Key Result Areas Example

Key Result Areas Example

LEARNER'S PACKET (LeaP]KS3Learning Area MathematicsGrade LevelW6SevenQuarterThirdDate1. LESSON TITLEInterior and Exterior Angles of a Convex Polygon11. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Derives inductively the relationship of exterior and interior angles of a convexCOMPETENCIES (MELCS)polygon M7GE- NIF-1III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENTInterior and Exterior Angles of a Convex PolygonIV. LEARNING PHASESSuggestedTime FrameLearning ActivitiesA. Introduction 10 minutes An ANAGRAM is a type of word play, it is the result of rearranging the lettersof a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase using all the originalletters exactly once.Example: bear lag can be rearranged into ALGEBRA.Look for the anagram of the following words which are related in our topicfor this week.1.) riri note2.) retire ox3.) cone vx4.) ven lucidity5.) pony logDid you get all the words correctly? Are you familiar with those words?(See the key on the lower portion of the Assessment)Interior Angles of a PolygonB. Development60 minutesThe polygon with more than three sides can be subdivided intotriangles by drawing all the diagonals from one vertex.​

Daftar Isi

1. LEARNER'S PACKET (LeaP]KS3Learning Area MathematicsGrade LevelW6SevenQuarterThirdDate1. LESSON TITLEInterior and Exterior Angles of a Convex Polygon11. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Derives inductively the relationship of exterior and interior angles of a convexCOMPETENCIES (MELCS)polygon M7GE- NIF-1III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENTInterior and Exterior Angles of a Convex PolygonIV. LEARNING PHASESSuggestedTime FrameLearning ActivitiesA. Introduction 10 minutes An ANAGRAM is a type of word play, it is the result of rearranging the lettersof a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase using all the originalletters exactly once.Example: bear lag can be rearranged into ALGEBRA.Look for the anagram of the following words which are related in our topicfor this week.1.) riri note2.) retire ox3.) cone vx4.) ven lucidity5.) pony logDid you get all the words correctly? Are you familiar with those words?(See the key on the lower portion of the Assessment)Interior Angles of a PolygonB. Development60 minutesThe polygon with more than three sides can be subdivided intotriangles by drawing all the diagonals from one vertex.​


1. Interior

2. Exterior

3. Convex

4. Inductively

5. Polygon

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps and have a good day!

Brainliest please

2. Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers before the number. _____1. Which of the following is NOT a step in interpreting research findings? A. Points or important findings should be listed. B. The lessons learned and new things should be noted. C. Quotes or descriptive examples given by the participants should be included. D. The data are related to theoretical research or with reviewed literature. _____2. What type of graph that shows the change in population, i.e., for showing the trends. A. Line Chart C. Pie Chart B. Bar Chart D. Combo Chart _____3. It is a table which shows the data arranged into different classes (or categories) and the number of cases (or frequencies) which fall into each class. A. Tabular C. Frequency Distribution B. Graphical D. Stem-and-leaf plot ______4. Which of the following is the characteristic of data analysis and interpretation, regardless of method and qualitative/quantitative status? A. connecting of relevant ideas C. future predictions B. defining the outcomes D. identification of variables ______5. It describes the degree of consistency within the responses; together with the mean, it provides insight into data sets. A. mean C. frequency distribution B. standard deviation D. median ______6. A measurement scale where data is grouped into categories with orderly and equal distances between the categories. A. Ordinal C. Ratio B. Nominal D. Interval ______7. How many people responded to the survey? Sex Usually very happy (4) Usually happy (3) Neutral (2) Usually sad (1) Male 23 34 20 9 female 36 52 26 11 A. 59 C. 211 B. 210 D. 121 _____8. What is the interpretation of data above if the male has the weighted mean of 2.8? A. usually sad C. usually sad B. neutral D. usually very sad ______9. A table which sorts data according to a certain pattern. It involves separating a number into two parts. A. Tabular C. Frequency Distribution B. Graphical D. Stem-and-leaf plot ______10. The following are the levels of interpretation as considered in organizing the discussion of the results EXCEPT _________. A. The causes or factors that may have influenced the results are described. B. Identify the key words used in the subject area of your study. C. The data are related to theoretical research or with reviewed literature D. Data collected are compared and contrasted and any unexpected results may be included. B. Directions: Arrange the following steps in developing the conceptual framework for a qualitative research study in correct sequence and order by using numbers 1-5. Write your answers on the space provided before the number. _____1. Identifying the relationships between variables. _____2. Identifying any moderating or intervening variables. _____3. Operationalizing the concepts. _____4. Defining those concepts. _____5. Identifying the relevant concept.


