Knowledge Is Power Speech

Knowledge Is Power Speech

VOCABULARY POWER Your knowledge of grammar, specifically the parts of speech, can help poem. Some of these are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Choose four words and place them in the chart below you to make better sense of the poem. look back at the unfamiliar words of the Try to decipher the meaning of these words. The first one has done for you. Unfamiliar word from Part of speech Similar-sounding word Possible meaning in English verb beware, bewigged the poem 1. bewail express deep sorrow 3. 5.​

Daftar Isi

1. VOCABULARY POWER Your knowledge of grammar, specifically the parts of speech, can help poem. Some of these are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Choose four words and place them in the chart below you to make better sense of the poem. look back at the unfamiliar words of the Try to decipher the meaning of these words. The first one has done for you. Unfamiliar word from Part of speech Similar-sounding word Possible meaning in English verb beware, bewigged the poem 1. bewail express deep sorrow 3. 5.​


noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection

2. Conclusion To sum things up, teenage pregnancy happens due to lack of knowledge, youth's and adults should learn things that will affect them greatly, on how to handle things. There are a lot of things that are hard to control but, prevention is better than regreting the actions that you've done in the near future. Knowledge is power, emotions are important to handle with caution. ECP should be legalized, same with abortion. Prevent them from happening, don't let the same scenario from happening again.​so need kopo gawan ng speech po deadline po kase mamaya e


In our society we are facing a problem of teenage pregnancy which causes the issue of abortion to occur. There is a very high rate of teenage pregnancies and abortions in our society, and that is not healthy or good for every individual and the society as a whole. This issue occur because of the irresponsibility’s of our youth. They are having unprotected sexual activities which is not safe and may cause them a lot of problems such as HIV/AIDS, STD, STI and other sexual transmitted diseases not only pregnancy. We have several ways to prevent teenage pregnancy in our health institutions (Clinics, private and public hospitals). Our government should ensure that each and every community is provided with proper health services, and that the clinics and hospitals operate well and effectively always. This issue must be well addressed in the society so that it can be solved/dealt with in the right and responsible way. The rate of teenage pregnancy differs in countries depending on whether the country is developed or underdeveloped. Obviously in underdeveloped countries the rate will be high because of poverty.

Teenage pregnancy is a destruction to education. It sets back lives of teenagers and some of them don’t go back to school after having babies, because they are ashamed. Some see no reason to go back to school which is wrong. Without education these days life is very difficult, because you can’t get a good job without qualifications.

3. III. Underline the abstract nouns in the following sentences. Nurjahan was famous for her beauty. 2. India got freedom on 15 August 1947. 3. Knowledge is power. 4. His speech was inspiring. 5. I followed the advice of my mother. I. Replace the underlined nouns with nouns of the opposite 1. My sister is a very talented actor. gender. 2. The boy played the role of a king in the play. 2. 3. The cow belongs to my aunt. 4. They have brought a new lion to the zoo. 5. My nephew sings very well.​





5 followed


i dont know if correct ba yan

4. A. Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.1. What is hearing?a. Hearing is the basis for all the other skills- reading, writing and speaking.b. Hearing is a process, function, or power of perceiving sound specifically; thespecial sense by which noises and tones are received as stimuli.C. It is an action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts andfeelings in spoken language.d. It is a medium of human communication that involves the representation oflanguage and symbols.2. This refers to the ability of a listener to recognize and separate the importantfrom the not so important points in the text listened to.a. filteringc. decodingb. summarizingd. interpreting3. The following processes are involved in listening comprehension except:a. recognizing speech soundsb. understanding the meaning of individual wordsc. understanding the way in which linguistic elements (such as words) are puttogether to form constituents such as phrases or clause)d. processing text4. When you are an active listener, which from among the words listed below youmust avoid?a. debatec. overheard informationb. distractionsd. music5. What does familiarity in listening mean?a. Familiarity with the topic makes listening easier for the listener because hecan make use of his background knowledge to relate with what he listened to.b. Lack of knowledge or experience of somethingc. Unknown or unrecognizabled. Unrelatable​




