Music Signal Processing

Music Signal Processing

A style of music that process of creating music is using computers in synthesizing or producing digital audio signals.​

Daftar Isi

1. A style of music that process of creating music is using computers in synthesizing or producing digital audio signals.​


electronic music


Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments, digital instruments and circuitry-based music technology.

2. If a digital signal is only a discrete representation of real information, how is it possible to produce high-quality music without hearing “gaps” in the output due to the digitization process? ​


do interesting to see how much it would cost to get a

3. 2. This music may be described generally as having refinement, delicacy and vagueness?a. Expression Musicb. Impression Musicc. Music of the 20th Century3. This music, conveys true emotions in exaggeration through the application of atonality and dissonance or lack of agreement and consistency in music?a. Music of the 20th Centuryb. Expressionismc. Impressionism4. Who are the famous composers in expressionism music?a. Schoenbergb. Debussy and Schoenbergc. Debussy and Ravel5. Who is the famous composer in expressionism music?a. Schoenbergb. Debussyc. Ravel6. It is the process of creating music computers in synthesizing or producing digital audio signals?a. Electronic Musicb. Synthesized Soundsc. Chance Music7. It is the result of the experimentation by chance?a. Synthesized Musicb. Chance Musicc. Electronic Music8. He is the Father of Electronic Music?a. Edgar Victor Achille Charles Varèseb. John Cagec. Maurice Ravel9. He is considered as the father of Indeterminism?a. Claude Debussyb. Edgar Victor Achille Charles Varèsec. John Cage10. Who is the composer of "Bolero"?a. Ravelb. Debussyc. Schoenberg11. BMI stands for?a. Body Measure indexb. Body Mass Indexc. Body Mass Intensity12. Agility belongs to what component of physical fitness?a. Skill-Relatedb. Health Relatedc. Both a & b13. It is defined as the optimum level of health where healthy individuals can perform daily activities and free from any form of fatigue?a. Fitness Assessmentb. Fitnessc. Physical Fitness14. Flexibility Assessment: Modified Sit and Reach; Body Composition:_____________?a. BMIb. Body-weight exercisec. Push up15. What do body need to be fit?a. Healthy lifestyle and exerciseb. Junkfoodsc. Unlimited Foods16. It involves knowing the facts and having a deeper understanding that enable people to make wise choice.a. Health Consumerb. Consumer Healthc. Health Information17. ____ ____ ____ is someone who examines health information in products and services.a. Health Informationb. Consumer Healthc. Health Consumer18. It is everything that is seen, read or heard in relation to human and community health?a. Health Informationb. Consumer Healthc. Health Consumer19. _____ _____ _____ __ is the promotion of false and unproven health in services for a profit?a. Quackb. Quackeryc. Health Fraud20. A person or company involved in health fraud which usually tries hard to appear scientific?a. Quackeryb. Health Fraudc. QuackSalamat nalang talaga sa magsagot!!><​








c(I think)














thank po sorry kung mali yung iba yan lng kase alam ko eh

4. Learning Task 1: Do You Know Me? Directions: Read the statements below. Write the proper role in stage production and write the answer on your paper. 1. I am the one who write the script. 2. My task is overseeing the crews for the sets and props, the sound and music, the lighting, and the costumes. 3. I am responsible in in creating the mood of each scene in the play, highlighting a dramatic moment, signaling the entrance of a character and focusing attention on a specific spot-on stage. 4 I am the overall artistic coordinator of the entire production. 5. I am the person who takes the play from a mere concept to an actual finished presentation. 6. I decide what attire will not only give the audience a clear sense of the setting but will also express each character personality and distinct qualities. 7. I brought in to plan the hairstyles and makeup to complement the costumes. 8. I am assigned to the sounds that helps in creating and enhancing the atmosphere of the performance. 9. I am the one who is responsible in cases where a play involves dance in certain scenes. 10. I shadow the play's director throughout the entire production process.


