Father Of Essay

Father Of Essay

father of English essay

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1. father of English essay


Francis Bacon


bacon barrowed the general conception of his essays from the French writer and philosopher Montaigne.

what i dont understand maybe you need to shut youre daddy up

2. Make a Essay about Father And son​


The Secret Bond

In today’s society, a loving father son relationship is foreseeable. However, in the past, father son bonds could’ve been seen as distant and uncaring relationships. In the 1930’s, men were tough, brave, and manly and did not show many signs of affection. “The Secret Heart,” a poem by Robert P. Tristam Coffin, clarifies a father son relationship in the 1930's. The poem is shown through a father who has a strict relationship with his son, but at night, while he believes his son asleep, he exhibits his love for his son when he is not aware. The author uses imagery, form, and metaphors to establish the hidden love between this father and his son.

Throughout “The Secret Heart,” Coffin holds different views of the poem using imagery.

3. why god is a loving father?essay.​


because he is our almighty father in heaven, he is our savior ,our strength.


In all things, God is our loving Father. He begat us, is nurturing us through the Holy Spirit, and is preparing us for our ultimate purpose.

We may sin, we may turn away, but God will never forsake us. He will always be there, loving us through everything we do. In much of modern Christianity, God is addressed as the Father, in part because of his active interest in human affairs, in the way that a father would take an interest in his children who are dependent on him and as a father, he will respond to humanity, his children, acting in their best interests.

“We love God because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). God is the first cause of all that is good and right in the world. Wherever and whenever love exists on earth, it only exists because it is a reflection of God's perfect love that created us and sustains us.

Psalm 103:13: "The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him." Proverbs 3:11-12: "My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."

4. what would you to show love and honor to you father and mother? (essay)​


Respect them,Make them always happy,and Always be a Good Girl/Boy

Pa Brainliest po.


honoring your mother and father is expected of all people, young and old alike. Everyone has a mom and a dad, and most parents love their parents unconditionally; so in return kids should show honor towards their parents through love as well. In order to honor your mother and father, one must show respect, obedience, and especially honesty towards them. Everyone must be honest with their parents no matter how hard it is to be. The Bible and God demand honesty, especially towards your parents. In order to fully honor your parents you must also try to be completely honest with them. White lies are often told and thought of as no big deal, but after a while they will lead to bigger lies that could get people into serious trouble. Being honest with your parents is so important because your mother and father need to become fully involved with your life even if it is hard for you to let them. Your parents want to be a part of your lives, but without honesty they are unable to. Also, in order to be honest with your parents, you must also be honest with oneself. Honoring your mother and father is one of the most important things in life because it includes, respect, obedience, and honesty. One's parents need to receive great honor from their children because they love them with all of their hearts.

5. write an essay about the song Father and son by Cat Steven give atleast two paragraph​


Children want to make their fathers proud, and an involved father promotes inner growth and strength. Studies have shown that when fathers are affectionate and supportive, it greatly affects a child's cognitive and social development. It also instills an overall sense of well-being and self confidence.

6. create a letirary essay about my father goes to court ​


please pic all


half yung kilid

"My Father Goes to Court" by Carlos Bulosan is a literary masterpiece that perfectly captures the struggles of the Filipino people during a time of colonization and oppression. The story, which is presented in a simple but effective narrative, follows the protagonist, a young boy, as he accompanies his father to court after he has been falsely accused of stealing.

One of the main themes in the story is the injustice that is prevalent in Filipino society. Bulosan portrays this theme through the character of the father, who is a victim of false accusations and the corrupt justice system. The father is an honest and hardworking man who has devoted his life to supporting his family. However, his honesty and hard work are not enough to protect him from the false accusations of those who seek to bring him down.

Bulosan also touches on the theme of family and the strong bonds that exist between parents and children. The protagonist's relationship with his father is one of admiration and respect, and this is evident throughout the story. Despite all the troubles that they face, the protagonist remains loyal to his father and supports him in his time of need.

The story also highlights the struggles of immigrants and their journey to adapt to a new way of life. The father, a migrant worker, is faced with the challenge of adapting to a new culture and way of life. He is also subjected to discrimination and prejudice due to his status as an immigrant. However, despite these challenges, he remains determined to provide for his family and make a life for himself in his new home.