ayon yan sa aking naunawaan



2. B

3. D

4. B

5. A


ok ok

5. ACTIVITY 3 Statements below are taken from President Lyndon B. Johnson’s speech. Identify which among the statements contain factual information (statements that can be verified or proven to be true or false) or subjective content (involves judgment, feeling opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write F for Factual and S for Subjective. ____1. It is harder and harder to live the good life in American cities today.____2. The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents.____3. Today, 8 million adult Americans, more than the entire population of Michigan, have not finished 5 years of school.____4. The water we drink, the food we eat, the very air that we breathe, are threatened with pollution. Our parks are overcrowded, our seashores overburdened. Green fields and dense forests are disappearing.____5. We have the power to shape the civilization that we want. ____6. Poverty must not be a bar to learning, and learning must offer an escape from poverty.​


1) f







Pa brainliest

6. Text BPEN International Women's ManifestoAnalyzing ArgumentsWorksheetAssertian: For many women inthe world, the first and the Instand perhaps the most powerfulfrontier was the door of thehouse she lived in her parentsor her husband's home,to have aouThe first and founding principle of the PENCharter asserts that literature knows nofrontiers These frontiers were traditionallythought of as borders between countries andpeoples. For many women in the world - and foralmost all women until relatively recently - thefyrst and the last and perhaps the most powerfulmural para was the door of the house she lived inmcht her parents' or her husband's hommeran pollinating for women to have free speech, the rightto read the right to write, they need to have thephysically, socially andAutoh Aulidually. There are few sodal systems thatmutin do not regard with hostility a woman who walksHeyrightoReason #1 for women to baseSpeech the lat to dress, it might bo wnteSupport 1Support 2Support 3Support 4.Reason #2: Gnielural machen duser was theAur or the nec alin.Support 1.Support 2pronul fix perseriHy)StudyLingReason 3Wen, in all its many forms, both within the wallsof home or in the public sphere, createsdangerous forms of censorship. Across thetraditionarepeatedly valued above human rights and areAPFalse DilertedSupport 1.Support 2pustione culture religion andad saTamuagainst women and girls.Appeal to IgnorarWhat could the issuer havefailed to mention about theissue?PEN believes that the act of silencing aperson is to deny their existence. It is a kind ofdeath. Humanity is both wanting and bereftwithout the full and free expression of women'screativity and knowledge (Excerpt from PENInternational Women's Manifesto)Conclusion: Do you agree withthe issuer? Why?Very SlopeB. Assessment. HEAVY WEIGHT EVIDENCE​





7. 11. During the Period of the Third Republic, the poems wereA. Romanticb. Helpless and revolutionaryc. Helplessd. Revolutionary and romantic12. What is the common theme of literature during the Japanese Period?a. Reformationb. Povertye Colonialismd. Nationalism and love for country13. Which of the following newspaper energed during the 1986 People Power?a. Kapalaranb. Malayac. Paubayad. Kalayaan14. 21 century learners in the Philippines are demanded to bea. Inclined to e-booksb. Knowledgeable in ICTc. Proficient in English and Filipinod. Skilled in writing poems15. It is a poetic element that tries to create a picture in the mind of the reader or a mentalimage through the use of figurative language.a. Imageryb. Figures of Speechc. Rhymed. Meter​

