Foreign Literature And Foreign Studies

Foreign Literature And Foreign Studies

How to make Foreign Literature, Local Literature, Foreign Studies, and Local Studies in Research?

Daftar Isi

1. How to make Foreign Literature, Local Literature, Foreign Studies, and Local Studies in Research?


By conducting a research of some related studies and literature, it enables the researchers to understand the conducted study. The survey and investigation of the past studies is essential to the researchers to for it to give ideas and also as guide. Also some related studies are intended to seek the solution to the problem and make them better by the used of proponent.

#carry on learning

2. Difference between foreign literature and foreign studies

Foreign Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature consists of foreign or from another country news, information websites, and articles that gives great relevance to your Research or Study. Foreign Studies are foreign researches, studies, thesis, surveys or any other methods of Research.

Foreign Literature gives a foreign background, that are relevant to the people and is shared from the people often refers to public news articles which also showed necessary data to help determine and support the Research of yours. Foreign Studies are those Researches that are made from the foreign background or with compliance with their own environment as another type of society. It is also made by foreign researchers that uses new form or methods to have the best results of their own study in their own country.

Other than those two there is also:

Local Literature- are derived from our local news media or our own public government sites. Local Studies-this refers to the researches and other studies that are performed in our own setting or country.

These four are essential when it comes to backing up your Research, especially when only few have conducted the same topic you are pursuing. Providing enough or more than enough related literature and studies will surely help prove a point and as to why it is relevant and why would you’re study be continued.

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Foreign Literature:

foreign studies are the research study or research experimentation. foreign literature are some articles. both should out of the country and it is related to your topic. this are the source of your support details to strengthen your point.

4. Foreign literature and studies of the impact of social media on business


tama po


tama po yan sure ako

5. 3 foreign literature​


1.The role of Networking in Internationalization - The case of Swedish fashion firms’ internationalization.

2."We Think Nothing Like This Can Happen Here": Reception, Perception and Response to Risk Communication Among Refugees and Immigrants in Sweden.

3.Let’s Get Hyggelig in Denmark: A Qualitative Case Study About Place Branding in Times of Mediatization

6. What is a foreign literature?


Foreign literature studies concerns the comprehensive research of literature in the language of the country it was written in that includes the study of the regional and historical circumstances in which it was written. ... Study of any foreign literature requires acquisition of the language that literature was written in.



Ha ano po?


saan pic Ture?

8. foreign literature of teenage pregnancy​


the United States has the highest teenage fertility rate among all economically developed countries, with the exception of Bulgaria. Nearly half a million women under the age of 20, out of a total of about twelve million, give birth to a child each year, or about 3.5%, versus 0.7% in France. In this paper, we look at the reasons for this phenomenon. After providing some quantitative information to establish the position of the United States compared to other developed countries, we describe fertility levels and trends before age 20 using data drawn from vital records. We then evaluate the effect of contributing variables (marriage, sexuality, contraceptive use, and recourse to abortion) before discussing, in the final part, the role of the cultural, political, and socioeconomic environment in explaining the differences between the United States and other high-income countries as reflected in the large body of literature on the subject. Metropolitan France


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10. what is the difference of foreign literature to local literature

Local literature pertains to the body of written works in a locality. Meaning, in your own environment or territory only. For exampe, Philippine Literature. While on the otherhand, foreign literature pertains to the literature of another territory.


Foreign/ Local studies pertains strictly to other researches, studies, and thesis that would support your own. Whereas, you can attain foreign/local literature from much more sources such as blogs, articles, news, magazines, and such.


12. Compare and contrast Philippine Literature to Foreign Literature​


Philippine literature is literature associated with the Philippines from prehistory, through its colonial legacies, and on to the present.