In conclusion, "My Father Goes to Court" is a poignant and powerful story that touches on a range of themes and issues that are still relevant to contemporary society. Through his use of simple yet effective prose, Bulosan manages to capture the struggles and triumphs of the Filipino people during a time of political and social upheaval. This makes the story a timeless piece of literature that can still resonate with readers today.

7. Your mother has headache and there is no one to do housework since your father is in the office. What will you do?pls answer 3-5 sentence essay​


I'll take care of my mother, make some soup to her. Then call my father that mom is sick that he can arrive home. I will do my mom's chores.

I help my mother because dad is in the office,no one can get the vitamins of my mom

I'l take care of my mom

8. As a young social scientist, make an essay about what contribution you can make to further the application and appreciation of social science, it's theories and of founding fathers of social science. ​


Reproduced with kind permission from the Campaign for Social Science.

We know that Britain’s social scientists are world leaders in their fields, but why do we need them? And if they weren’t around to analyse what’s going on, would you miss them? Audrey Osler suggests 10 reasons why you need social science:

9. A clause essay 13. In the sentence, My father had fixed our roof before Typhoon Jolina arrived, what is the dependent clause? A. My father had fixed B. My father had fixed our roof C. before Typhoon JolinaD. before Typhoon Jolina arrived​


B. my father had fixed our roof





10. assertion essay about my father is my superhero​


My dad is my first friend in life. I love my Dad very much. There has not been even a single day where he has not thought about us. My dad takes a lot of care to make sure we are hail and healthy. If we are sick, he stumbles and keeps worrying until we are fine again. Only in those times I have realized the true affection he has on us. Only a few people in our life help us so that we can lead a happy life. But a father is the only person who works hard for the goodness of the family. If there can be a Super Hero in this world, it is my Dad and there is no one who can replace him.


I hope i can help you.

11. As a young social scientist, make an essay about what contribution you can make to further the application and appreciation of social science, it's theories and of founding fathers of social science. ​

we need to explore


as we can see every has on ability to use are

12. Give 6 traits (3 from mother and 3 from father) that you have inherited from your parents pasagot po essay po erisalamat​


8 Traits Babies Inherit From Their Mother

Sleeping Style. Between tossing and turning, insomnia, and even being a fan of naps, babies can pick up on these from mom during nap time and turn them into their own lifelong sleep habits. ...

Hair Color. ...

Hair Texture. ...

Temper. ...

Healthy Eating Habits. ...

Dominant Hands. ...

Migraines. ...


Below is a list of traits inherited from father to child:

Eye Colour. Dominant and recessive genes play a role in determining eye colour of the child. ...

Height. If the father is tall, there is more chance for the child to also be tall. ...

Dimples. ...

Fingerprints. ...

Lips. ...

Sneezing. ...

Teeth structure. ...

Mental disorders.

13. essay about fathers in this time of pandemic tagalog pho.


Maraming salamat po ama sa soportang binibigay mo araw-araw mahal kita ama

14. As a young social scientist, write an essay about what contributions you canmake to further the application and appreciation of social sciences, its theoriesand ideas and of the founding fathers of social sciences.​

Social scientists study all aspects of society—from past events and achievements to human behavior and relationships among groups. Their research provides insights into the different ways individuals, groups, and institutions make decisions, exercise power, and respond to change. They look at data in detail, such as studying the data they've collected, reanalyzing already existing data, analyzing historical records and documents, and interpreting the effect of location on culture and other aspects of society. Through their studies and analyses, social scientists offer insight into the physical, social, and cultural development of humans, as well as the links between human activity and the environment. Following are brief discussions of several major types of social scientists. Specialists in one field may find that their research overlaps work being conducted in another discipline...


15. tell how grateful you are for having your mother and father essay

pa brainliest po thank you

16. 1. A man has well-developed beard, but his father is not bearded. From whom between the mother and the father did the man inherit the trait? Explain. Essay po yan


baka po sa lahi ng mother


ikaw na po bahala ng essay

17. construct an essay based on the situation.what is the best advice you can give and share to your father as favorite son of the president and a concern citizen of our country


As parents, we all want our children to grow up to be responsible citizens and good ... to recognize and honor the democratic principles upon which our country was ... and needs against those of others and to make positive contributions to society. ... The most important thing we can do for our children is to help them acquire.