11. D

12. D

13. D


15. A

8. 31. __________ - Which of the following sentences serve as the introduction of the speech above? A. The Museo ng Malacanang stands as a symbol of the living reality of a government open to the people and trying to become an integral part of their lives and hopes. B. Some people think that this idea of a Museo ng Malacanang in the same grounds as the seat of power is a security nightmare. C. I wish to thank the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the tremendous amount of time and energy they have so generously poured into the establishment of the Foundation. D. The opening of Malacanang Palace to the public as a museum and as a historical site achieves one of the most important goals of those who dreamed and fought for Filipino freedom. 32. __________ - Which of the following is the conclusion of the speech above? A. I want you therefore to appreciate the importance of the project that has been entrusted to you: to preserve the symbolism and reality of our new democracy. B. The opening of Malacanang Palace to the public as a museum and as historical site achieves one of the most important goals of those who dreamed and fought for Filipino freedom. C. Some people think that this idea of a Museo ng Malacanang in the same grounds as the seat of power is a security nightmare. D. The Museo ng Malacanang stands as a symbol of the living reality of a government open to the people and trying to become an integral part of their lives and hopes. 33. __________ - What is the purpose of the speech? A. to thank everyone that has contributed to the building of the museum B. to promote the uniqueness of the museum C. to argue that more museums should be built D. to prove that museums are still important in today’s modern world 34. __________ - Which is not a goal of an informative speech? A. narrate a significant human experience B. may explain something most readers would not know C. teach readers to solve a problem or apply knowledge D. present the recent research on a topic 35. __________ - Which of the following cannot be part of the introduction of an informative speech? A. an illustration of the topic B. summary information C. an information that is true and illustrates the point you wish to make D. an anecdote 36. __________ - Which of the following should be considered when writing an informative speech? A. emotions of the speech writer B. purpose of the speech C. audience 37. __________ - They are useful English language conjunctions, transitional phrases, synonyms, and pronouns that are utilized to express ideas in a cohesive manner A. Cohesive devices B. Synonyms C. Devices 38. __________ - Which of the following concluding statements below would best end an informative speech about the following topic? How have ready-made meals and fast food changed the way we live? A. To sum up, fast food has changed our life in many ways and not for the better. B. It could be that fast food is more expensive than food prepared at home. C. People are always looking for ways to make their lives easier. D. People are getting fatter and unhealthier due to all the chemicals in the processed food they eat. 39. __________ - Which of the following concluding statements below would best end an informative speech on the following topic? Each generation of people is different. Explain how your generation is different than your parents. A. Therefore, we need to bridge the gap of generations by communicating properly. B. From my point of view,we need to try to understand what is happening around us. C. Every moment in history affects a generation in a certain way. D. In the past, people believe that you could not achieve success unless you were… 40. __________ - Given the question below, what would be a possible topic of the informative speech? People have different ways of dealing with stress. Some people like to take walks, others do yoga while others read a book. What are some of the best ways to relieve stress? A. Possible Ways to Relieve Stress B. Dealing with Anxiety C. The Causes of Stress D. Effects of Stress on the Quality of Life

31 a 32 c 34 a 35 b 36 c37 a 38 d 39 b 40 d

9. 1. How does compliance-gaining achieved? A. Is achieved when a person is made to react on a stimulus. B. Is achieved when a person is made to accept and respond on a stimulus. C. Is achieved when a person is made to not respond and react on a stimulus. D. Is achieved when a person is made to respond and act on a stimulus. 2. Which of the following functions/tasks of media that includes campaigning for societal objectives in the sphere of politics, war, economic development, work, and sometimes religion? A. Continuity C. Mobilization B. Correlation D. Entertainment 3. Which of the following forms of communication that are designed to appeal to our needs to recreate, relax, and be entertained? A. Education B. Persuasion C. Arts and Entertainment D. Organizing Advocacy and Mobilization 4. Which of the following track that allows individual artists to pursue acting and other kinds of performance? A. Media and Arts C. Media and Design Arts B. Performing Arts D. Productions and Managerial Arts 5. Which of the following track that is applied when technical, organizational, and managerial knowledge and skills are used to bring arts, media and entertainment to the public? A. Performing Arts C. Arts and Entertainment B. Media and Design Arts D. Productions and Managerial Arts 6. Which of the following bases of power that has the ability to inflict punishments? A. Expert Power C. Coercive Power B. Reward Power D. Legitimate Power 7. Which of the following qualities of a social worker that has the ability to identify with or vicariously experience another person’s situation? A. Empathy C. Active listening B. Boundary setting D. Social perceptiveness 8. What makes communication a vital component of our humanness? A. Our mental ability C. Our ability of listening B. Our ability of speech D. Our ability of functioning 9. Which of the following is a tool for the transmission and advancement of knowledge? A. Education C. Communication B. Information D. Entertainments 10. How does artistic expressions of media forms could be manifested? A. Through program interface for radios B. Through mise-en-scene for film and television C. Through program interface for entertainment D. Through communicative techniques for communication 11. This step will also help you create focus of how you wish to reach your goals. A. Creating a vision of yourself C. Setting specific goals B. Identifying action plans D. Evaluating outcomes 12. This step answers the question, “What do I really want to achieve in my life?” A. Creating a vision of yourself C. Setting specific goals B. Identifying action plans D. Evaluating outcomes 13. This step helps you allocate your time and energy more efficiently, thus promoting productivity and greater confidence. A. Creating a vision of yourself C. Setting specific goals B. Identifying action plans D. Evaluating outcomes 14. This process invites you to assess your plans and achievements in improving yourself. A. Creating a vision of yourself C. Setting specific goals B. Identifying action plans D. Evaluating outcomes 15. This process invites you to identify specific strategies that will help you achieve your vision and specific goals for developing yourself. A. Creating a vision of yourself C. Setting specific goals B. Identifying action plans D. Evaluating outcomes 16. Communication is an avenue to persuade people toward certain ideas. A. Persuasion Design C. Media and Art B. Referent Power D. Active Listening 17. This track uses media and communication for creative expression, as manifested when artists and photographers use visual mediums as their tools in the same way writers, poets, and publishers use written mediums. A. Persuasion Design C. Media and Art B. Referent Power D. Active Listening 18. A person with this kind of power have referent power when the person they are trying to influence wants to be like them. A. Persuasion Design C. Media and Art B. Referent Power D. Active Listening 19. The ability to listen carefully, ask pertinent questions, and retain verbally transmitted information [so as to] establish trust, open doors, and discover valuable details about the individuals who seek help in understanding their unique circumstances. A. Persuasion Design C. Media and Art B. Referent Power D. Active Listening 20. One of the useful theories of persuasion that every student of social work must be well-aware. A. Creating a Vision of Yourself C. Nonverbal Communication B. Attitude D. Compliance-gaining 21. This vision will not only allow you to pursue your life goals, but it will also help you anticipate the positive obstacles which you could encounter along the way. A. Creating a Vision of Yourself C. Nonverbal Communication B. Attitude D. Compliance-gaining 22. It refers to a person’s disposition about certain life experiences. A. Creating a ​


