Article About Death Penalty In The Philippines 2016

Article About Death Penalty In The Philippines 2016

Inference about death penalty in the Philippines

Daftar Isi

1. Inference about death penalty in the Philippines


Philippines: The death penalty is an inhumane, unlawful and ineffective response to drugs

The adoption of a draft law by the Philippine House of Representatives to revive the death penalty sets the country on a dangerous path in flagrant violation of its international legal obligations, Amnesty International said today.

“The idea that the death penalty will rid the country of drugs is simply wrong. The resumption of executions will not rid the Philippines of problems associated with drugs or deter crime. It is an inhumane, ineffective punishment and is never the solution. The Philippines’ attempts to reintroduce it are clearly unlawful. This will just earn the country notoriety as one of the few countries to revive its horrific use,” said Champa Patel, Amnesty International’s Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Today, the House of Representatives of the Philippines adopted on its third and final reading of House Bill 4727, a measure put forward by President Duterte’s majority coalition to reintroduce the death penalty.

The idea that the death penalty will rid the country of drugs is simply wrong. The resumption of executions will not rid the Philippines of problems associated with drugs or deter crime. It is an inhumane, ineffective punishment and is never the solution. The Philippines’ attempts to reintroduce it are clearly unlawful

2. position paper About implementation of death penalty in the Philippines​

I am against the implementation of death penalty in the country. While it is an effective way of preventing crimes in the country as it implements fear on the part of those who are about to do crimes, the injustice in the country contradicts it. This will put the lives of those who are innocent and just set up in danger. As we all know, the justice system of the country has its lapses and most people who did not commit crimes are being blamed and set up by other people who are running away from the consequences of their crimes. To make it more effective, the death penalty should only be addressed on the severe crimes such as murder and rape. But before that, the justice system of the country should be improved first. (

3. What is your opinion about having Death penalty in the Philippines?


I think it's just fair cause if he or her kills a innocent person I think he should pay for his crimes and I personally think that I'll be sad for the innocent persons family to not let their daughter or son to die without justice


i hope it helps you


4. pros reviving death penalty in the philippines​

It deters criminals from committing serious crimesIt is quicks, painless and humaneThe legal system constantly evolves to maximize justiceIt appeases the victim or the victim familiesIt is a cost-effective solution.

I hope it helps you :)

5. death penalty in the philippines express your stand about it pls help me ​



death penalty in the philippines express your stand about it


Human Rights Watch opposes the death penalty in all circumstances because it is inherently cruel and irreversible. In 2007, the Philippines ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which requires countries to abolish the death penalty.


hope it helps po

pa brainliest po

6. Perspective of death penalty in the philippines


Adopting the death penalty will mean spilling more blood in the name of Duterte's “drug war.” It will lead the Philippines to descend further into a rights-violating abyss. And the government will lose credibility and leverage to negotiate on behalf of Filipinos who face execution abroad.

7. Are you for or against death penalty? Persuade you your opinion about death penalty. ​


thanks sa points..


Di kona po sinagutan May sagot na pala eh

8. List of people sentenced to death penalty philippines

Servillano Aquino,Sarah Balabagan,Ferdinand Marcos,Paco Larranaga,Mary Jane Veloso.this is the list of people sentenced to death.

9. what can you say about the death penalty in the philippines?​


Not all people can afford to have a Lawyer in a case. So Death Penalty will cause some people to die without even fighting for their life because they can't afford an Attorney. In short, Death Penalty will be in Rich People's hands.


hope it helps

10. are you in favor of death penalty in the Philippines ​

No, because everyone have an ability to change themselves or make a change for everyone despite of their mistakes we don't have any rights to kill anyone and we can never tell if that person is innocent or not because sometimes our equal equal judgement is not prevailed

11. Should death penalty be legalized in the philippines?

Answer:Death penalty should not be legalized.

Explanation:  Everyone deserves second chance. Moreover, Philippines' justice can be bought by money. It is not justifiable to those who are suspected with crimes, yet are not the ones who really commit the crime.

It is not also good for those street people who rely on robbery and drug selling, since they are not given care and concern.