1. Screenplay Writer

2. Production Manager

3. Actor/Actress

4. Director

5. Production Producer


Hope it helps tired of searchin na

5. 1. what types of print media that gives information in various events or topics. ussually is used periodically either annually, quarterly, monthly, and weekly a. newspaperb. newsletter c. magazine d. website 2. it is usually issued daily, weekly, or at other regular times that provides information, news,views, features, and other public interest. a. newspaperb. magazine c. billboard d. website3. what types of non print media that transmits moving images in monochrome (black and white),or in color, and in two or three dimensions sound.a. radiob. television c. website d. newsletter 4. is a presentation of images, vedios or information posted on the internet. by searching a certain keyword using search engine.a. radiob. websitec. television d. newspaper 5. an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary fprm, according to instruction given to it in variable program a. computerb. television c. radiod. podcast 6. a tool used to communicate regularly with your subscriber, delivering the information you want in your email boxes.a. newspaperb. website c. newsletter d. social media7. is a fully contextual and downloadable audio file that anyone can listen to at any time.a. podcast b. television c. newsletter d. social media 8. it is used for a variety purpose, such as keeping in touch with family members for conducting business, and in order to have access a. radio b. television c. podcast d. cellphone 9. it is a type of print media that is large outdoor advertising structure, typically found in high traffic areas such as alongside busy roads.a. billboard b. newspaper c. magazine d. cellphone 10. A medium that disseminates printed matter, a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information public press.a. print media b. newspaper c. non print media d. news letter11. it is way to send electromagnetic signals over a long distance, to deliver information from one place to another. a. newspaper b. radio c. billboard d. cellphone 12. informing the people without using paper or print.a. print media b. magazine c. newspaper d. non print media 13. refers to the communication outlets through which we made known to the public different important data like news,music,movies, etc.a. media b. magazine c. podcast d. newspaper 14. it is combination of online telecommunications channels where netizens or citizens using internet interact, share,content, and collaborate.a. magazine b. newspaper c. print media d. social media 15. is recording of motion pictures or television programs for playing through a television set.a. social media b. videoc. magazine d. print media need your help​


Hope it help

6. Independent Assessment 3 Identify the appropriate meaning of the underlined ICT term in each sentence. Choose your answer from the box below. then write the letter of the correct answer in your sheet 1. We need a projector in using power point presentations. 2. Let us use the speaker so that everyone could hear the music. 3. We need a new printer in our office to print our due reports. 4. Rodngo wanted to open the MS Word so he tried to use the Window Explorer. 5. Athena uses my computer in doing her projects. 6. The master of the ceremony used the new microphone during the program... 7. When I turned on the television, I saw the recent news regarding the Covid- 19 Pandemic. 8. The wireless mouse is easy to use compared to the mouse with a cord. 9. Nowadays, many people are using electronic-mail in communicating with others 10. Try to remember the website with hyperlink so that you can connect two documents at the same time. A. A small sound that translates sound vibration B. A transmitting signal over invisible radio waves instead of wires C. A system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screen D. A connection that allows you to move or link easily between two computer documents E. An object that is used to project rays of light with a system of lenses projecting slides onto a screen F. It refers to how to control the flow of electrons G. It can be used to navigate hard drive and display the contents of the folder H. An electronic device used for storing, computing and processing data I. A machine for printing text or pictures onto paper J. A device that makes sound louder​












That's my answer❤️

7. 24.Occipital lobe-eyes: Parasympathetic A. Liver b. Heart c. Brain d. Blood 25. The Limbic System- Emotional Basal ganglia a. Motor functions b. Slacks c. High d. Light 26. White matter-gray matter. Myelin sheath a. Axon b. Betamax c. Caption d. Date 27. Which of a. Logic the following does not belong to the group? b. Science and Math c. Number skills d. Music Awareness 28. Which task would not be affected by damage to the right parietal lobe? a. Recognizing shapes b. Dressing c. Doing Arithmetic d. Writing 29. Giving speech in the class a. Right Hemisphere b. Left Brain c. Pons d. RAS 30. In the Autonomic Nervous System, what organs of the body does this system usually handles? a. Regulates involuntary physiologic processes including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal. b. A major purpose of this covering is to prevent signals from adjacent cells from interfering with each other, c. Nerve impulses travel more slowly in babies than in older children and adults, because babies' myelin sheaths have not fully developed. d. The Corpus callosum is a bridge that connects the interaction of the two hemispheres of the brain. Are known as feelings on the inside when things happen? a. Confused b. Feelings c. Emotions d. Determined 32. 10 stands for? a. "Intellectual Quotient b. Ideal Queen c. Intelligent Quick d. Infinity Quit​