10: C


3. Directions: Read and understand the essay. Summarize the key points using the cause-and-effect diagram found below. Write your answer in your activity notebook. More and more women are now going out to work and some women are now the major salary earner in the family. What are the causes of this, and what effect is this having on families and society? In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of domestic chores such as cooking or cleaning. Women's liberation and feminism have meant that this situation has been transformed and in contemporary society women are playing an almost equal role to men in terms of work. This has had significant consequences, both in terms of the family, for example by improving quality of life and increasing children's sense of independence, and for society itself with greater gender equality. The main reasons behind the increase of women in the workplace are women's liberation and feminism. The women's liberation movement originated in the 1960s and was popularized by authors such as Simone de Beauvoir. As a consequence of this, new legislation emerged, granting women equal rights to men in many fields, in particular employment. Because of feminist ideas, men have taken up roles which were previously seen as being for women only, most importantly those related to child rearing. As a result of this, women have more time to pursue their own careers and interests. These have led to some significant effects, both to family life and to society. Although the earning capacity of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a man, she can nevertheless make a significant contribution to the family income. The most important consequence of this is an improved quality of life. By helping to maintain a steady income for the family, the pressure on the husband is considerably reduced, hence improving both the husband's and the wife's emotional wellbeing. Additionally, the purchasing power of the family will also be raised. This means that the family can afford more luxuries such as foreign travel and a family car. A further effect on the family is the promotion of independence in the children. Some might argue that having both parents working might be damaging to the children because of a lack of parental attention. However, such children have to learn to look after themselves at an earlier age, and their parents often rely on them to help with the housework. This teaches them important life skills. As regards society, women going to work are greater gender equality. There are an increasing number of women who are becoming politicians, lawyers, and even CEOs and company managers. This is greater equality for women in all areas of life, not just in employment. For example, women today have much stronger legal rights to protect themselves against domestic violence and sexual discrimination in the workplace. In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some important changes to family life, including improved quality of life and increased independence for children, as well as society itself. It is clear that the sexes are still a long way from being equal in all areas of life; however, and perhaps the challenge for the present century is to ensure that this takes place. ​



Because of feminist ideas, men have taken up roles which were previously seen as being for women only, most importantly those related to child rearing.


As a result of this, women have more time to pursue their own careers and interests.

4. 1. How do oxygen and carbon dioxide made the Earth habitable?A. They help to maintain heat on EarthB. C02 is used for photosynthesis and 02 is used for respiration.C. Carbon dioxide and oxygen absorbs the ultraviolet wavelengthsD. They both make living organisms including humans for respirator and prevent radiation.2. Earth system science focused on the roles and relationships of the four earth subsystemsHow would you prove the existence of integral subsystem?A. Climatic changes and weather are evolved on the atmosphere.B. Movement of crust changes history and era in the geosphere.C. Living organisms is the heart of all interactions that exist on the biosphereD.he hydrosphere provides water which serve as a key molecule for phenomena to occur and for life to prosper.3. Rock-forming minerals are almost everywhere. What benefit can we derived from identifying the properties of rock-forming minerals?A. The process helps our discovery easier and faster.B. It helps us to identify their classification and their uses. C. It assist us to distinguished one mineral from the other.D. This process proves how do rock-foming minerals are categorized.4. While walking on a riverbank, Juan found out a mineral that sparkle in light. What idea justifies its characteristics?A. cleavage B. crystal habit C. hardnessD. luster5. There are different types of rocks. How would you classify igneous rocks from the other type of rocks?A. They are allusion to the materials.B. Rocks that are derived from pre-existing rocks.C. lgneous rocks are either crystalline or pyroclastic.D. They are classified based on its banded appearance6. Jenna found the following types of rock while walking on her way home. What rock would you choose to be an example of igneous rocks?A. conglomerate B. graniteC. quartzD. sandstone7. Weathering occurs everywherehat examples can you find as evidence of weathering?A. Sediments moved down the slope.B. Rocks were broken down into pieces.C. Debris settled down on the bottom of the sea.D. Rocks were transported from one place to another8. In the Philippines, erosion is considered as one of environmental problems especially when heavy rainfall occurs, What details would you use to support the view of erosion?A. Sediments were laid down due to transportation of medium.B. Breaking down rocks into smaller pieces called sediments occurs.C. Transportation of weathered rocks from one place to another exist.D. Downslope movement of rock, soil, and ice under the direct influence of gravity.9. How would you summarized gravitational contractions?A. The mass increases as bombardment takes place.B. Gravitational attraction exist while accretion process occursC. Spontaneous process happened through breaking down of atomic nucleus.D. Proto-planet earth would have its grown over time from barrage of extraterrestrial impacts10. What conclusions can you draw on Earth's internal heat?A. It provides energy for our dynamic Earth.B. It maintains radiation needed by the Earth.C. Earth's internal heat supplies energy at night.D. This supports the flow of thermal energy coming from the core.11. The Philippine is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire. What conclusions can you draw on this feature?A. There is frequent formation of magma.B. This makes the rocks closer to the melting point.C. The rising of hot mantle to a shallower depth in the Earth occurs.D. Addition of volatiles take effect where rock's melting temperature decreases.12. Hot mantle rises to shallower depths in the Earth. What element would you choose to serve as a factor could affect the formation of magma in this situation?A. gaseous substanceB. heatC. pressureD. volatiles13. If regional metamorphism takes place, what would be the result?A. Cold Ocean water seeps into fractured crust.B. Ultrahigh pressures can be generated in the impacted rock.C. Large area where rocks are buried deeply and recrystallizeD. Mechanical deformation ocCurs when rockslide past one another along a fault zone.14. Which of the following processes refers to the change in the structure and form of rocks due to the intense heat and pressure?A. CompressionB. MetamorphismC. NeocyrstallizationD. Recrystallization15. Igneous rocks are classified into extrusive and intrusive rocks. How can you make distinction between them?A. using the amount of mineralogyB. comparing chemical compositionsC. differentiating amounts of water in the magmaD. identifying the rates of cooling and crystallization​