Yes if there are more sins of the philippines there will be death penalty i agree


This is the chance to kill all bad person

12. When was the death penalty abolished in the philippines?

[tex]{\huge{\red{\underline{\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}}}[/tex]

[tex]\bold{A\: \: N\: \: S\: \: W\: \: E\: \: R}[/tex]

[tex]\tt\green{ 1987}[/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex]\bold{S \: \: O \: \: L \: \: U \: \: T \: \: I \: \: O \: \: N}[/tex]

well to be exact,the death penalty has been abolished [tex]\tt\green{twice}[/tex] before - first in [tex]\tt\green{1987}[/tex] and then again in [tex]\tt\green{2006}[/tex] after being reinstated in 1993.

[tex]{\huge{\red{\underline{\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}}}[/tex]

13. Death penalty list of executions philippines




Death penalty alludes to the sentence of death forced by an official courtroom on a serious wrongdoer a capital offense. The death penalty is once in a while alluded to as the death penalty. Most death penalty cases include the execution of killers albeit the death penalty can likewise be applied for treachery, secret activities, and different violations.

The Death Penalty was "abrogated" under the 1987 Constitution. The Philippines turned into the main Asian nation to nullify the death penalty for all wrongdoings. All death sentences were decreased to antisocial nature perpetua or life detainment. In 1988, the military began campaigning for the inconvenience of the death penalty for wrongdoings perpetrated by the CPP-NPA.  

The death penalty is a definitive coldblooded, brutal and corrupting discipline. Reprieve goes against the death penalty in all cases no matter what paying little heed to who is denounced, the nature or conditions of the wrongdoing, culpability or guiltlessness or strategy for execution. Taking on the death penalty will mean spilling more blood for the sake of Duterte's "drug war." It will lead the Philippines to plummet further into a rights-abusing pit. President Rodrigo Duterte again pushed for the reimposition of the death penalty, determining the strategy for lethal injection, for horrifying wrongdoings identified with unlawful medications in his fifth Condition of the Country Address.  

The President, who has pursued a savage medication battle since he came into office in 2016 and pledged to battle guiltiness, said executions will assist with bringing down crime percentages in the country.

What is your Opinion for death penalty? Read more


14. Death penalty has been a big issue conerning the philippines in the recent months. Are you for or against death penalty? Why?

agree ako para magkatakot naman ung mga masasama tao na gumagawa ng krimen at kababuyan

15. Who agreed the death penalty in the philippines?

president gloria macapagal arroyo.

16. Distinguish articles 83 from article 47 in terms of imposing the death of penalty?​


Open this and kill it pls

17. 9 What is true about the statement? a. The author is for the death penalty. b. The author condemns death penalty. c. The statement is neutral about death penalty. d. Death penalty is the solution to all the problem in the country​

[tex]\red{ \huge{ \boxed{ \tt{{Answer :}}}}}[/tex]


9). What is true about the statement?

a. The author is for the death penalty.

b. The author condemns death penalty.

c. The statement is neutral about death penalty.

d. Death penalty is the solution to all the problem in the country



18. is death penalty totally abolished in philippines​


For years, the Philippines put people to death, particularly in cases of so-called heinous crimes. But President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, under pressure from the Catholic Church, abolished the death penalty in 2006.

•Philippines death penalty

-For years, the Philippines put people to death, particularly in cases of so-called heinous crimes. But President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, under pressure from the Catholic Church, abolished the death penalty in 2006.