18. my father goes to court essayintroduction,body and conclusion​


The story is set in a city in the Philippines. The young narrator begins by describing his large family. Though they are poor they are full of mischief and laughter. The children are all strong and healthy even though they often go hungry. In contrast, their rich neighbor’s children are thin and sickly although they are given plenty of good food, which their impoverished neighbors enjoy smelling over the fence. Consequently, the rich man brings a charge against the narrator’s family for stealing the spirit of his family’s food.

The absurd case goes to court, and the narrator’s father agrees to pay back the rich neighbor. He does this by collecting coins from all his friends present in his hat, then shaking the hat full of coins. Being charged to pay for the spirit of food which his family supposedly got from its smell, he maintains that the jingling of the coins is a fair equivalent.

The judge rules in the poor father’s favor, and the rich man is forced to depart with no other payment than the “spirit” of the money the poor man collected. In the Filipino context, this story favors the underprivileged families over affluent ones. It is

supported by the part at the end of the story where after the father gave back the “spirit of wealth” through the jingling of the coins in the straw hat, the judge immediately dismissed the case. While it is not really true in this day and age because the poor has no fair fight against the rich, the idea behind it is not quite simple. Maybe the author wanted to show the issue the other way around, thus, using a reverse psychology.

Filipinos are known to be light people. We don’t usually wear much burden on our shoulders. Well, we have a lot but how do we cope with every situation? By not taking it so hard, of course! In every problem, like poverty, even if they don’t get to eat much for the day, they are still smiling and laughing together and the family is still intact. Like in the story, the narrator’s family is a poor family, and yet, because they are not so sensitive, they get to play outside and laugh. In the rich family’s case, they are abundant in food and a comfortable lifestyle but are still not content with what they have and push others-like the poor family- to pay for it. In the real world, rich people tend to step down on the poor because they perceive themselves more powerful than the poor.

In the part where the judge asked the father where his lawyer was, and he said he doesn’t need one, it is seen as the turning point of justice in the Philippines. The law dictates that every citizen is given justice. But is it really the case? The law takes for granted the poor.

19. JAN 6 TASK- Short essay on five (5) traits you inherit from your father or your mother and how each of these traits affects your goals in life.​



Short Essay on five(5) traits that you inherit from your father or your mother and how each of these traits effects your goals in life.

I have a lot of behaviors that I can't explain because I have them all every day,I got the habit of being slow from my dad, I’m not ashamed that I’m slow because it’s natural for me, secondly, to be smart,I'm not very smart but I have knowledge about other things, I can explain it to other people because I just share knowledge, third,being thoughtful, I got it from my mom and dad because they both hold itFourth, being polite, I got my respect for my mom and dad, they are both polite when they meet another person, Lastly, being quiet, being quiet I got from my dad, I'm very talkative before but now, I'm very quit and I don't talk that much unless my family is talking with me,.I inherited all of them from my parents but some of them I don't possess very much because I also have a lot of behaviors.


20. which of the following sentences is a passive voice. a.my father gave me a gift.b.the essay was written by Royc.Ivan eats ice creamd.raxhel loves to play a guitar.​


i think its B.


because i search it


B. The essay was written by Roy.


In passive voice, the object of the sentence precedes the verb and subject.


21. C. Engage: ESSAY WRITING Make an essay about what will happen to a family if in case the father is irresponsible and if the mother does not perform his duties and responsibilities. Please be guided with the rubrics provided when writing your essay in a one whole sheet piece of an Intermediate paper.Pa answer po bukas na po psahan​


If in case both parents, father and mother, are neglecting their duties and responsibilities as home keepers, the mentioned family will only dwell in the context of a house and not a home. Moreso, the children, if there's any, will be much more affected. Growing without their guidance, no model of good behavior and sense of responsibility would put them into big trouble someday. Also, imagine the mental impact it will bring to the children. The ideals of having a family will no longer be as exciting as it is.