D. They both make living organisms including humans for respirator  and prevent radiation.


5. pls po pwede po ba pagawa po ng explanation neto tagalog po sana at by paragraph po thank you po :)E. Communication for Business and Trade ReportsIn order to prepare you in the global work force, you must prepare yourselves to the demand of the industry, and one way of achieving this is through enhancing your English communication skills. As university students, you need to develop your expertise on how to sell an idea in a product presentation, project proposal, and other opportunities of making networks and connections in business. Enhancing your craft in oral presentations will make you succeed in your future internships and future career. 1. Definition and Relevance A SWOT analysis or a SWOT matrix is a diagram that shows an organization’s or person’s key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing this type of analysis, any organization, corporation or company can innovate or adapt new ways or strategies to put itself better in the corporate world.2. Internal Factors VS External Factors Internal Factors. Internal factors are things that we can control. External Factors. These are things we cannot control. 3. Benefits of SWOT analysis SWOT analyses identify any company or organization’s capabilities and resources. Moreover, they also provide a look on the organization’s competitive environment. Based on the result of SWOT analysis, the company can create a better marketing strategy. A SWOT analysis can create a new venture or new opportunities for the company especially the ones that are not yet explored. This can be aid for the managers and directors reduce threats by understanding their company’s current weaknesses. This can be used by the people in a company as a planning technique. Individuals who like to develop their careers can do SWOT analysis for it identifies their skills, opportunities, and abilities.4. How to make SWOT analysis Make sure that the analysis heads to the right path or direction by defining your objective. If your study focuses on what matters, this will eventually provide you a right strategy. Focus on the internal and external factors.Strengths. Identify the things that do better in your company rather than the competition. Are the people familiar to your products or brand? What is your competitive advantage? Which one from your internal sources is doing best or the one that excels in all aspects of intellectual property or human resources?Weaknesses. In what areas are your competitors outclassing your company? What holds your business back? Are there any things you can avoid? Does your business lack something? Or weakness?Opportunities. Opportunities can help your company grow. Can you turn any changes in technology, laws, or society, for example, into an opportunity? Consumers today are more aware of and interested in the quality of life. Threats. Are there obstacles stopping your company from growing? What are these rules, regulations, or technology that impede your business? Some aspects of society may also represent obstacles. Is inflation rate a threat to the business?​​​


Ang pagpapahusay ng inyong kakayahang mag-Ingles sa pakikipagtalastasan ay mahalaga upang maghanda sa global na hanapbuhay. Bilang mga mag-aaral sa unibersidad, kailangan ninyong palakasin ang inyong kakayahan sa pagsasagawa ng presentasyon ng produkto, proposal ng proyekto, at iba pang oportunidad sa pagtatayo ng mga koneksyon sa mundo ng negosyo. Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapahusay ng inyong mga kasanayan sa oral na presentasyon, magtatagumpay kayo sa inyong mga internship sa hinaharap at sa inyong mga karera.

Ang SWOT analysis o SWOT matrix ay isang diagram na nagpapakita ng mga pangunahing lakas, kahinaan, oportunidad, at banta ng isang organisasyon o indibidwal. Sa ganitong uri ng pag-aaral, maaaring magtayo ng bagong mga paraan o estratehiya ang kahit na anong organisasy

1. D.

(Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations are included in Chapter 5)

2. C.

(Table of contents is much correct than List of Tables/ Figures)

3. D.

( letter D. Describes chapter 3 methodology)

4. B.

(It's obvious na)

5. A.

(Significance of the study focuses on how your research will help/contribute to others)

6. B.

(It should be from first to last word)

7. C.

(you don't need to memorize everything)