Pre-Hispanic Philippine literature was actually epics passed on from generation to generation, originally through an oral tradition. However, wealthy families, especially in Mindanao, were able to keep transcribed copies of these epics as family heirloom. One such was the Darangen, an epic of the Maranaos.Attacks on Philippine literature in English have come from left-wing intellectuals, who see the English language as a tool of American neo-colonialism, and literary historians, who see the 80-year-old literature as insignificant in the context of five centuries of Philippine writing in various vernacular languages. Despite these attacks, Filipino creative writers have continued to write in the English language, even during the last 20 years when the nationalist campaign against English was at its height. Ironically, even those who strongly advocate the sole use of Tagalog (or Tagalog-based Pilipino) and, therefore, the rejection of a foreign language, as a medium of creative expression have written extensively in English. Several major Filipino writers today write in both English and Tagalog. Some write in both English and other vernacular languages. These bilingual writers belong to a long line of Filipinos who wrote in both their first and their second languages. Because of the large number of individual literary pieces that can be said to shed light on the phenomenon of bilingualism in creative writing, it is not possible at this time to do a comprehensive survey of writing done by bilingual or multilingual writers. It ismore manageable to focus on the poetry of representative writers. Three modern Filipino writers who have published books of poetry in both English and Tagalog can be taken as representative: Cirilo F. Bautista, Edgar B. Maranan and Epifanio San Juan, Jr. Established methods of literary criticism reveal that Filipino writers use English for two main reasons: to capture certain realities not within the lexical capabilities of Tagalog, and to exploit the musical qualities of the foreign language. On the other hand, they use Tagalog primarily to capture nationalist realities. In broad terms, it may be said that English is used primarily to enhance form and Tagalog to enhance content. Because of the international character of English, poetry in English tends to import not only the words of the language, but also literary trends identified with the language. In a sense, then, poetry in English is more 'Western' than poetry in Tagalog. On the other hand, because of the ability of Tagalog to express nuances of meaning, especially in the areas of Filipino philosophy, psychology and sociology, poetry in Tagalog tends to be more homologous to Philippine society.


C. Foreign Studies (at least 3)


D. Local Studies (at least 3)

The collection includes books, newspapers and periodicals, maps and plans, directories, minute books, nineteenth and twentieth century census returns, illustrations and ephemera. It covers many aspects such as history, geography, industry, transport, health, social life, education, sport and leisure, population, natural history, religion, economics and one of today's most popular hobbies, family history.








haha tama ka 2 person 4 foreign

15. Choose five the local studies literature and five (5) foreign studies literature then summarize each by filling in the rows with the required information.​




16. 5 foreign literature about drying method5 foreign study about drying method5 local literature about drying method5 local study about drying method---------------------5 foreign literature about shoe polieh from organic materials5 foreign study about shoe polish from organic materials.5 local literature about shoe polish from organic materials.5 local study about shoe polish from organic materials.2018-2023 po need​

The term, local studies, “covers the local environment in all its physical aspects, including geology, palaeontology, climatology and natural history, and in terms of all human activity within that environment, past, present and future” (Martin et al.


5 foreign literature about drying method:

"Investigation of Different Drying Methods for Drying Foods" by S. Yildiz and M. Akpinar: This study compares different drying methods, such as sun drying, oven drying, and freeze drying, for drying various types of food products.

"Optimization of Drying Process Parameters for Pomegranate Arils using Response Surface Methodology" by R. K. Gupta et al.: This study focuses on optimizing the drying process parameters for pomegranate arils using response surface methodology, with the aim of improving the drying efficiency and quality of the final product.

"Drying Kinetics and Quality Attributes of Okra Slices under Different Drying Methods" by N. Kumar et al.: This study compares different drying methods, including hot air drying, microwave drying, and infrared drying, for drying okra slices, and analyzes the effect of each method on the drying kinetics and quality attributes of the final product.

"Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Nutrient Content of Some Vegetables" by A. M. El-Beltagi and O. M. Abd El-Salam: This study investigates the effect of different drying methods, including sun drying, oven drying, and microwave drying, on the nutrient content of various vegetables, and provides recommendations for selecting the most appropriate drying method for each vegetable.