1. A. Is achieved when a person is made to react on a stimulus

2. B. Correlation

3. C. Arts and Entertainment

4. D. Productions and Managerial Arts

5. A. Performing Arts

6. B. Reward Power

7. C. Active listening

8. D. Our ability of functioning

9. A. Education

10. B. Through mise-en-scene for film and television

11. C. Setting specific goals

12. D. Evaluating outcomes

13. A. Creating a vision of yourself

14. B. Identifying action plans

15. C. Setting specific goals

16. D. Active Listening

17. A. Persuasion Design

18. B. Referent Power

19. C. Media and Art

20. D. Compliance-gaining

21. A. Creating a Vision of Yourself




10. The Very Important Dictionary Have you heard the saying, "Knowledge is Power"? Almost all great men and women became either famous or leaders of their country because of their knowledge. You too can have knowledge and become like those men and women. How can you do this? You can further your knowledge mostly through reading. But how can you increase your knowledge through reading if you can't understand or comprehend what you are reading? You need something to help you know the meaning of new words that you come across in your reading. This is where the dictionary can help you, The dictionary is probably the most utilized reference material. Everyone who wants to learn or increare his or her knowledge needs a dictionary. It is often used because it gives us all the information we need to know about the following: correct pronunciation of words syllabication of words parts of speech or function of words (noun, pronoun, verb, etc.) origin of etymology definition of words synonyms or antonyms Inflected form (present. past, plural, etc.) rules in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 1. How did almost great all great men and women become famous or great leaders of their country? 2. What do you need to help you increase your knowledge? 3. Why is the dictionary the most utilized reference material? Do we really need a dictionary? Why or why not? 5. Based on the article, how can you be like those great and famous men and women?​


if you search your question there will pop out knowledge

11. Directions: Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write False (10 pts) 1. The tool of language gives us the ability to transfer information and knowledge to ourselves and others 2. Language shapes our thoughts considering the context, styles and communicative strategies 3. People would have lesser control and power if they process information correctly 4. Communication without proper timing will have positive effects 5. Improper communicative strategies on certain conversations can be a source of frustration 6. Communication is always a two-way process. 11 7. All communication is influenced by the context in which it takes place. 8. Intrapersonal and interpersonal communications affect the language form based on how people understand the information 9. The shift in speech styles and speech act of a speaker would lead to misunderstanding 10. The participants' expectations of the interaction will affect communication​


1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. False

8. True

9. True

10. True


Correct me if im wrong po!