8. D.

9. A.

10. A



7. pls po pwede po ba pagawa po ng explanation neto tagalog po sana at by paragraph po then give example po thank you po :)E. Communication for Business and Trade ReportsIn order to prepare you in the global work force, you must prepare yourselves to the demand of the industry, and one way of achieving this is through enhancing your English communication skills. As university students, you need to develop your expertise on how to sell an idea in a product presentation, project proposal, and other opportunities of making networks and connections in business. Enhancing your craft in oral presentations will make you succeed in your future internships and future career. 1. Definition and Relevance A SWOT analysis or a SWOT matrix is a diagram that shows an organization’s or person’s key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing this type of analysis, any organization, corporation or company can innovate or adapt new ways or strategies to put itself better in the corporate world.2. Internal Factors VS External Factors Internal Factors. Internal factors are things that we can control. External Factors. These are things we cannot control. 3. Benefits of SWOT analysis SWOT analyses identify any company or organization’s capabilities and resources. Moreover, they also provide a look on the organization’s competitive environment. Based on the result of SWOT analysis, the company can create a better marketing strategy. A SWOT analysis can create a new venture or new opportunities for the company especially the ones that are not yet explored. This can be aid for the managers and directors reduce threats by understanding their company’s current weaknesses. This can be used by the people in a company as a planning technique. Individuals who like to develop their careers can do SWOT analysis for it identifies their skills, opportunities, and abilities.4. How to make SWOT analysis Make sure that the analysis heads to the right path or direction by defining your objective. If your study focuses on what matters, this will eventually provide you a right strategy. Focus on the internal and external factors.Strengths. Identify the things that do better in your company rather than the competition. Are the people familiar to your products or brand? What is your competitive advantage? Which one from your internal sources is doing best or the one that excels in all aspects of intellectual property or human resources?Weaknesses. In what areas are your competitors outclassing your company? What holds your business back? Are there any things you can avoid? Does your business lack something? Or weakness?Opportunities. Opportunities can help your company grow. Can you turn any changes in technology, laws, or society, for example, into an opportunity? Consumers today are more aware of and interested in the quality of life. Threats. Are there obstacles stopping your company from growing? What are these rules, regulations, or technology that impede your business? Some aspects of society may also represent obstacles. Is inflation rate a threat to the business?​


Definition and Relevance: SWOT analysis is a tool that helps organizations or individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is relevant because it provides insights into an organization's current situation and helps develop better strategies for growth.Internal Factors VS External Factors: Internal factors are things that an organization can control, such as company culture, brand identity, or workforce. External factors are things that an organization cannot control, such as economic conditions, competition, or government regulations.Benefits of SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis helps organizations identify their capabilities and resources, competitive environment, and create better marketing strategies. It also helps identify new opportunities for growth and reduce threats by understanding their weaknesses.How to make SWOT analysis: To make SWOT analysis, an organization or individual should define their objectives and focus on both internal and external factors. They should identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Strengths: Identify what an organization does better than its competitors, its competitive advantage, or areas where it excels. For example, a company might have a strong brand identity that distinguishes it from competitors.

Weaknesses: Identify what areas where competitors outclass an organization, what holds an organization back, or things that it can avoid. For example, a company may have limited financial resources or weak customer service.

Opportunities: Identify what can help an organization grow, such as changes in technology, laws, or society. For example, a company may be able to capitalize on the growing demand for eco-friendly products.

Threats: Identify what obstacles are stopping an organization from growing, such as rules, regulations, or technology that impede its business. For example, a company may face intense competition from well-established rivals or changing consumer preferences.

By conducting a SWOT analysis, an organization can develop a better understanding of its current situation and create a plan to achieve its goals.

8. AssessmentDirections: Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.1. Which of the following is characterized by communal ownership of property and division of labor?A. Asiatic Society C. Democratic SocietyB. Capitalists Society D. Pre-class Society2. Which is considered to be the hallmark of modern society?A. Information and communication technology C. Machines and industriesB. Irrigation systems D. All of the above3. Which of the following types of society is characterized as by economy that is dependent on tangible goods and the people must pursue greater education?A. Horticultural C. PastoralB. Industrial D. Post-industrial4. Technological tools, architectural, structures, fashion and accessories, and food are all examples of what component of culture?A. Basic Culture C. Material CultureB. Commercial Culture D. Non-material Culture5. Which one is considered as the perception of individuals to accepted reality?A. Beliefs C. KnowledgeB. Folkways D. Outlook6. What type of norms tells us thing to do?A. Folkway C. PrescriptiveB. Law D. Proscriptive7. What type of norms tells us thing NOT to do?A. Folkway C. PrescriptiveB. Law D. Proscriptive8. What form of norm is codified ethics, formally agreed, and written down and enforced by authorities?A. Folkways C. Mores B. Laws D. Taboos9. Which one is an act that violates a social norm?A. Conflict C. Rebellion B. Deviance D. Ritualism10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Prospective norms are those that define and tell things us not to do.B. Societal norms are of different types and norms.C. Prescriptive norms are those that define and tell us things to do.D. Society and culture are the same.11. Which represent the standards we used to evaluate the desirability of things?A. Beliefs C. KnowledgeB. Folkways D. Values12. What human action by which one tends to duplicate more or less, or exactly, the behavior of others?A. Adaptation C. ModificationB. Imitation D. Socialization13. What do you call of Mang Tirzo’s family’s customary patterns of everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper?A. Folkways C. MoresB. Laws D. Norms14. What does it mean when we say culture is holistic? A. It is integrated.B. It is a patterned social interaction.C. It is shared and may be challenged.D. It is adaptive, dynamic, and flexible.15. Which is the least essential statement?A. The material and non-material cultures are always interlink.B. A society represents the beliefs, practices and artifacts of a group.C. The existence of material culture is justified by the non-material culture.D. All cultures consist of key elements that are crucial to human’s existence16. Which statement is relevant?A. Culture is an adaptive mechanism for humans.B. Culture is necessary for survival in the complex industrialized nations, but it is not in small societies that live by hunting and gathering wild foods.C. The first humans evolved in the cold temperate regions of the world because of the need to develop culture for survival in those areas. D. all of the above17. A tractor is introduced to Mang Jose, a traditional farmer who doesn’t know to operate it. This is an example of what concept of culture?A. Culture lag C. CountercultureB. Contra culture D. Culture shock18. Which is NOT true about cultural relativism?A. Different societies have different moral codes.B. The moral code of our own society has no special statusC. There are no moral truths that hold for all people at all timesD. None of the above19. Which is NOT correct about culture? A. It may be challenged.B. It is something biological.C. Much of learning culture is unconsciousD. None of the above20. Which statement is irrelevant?A. Socialization plays no part in personality formation in individuals.B. Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a society.C. Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally homogenous usually have unanimous agreement about what should be the shared norms.D. none of the above​