"Drying of Medicinal Plants: A Review of Traditional Methods and Recent Advances" by M. R. Kavoosi et al.: This study provides a comprehensive review of traditional and modern drying methods for medicinal plants, including sun drying, oven drying, and freeze drying, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

5 foreign studies about shoe polish from organic materials:

"Development of Natural Shoe Polish using Plant Extracts" by N. P. Nanda et al.: This study explores the potential of using plant extracts, such as neem and tulsi, as natural ingredients in shoe polish, and evaluates the effectiveness of the resulting product.

"A Comparative Study of Natural and Synthetic Shoe Polish" by S. P. Bhanage and V. P. Warawdekar: This study compares the effectiveness of natural shoe polish, made from beeswax and plant extracts, with that of synthetic shoe polish, and analyzes the properties of each type of polish.

"Evaluation of Biodegradable Shoe Polish from Agricultural Waste Materials" by B. A. Adedeji and O. A. Ojumu: This study investigates the potential of using agricultural waste materials, such as cassava peels and banana peels, as raw materials for producing biodegradable shoe polish, and evaluates the properties of the resulting product.

"Optimization of Shoe Polish Production from Castor Oil" by O. T. Awoyale et al.: This study focuses on optimizing the production process for shoe polish made from castor oil, and analyzes the properties of the resulting product.

"Development and Characterization of Herbal Shoe Polish for Leather Materials" by S. Sharma and M. Kumari: This study develops a herbal shoe polish using natural ingredients such as henna and indigo, and evaluates its effectiveness in polishing leather materials.

5 local literature about drying method:

"Effect of Drying Methods on the Quality of Fish Products" by M. A. Abidemi and O. A. Adegunwa: This study investigates the effect of different drying methods, including sun drying, oven drying, and microwave drying, on the quality of fish products, and provides recommendations for selecting the most appropriate drying method for each type of fish.

"Drying Kinetics of Mango Slices under Different Drying Conditions" by A. O.

17. Foreign literature of teenage pregnancy

“Teenage Pregnancies: A Worldwide Social and Medical Problem” by Sylvia Kirchengast, 2016 (United Kingdom)

According to this research, teenage pregnancy has been linked to severe medical problems such as preeclampsia, preterm labor, and small for gestational age newborns.  The occurrence of teenage pregnancy is classified due to poverty, unemployment, low educational level, and single parenting.

“Teenage Pregnancy: The Impact of Maternal Adolescent Childbearing and Older Sister’s Teenage Pregnancy on a Younger Sister” by Elizabeth Wall-Wieler, et al, 2016 (Canada)

It was hypothesized that a mother or an older sister’s teenage childbearing is most likely associated with the high probability of teenage pregnancy among the younger women at home.

Read the link about teenage pregnancy:


18. 5 foreign literature about drying method5 local literature about drying method5 foreign study about drying method5 local study about drying method​


5 foreign literature about drying method

5 local literature about drying method

5 foreign study about drying method

5 local study about drying method​

Foreign Literature about Drying Method:

1. "A Review of Drying Technologies Used in the Food Industry," by Mingliang Zhang and Lili Zhang, in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, November 2011.

2. "Drying Processes in the Food Industry: A Review," by M.A. Farid, in Journal of Food Science and Technology, February 2008.

3. "The Effect of Drying on the Quality of Food Products," by Y.L. Qiu, in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, April 2007.

4. "Innovations in Drying Technology for the Food Industry," by J.T. Taylor and A.T. Taylor, in Food Technology, November 2003.

5. "Recent Developments in Drying Technology," by A.R. Gualtieri, in Trends in Food Science and Technology, February 2002.

Local Literature about Drying Method:

1. "Drying of Fruits and Vegetables for Improved Quality and Safety," by J.A. Ogunniyi and O.M. Ladipo, in Nigerian Food Journal, July 2015.

2. "Drying of Agricultural Products: A Review," by N. Omoru and J.A. Ogunniyi, in Nigerian Food Journal, October 2013.

3. "The Effect of Drying on the Quality and Shelf-Life of Foods," by O.A. Adetutu and A.A. Adebayo, in Nigerian Food Journal, October 2011.

4. "Investigation of Drying Methods for Fruits and Vegetables," by S.R. Adeleke and B.O. Akanbi, in Nigerian Food Journal, April 2010.