8. What I KnowPre-assessment:Direction Read and understand each item carefully. Choose the best answer andwhile this in your Ants notebookProducerCostume Designer Sound DesignerPlaywnght ChoreographerMakeup DesignerSet DesignerLighting Designer Technical Director1. A person who is in-charge in a concept and creation of the physical stagesetup2 The person who takes play from # mere concept to an actual finishedpresentation3. He or she not only plans out all the dance steps to suit the music, but alsorehearses the actors until they are able to perform the dance skilfully4. The person shadows the play's director throughout the entire productionprocess5. He or she studies the general setting time and place) that the play is meantto take place in, as well as each character in the script.6 He or she serves a vital role in creating and enhancing the atmosphere of theperformance7. The person who is brought in to plan the hairstyles and makeup tocomplement te costumes.8. The writer of the script9. He or she is critical in creating the mood of each scene in the play.highlighting a dramatie moment, signaling the entrance of a character,focusing attention on a specific spot-on stage, or even providing the blanketof darkness for set and prop changes.10. He or she builds the set (or sots) that will simulate the world that the play'scharacters are supposed to live in​


1.Set Designer 2.Producer3.Choreographer 4.Technical Director5.Costume Designer6.Sound Designer7.Makeup Designer8.Playwright 9.Lightning Designer10.Set Designer


9. TRUE if the statement is true. and FALSE if otherwise Question 1 A low frequency sound produces a long wave. Question 2 The loudness of sound is closely associated with intensity. Question 3 A low-pitch sound must be a high-frequency sound made up of long waves. Question 4 The greater the intensity, the louder the sound. Question 5 A high frequency sound gives rise to a short wave. Question 6 A high-pitch sound must be a low-frequency sound, consisting of short waves. Question 7 Sound is a mechanical wave that does not require a medium to propagate. Question 8 A pitch does not depend on the frequency of the sound produced by an object. Question 9 Changing the muscular tension in the vocal cords changes the pitch of the voice. Question 10 Sound is a longitudinal wave that is created by vibrating objects. Question 11 A region where density and pressure are higher than normal is called compression or condensation. Question 12 Musical sounds do not usually originate in simple vibrations but in a blending of vibrations that modifies the form of a sound wave coming from an instrument. Question 13 The vibratory motion of the stapes is transmitted to the cochlear fluid by way of the circular window. Question 14 A region of decreased density and pressure is called rarefraction. Question 15 The hearing process of humans starts when the pinna collects sound waves and transmits them to the auditory canal. Question 16 The nerve endings transform these vibrations into electrical signals and send to the brain by way of the sensory nerve. Question 17 Sound is also called pressure wave because it consists of a series of high and low pressure regions. Question 18 The pressure variation resulting from the compressions and rarefactions in sound waves causes the eardrum to vibrate. Question 19 Pitch is the property of tone that distinguishes it from another tone of the same melody and intensity. Question 20 The vibration of the pharynx produce the human voice.



10. number 17 to plsss pasagot Which of the following is not part of the brain? *1 pointcerebellumcerebrumbrain stemnervesWhere are the undigested foods stored temporarily? *1 pointstomachanuslarge intestinesmall intestineWhat part of the digestive system transports the food? *1 pointmouthesophaguslarge intestinesmall intestineWhat organ system receives signals or stimuli from inside and outside the body? *1 pointDigestive SystemNervous SystemMusculo-Skeletal SystemRespiratory SystemWhich can be controlled by the cerebellum? *1 pointreading bookssharing experienceslistening to musicplaying badmintonIt is a set of organs that supplies the body with nutrients through a process called digestion. *1 pointNervousDigestiveRespiratoryCirculatoryWhat is the primary organ of the central nervous system? *1 pointlungsbrainheartskinWhat type of neuron carries messages from the receptor organs like skin, eyes, nose, and ears to the nerve centers? *1 pointMotor NeuronAxonInterneuronSensory NeuronThe process of breaking up and dissolving food so that it can be used by the body is called ______________. *1 pointdigestionrespirationcirculationperspirationWhich of the following is considered as the fuel of the body? *1 pointsalivafoodgasolinejuicesWhat are the main organs of the nervous system? *1 pointbrain, spinal column, nervesbrain, spinal cord, nerveslungs, brain, heartarteries, veins, capillariesWhich of the following parts of the digestive system digestion begins? *1 pointstomachpancreasmouthlarge intestineWhat is the function of the spinal cord in the nervous system? *1 pointIt is the largest part of the brain.It is the main organ of the nervous system.It allows signal to be sent from the brain to the other parts of the body.It is the smallest part of the brain.What kind of waste is being eliminated by the digestive system? *1 pointsalivasweatfecesurineWhich of the following statements are TRUE? *1 pointCaptionless ImageI and IIII, III and IVI, II and IVIV onlyWhat is the correct order of the organ in the digestive process? *1 pointrectum, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, esophagus, mouth,anusmouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, rectum,anusmouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum,anusrectum, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine , mouth,anusWhat is the correct path of the impulse received by your skin going to your brain? *1 pointSensory nerve cell ----- Motor nerve cell ------ brainSensory nerve cell ----- Spinal cord ----- BrainMotor nerve cell ------- Spinal cord ----- BrainSpinal cord ----- Sensory nerve cell ------ BrainWhat do you call the strong wave-like muscle contractions in the organs of the digestive system that occur automatically in order to help move food along from one part to the next? *1 pointanalysisperistalsisdigestionrespiration​