Answer:1)a 2)c3)d4)a5)a6)a7)b8)b9b10a11a12b14b15a16a

17b 18A19A20a



Raising children's attainment

There is a substantial body of research that has examined the impact of digital tools and resources on children's attainment in a range of areas. Higgins et al provide a summary of research findings from studies with experimental and quasi-experimental designs, which have been combined in meta-analyses to assess the impact of digital learning in schools. Their search identified 48 studies which synthesised empirical research of the impact of digital tools and resources on the attainment of school age learners . They found consistent but small positive associations between digital learning and educational outcomes.

For example, Harrison et al identified statistically significant findings, positively associating higher levels of ICT use with school achievement at each Key Stage in England, and in English, maths, science, modern foreign languages and design technology.

10. pls po pwede po ba pagawa po ng explanation neto tagalog po sana or taglish thank you po :)E. Communication for Business and Trade ReportsIn order to prepare you in the global work force, you must prepare yourselves to the demand of the industry, and one way of achieving this is through enhancing your English communication skills. As university students, you need to develop your expertise on how to sell an idea in a product presentation, project proposal, and other opportunities of making networks and connections in business. Enhancing your craft in oral presentations will make you succeed in your future internships and future career. 1. Definition and Relevance A SWOT analysis or a SWOT matrix is a diagram that shows an organization’s or person’s key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing this type of analysis, any organization, corporation or company can innovate or adapt new ways or strategies to put itself better in the corporate world.2. Internal Factors VS External Factors Internal Factors. Internal factors are things that we can control. External Factors. These are things we cannot control. 3. Benefits of SWOT analysis SWOT analyses identify any company or organization’s capabilities and resources. Moreover, they also provide a look on the organization’s competitive environment. Based on the result of SWOT analysis, the company can create a better marketing strategy. A SWOT analysis can create a new venture or new opportunities for the company especially the ones that are not yet explored. This can be aid for the managers and directors reduce threats by understanding their company’s current weaknesses. This can be used by the people in a company as a planning technique. Individuals who like to develop their careers can do SWOT analysis for it identifies their skills, opportunities, and abilities.4. How to make SWOT analysis Make sure that the analysis heads to the right path or direction by defining your objective. If your study focuses on what matters, this will eventually provide you a right strategy. Focus on the internal and external factors. Strengths. Identify the things that do better in your company rather than the competition. Are the people familiar to your products or brand? What is your competitive advantage? Which one from your internal sources is doing best or the one that excels in all aspects of intellectual property or human resources? Weaknesses. In what areas are your competitors outclassing your company? What holds your business back? Are there any things you can avoid? Does your business lack something? Or weakness? Opportunities. Opportunities can help your company grow. Can you turn any changes in technology, laws, or society, for example, into an opportunity? Consumers today are more aware of and interested in the quality of life. Threats. Are there obstacles stopping your company from growing? What are these rules, regulations, or technology that impede your business? Some aspects of society may also represent obstacles. Is inflation rate a threat to the business?​​

E. Komunikasyon para sa Mga Ulat sa Negosyo at Kalakalan

Upang maihanda ka sa pandaigdigang puwersa ng paggawa, dapat mong ihanda ang iyong sarili sa pangangailangan ng industriya, at isang paraan para makamit ito ay sa pamamagitan ng pagpapahusay ng iyong mga kasanayan sa komunikasyon sa Ingles. Bilang mga mag-aaral sa unibersidad, kailangan mong paunlarin ang iyong kadalubhasaan sa kung paano magbenta ng ideya sa isang presentasyon ng produkto, panukala sa proyekto, at iba pang pagkakataon ng paggawa ng mga network at koneksyon sa negosyo. Ang pagpapahusay ng iyong craft sa mga oral presentation ay gagawing magtagumpay ka sa iyong mga internship sa hinaharap at karera sa hinaharap.

