Foreshadowing In The Cask Of Amontillado

Foreshadowing In The Cask Of Amontillado

The Cask of Amontillado​

Daftar Isi

1. The Cask of Amontillado​


The Cask of Amontillado" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in the November 1846 issue of Godey's Lady's Book. The story, set in an unnamed Italian city at carnival time in an unspecified year, is about a man taking fatal revenge on a friend who, he believes, has insulted him.

2. the cask of amontillado


the cask amontillado's the story of a man named montresor he decided to seek revenge agaisnt the man named fortunatu who has insulted him. he meet fortunato at a carnival, lures him into the catacombs at his home and burries him alive


3. summary of the cask of Amontillado

SummaryThe narrator, Montresor, opens the story by stating that he has been irreparably insulted by his acquaintance, Fortunato, and that he seeks revenge. He wants to exact this revenge, however, in a measured way, without placing himself at risk. He decides to use Fortunato’s fondness for wine against him. During the carnival season, Montresor, wearing a mask of black silk, approaches Fortunato. He tells Fortunato that he has acquired something that could pass for Amontillado, a light Spanish sherry. Fortunato (Italian for “fortunate”) wears the multicolored costume of the jester, including a cone cap with bells. Montresor tells Fortunato that if he is too busy, he will ask a man named Luchesi to taste it. Fortunato apparently considers Luchesi a competitor and claims that this man could not tell Amontillado from other types of sherry. Fortunato is anxious to taste the wine and to determine for Montresor whether or not it is truly Amontillado. Fortunato insists that they go to Montresor’s vaults.Montresor has strategically planned for this meeting by sending his servants away to the carnival. The two men descend into the damp vaults, which are covered with nitre, or saltpeter, a whitish mineral. Apparently aggravated by the nitre, Fortunato begins to cough. The narrator keeps offering to bring Fortunato back home, but Fortunato refuses. Instead, he accepts wine as the antidote to his cough. The men continue to explore the deep vaults, which are full of the dead bodies of the Montresor family. In response to the crypts, Fortunato claims to have forgotten Montresor’s family coat of arms and motto. Montresor responds that his family shield portrays “a huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel.” The motto, in Latin, is “nemo me impune lacessit,” that is, “no one attacks me with impunity.”Later in their journey, Fortunato makes a hand movement that is a secret sign of the Masons, an exclusive fraternal organization. Montresor does not recognize this hand signal, though he claims that he is a Mason. When Fortunato asks for proof, Montresor shows him his trowel, the implication being that Montresor is an actual stonemason. Fortunato says that he must be jesting, and the two men continue onward. The men walk into a crypt, where human bones decorate three of the four walls. The bones from the fourth wall have been thrown down on the ground. On the exposed wall is a small recess, where Montresor tells Fortunato that the Amontillado is being stored. Fortunato, now heavily intoxicated, goes to the back of the recess. Montresor then suddenly chains the slow-footed Fortunato to a stone.Taunting Fortunato with an offer to leave, Montresor begins to wall up the entrance to this small crypt, thereby trapping Fortunato inside. Fortunato screams confusedly as Montresor builds the first layer of the wall. The alcohol soon wears off and Fortunato moans, terrified and helpless. As the layers continue to rise, though, Fortunato falls silent. Just as Montresor is about to finish, Fortunato laughs as if Montresor is playing a joke on him, but Montresor is not joking. At last, after a final plea, “For the love of God, Montresor!” Fortunato stops answering Montresor, who then twice calls out his enemy’s name. After no response, Montresor claims that his heart feels sick because of the dampness of the catacombs. He fits the last stone into place and plasters the wall closed, his actions accompanied only by the jingling of Fortunato’s bells. He finally repositions the bones on the fourth wall. For fifty years, he writes, no one has disturbed them. He concludes with a Latin phrase meaning “May he rest in peace.”

4. The cask of amontillado characters summary

“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe is constructed around two principal characters: Montresor, who is also the narrator, and Fortunato, the victim. Other characters which are mentioned but absent are another man called Luchresi and the servants at the palace.

5. what is the ending story of the cask of amontillado​


Naturally Fortunato would have died, but some writers have assumed that he died immediately of suffocation while others have assumed that he died of starvation. I believe it was Poe's intention to have the reader believe that Montresor's revenge included a long, lingering death for his victim. There was undoubtedly plenty of water, since the text specifies that there is water dripping everywhere and that they are in fact under a river. So poor Fortunato could have quenched his thirst by licking water off the rock wall to which he was chained. Poe also specifies that there is some air down there.

"We passed through a range of low arches, descended, passed on, and descending again, arrived at a deep crypt, in which the foulness of the air caused our flambeaux rather to glow than flame."