Pa brainliest nmn po!

12. AssesmentA.Directions:Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.1)What is hearing?A.Hearing is the basis for all skills-reading,writing and speaking.B.Hearing is a prosses,function,or power of percieving sound specifically; the special sense by which noises and tones are recieved as stimuliC.It is an action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken languageD.It is a medium of human communication that involes the representation of language and symbols2)This refers to the ability of a listener to recognize and separate the important from the not so important points in the text listened to.A.FilteringB.summarizingC.decoding D.Interpreting3)The following process are involved in listening comprehension exept:A.recognizing speech soundsB.Understanding the meaning of individual wordsC.Understanding the way in which linguisticelements(such as words)are put together to form constituents such as phrases or clauseD.processing text4)When you are an active listener, which from among the words listed below you must avoidA.debateB.DistractionsC.overhead informationD.Music5)What does familiarity in listening mean?A.Familiarity which the topic makes listening easier for the listener because he can make use of his background knowledge to relate with what he listened to.B.Lack knowledge or expirience or somethingC.Unknown or unrecognizable D.Unrelatable​







hope it helps

13. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSEDirections: Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write the incorrect word's on thespace provided. (10 pts.)1. The tool of language gives us the ability to transfer information and knowledge to ourselves and others.2. Language shapes our thoughts considering the context, styles and communicative strategies.3. People would have lesser control and power if they process informationcorrectly.4. Communication without proper timing will have positive effects.5. Improper communicative strategies on certain conversations can be asource of frustration.6. Communication is always a two-way process.7. All communication is influenced by the context in which it takes place.8. Intrapersonal and interpersonal communications affect the language form based on how people understand the information.9. The shift in speech styles and speech act of a speaker would lead to misunderstanding.10. The participants expectations of the interaction will affectcommunication.​


1. t


3. t

4. f

5. t

6. f

7. t

8. t

9. t

10. f

14. ASSESSMENT Let's Test Our Knowledge! Reſer back to the inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy. Part 1. Fill In the Blanks Supply the missing words in the given statements taken from President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Speech. Write your answers on the blanks provided for 1.-Symbolizing an end, as well as a 2. "The belief that the rights of man come not from 3. We dare not forget today that we are of the first revolution, 4...the has been passed to a new generation of Americans 5. And yet the same beliefs for which our forebears fought for are still at issue around the globe." 6. order to assure the survival and the success of our 7. "To those old whose cultural and spiritual origins we share..." United there is a little we cannot do in a host of ventures." faithful friends, united there is little we cannot do* 10. To those peoples in huts and villages in the globe to break the bonds of mass misery..." 11. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of powers. 2 that is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always..." of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, that both sides join in creating a new endeavor.​













Explanation:ill need that brainliest

15. Write what is being referred to by the statements below. ___________1. It is anything that properly and justly belongs to the person by virtue of being human. ___________2. It is the power of the state to take private property for public use. ___________3. It is the power of the state to restrain the use of liberty and property for the comfort, safety, and welfare of society. ___________4. It is the power of the state to impose a burden on property, income, occupation, and others. ___________5. It may be a political or civil right guaranteed by the constitution. ___________6. An example of these rights is the right to maternity leave. ___________7. It is the arbiter when individual rights conflict with one another or with the government. ___________8. The number of rights expressed in Section 1 of Article III. ___________9. What aspect of the right to due process is violated when, if charged of an offense, you are not given the opportunity to give your defense? ___________10. What aspect of the right to due process is violated when, if convicted of an offense, you are given a penalty not commensurate to the gravity of the offense you committed? ___________11. What is violated in Section 1 of Article III when a group of Makati businessmen is given favourable treatment on their business over other businessmen similarly situated? ___________12. It is a kind of law that favors a group over others. ___________13. It is a right that protects the privacy and the sanctity of the person, his house, or possession. ___________14. He is the only authorized person to issue a warrant of arrest or search warrant. ___________15. Rule 113, Section 5 of the Rules of Court allows arrest without warrant if the peace officer has personal knowledge of facts indicating that a person to be arrested has committed it. What was suggested by Senator Lacson to replace personal knowledge? ___________16. What section of Article III supplements the protection provided for by Section 2 of the same article? ____________17. It covers all freedom of speech or expression whether oral, written, or disc recorded. It includes picketing and symbolic speech. ____________18. It is the rule that requires that before a person under custodial investigation is investigated, he must be informed of his right to remain silent, that he has the right to counsel and that anything he says can be used against him in court. ____________19. What right cannot be waived aside from the right to remain silent except in writing and in the presence of a lawyer? ____________20. It is a right that protects a person against the peril of a second punishment and second trial for the same offense. ____________21. What year was the death penalty reimposed? ____________22. It is the legal remedy and proper recourse against illegal detention and restraint. ____________23. Who can issue a writ of habeas corpus? ____________24. Who is empowered by the constitution to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus? ____________25. There are two grounds for the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. One is in case of rebellion or invasion. What is the other ground?