1. Kahulugan at Kaugnayan Ang SWOT analysis o isang SWOT matrix ay isang diagram na nagpapakita ng mga pangunahing lakas, kahinaan, pagkakataon, at pagbabanta ng isang organisasyon o tao. Sa paggawa ng ganitong uri ng pagsusuri, ang anumang organisasyon, korporasyon o kumpanya ay maaaring magbago o mag-adapt ng mga bagong paraan o estratehiya upang mailagay ang sarili nang mas mahusay sa mundo ng korporasyon.

2. Panloob na Salik VS Panlabas na Salik Panloob na Salik. Ang mga panloob na kadahilanan ay mga bagay na maaari nating kontrolin. Panlabas na Salik. Ito ang mga bagay na hindi natin makokontrol.

3. Mga benepisyo ng SWOT analysis Tinutukoy ng SWOT analysis ang anumang kakayahan at mapagkukunan ng kumpanya o organisasyon. Bukod dito, nagbibigay din sila ng pagtingin sa mapagkumpitensyang kapaligiran ng organisasyon. Batay sa resulta ng SWOT analysis, ang kumpanya ay maaaring lumikha ng isang mas mahusay na diskarte sa marketing. Ang isang SWOT analysis ay maaaring lumikha ng isang bagong pakikipagsapalaran o mga bagong pagkakataon para sa kumpanya lalo na ang mga hindi pa natutuklasan. Maaari itong maging tulong para sa mga tagapamahala at mga direktor na mabawasan ang mga pagbabanta sa pamamagitan ng pag-unawa sa kasalukuyang mga kahinaan ng kanilang kumpanya. Ito ay maaaring gamitin ng mga tao sa isang kumpanya bilang isang pamamaraan sa pagpaplano. Ang mga indibidwal na gustong paunlarin ang kanilang mga karera ay maaaring gumawa ng SWOT analysis para ito ay kinikilala ang kanilang mga kakayahan, pagkakataon, at kakayahan.

4. Paano gumawa ng SWOT analysis Siguraduhin na ang pagsusuri ay patungo sa tamang landas o direksyon sa pamamagitan ng pagtukoy sa iyong layunin. Kung ang iyong pag-aaral ay nakatuon sa kung ano ang mahalaga, ito ay magbibigay sa iyo ng tamang diskarte. Tumutok sa panloob at panlabas na mga kadahilanan.

Mga lakas. Tukuyin ang mga bagay na mas mahusay sa iyong kumpanya kaysa sa kumpetisyon. Pamilyar ba ang mga tao sa iyong mga produkto o tatak? Ano ang iyong competitive advantage? Alin sa iyong mga panloob na mapagkukunan ang pinakamahusay na gumagana o ang isa na mahusay sa lahat ng aspeto ng intelektwal na pag-aari o human resources?

Mga kahinaan. Sa anong mga lugar ang iyong mga kakumpitensya ay nahihigitan ang iyong kumpanya? Ano ang pumipigil sa iyong negosyo? Mayroon bang mga bagay na maaari mong iwasan? May kulang ba sa negosyo mo? O kahinaan?

Mga pagkakataon. Makakatulong ang mga oportunidad sa iyong kumpanya na umunlad. Maaari mo bang gawing pagkakataon ang anumang pagbabago sa teknolohiya, batas, o lipunan, halimbawa,? Ang mga mamimili ngayon ay mas may kamalayan at interesado sa kalidad ng buhay.

Mga pananakot. Mayroon bang mga hadlang na pumipigil sa iyong kumpanya na lumago? Ano ang mga panuntunan, regulasyon, o teknolohiyang ito na humahadlang sa iyong negosyo? Ang ilang aspeto ng lipunan ay maaari ding kumakatawan sa mga hadlang. Ang inflation rate ba ay banta sa negosyo?