Montresor also makes repeated references to the abundance of nitre. This substance contains a large quantity of oxygen. So it would seem that Fortunato could get water and some air in his confinement. The rough stone wall constructed by Montresor may contain enough chinks to allow the passage of some of the foul air from the other side. Montresor does not say so, but he might have left a few air holes in his wall.

So it would seem that Fortunato died of starvation while standing up. Perhaps in time his skeleton would have slipped through the chain and crumpled to the ground in the rags of his jester's costume. Montresor would have wanted his victim to suffer a long, lingering death. At the end, Montresor receives no answers from Fortunato, but that doesn't necessarily mean the man is already dead. That is unlikely. He has probably fainted or even refusing to answer.


6. Summary of "The Cask of Amontillado" ​


To wrap it up, Edgar Allan Poe's short story ''The Cask of Amontillado'' is the story of a man named Montresor who decides to seek revenge against a man named Fortunato, who has insulted him. He meets Fortunato at a carnival, lures him into the catacombs of his home, and buries him alive.


7. When was the cask of amontillado written?




When was the Cask of Amontillado written?





8. where is the setting of the cask of amontillado​



The Cask of Amontillado is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in November 1846. It is set in an unnamed city in Italy, during the carnival and tells the story of Montresor, who seeks revenge on Fortunato, a fellow nobleman who insulted him several times.




The Cask of Amontillado is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in November 1846. It is set in an unnamed city in Italy, during the carnival and tells the story of Montresor, who seeks revenge on Fortunato, a fellow nobleman who insulted him several times.

9. Montresor's coat of arms in the cask of amontillado

Fortunato is a snake in the grass, he bit Montresor, and Montresor's big gold foot is coming crashing down on him as a result. There's that motto to go with it: “Nemo me impune lacessit.” A quick search of the Internet reveals that this means “no one attacks me with impunity” − and that it's the motto of Scotland!

10. Inter textual Criticism of Cask of Amontillado​


Edgar Allan Poe, the master of the macabre, understood the fine line between good and evil, between the holy and the profane. He knew how to penetrate the subconscious of his readers by subtly playing off of their most deeply held beliefs. In “The Cask of Amontillado”, Poe brilliantly interweaves religion into a dark tale of revenge. The effect is at once profound and haunting.

11. Tone of the Cask of Amontillado ​



tone is the tone of the casket of amontillado

12. what are the events in the cask of amontillado?​


To wrap it up, Edgar Allan Poe's short story 'The Cask of Amontillado' is the story of a man named Montresor who decides to seek revenge against a man named Fortunato, who has insulted him. He meets Fortunato at a carnival, lures him into the catacombs of his home, and buries him alive.

13. what is the falling action of the cask of amontillado?​


The falling action of The Cask of Amontillado is when Fortunato stops screaming, and Montresor only hears the jingling of the bells on his costume when he throws his torch into the catacombs. Montresor also is finishing sealing the wall he is making in front of Fortunato, so one finds him.





14. Who is Montresor in the cask of amontillado?

Montresor is a sensitive, insecure, revenge-obsessed man who's always been pranked by Fortunato. The said prank is the reason why he murdered Fortunato.

15. What part did the cask of wine play in the revenge? "The Cask of Amontillado"


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16. theme of the story cask of amontillado​




The main themes in "The Cask of Amontillado" are the corrupting influence of revenge and the nature of sin and atonement. The corrupting influence of revenge: revenge characterizes the entire short story as Montresor gleefully recounts his victory over Fortunato.

Make me as a brainliest <3

17. what is the moral lesson in the cask of amontillado​


Fortunato certainly gives no sense of having feelings of ill will towards him. Therefore, the "moral lesson" of the story is that revenge is wrong. The reasons for the revenge might not be enough to warrant what is being done to the victim.

18. what is the settings of the story the cask of Amontillado​


the settings of (The Cask of Amontillado) is in italy during carnival season

19. climax of the story cask of amontillado​


Just read your own story climax is easily to find

T climax usually comes about three-quarters of the way through the text and occurs when the conflict reaches its height. If you were on a roller coaster, this would be the point where you would likely start screaming in response to all the twists and turns. This is the part in a story when the action is at its peak.Jun 25, 2018

20. What is the theme of the cask of amontillado


The main themes in “The Cask of Amontillado” are ambivalence,self-delusion, and substance abuse.


The main themes in “The Cask of Amontillado” are ambivalence, self-delusion, and substance abuse. Ambivalence: Readers are never told the nature of the “thousand injuries of Fortunato,” and Montresor himself seems somewhat ambivalent about the revenge he takes on his “friend.”

pa brainliest po

just kidding

21. theme of the story cask of amontillado​


The main themes in "The Cask of Amontillado" are the corrupting influence of revenge and the nature of sin and atonement.

22. what is the plot of the cask of amontillado??

