My Encounter With Arts Why

My Encounter With Arts Why

My Encounters with Arts why​

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1. My Encounters with Arts why​


I don't know why 1231234


i dont know to way 1234567890

2. my encounters with art? why? what are your encounters with art? why do you say so? ​




Frequently, in the event that the ability is being utilized in a typical or commonsense manner, individuals will think of it as an art rather than art. Moreover, assuming the ability is being utilized in a business or modern way, it could be viewed as business art rather than artistic work. Then again, specialties and configuration are at times viewed as applied art. A few art supporters have contended that the distinction between artistic work and applied art has more to do with esteem decisions made with regards to the art than any reasonable definitional contrast. In any case, even artistic work frequently has objectives past unadulterated imagination and self-articulation. The reason for show-stoppers might be to impart thoughts, for example, in strategically, profoundly, or logically propelled art; to make a feeling of magnificence to investigate the idea of insight; for joy; or to produce compelling feelings. The reason may likewise be apparently nonexistent.

The idea of art has been portrayed by rationalist Richard Wollheim as "one of the most slippery of the conventional issues of human culture". Art has been characterized as a vehicle for the articulation or correspondence of feelings and thoughts, a method for investigating and liking formal components for the good of their own, and as mimesis or portrayal. Art as mimesis has profound roots in the way of thinking of Aristotle. Leo Tolstoy distinguished art as a utilization of roundabout means to impart starting with one individual then onto the next.

What is art in your own? -





Frequently, in the event that the ability is being utilized in a typical or commonsense manner, individuals will think of it as an art rather than art. Moreover, assuming the ability is being utilized in a business or modern way, it could be viewed as business art rather than artistic work. Then again, specialties and configuration are at times viewed as applied art. A few art supporters have contended that the distinction between artistic work and applied art has more to do with esteem decisions made with regards to the art than any reasonable definitional contrast. In any case, even artistic work frequently has objectives past unadulterated imagination and self-articulation. The reason for show-stoppers might be to impart thoughts, for example, in strategically, profoundly, or logically propelled art; to make a feeling of magnificence to investigate the idea of insight; for joy; or to produce compelling feelings. The reason may likewise be apparently nonexistent.HAPPY TO HELP;)

3. In the first column of the table below, list down your most striking encounters with arts. On the second column, explain why you think each encounter is an experience with art. My Encounters with Arts Why? ​


The Most Striking Encounter with Arts

*Paintings: An art that has something that interests you in person on one of a million ways and leaves a great impression. This may be a work of art that challenges you and then makes you think about it for days, or one that seduces you and leaves you with pleasant feelings for days.

*Sculptures: Sculptures are designed to be viewed in the round, allowing you to shift your perspective as you interact with them.

*Photographs: Emotion is what helps a person connect with a photograph, or any work of art, if that emotion is present in the person. Happiness and peace, grief and sorrow are some of the simpler emotions to deal with because they are universally felt by everyone on the earth at some point.

4. 11. Which type of question will most likely describe the process of analyzing your audience?A. What are you sending this message?B. What would they find interesting about it?C. What are you being asked to do?D. All of the choices are correct. 12. Which type of question will most likely describe the process of determining the writing situation?A. What are you sending this message?B. What would they find interesting about it?C. What are you being asked to do?D. All of the choices are correct. 13. If your topic is all about the reasons why it is more fun in the Philippines in the perspective of foreign tourists, what would be the tone of your paper?A. Most probably a light and exciting tone.B. Most probably a light and dark tone.C. Most probably a mysterious and exciting tone.D. Most probably a mysterious, light and fun tone. 14. As you browse different articles online, you have read the advantages of commuting and you evaluated that the tone of the author is somewhat oppressed and burdened, to whom perspective do you think it came from?A. It may be written by a regular commuter.B. It may be written by people who drive cars.C. It may be written by the government officials.D. It may be written by a professional businessman. 15. Which of the following best explains the context?A. Angie were able to find the meaning of the unfamiliar term used in the sentence through context clues.B. Shiella interpreted the different symbols presented to the literary text they have read.C. Lyza explained thoroughly her observations and impression to the essay they discussed.D. All of the choices are correct. 16. The excerpt "A Low Art" by Margaret Artwood is a retelling of the story The Odyssey in which it shifted the perspective of the protagonist from Odysseus to his wife, Penelope. Which technique of analyzing the context did Artwood practiced? Why?A. This is hypertext because the ideas were separated from one story to another.B. This is intertextuality because it highlights and organize the ideas.C. This is hypertext because the text was borrowed from one story to another.D. This is intertextuality because the text was borrowed from one story to another. 17. Amae is reading a novel of her favorite writer. As she read, she encounter some characters from the other story. She declared it to be a Deja vu. Do you think what happened to Amae is really a deja vu? Why?A. No, this is just an example of hypertext.B. Yes, because there were moments like that.C. No, this is just an example of intertextuality.D. Yes, this is indeed a deja vu. 18. Which of the following refers to the non-linear way of showing information in which it connects topics on a screen related to related information appears as links and accessed by clicking?A. Intertextuality B. Assertions C. Hypertext D. Counterclaims 19. All of the following are considered to be the process of critical reading as reasoning except for one. Which of the following is it?A. identifying intertextualityB. formulating counterclaimC. identifying assertionsD. determining textual evidences 20. If someone claims something is true even without physical evidences, what statement is he/she claiming?A. claims B. counterclaims C. evidence D. assertion 21. Which of the following assertions considered to be assertion of fact?A. "I am the most adorable child of Mama Marites."B. "You will be scolded if you go home later than 8 pm because that is our rule in my family."C. "There should be a stricter guideline so that many people will really obey."D. "He stole her money. I saw it with my two eyes." 22. Which of the following is an assertion of convention?A. " He stole her money. I saw it with my two eyes."B. "There should be a stricter guideline so that many people will really obey.""C. You will be scolded if you go home later than 8 pm because that is our rule in my family."D. "I am the most adorable child of Mama Marites." 23. Which of the following best explains a counterclaim?A. These are the details that supports a claim.B. These are the statements that claim something is true about something. C. These are the details that contradict a rebut to a previous claim.D. These are the statements intended to rebut to a previous claim.​















5. i need 3 person... need your Answer... please help me to my survey thanks.. answer thisIn one of your encounters with art through museum visits, musicals, and plays, among others, have you ever felt disconnected to an artwork? Was there a point in time when you did not understand what message the art was trying to convey? Write the name of the artwork in the box and attach an image of the artwork. Explain why you think you did or did not understand the art using the space provided.

Answer: Yes!Especially visiting the museums emphasized the “socialist ideology “… Displaying The state officially “sanctioned” emotions… explanation: i hope its help Keep learning

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