11. 1. Ensuring availability of water for future generation is a A. goal of conservation C. strategy of water conservationB. key activity for conservation D. all of the above2. A scientist studies a sample of swamp water. She finds that there aremany dead plants and fish in the water. ___________in the water could be the main cause of this. A. Oxygen C. Litter and pollution B. Mud and silt D. Pebbles and sand3. What is the main cause of water pollution? A. Invasive species C. AnimalsB. Plants and insects D. Human impact and decision making4. Which of the following is a way of conserving water?A. Leave the tap water running while brushing teethB. Use washing machine at full loadC. Use a hose to wash the carD. Leave the shower running while soaping5. Why do we need to conserve water?A. It is an unlimited resource C. It is a limited resource B. There is a lot of water D. There is no need to conserve water6. Approximately 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. So why is water considered a precious resource?A. Greenhouse effect is causing most of the world’s freshwater to be trapped in the atmosphere.B. Each year, more water is trapped in icecaps located at the North and South Poles.C. Only a small fraction of the Earth’s water is freshwater available for drinking and irrigationD. Global warning caused by greenhouse gas emissions will like cause Earth’s oceans to evaporate.7. What will most like to happen if the human population continues togrow at current rates?A. There will be fewer natural resources available for future generationsB. There will be a decrease in water pollutionC. There will be an increase in nitrogen levels in the atmosphereD. There will be an increase in the number of strong hurricanes8. Which actions taken by the environmental club would make a positivehuman impact?A. Planting trees along the border of the school propertyB. Introducing a new population of animals to school groundsC. Making wooden benches by harvesting local treesD. Clearing an area to make room for additional student parking9. The effects of water pollution on an ecosystemA. result mostly from point source locationsB. are concentrated in one areaC. can become worse due to biomagnificationD. are always immediate10. Which is a prevention of water pollution?A. Do not push trash in waterwaysB. Dump paint in the gutterC. Pour chemicals down the drainD. Litter in the waterways11. The main global contributing factors to greenhouse – gas emissions areA. Electricity production and transportationB. Industrial processesC. Agricultural processesD. Agriculture and transportation12. Which of the following is produced when electrical discharges pass through oxygen in the air?A. chlorofluorocarbons C. ozoneB. methane D. lead compounds13. The greenhouse effect is theA. absorption of energy by cloudsB. the reflection of solar energy into the atmosphereC. a gradual increase in the temperature of the atmosphereD. the process by which gases hold heat in the atmosphere14. Humans cause significant amount of air pollution by burning _______fuels.A. natural C. electricB. organic D. fossil15. What effect of air pollution is caused by CFCs from spray cans gettingreleased into the air?A. Global warming C. Acid rainB. Damage to the ozone layer D. Respiratory infections16.Nitrogen, water vapor, Oxygen and other gases help organisms to survive. Which sphere contain these materials?A. Geosphere C. BiosphereB. Atmosphere D. Hydrosphere17. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of _Nitrogen and ___Oxygen and other gases.A. 50% and 20% C. 21% and 78%B. 0% and 100% D. 78% and 21%18. Which gas composed the Earth’s atmosphere?A. N2 B. CO2 C. O2 D. He19. Ozone plays a vital role for an organisms to stay alive. To what spheredoes Ozone belong?A. Hydrosphere C. Biosphere B. Atmosphere D. Geosphere20. Which of the following is an example of a Human impact to the atmosphere?A. Push trash in waterwaysB. Dump paint in the gutterC. Pour chemicals down the drain and burning of garbageD. Litter in the waterway​

1. Ensuring availability of water for future generation is a

A. goal of conservation

2. A scientist studies a sample of swamp water. She finds that there are

many dead plants and fish in the water. ___________in the water

could be the main cause of this.

A. Oxygen

3. What is the main cause of water pollution?

D. Human impact and decision making

4. Which of the following is a way of conserving water?

B. Use washing machine at full load

5. Why do we need to conserve water?

C. It is a limited resource

6. Approximately 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water.

So why is water considered a precious resource?

C. Only a small fraction of the Earth’s water is freshwater available for drinking and irrigation

7. What will most like to happen if the human population continues to grow at current rates?

A. There will be fewer natural resources available for future generations

8. Which actions taken by the environmental club would make a positive human impact?

A. Planting trees along the border of the school property

9. The effects of water pollution on an ecosystem

C. can become worse due to biomagnification

10. Which is a prevention of water pollution?

A. Do not push trash in waterways

11. The main global contributing factors to greenhouse – gas emissions are

B. Industrial processes

12. Which of the following is produced when electrical discharges pass through oxygen in the air?

C. ozone

13. The greenhouse effect is the

C. a gradual increase in the temperature of the atmosphere

14. Humans cause significant amount of air pollution by burning _______fuels.

D. fossil

15. What effect of air pollution is caused by CFCs from spray cans getting released into the air?

B. Damage to the ozone layer

16.Nitrogen, water vapor, Oxygen and other gases help organisms to survive.

Which sphere contain these materials?

B. Atmosphere

17. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of _Nitrogen and ___Oxygen

and other gases.