Fortunato is dressed like a jester and has been drinking. Throughout the story, Montresor exploits fortunatos interest in wine. First he tempts fortunatos by claiming he has purchased a cask of amontillado, which is a dry sherry, but he is unsure if its authentic.

23. how the story started the cask of amontillado? ​


Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.

In his short story “The Cask of Amontillado,” Edgar Allan Poe reveals in the first paragraph the primary motivation, as well as the thoughts that twist and turn in the mind of the character, Montresor. Stylistically, it is an interior monologue in that Poe provides no grammatical markings to Montresor’s narrative.

Montresor ponders his act of revenge and with it, his plans for the murder of an acquaintance named Fortunato. Fortunato means “the fortunate one,” his reference in the first sentence the beginning of Poe’s unrivaled skill at macabre humor and twists in the mind of someone willing to commit murder. In this case, the murderer lures the reader in as Montresor makes clear his retribution will be carried out on the basis of an insult.

Our curiosity is stirred when Montresor does not reveal what the specific insult was, only that it was egregious enough to warrant the most extreme form of retribution. We are left to wonder how Montresor will carry out his deed, and if it will be successful.


The story’s setting is not named, but is likely in an Italian city. Written in 1846, the manners comport with 19th century manners of the time. Montresor has cleverly chosen to carry out his revenge during “carnival season,” mentioning the supreme madness of the carnival festivities. Revelers imbibe an abundance of wine and adorn themselves with outfits that reflect no concern for their station in life.

It is in this context that Montresor greets the object of his revenge, Fortunato. Fortunato is wearing a parti-colored dress and a conical cap adorned with bells, such as the Fool would wear in a Shakespeare play.

Montresor lures Fortunato with a “pipe” of Amontillado. A pipe is 130 gallons. Amontillado, a premiere sherry aged far longer than other sherries, has a superior taste and aroma compared with other sherries in Italy and the bulk of Europe. Montresor tells Fortunato that he took the risk of purchasing the sherry, as Fortunato could not be found for consultation.

Fortunato is wildly beside himself. The very fact that Montresor has Amontillado in his possession is seemingly more than he can bear as he repeatedly bellows “Amontillado!” As he does, Montresor attempts to dissuade Fortunato from taking his time to bother with the purchase. Montresor tells Fortunato that he was on his way to see Luchesi - a notable connoisseur of wines - which does nothing but raise the ire of Fortunato to get to the Amontillado himself.

Montresor tries again to push Fortunato away, which of course, only reels him back in with more intent. Montresor notes that he does not want to importune Fortunato, as it is clear he is otherwise engaged.

When Fortunato resists, Montresor confesses that he can see that Fortunato is suffering from a cold and the wine vaults are insufferably damp and encrusted with nitre—a compound of potassium nitrate, which grows in damp environments and can induce coughing.

When Montresor has exhausted his initial attempts to prove to Fortunato that his desire is not to get him in the dank and clammy environs of his family’s catacombs, Fortunato enveloped Montresor as they made their way to the vaults. As they entered, Montresor grabbed two bottles of wine, in large measure to enhance Fortunato's already steadily increasing inebriation.

Montresor had already planned for his attendants to not be at home for the evening. They willingly took advantage of the opportunity to join the festivities of the carnival.

Fortunato and Montresor enter the catacombs. Poe uses character action to bring to life the dramatic change in venue. Fortunato goes into a fit of coughing that seems endless. He cannot speak for many minutes.


24. 5word you in the story of the cask of amontillado​








25. what Exposition of "The cask of Amontillado"​


During the exposition of ''The Cask of Amontillado,'' the narrator, Montresor, is planning an act of revenge against his friend, a man named Fortunato. ... During the rising action, tension and suspense starts to build: Fortunato is led to the Montresor family catacombs, which is where the Amontillado is supposed to be.

26. what is the tone of the story the cask of amontillado​


the mood  "the cask of  amontillado"is usually as threatening,suspenseful,ominous

27. theme of the story cask of amontillado​


The main themes in "The Cask of Amontillado" are the corrupting influence of revenge and the nature of sin and atonement. The corrupting influence of revenge: revenge characterizes the entire short story as Montresor gleefully recounts his victory over Fortunato.

28. The cask of amontillado character analysis


Montresor is a cunning and intelligent man who is extremely loyal to his family. He begins the story explaining that he had suffered a thousand injuries of Fortunato, but the minute he was insulted directly he needed to plan revenge.

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29. summarize the story of cask of amontillado​


The Cask of Amontillado Summary. In the short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe, a man named Montresor describes his revenge against his friend Fortunato, who did him “a thousand injuries.”. In Italy during Carnival, Montresor tells Fortunato that he has obtained some rare Amontillado wine and invites him back to his cellar

Good morning keep safe <3

30. he is the author of the cask of amontillado​


Edgar Allan Poe


siya po yung author

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