Investigatory Project Using Banana Leaves

Investigatory Project Using Banana Leaves

science investigatory project using banana?​

Daftar Isi

1. science investigatory project using banana?​

love moko sister lolie


[NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States.


United States[NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States.

2. science investigatory project using banana​


(Science Investigatory )Abstract This investigative project aims to invent a new form of an alternative or a substitute for the commercial dishwashing liquid using the Banana

3. Anong meron sa banana peeling at anong use nito?ThankiessssKailangan ko lang para sa Science Investigatory Project namin

it contains high vitamins B6 and B12 as well as magnesium and potassium. It contains some fiber and protein.they are used to make your teeth white.

4. sample of investigatory project

Making plastic out of potato peels.

5. example investigatory project??

Cogon Grass Cardboard Food Packaging

The feasibility of cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) as a

substitute for cardboard food packaging was studied in

this research project. The cogon grass was cut, boiled, and

crushed in order to get the pulp. The pulp was then

subjected to five different treatments before it was made

into a card board like material. The amount of resin and

other additives was kept constant while the amount of

starch was varied in every treatment. Treatment A served

as the control and contained 12% water and 7.5% starch.

Basella Rubra Biological Stain

This research project is aimed at producing a natural stain

for plant and animal tissues that is inexpensive and whose

sources are indigenous and abundant. Biological stains

make possible the viewing of microscopic plant and

animal tissues under microscopes. When stained, the

specimens are viewed clearer and they become more

defined. Berries of Basella rubra (alugbati) were crushed

using mortar and pestle. The crude extract obtained was

filtered and used as a substitute for crystal violet as

primary stain and for safranin as counterstain in the Gram

staining of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.

The extract was also used for staining the apical meristem

of Hydrilla verticillata and the leaf of Hibiscus

rosasinensis (gumamela) using the squashes technique.


6. Visit some websites and search for one investigatory project and identity the processes used in the study. You can also read books or newspaper to search for an investigatory project.​


Republic investigatory project in just quality of the read books or newspaper to search.

7. Examples of an investigatory project

Last year we had an (unsuccessful) investigatory project named "Bio-Char" the goal of this investigatory project is to make the "healthiest" kind of soil, all you have to do is mix soil, charcoal and decomposing matter, as far as I know is that you have to "cook" it in an oven type machine.
I hope yours will be successful cause ours wasn't =D

8. Ideas for an Investigatory project

Answer:A Crime Scene


(Setup a crime scene presentation)Investigate the crime that has happened.Look for clues.Put the pieces together.

Gumamela flower and Aloe vera plant as a shoe shining agent for school black shoes

9. investigatory project

Project #1: Making Biodegradable Plastic
Plastic bags are actually illegal in Santa Monica, CA (and soon to be Los Angeles) because of their threat to the environment due to insane resistance to biodegradation. I didn't think they were that bad, but one plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to break down completely, and it can even ruin your car along the way. So, creating a better biodegradable plastic bag would be a huge achievement.

10. math investigatory project

math investigatory project is like science because he is investigate the total answer and their function of density ect.

11. science investigatory project


Eggshell as a fertilizer


To help farmers and lessen chemicals into the plants

12. Give 3 topic of science investigatory project using a applied science

1.determining the calcium oxalate content of the xanthosoma sagitifulium cocoyam

2.the quality of the vinegar barry

3. the quality of the lemon battery

13. what are the methodology use in investigatory project​


Salamat po sa point's Stay safe po


yan mareng tama po bayan?

14. What is the 10 common organism that used in Science Investigatory Project

microorganisms like ameoba , paramecium

15. topics for investigatory projects


make electricity from fruits

spider silk textile fiber

basella rubra biological stain

cogon grass cardboard food packaging

miniature light bulb

make me us brainless :)

16. investigatory project example​


Check about nature or any technology


For example

Guava's phytochemical about anti bacterial properties

17. Guys I need help.. I just want some questions from all of you. We are assigned to create an investigatory project, we decided to create an umbrella, but it is made with bamboo and banana tee leaves and many others. What do you think are the questions that will be given to us? Thanks for help ^_^

is your umbrella sturdy enough to withstand strong winds and heavy rains?What makes your umbrella better than the commercial ones?

18. Science Investigatory Project example?​


Cogon Grass Cardboard Food Packaging

 The feasibility of cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) as asubstitute for cardboard food packaging was studied inthis research project. The cogon grass was cut, boiled,and crushed in order to get the pulp. The pulp was thensubjected to five different treatments before it was madeinto a card board like material. The amount of resin andother additives was kept constant while the amount of starch was varied in every treatment. Treatment A servedas the control and contained 12% water and 7.5% starch.

Basella Rubra Biological Stain

This research project is aimed at producing a naturalstain for plant and animal tissues that is inexpensive andwhose sources are indigenous and abundant. Biologicalstains make possible the viewing of microscopic plantand animal tissues under microscopes. When stained, thespecimens are viewed clearer and they become moredefined. Berries of Basella rubra (alugbati) were crushedusing mortar and pestle. The crude extract obtained wasfiltered and used as a substitute for crystal violet asprimary stain and for safranin as counterstain in theGram staining of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.The extract was also used for staining the apicalmeristem of Hydrilla verticillata and the leaf of Hibiscusrosasinensis (gumamela) using the squashes technique.