D. 78% and 21%

18. Which gas composed the Earth’s atmosphere?

A. N2

19. Ozone plays a vital role for an organisms to stay alive. To what sphere does Ozone belong?

B. Atmosphere

20. Which of the following is an example of a Human impact to the atmosphere?

C. Pour chemicals down the drain and burning of garbage

12. pls po pwede po ba pagawa po ng explanation neto tagalog po sana or taglish thank you po :)E. Communication for Business and Trade Reports In order to prepare you in the global work force, you must prepare yourselves to the demand of the industry, and one way of achieving this is through enhancing your English communication skills. As university students, you need to develop your expertise on how to sell an idea in a product presentation, project proposal, and other opportunities of making networks and connections in business. Enhancing your craft in oral presentations will make you succeed in your future internships and future career. 1. Definition and Relevance A SWOT analysis or a SWOT matrix is a diagram that shows an organization’s or person’s key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing this type of analysis, any organization, corporation or company can innovate or adapt new ways or strategies to put itself better in the corporate world. 2. Internal Factors VS External Factors Internal Factors. Internal factors are things that we can control. External Factors. These are things we cannot control. 3. Benefits of SWOT analysis SWOT analyses identify any company or organization’s capabilities and resources. Moreover, they also provide a look on the organization’s competitive environment. Based on the result of SWOT analysis, the company can create a better marketing strategy. A SWOT analysis can create a new venture or new opportunities for the company especially the ones that are not yet explored. This can be aid for the managers and directors reduce threats by understanding their company’s current weaknesses. This can be used by the people in a company as a planning technique. Individuals who like to develop their careers can do SWOT analysis for it identifies their skills, opportunities, and abilities. 4. How to make SWOT analysis Make sure that the analysis heads to the right path or direction by defining your objective. If your study focuses on what matters, this will eventually provide you a right strategy. Focus on the internal and external factors. Strengths. Identify the things that do better in your company rather than the competition. Are the people familiar to your products or brand? What is your competitive advantage? Which one from your internal sources is doing best or the one that excels in all aspects of intellectual property or human resources? Weaknesses. In what areas are your competitors outclassing your company? What holds your business back? Are there any things you can avoid? Does your business lack something? Or weakness? Opportunities. Opportunities can help your company grow. Can you turn any changes in technology, laws, or society, for example, into an opportunity? Consumers today are more aware of and interested in the quality of life. Threats. Are there obstacles stopping your company from growing? What are these rules, regulations, or technology that impede your business? Some aspects of society may also represent obstacles. Is inflation rate a threat to the business?​

tand out in job interviews and make you more effective in communicating with clients and colleagues from different parts of the world.

Aside from oral communication, writing skills are also crucial in the business world. Writing reports, proposals, and emails require a clear and concise writing style. It's important to learn how to get your message across effectively without using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to your audience. In addition to this, learning how to write in a professional tone and format is also essential.

To improve your English communication skills, you can attend language classes, practice with your peers, read business articles, and practice writing reports and proposals. You can also listen to business podcasts and watch business videos to enhance your listening skills.

Communication is key in the business world, and as a student preparing for a career in business, it's essential to develop your skills in written and oral communication. With the right skills and practice, you can increase your chances of success in a global work environment.

1. The definition of a SWOT analysis is accurate and objective, and the relevance is explained well. It highlights that conducting a SWOT analysis can be highly beneficial for any organization, as it enables them to identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential opportunities and threats in the market. This allows organizations to make informed decisions by leveraging their strengths, improving their weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating threats. Overall, the explanation provided is unbiased and informative.

2. The explanation of internal factors versus external factors is accurate and clear. Internal factors refer to those factors that an organization or person can control, such as their resources, skills, culture, and structure. On the other hand, external factors refer to those factors that an organization or person cannot control, such as market trends, competition, political and economic conditions, and social factors. Understanding the difference between these two types of factors is essential for making informed decisions and developing effective strategies. The explanation provided is objective and informative, and it highlights the importance of considering both internal and external factors when analyzing a situation or making a decision.

3. Capabilities and the external factors that could impact their business. Additionally, it allows for effective decision-making by providing a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s internal and external factors. A SWOT analysis can also reveal weaknesses, which can be addressed through improvements or strategic partnerships. Finally, a SWOT analysis can be useful for businesses of any size, from small startups to large corporations, by identifying areas of growth and improvement. Overall, the benefits of a SWOT analysis are significant and can provide valuable insights for a company's future success.


Weaknesses. Identify the areas that need improvement or those that lag behind the competition. Do you have any limitations or barriers that prevent your company from achieving its goals? What are the gaps that need to be filled or the weaknesses that need to be addressed?

Opportunities. Look out for potential growth opportunities that you can take advantage of. What are the trends in the industry? Are there any untapped markets or potential partnerships? Are there any emerging technologies that can be used to your advantage?

Threats. Pay attention to the external factors that could impact your business negatively. What are the economic or political changes that could affect your company? What is the competition doing? Are there any new competitors entering the market?

Once you have identified the four key areas of SWOT analysis, you can start gathering data and information to support your analysis. This can be done through surveys, market research or by analyzing past performance data. After gathering the necessary information, you can start creating a plan of action based on your SWOT analysis. This should include strategies that capitalize on your strengths and opportunities, mitigate your weaknesses, and address potential threats.

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