22. II. ESSAY Directions: Read the question and answer is comprehensively. 16-25. In the story, "The Prodigal Son" in your module, you have discovered that the father accepted and forgave his son after what he did. If you were the father, would you also do the Same?​


yes because the prodigal son deserves it


23. compose a 3-4 stanza poem a song or a 2-3 paragraph essay to honor or appreciate your father use modals in your compositionPa answer pls:((((​


ther was a little monkey playing under their bed the one shout as he / she bomp on the bed than cary mama monkey called him or her not to be under the bed as well so mama monkey called a doctor to give some direction the doctor said dont go under the bed again

24. write essay to how do you express your affection/love to your father or mother​


My parents seem to be open about their emotions and tell each other what they are feeling. My dad does not handle stress very well, so when he…show more content…

My mom and dad have a traditional view on life. My mom does all the inside house chores and the cooking. My mom will cook dinner almost every night and has it ready for when my dad get home from work. My dad is in charge of the grilling, so he would cook the meat or vegetables on the grill. My mom also does all the cleaning in the house. She organizes everything and gets the house tidy. My dad never helps clean because my mom has the characteristics of a perfectionist, so she likes things to be done her way. My mom also does most of the grocery shopping. She has a routine and usually goes during the day. If my mom ever sends my dad to the grocery, he always comes home with more than needed, or not enough. So she does not send him…show more content…

Something that I want to do differently than my parents is set aside time for each other daily. It is important to be together and talk about the things that are going on. I wished my parents would have spent time together in the word and in prayer together.


How can I express love to my mother and father?

What parents expect most from their children in return of all their love, support and care is acknowledgement. Acknowledge them by being humble.

Keep remember that only parents are the only human beings in life who take pride and do not jealous on your each and every victory, success and happiness.

The great love, generousness of parents can be complements with respect. You may ask their permission in decisions of your life affairs and you will get unbiased and real experienced advice.

Parents love and take care of their children on daily basis. So you should also love them everyday and it should not be one time of occasional.

Parents becomes happy when you are happy. So try to be happy.

Parents teaches you many many things in life and be there for you in tough times. You should also support them unconditionally and make them learn whatever they need but they don’t know like if they don’t know how to use internet and smartphones, patiently make them learn and make them updated. You may think that their thinking is old fashioned but keep remember that they taught you when you would know nothing.

Showing your love and gratitude in words will soothe them but in actions and behavior will make them glad and proud.


Hope its help

25. Write an essay about your father or father figure ( minimum of three sentences). Make use of coordinating, subordinating and correlating conjunctions in your sentences.


My father is industrious man for one reason he always work for us, no matter how hard her work is he is always strong for us. As long as I can will study hard to give back what my father gives to us. My father is also hardworking and kind, he is kind man for us.

Conjuctions used;

coordinating; for

correlating; and

subordinating; as long as


[tex]\tiny{ \color{blue}\texttt{Goodluck! }} [/tex]


My father is good and kind but he is also hardworking person. I hope i could help him. I will help him us much i can.

26. write a reflective essay about your alcoholic father​


Having an alcoholic father could be a nightmare to many. You face it day by day. What's hard about it, is the fact that you can't seem to stop him, for it already became an addiction. Being drunk here and there, day in and day out, troubles, fights, and it's even harder for it seems to get worse everyday.

It was really hard to face it day by day, but I choose to make it as an inspiration, a motivation. It made me learn to stand not just for myself but for my mother, brothers and sisters. It made me work harder everyday. Seeing my father being drunk makes me wanna be a better person someday, better than he does. An alcoholic father made me a stronger person today, than I am before. It made me strong enough to pass through all the problems and hindrances that may come to my way.

A problem doesn't only bring negative effects, it could bring positive ones. It's just a matter of how you see it. It's your choice to make it as something that holds you back from achieving your goals, or to see it as something that makes you grow as a person.

**hope it helps**

27. Essay. My mother/father is the most amazing person anybody could wish for. We’ve been through so much together and we have a lot of memories to cherish

sabaok beh mom and dad is amazing person


woah amqzing


what a nice family

28. what is conviction and belief essay my father goes to courtsana ma answer nyo agad​



"My Father Goes to Court" is a short story written by Carlos Bulosan, which is often studied as a piece of literature in English classes. It is not a conviction and belief essay in itself, but it does explore themes related to justice, prejudice, and personal conviction.