Translition:ang haba po hahahah

16. Activity 7: Writing in Actions Read and understand the graduation message of Secretary Leonor Briones. Write a summary of the speech on your answer sheet.My warmest greetings and congratulations to the graduates and completers of the School Year 2019-2020. are the graduates and completing learners as these mark the milestones of harder for the fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations, your educational achievement. May these occasions inspire you to study Life may constantly offer you challenges, but you have to forge on . I salute the teachers, our unsung heroes, for molding the minds of our Filipino youth and producing among these learners the much-needed knowledge and competencies under the K to 12 Basic Education Program Hours may be long and the prescribed duties may be exhausting, but shaping the future of these youth will definitely improve their lives, To the parents, we thank you for your sacrifices in attending to the needs of your children. Your guidance and support have helped build their confidence in themselves. You have exerted a powerful influence on their overall development, The theme of this year's end-of-school rites (EOSR), “Sulong EduKalidad: Championing the Nation's Future” is consistent with the Department's call for national effort towards quality basic education. DepEd is committed to providing you with 21st-century skills through the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education. We continuously strive to institute reforms in our educational system to ensure that you become globally competitive and able to meet the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Again, congratulations! Sama-sama tayo sa pagsulong ng EduKalidad! Mabuhay! patulong po plss huhuhu​


sori ganda lang ambag ko

17. Identify the term described in each item. Then, choose from the given set of word answer on the space before the number. - Bhagavad-Gita- Om - Upanishads- Brahmat- Dharma - Ramayana - Varna- Sarasvati - Moksha - Samsara- Vedas - Shiva - Namaste- Ganesha - Brahman- Trimurti - Atman- Parvati - Durga - Vishnu1. A rich and complex term that refers to duty, law, virtue, ethic, and as principle of right action, may also refer to rules govering human activity. 2. The Sanskrit term for caster or social class. 3. The oldest sacred books in Hindu Dharma that contain descriptions and mythologies of Pre-Aryan and Aryan deitles. 4. Collections of philosophical writings attached to the Vedas that go beyond ceremonial actions by seeking the meaning of human existence. 5. An epic of almost twenty thousand verses narrating the love story of the seventh avatar or incarnation of the god Vishnu, and his wife Sita. 6. The most popular part of the Mahabharata that has been described as containing the essence of the Vedas. 7. The fundamental sound of the universe and often introduces sacred chanting. 8. The wheel or cycle of rebirth, which is more popularly known as the doctrine of relncarnation or transmigration of soul. 9. The ultimate goal of Hindu Dharma, which is the liberation from the endless cycle of birth and death. 10. Literally means "I bow to you". 11. A reality that makes everything that can be experienced possible but which cannot be perceived by the senses; the all-knowing source of consciousness. 12. The essence of Brahman present in individual human beings. 13. "Three images" representing the three primary natures of Brahman. 14. Known as the creator. 15. Wife of Brahma, the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, speech, and poetry.16. Has the power of preservation. 17. A god whose function is that of a destroyer and transformer. 18. Known as the Divine Mother. 19. The goddess of darkness, sickness, and death. 20. The elephant-headed god who is known to be a powerful remover of obstacles.​


Ned kolang nang point ehheheh

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