11. It is the smallest independently functioning unit of a living organism.12. It is form when cells that are similar in structure and functions areusually linked together.13. It is an anatomically distinct structure which composed of two ormore types of tissues that work together.14. It is a a group of organs working together to perform a specificfunction for the organism.15. It is an individual living thing that may be made up of one or moreorgan systems that carries out all the basic life functions.16. The same area where the organisms of the same kind, we call asspecies live.17. The entire array populations that live in the same location make upa18. It consists of all the living things in a given area together with thenonliving things.​


1.The most common microscope (and the first to be invented) is the optical microscope, which uses lenses to refract visible light that passed through a thinly sectioned sample to produce an observable image.

23. Pre-TestDirections: Arrange the letters to form the correct word. Write youranswer on the space provided(PEETSHADSE) 1. A document for organizing andanalyzing data.(CINORTCLEE TEES DEARSP)2. An electronic toused for computing large quantities of numbers.(LEESC) 3. It is where data/information in thespreadsheet is placed.(LUAQE IGSN) 4. It is a starting sign of a basic Excelformula.(LMAUFRO) 5. It is used as guide/rule to performcalculations.(WOKREETSH) 6. It is arranged into a series of cells witha unique address, which is determined by column androws.(FORLAMU RAB) 7. This area displays the contents of theactive cells.(MISOFTCRO CELEX) 8. A program that provideseverything you need from application managementto easy and efficient filling.(MUS TIONFUNC) 9. It is the function that is mostfrequently used in worksheet. 10. It is shown when worksheets do not followthe set of rules.(REROR)​


1. Spread sheet

2. Cinortele

3. Sceel

4. Equal Sign

5. Formula

6. Worksheet

7. Formula Bar

8. Microsoft Excel

9. Sum Function

10. Error


sana po makatulong^__^

24. Exercise 1: CROSSWORD (Note: Copy the structure of the crossword in your answer sheet.) Vertical 2. Is a Type of Department that support the activities of the line departments by doing research, attending to legal matters, performing public relations duties, etc. 3. It is a structure Horizontal 1. It is an approach where departments are formed based on management of their products, customers, or geographic areas covered. 4. It is an organizational structure that refers to the departmentalization of an organization into smaller work units as tasks become increasingly varied and numerous. 5. It is an approach that is a hybrid form of departmentalization where ko managers and staff personnel report to the superiors, the functional manager and the divisional manager. 6. Is a Type of Department that deal directly with the firm’s primary goods and services; responsible for manufacturing, selling and providing services to clients. 7. Is another process in the organization’s internal environment which involves the collaboration and coordination of tis different work units or work division. 8. Is an approach where departments are formed based on management of their products, customers or geographic areas covered. 9. Is an approach where the subdivisions are formed based on specialized activities such as marketing, production, financial management and human resources management. 10. It refers to the procedures that connect the work activities of the different work divisions/units of the firm in order to achieve its overall goal.​



1.Division of labor

2.staff department


4.horizontal approach

5. Matrix approach

6.line department

7. Integration

8.divisional approach

9.functional approach


25. Directions: Identify the functional areas of management or department where the person belongs and briefly explain? 1. Angie is a graduate of BS Psychology. 2. Annan wants to apply as Sales Agent.3. Eisha likes Accounting and Auditing. 4. Aaron is good in computer and programming. 5. Dyan prefers to work on an “8-5” office hours.6. Jake is a technical worker. 7. Emily is an expert in troubleshooting of computers 8. Janjan finished a degree in Banking and Finance management. 9. Jackie is a license psychometrician. 10. Henry is working in a delivery and parcel office​


sorry ka papasa ko lang sayang



26. L. TRUE OR FALSE Read the statements below Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong. Write your answer in your answer sheet 1. Tongs are useful for many jobs including tuming food and come in a variety of sizes 2. The safety of tools and equipment is not only the concem of the management, but of then workers who use the equipment as well. 3 Store knives choppers and cutting blades in designated places and label them 4. Gather and secure electrical cords to prevent entanglement or snagging 5. Make sure the areas where you are storing the equipment are clean, dry and not Over crowded6. The proper care and storage of tools and equipment are not only the concem of the management but of the workers who use the equipment 7. Store knives properly when not in use with sharp edge down 8. Establishing a preventive maintenance program helps to ensure that all equipment and tools function as intended 9. A breakdown of these devices may affect the quality of the food being prepared and caused slowdown in production and service 10. Vinegar is a great natural cleaning product as well as a disinfectant and deodorizer​














hope it helps :))

27. Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the correct answer. 1. It is a management philosophy that focuses on the satisfaction of customers, their needs and expectations.a. Total Quality Management b. Scientific Management Theoriesc. General Administrative Theory d. Human Relations Theory2. It is also known as tactical managers.a. Top-level manager b. Middle-level managersc. Lower-level manager c. Interpersonal3. It is a process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling human and other organizational resources to attain the organizational goals.a. planning b. organizing c. management d. organization4. It refers to the determining on an organization’s goals and strategies like set out goals, establishing strategy and developing sub plan.a. planning b. organization c. management theories d. staffing5. It involves the study of conduct, manner, or action of people at work.a. Organizational Behavior Approach c. Organizational structurec. management d. organization and management6. He is a German sociologist and he wrote about bureaucracy.a. Manager b. Max Weber c. Edwards Deming d. Joseph M. Juran7. They are responsible for the supervising the day-to-day activities of the organizations.a. operational managers b. tactical managers c. corporate managers d. manager8. It is the filling-up of different jobs position that are needed in the organizations.a. staffing b .Bureaucracy c. leading d. controlling9. Which of the following is not included in management skills?a. conceptual skills b. human skills c. Technical skills d. organizational structure10. It is a management function where managers help the company to achieve its objectives by influencing their subordinates to perform the task assigned to them, deciding where decisions will be made and who will work for whom.a. organization d. staffing c. organizing d. planningII. IdentificationDirections: Identify the words that corresponds the following statement. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number.__________1. It includes the people who will be affected by plans.__________ 2. It refers to the long-term version of contingency plan.__________ 3. The process of formulating a detailed listing of activities that must be accomplished to attain an objective.__________ 4. Attempt to predict what may happen in the future.__________ 5. The decision that is repetitive.__________ 6. This involves comparison of best practices outside the business organization.__________ 7. Prepared by the managers when things do not turn out as they should be.__________ 8. It refers to ideal conditions in which the manager can make precise decision.__________ 9. The scheduling device developed by Henry Gantt.__________ 10. It refers to more decision in deciding problems.__________ 11. The process in which different individuals and units perform different task.__________ 12.The procedures that connect the work activities of the different work division/units of the firm.__________ 13. It is refers to having a focus to strive for something of mutual interest.__________14. It deals directly with the firm’s primary goods and services.__________ 15. It refers to the departmentalization of an organization into smaller work units as task become increasingly varies and numerous.__________16. It refers to where departments are formed based on management of their products, customers, or geographic areas covered.__________ 17. A hybrid form of departmentalization.__________ 18. It refers to the number of people who report to the manager.__________ 19. Assigning of various degrees of decision-making authority to lower-level employees.__________ 20. It support the activities of the line department.​


1. A.

2. C.

3. C.

4. A.

5. A.

6. B.

7. D?

8. A.

9. B?

10. C.


Yan lang po ang masagot ko.Sorry if some of my answers are wrong :D Keep Learning anyways :D tsaka ako din hehe

28. 1.Secure Network Administration Principles is essential for ensuring the security and smooth trafficking of information____________ 2. Management of rules is an important concept to control network communication____________ 3. The rule system followed by a firewall is the last match-apply type____________ 4. VLAN means Virtual Local Area Network____________ 5. Securing the router configuration is essential to prevent any unauthorized or malicious changes to the router.____________ 6. The ACL defines whether one can access or be allowed to carry forward a particular function____________ 7. Port Security refers to the various attributes in information technology related to accessibility.____________ 8. A repeating transmission pathway in the network is known as a loop.____________ 9. The process aims to review the log files, audit trails and other types of records generated by computers to identify policy violations, malicious events, downtimes and other related issues is called log evaluation.____________ 10. This is also known as “All in One Security Appliances.” It is hardware designed specifically to work in between the Internet and p​


1. T










29. Part I: What's True to Mel maintaining tools and equipment. Write your answer on the space provided, Direction: Wnte True if the statement is for maintaining tools and equipment and write False if it is not for 1. Keep tools and cords away from heat, oil, and sharp objects 2. Tools that are no longer functional may cause harm 3. Keep using the tools even if there is something wrong with the performance, 4. Failure to meet the required power supply, malfunction will occur in the part of hand tools or equipment 5. Power tools rarely need to be cleaned and inspected. 6. Clean dirt and debris from tools and equipment after each use. 7. Store tools and equipment in a clean wet storage area, 8. Dust and oil cannot harm the machine or any power tools. 9. The proper care and storage of tools and equipment are not only the concern of the management but of the workers who use the equipment 10. Have a designated place for each kind of tools. a​







30. 1. As a liaison function, managers must communicate with contacts. They need to be able to network effectively on behalf of the organization. a. internal and external b. fraternal and internal c. exclusive and inclusive d. intentional and intended 2. A skill where managers are able to value and celebrate differences, build rapport, form alliances, and negotiate affectively. a. negotiation skills b. collaboration skills C. communication skills d. arbitration skills 3. It is the backbone of the organization d. Directing a.Planning b. Organizing c. Staffing 4. It follows the principles of bureaucracy such as; management by rules, employment are based on technical qualification and other principles. a. Time and Motion Studies c. Principles of Management b. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization d. Project Scheduling 5. It is considered as the oldest, most popular method used for environmental scanning a. SWOT Analysis b. Porter 5 Forces C. PESTLE Analysis d. PESTEL Analysis 6. Which of the following group of words does not belong to the EXTERNAL FACTORS? a.Suppliers, Competitors, Marketing Intermediaries c. Mission and Objectives, Staff/Employees, Financial Factors b. Economic, Factors, Social Factors Political Factors d. Demographic, Factors, Technological factors 7. They are responsible for the specific activities along (e.g. production, marketing, selling or finance) on a certain business organization. a. Functional Managers b. Overall Manager c. First Line Managers d. Department Managers 8.The following statement are advantages in having advantages Šole proprietorship except one. a.Difficult and very expensive form of ownership b.It is a complete control, and within the parameter of the law, may make decisions as they see fit. c. Profit from the business flow-through directly to the owner's personal tax return. d.The business is easy to dissolve, if desired 9. What is/are the main factors that leads to the process of urbanization? Migration of people from rural areas seeking jobs in the emerging urban centers. b.The transformation of originally semi-urban suburbs into fully urban centers. c. The differences in population dynamics between rural and urban areas. d. All of the aforementioned. 10. It involves a logical step-by-step analysis of several possible contributing factors in making the decision. a. Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model c. Intuitive Decision Model b. Predisposed Decision Model d. Rational or Logical Decision Model a. taments ​













I hope it is right




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