The story centers around the character of the narrator's father, who is a poor Filipino immigrant working in the United States. One day, the father is accused of stealing and is brought to court. Despite facing discrimination and injustice, the father maintains his innocence and stands up for himself in court, even if it means facing punishment.

Through the father's character, the story explores themes related to conviction and belief, particularly the idea of standing up for oneself and one's beliefs in the face of adversity. It also touches on themes related to cultural identity and the struggles faced by immigrants in the United States.

While "My Father Goes to Court" is not a conviction and belief essay in itself, it does offer a powerful example of how personal conviction and belief can influence one's actions and shape one's identity.

29. english short essayhow do you honor you father and mother?​



Write a short essay about how do you honor your mother and father

Answer :

Our parents is are everything. They give me what they need , they give me shelter , they gave me love , and they give me everything that all i need. All that work and sacrifices of our parents , Just to give us a wonderful and good future. Just to be an successful business man/woman or anything that you what to be when you grow up. I what to praise or honor them. I can honor my mother and father in :

Make your dad/mom feep goodLet them know you understand on what they have been done for youListen to their storiesTell them your storiesBe excited about their lives Strengthen your marriageLove their grandchildrenDont expect them to blame you out

Hope this help!



Write a short essay about how do you honor your mother and father

Answer :

Our parents is are everything. They give me what they need , they give me shelter , they gave me love , and they give me everything that all i need. All that work and sacrifices of our parents , Just to give us a wonderful and good future. Just to be an successful business man/woman or anything that you what to be when you grow up. I what to praise or honor them. I can honor my mother and father in :

Make your dad/mom feep goodLet them know you understand on what they have been done for youListen to their storiesTell them your storiesBe excited about their lives Strengthen your marriageLove their grandchildrenDont expect them to blame you out

Hope this help!

30. 200 essay you are a teenager in the middle of a call with close friend.you mother or father call you to do a chore​


As a teenager, it can be frustrating to be interrupted in the middle of a call with a close friend by a parent asking you to do a chore. On the one hand, you want to be respectful and responsive to your parents, but on the other hand, you don't want to lose the momentum of your conversation with your friend. In this situation, it is important to find a balance between these conflicting priorities.

One approach to this situation could be to briefly acknowledge your parent's request and let them know that you will get to the chore as soon as possible. For example, you could say something like, "Thanks for reminding me, Mom. I'll do that right after I finish my call with [friend's name]." This lets your parent know that you are aware of their request and that you plan to take care of it, but also indicates that you are currently engaged in a conversation and need a few more minutes to finish.

Another approach could be to ask your parent if the chore can wait until you finish your call with your friend. Depending on the nature of the chore and your parent's availability, they may be willing to let you finish your call before you start on the chore. This approach requires a bit more communication and negotiation, but it can be a good way to prioritize your social connections and show your parents that you value your friendships.

Ultimately, the approach you take in this situation will depend on your specific relationship with your parents and the nature of the chore they are asking you to do. The key is to find a balance between being respectful and responsive to your parents and maintaining your connections with your friends.

As a teenager, it can be frustrating when your parents interrupt your phone calls with friends to ask you to do a chore. However, it's important to remember that your parents are just trying to help you become responsible and independent. They may have asked you to do a chore because they believe it will teach you valuable life skills or help you become more organized and self-sufficient.

When your parent calls you to do a chore, it's important to be respectful and follow their instructions. This can be difficult, especially if you're in the middle of a fun conversation with a friend, but it's important to show your parents that you appreciate their guidance and are willing to help out around the house.

One way to handle this situation is to let your friend know that your parent has asked you to do a chore, and that you'll need to end the call in order to complete it. You can apologize to your friend and let them know that you'll call them back as soon as you're finished with the chore. This will show your friend that you value their friendship, but that you also respect your parents and their rules.

Once you've ended the call with your friend, focus on completing the chore as quickly and efficiently as possible. This will show your parents that you're capable of taking on responsibilities, and that you're willing to contribute to the household. It may also help to thank your parents for asking you to do the chore, and to let them know that you appreciate their guidance and support.

In conclusion, it can be frustrating when your parents interrupt your phone calls with friends to ask you to do a chore. However, it's important to be respectful and follow their instructions in order to show them that you appreciate their guidance and are willing to help out around the house. By doing this, you'll be able to maintain good relationships with both your parents and your friends.

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