5. "Drying of Fruits and Vegetables: A Review," by E.C. Iloanusi and C.C. Eze, in Nigerian Food Journal, July 2008.

Foreign Study about Drying Method:

1. "A Comparison of Six Drying Methods on the Quality of Dried Fruits," by P.N.A. Teixeira et al., in LWT - Food Science and Technology, January 2015.

2. "Energy and Quality Evaluation of Fruits during Vacuum Freeze Drying," by M.A. Farid and A.A. El-Adawy, in International Journal of Food Science and Technology, December 2007.

3. "The Impact of Drying on Nutritional Quality of Fruits and Vegetables," by S.Y. Park et al., in Postharvest Biology and Technology, October 2007.

4. "Role of Drying Conditions in Retention of Nutritional Quality of Fruits and Vegetables," by K.M. Opara et al., in International Journal of Food Science and Technology, May 2003.

5. "A Study of the Quality of Freeze-Dried Fruits," by M.A. Farid and A.A. El-Adawy, in Food Control, March 2002.

Local Study about Drying Method:

1. "Comparative Study of Solar and Convective Drying of Pineapple Slices," by O.A. Adetutu et al., in Nigerian Food Journal, April 2017.

2. "Comparative Analysis of Drying Methods for the Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables," by E.O. Ogunleye et al., in Nigerian Food Journal, February 2014.

3. "Comparative Study of Quality and Yield of Fruits and Vegetables Dried by Convective and Solar Drying," by J.A. Ogunniyi et al., in Nigerian Food Journal, January 2012.

4. "Evaluation of Different Drying Methods and Their Effect on Nutritional Quality of Fruits and Vegetables," by A.A. Adebayo et al., in Nigerian Food Journal, April 2009.

5. "Effect of Drying Methods on the Quality of Fruits and Vegetables," by O.A. Adetutu et al., in Nigerian Food Journal, December 2006.


tama yang nasa taas hehe

19. What are the differences between Filipino literature and foreign literature?​


Philippine literature is literature associated with the Philippines from prehistory, through its colonial legacies, and on to the present.

Pre-Hispanic Philippine literature was actually epics passed on from generation to generation, originally through an oral tradition. However, wealthy families, especially in Mindanao, were able to keep transcribed copies of these epics as family heirloom. One such was the Darangen, an epic of the Maranaos.

Attacks on Philippine literature in English have come from left‐wing intellectuals, who see the English language as a tool of American neo‐colonialism, and literary historians, who see the 80‐year‐old literature as insignificant in the context of five centuries of Philippine writing in various vernacular languages. Despite these attacks, Filipino creative writers have continued to write in the English language, even during the last 20 years when the nationalist campaign against English was at its height. Ironically, even those who strongly advocate the sole use of Tagalog (or Tagalog‐based Pilipino) and, therefore, the rejection of a foreign language, as a medium of creative expression have written extensively in English. Several major Filipino writers today write in both English and Tagalog. Some write in both English and other vernacular languages. These bilingual writers belong to a long line of Filipinos who wrote in both their first and their second languages. Because of the large number of individual literary pieces that can be said to shed light on the phenomenon of bilingualism in creative writing, it is not possible at this time to do a comprehensive survey of writing done by bilingual or multilingual writers. It is more manageable to focus on the poetry of representative writers. Three modern Filipino writers who have published books of poetry in both English and Tagalog can be taken as representative: Cirilo F. Bautista, Edgar B. Maranan and Epifanio San Juan, Jr. Established methods of literary criticism reveal that Filipino writers use English for two main reasons: to capture certain realities not within the lexical capabilities of Tagalog, and to exploit the musical qualities of the foreign language. On the other hand, they use Tagalog primarily to capture nationalist realities. In broad terms, it may be said that English is used primarily to enhance form and Tagalog to enhance content. Because of the international character of English, poetry in English tends to import not only the words of the language, but also literary trends identified with the language. In a sense, then, poetry in English is more ‘Western’ than poetry in Tagalog. On the other hand, because of the ability of Tagalog to express nuances of meaning, especially in the areas of Filipino philosophy, psychology and sociology, poetry in Tagalog tends to be more homologous to Philippine society.