Wastepaper and Coir with Okra Mucilage

Presently, people everywhere are focusing onenvironmental concerns. As a result, there aremovements toward recycling wastes and using naturalsubstances. Recycled paper is one of the more popularforms, since it is possible to make by hand and utilizes avariety of materials. These have included okra mucilageand coconut fibers, things that are relatively cheap andabundant. However, such paper has not beenqualitatively tested.

Spider Silk Textile Fiber  

 This research project is aimed at testing the possibility of using spiders as an alternative source of silk. The spidersused for this research are members of the species Nephila .

19. 2. Karen has to present her investigatory project to her scienceteacher. But since she cannot leave her house because of the pandemic, whichmultimedia can she use?​


PowerPoint you can use power point and send the link

20. why is it that experimental design is the most common research design used in an investigatory project ​


'cause the researchers want to explore something which are new to us today


21. simple investigatory project​


Complete the concept map below

22. Investigatory project examples

Project #1: Making Soap Out of Guava

Basic hygiene should be available to everyone, but what about people who live in areas without easy access to grocery stores or pharmacies? This is a great question that makes you think about scientific alternatives to store-bought soap.

Below is an example project that creates soap from guava leaf extract and sodium hydroxide, but there's no shortage of materials you can use to replace the guava, like coconut oil or a fat like lard, butter or even the grease from your kitchen.

23. title in investigatory project

Petroleum using guava leaves

24. science investigatory project using fish scales ​

Fish Scales Wastes for the Recovery of Astaxanthin

This study shows the potential use of fish scales of telleosts chanos and Tilapia nilotica as natural sorption materials in the recovery of astaxanthin. Astaxanthin, a feed additive, is a major carotenoid responsible for the pink-red pigmentation of fish and shrimps.

Aquatic animals cannot synthesize this thus it must be supplemented in their diet. Aside from being a colorant, astaxanthin has both biological and nutritional importance as well as antioxidant property. Astaxanthin therefore needs to be recovered from wastewaters that have been colored with astaxanthin as it may pose serious environmental threats.

Fish Scales Wastes for the Recovery of AstaxanthinFish Scales Wastes from Selected Teleosts-Innovative Sorption Materials for the Recovery of Astaxanthin. This study shows the potential use of fish scales of telleosts chanos and Tilapia nilotica as natural sorption materials in the recovery of astaxanthin. Astaxanthin, a feed additive, is a major carotenoid responsible for the pink-red pigmentation of fish and shrimps.Aquatic animals cannot synthesize this thus it must be supplemented in their diet. Aside from being a colorant, astaxanthin has both biological and nutritional importance as well as antioxidant property. Astaxanthin therefore needs to be recovered from wastewaters that have been colored with astaxanthin as it may pose serious environmental threats.Fish scales of teleosts: Chanos chanos and Tilapia nilotica were utilized for recovering astaxanthin. The innovation in adsorption is the utilization of solid wastes as natural sorption material and their availability at minimal cost. Synthetic astaxanthin dissolved in water was made to flow in “Fish Scale Adsorption Apparatus” (FSAA) containing unshredded or shredded scales. Comparison of treatments based on the discoloration of filtrate to be released from the FSAA and the length of time the flow lasted revealed that shredded tilapia scales were most effective in retaining the pigments. Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of tilapia scales revealed porous tooth-like structures called sclerits. These pores along with particles scattered on the interspacing between sclerits’ particles were inferred to bind the pigment. Based on the effective filtration features of the tilapia fish scales, it is suggested that the scales be used in wastewater treatment of different factories. Moreover, fish scales as sorption materials for heavy metals should be explored.

25. What is the Investigatory Project

Investigataory Project is a process by which  people observe , discover or create new knowledge about the world in which they live.This is made to research on new discoveries to help the society. Mostly students are the ones who make this because they say that the mind of a child is wide and it can think a lot of problems to be solve.

26. Examples of investigatory project​


.Cogon Grass Cardboard Food Packaging

.Basella Rubra Biological Stain.

.Wastepaper and Coir with Okra Mucilage.

.Spider Silk Textile Fiber.

.Mollusk Shell-Based Adhesive as Mortar.

.Make Electricity from fruits.

.Experiment to see which fruits can produce electricity.

.Miniature light bulb (low voltage, low 2.

27. investigatory project title​


Paper Out of Banana Bark (SIP)

Ethyl Alcohol From Ripe Banana Peelings.

The Feasibility of Using Aceton and Cigarette Filter as Glue.


Investigatory Project Example.

Cassava Starch As A Major Component In Making Biodegradable Plastic.


28. simple science investigatory project​

Answer: saltwater solution  as an alternative electricity source

Explanation: the saltwater solution contains ions that are somehow charge that give electricity to aluminum plate and copper plate acting like the negative and positive sides of the battery

29. investigatory project

red peppers as insectisides.

30. topic for investigatory project??

Effects of a particular phone game genre on the psychology of a student

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