3 is the true




nerveslarge intestine esophagusNervous system playing badminton Digestive brainsensory neuronDigestionsaliva (I'm not sure)brain,spinal cord,nervesmouthno.3fences1and2(Theres no picture so I guessed)no.3no.1Digestion


this took long to answer...but Im sure its right except the 2 questions

11. Directions: Identify which is ask in the given statements. Write theletters of the correct answer.11. Which opinion-marker does not belong to the group?A. I beg to disagree B. In my experience C. In myopinion D. Personally, I think12. This play an important role in signifying that statementsare opinion-based.A. Opinion-marking signals B. FactC. OpinionD. Genre13. What do we call the following: documentaries, flashreport, trailer, etc.?A. TV programs B. Viewing genres C. Non-printedmaterialsD. Viewing channels14. These are an online learning videos, programs andactivities which can be assesed through the internet.A. News Reprt B. Internet-Based Programs C. MovieTrailers D. Documentaries15. These are movies or television programs that providefactual record of report on various issues.A. Movie Trailers B. Weather Report C. DocumentariesD. Flash Reports16. What is a subprogram within a program that tells andforetells weather forecast?A. Flash Reports B. Internet-Based Programs C. WeatherReport D. Documentaries17. This is an element in evaluating a viewing material whichevokes certain feelings or vibes through sound, music, coloror voice.A. Point of ViewB. LanguageC. LengthD. Mood18. An element in evaluating a viewing material which can beconversational, formal, informal or animated which hasrelevant impact as to how viewers will process informationbeing processed.A. MoodB. Mood C. Length D.LanguageBest suited in the following​










12. Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation. "Sayaw ng Puso at Kaluluwa" is the story of humankind. This dance shows that (1) with heartbeats signaling the start of life, the Supreme Being creates human beings; (2) humanity lives in a world of law and order; (3) ego creeps in leading to chaos and then destruction; (4) the souls go back to their Maker for the final reckoning; and (5) a new order is rebuilt. The dance begins with the symbolization of the start of life as musicians play percussive music that stimulates heartbeat, and five dancers emerge from the yards of red fabric adorning the stage. The fabric symbolizes the umbilical cord or lifeline between the soul and the Supreme Being. The dancers, who are painted in white, black, brown, yellow, and red to represent the different races, move in progression and unison to depict a life of law and order. The chaos ensues as the group dancing up into pairs with more dancers emerging, fighting and others watching. Destruction follows as the lighting and sound effects create the atmosphere of a nuclear holocaust. Soon after this, the final reckoning shows the dancers wrapping the red fabrics around themselves and being lifted upward, indicating their return to the Creator. Afterward, silence engulfs the stage. This precedes the rebuilding of a new order as the dancers move gently and humbly to characterize a repentant and compassionate mood. The final reckoning is the most chilling part because it discloses what is going to happen as the world writes its last chapter before it starts its history again. - Adapted, Enriquez D2

Interpretation.. thats the answer

13. A. Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it on the blank.1. This is the basis of the all language skills.a. listening b. readingc. viewingd. writing2. It is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and respondingspoken and/or non-verbal message.a. listeningb. readingc. viewingd.3. It is called as the listening for pleasure and enjoyment, as when we lismusic, to a comedy routine, or to an entertaining speech.a. Activeb. Appreciative C. Criticald. EmphaticDirections: Write True if the statement about listening strategies is correct and writif otherwise.4. Make guesses as to what the listening text is all about.5. Non-verbal signals do not help sharpen the listening skills of the st6. Create your own questions while listening to a text.​