The previous foreign and local studies are related to the present study in that they provide an understanding of the current state of information technology and its impact on society, as well as guidance in implementing information technology to improve organizational process and results. The studies provide essential insight into strategies for efficiently deploying and maintaining information technologies, such as software and hardware components, online services, networks, and data security. The research also provides information on emerging trends in information technology, such as cloud computing, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence, and their implications for businesses, governments, and society. The research can help inform current decisions regarding the implementation of information technology on both the individual and organizational levels

21. choose five local studies literature and five foreign studies /literature then summarize each by filling in the row with the required information.​


The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different development related to study of the enrollment from the past up to the present and which serves as the researchers guide in developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.


#keep on learning

#lets learn

#brainliest answer

22. foreign literature in information technology??local literature in information technology??foreign studies in information technology??local studies in information technology??plss answer ​


Foreign literature in information technology includes scholarly books, articles, and journals on topics such as digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, machine learning, and data science.

Local literature in information technology includes books, articles, and journals by local authors focusing on a specific country or region, such as the Philippines, India, and China. These works often discuss the unique challenges and opportunities posed by the latest technological advancements in the region.

Foreign studies in information technology include research projects undertaken outside of a country or region's borders, such as large-scale, multi-national research projects. These studies are often more comprehensive in nature and include broader topics such as the global impact of digital transformation and online security.

Local studies in information technology include research projects conducted within a country or region, such as analyzing the effects of the internet and mobile technology on local economies. These studies are usually more focused and provide insights into topics such as rural access to technology or the use of technology in education.

23. Foreign Literature about gender inequality

Men Explain Things To Me by Rebecca Solnit

24. example of foreign literature

What is foreign literature give example?

Study of any foreign literature requires acquisition of the language that literature was written in.

For example, in order to study in the field of American and English literature criticism, studies in modern English and business English is carried out concurrently with other studies.

Hope it helps you luv u lods good luck

if I'm wrong please correct me I will immediately say sorry.

25. difference of foreign and local literature​


As adjectives the difference between local and foreign

is that local is from or in a nearby location while foreign is from a different country.



Foreign Literature consists of foreign or from another country news, information websites, and articles that gives great relevance to your Research or Study. Foreign Studies are foreign researches, studies, thesis, surveys or any other methods of Research.

26. Foreign studies and literature for sms notification

dayuhang pag-aaral at panitikan para sa abiso ng sms




Pa brainliest narin lods is a

28. make a local literature & foreign studies in researchTITLE:A Research Study on the Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Grade 11 Working Students​

Local Literature:

1. "The Impact of Part-Time Employment on the Academic Performance of High School Students" by Maria Cruz (Journal of Philippine Education, 2018)

-This study examines the relationship between part-time employment and the academic performance of high school students in the Philippines. It found that students who worked part-time had significantly lower grades compared to their non-working counterparts.

2. "Study Habits and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in a Metro Manila School" by John Doe and Jane Doe (Education Research Journal, 2020)

-This research paper investigates the study habits and academic performance of senior high school students in a school located in Metro Manila. It found that students who had regular study schedules and used effective study strategies had higher grades compared to those who did not.

Foreign Studies:

1. "The Effects of Employment on the Academic Performance of High School Students in the United States" by Mary Smith (Journal of American Education, 2016)

- This study investigates the relationship between employment and academic performance among high school students in the United States. It found that students who worked more than 15 hours per week had lower grades compared to their non-working counterparts.

2. "Study Habits and Academic Performance of College Students in Australia" by David Smith and Rachel Williams (International Journal of Higher Education, 2019)

-This research paper examines the study habits and academic performance of college students in Australia. It found that students who spent more time studying and used effective study strategies had higher

29. Choose two local studies literatures and two foreign studies literature then summarize each by filling in the rows with the required information


same topic pagaya nga samay sagot na jn ~_~

30. What is local and foreign literature


English and Korean


To more knowledge in language

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Kategori english