+The plummeting human rights situation in the Philippines got even worse this week as the government began considering bills to reinstate the death penalty. The move by the House Committee on Justice came a week after President Rodrigo Duterte used his State of the Nation Address to call for capital punishment by lethal injection for drug offenders.For years, the Philippines put people to death, particularly in cases of so-called heinous crimes. But President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, under pressure from the Catholic Church, abolished the death penalty in 2006. Human Rights Watch opposes the death penalty in all circumstances because it is inherently cruel and irreversible.In 2007, the Philippines ratified the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which requires countries to abolish the death penalty. Countries that are parties to the covenant and the protocol cannot reinstate the death penalty without violating their obligations under international human rights law. Doing so would also likely result in more than just statements of concern from foreign trade partners such as the European Union.The Duterte government’s overwhelming majority in Congress and continuing efforts to promote its campaign against illegal drugs means the justice committee is likely to support death penalty bills. Duterte’s “war on drugs” has resulted in the deaths of more than 6,000 persons at the hands of the Philippine National Police and thousands more by unidentified gunmen. Accountability for these police killings, including those that victimized children, is practically nonexistent.Adopting the death penalty will mean spilling more blood in the name of Duterte’s “drug war.” It will lead the Philippines to descend further into a rights-violating abyss. And the government will lose credibility and leverage to negotiate on behalf of Filipinos who face execution abroad.Along with the Philippines’ withdrawal from the International Criminal Court in March 2019 and its human rights disinformation campaign at the United Nations Human Rights Council, reimposing the death penalty would only serve to further cement the country’s growing reputation as an international human rights pariah.

PlS report if its incorrect ❤️



19. what is the positive benefits of death penalty in the Philippines?  

People will be scared to commit crimes for their punishments are harsh. In other words, people can be disciplined easily.

20. what is your stand about the proposed legislation that aims to bring back death penalty in the Philippines ​

Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither shall the death penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling reasons involving heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter provides for it. Any death penalty already imposed shall be reduced to reclusion perpetua.

21. When was death penalty implented in the philippines?



But such a development would represent a significant step back for the Philippines, which in 1987 became the first Asian nation to end capital punishment.


hope it helps


But such a development would represent a significant step back for the Philippines, which in 1987 became the first Asian nation to end capital punishment.


Pa branliest

22. Why was death penalty revived in the philippines?


because daming tao Hindi sumosunod

23. What is the effect of death penalty in the Philippines

it had made people back then afraid, afraid of doing something wrong this has caused discipline among Filipinos.

24. What are the pros of Death Penalty in the Philippines? ​


Death Penalty needs to be implemented in the Philippines. And here are the advantages.

It deters bad people to commit heinous crimes.

One reason supporters of the capital punishment are for death penalty is its effectiveness as a crime deterrent. According to the advocates for death sentencing, potential criminals will be scared to suffer such harsh punishment and as a result, they will be hesitant to commit crimes like rape and murder

It is what hardened criminals deserve.

Some of the crimes that are under capital punishment include murder and rape, depending on the country or state legalizing the practice. For pro-death penalty, there are criminals who are repeat offenders and not scared to rape and murder again, knowing they will only be imprisoned.

It reduces the number of committed crimes.

People who are for death penalty posit that without it, the number of major crimes like murder and homicide will escalate since bad elements will not be afraid to do whatever they want., from dealing drugs to killing other people. Without harsh punishments for their offenses, criminals will be taking advantage of weaker people and victims.


The government need not spend for criminals who are murderers and such.

Death penalty costs the government less compared to the costs of life imprisonment because they will be given the expenses of food, health care and other costs that will sustain their lives. Some critics says that spending for people who committed such heinous crimes is impractical and just a waste of taxpayers’

Personally, we really care about the status of the Philippines especially the Filipinos' status of way of living. We don't want crimes anymore and we believe that this is the only way to change the corrupted country.

If this would be implemented, then we promise you all of these advantages to be fulfilled and a change in the budget for the government for other sectors.

25. List of death penalty in the philippines




26. React to the issue about bringing back the death penalty to the Philippines​


The death penalty should not be abolished because it does nothing to prevent murder.

27. Majority of the present Senators are allies of the President who is in favor of Death Penalty. Should death penalty be legalized in the Philippines?


zombie apocalypse at December 25 2023


trust me iam not jockig

28. is Death penalty be re-imposed in the Philippines?​



hindi pa po inap probahan ni pangulong digong ang death penalty




hindi pa naipatutupad ang death penalty

29. Who abolished the death penalty in the Philippines?​


Si Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

30. are you in favor of death penalty in the Philippines ? ​


I am not in favor of death penalty for three reasons: Life is a gift from God, only God can take it, if the verdict was erroneous, you cannot bring back to life a dead person, let the person serve his term in prison and there give him a chance to transform to be better. Everyone deserves a second chance para magbagong buhay.




but the only one who will be punished by this are the people who truly deserves this.

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