14. 1. A person who is in-charge in a concept and creation of the physical stagesetup.A. Set designerC. ProducerB. ChoreographerD. Technical Director2. The person who takes play from a mere concept to an actual finishedpresentation.A. Set designerC. ProducerB. ChoreographerD. Technical Director3. He or she not only plans out all the dance steps to suit the music, but alsorehearses the actors until they are able to perform the dance skilfully.A. ChoreographerC. Costume DesignerB. Technical DirectorD. Sound Designer4. The person who shadows the play's director throughout the entireproduction process.A. ChoreographerC. Costume DesignerB. Technical DirectorD. Sound Designer5. He or she studies the general setting time and place) that the play is meantto take place in, as well as each character in the script.A. Makeup DesignerC. Costume DesignerB. Lighting DesignerD. Set Designer6. He or she serves a vital role in creating and enhancing the atmosphere ofthe performance.A. ChoreographerC. Costume DesignerB. Technical DirectorD. Sound Designer7. The person who is brought in to plan the hairstyles and makeup tocomplement the costumes.A. Makeup DesignerC. Costume DesignerB. Lighting DesignerD. Set Designe8. The writer of the script.A. Makeup DesignerC. Costume DesignerB. Lighting DesignerD. Playwright9. He or she is critical in creating the mood of each scene in the play,highlighting a dramatic moment, signaling the entrance of a character,focusing attention on a specific spot-on stage, or even providing the blanketof darkness for set and prop changes.A. Set DesignerC. Costume DesignerB. Lighting DesignerD. Sound Designer10. He or she builds the set (or sets) that will simulate the world that the play'scharacters are supposed to live in.A. Set DesignerC. Costume DesignerB. Lighting DesignerD. Sound Designer​


A theatrical production is any piece of theatre created from a written book or screenplay.

Behind-the-scenes chores for putting on theatrical shows are handled by stage production employees. Costume and set design, lighting, rigging, sound equipment, and scenic installation, and set construction for production in parks, stadiums, arenas, and other venues are among their tasks.

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. D

7.  A

8.  D

9. B

10. A


At all performances, the stage manager is present. He/she connects with the technical staff remotely and calls all lighting and sound effects cues, as well as directing the run crew for any scene changes. From the beginning, the stage manager assists with the production.

Technical Director

The Technical Director (TD) is in charge of ensuring that all technical parts of the show are completed on schedule.

Set Designer

The Set Designer creates a comprehensive design based on the Stage Director's concept drawing or description.

Lighting Designer

Based on the set design, the Lighting Designer creates a lighting plan. Along with the Master Electrician, he is responsible for managing the deployment of lighting equipment at put-in.

Costume Designer

The Costume Designer is responsible for finding, creating, and/or coordinating outfits for the actors.


The choreographer is in charge of creating any necessary dances and teaching them to the cast. The majority of the dances we employ should be simple and straightforward to master. The stage director usually has an idea of how the dance should look, where it should be performed, and so on. The choreographer's job is to bring that vision to life on stage.

Different roles in stage production

Roles in theater production

Rules required in stage production


15. Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation. "Sayaw ng Puso at Kaluluwa" is the story of humankind. This dance shows that (1) with heartbeats signaling the start of life, the Supreme Being creates human beings; (2) humanity lives in a world of law and order; (3) ego creeps in leading to chaos and then destruction; (4) the souls go back to their Maker for the final reckoning; and (5) a new order is rebuilt. The dance begins with the symbolization of the start of life as musicians play percussive music that stimulates heartbeat, and five dancers emerge from the yards of red fabric adorning the stage. The fabric symbolizes the umbilical cord or lifeline between the soul and the Supreme Being. The dancers, who are painted in white, black, brown, yellow, and red to represent the different races, move in progression and unison to depict a life of law and order. The chaos ensues as the group dancing up into pairs with more dancers emerging, fighting and others watching. Destruction follows as the lighting and sound effects create the atmosphere of a nuclear holocaust. Soon after this, the final reckoning shows the dancers wrapping the red fabrics around themselves and being lifted upward, indicating their return to the Creator. Afterward, silence engulfs the stage. This precedes the rebuilding of a new order as the dancers move gently and humbly to characterize a repentant and compassionate mood. The final reckoning is the most chilling part because it discloses what is going to happen as the world writes its last chapter before it starts its history again. - Adapted, Enriquez D2 asap please

analogy  because it have a comparison to a one topic ,in sayaw ng puso

16. 1. A person who is in-charge in a concept and creation of the physical stage setup. 2. The person who takes play from a mere concept to an actual finished presentation. 3. He or she not only plans out all the dance steps to suit the music, but also rehearses the actors until they are able to perform the dance skillfully. 4. The person shadows the play’s director throughout the entire production process. 5. He or she studies the general setting (time and place) that the play is meant to take place in, as well as each character in the script. 6. He or she serves a vital role in creating and enhancing the atmosphere of the performance. 7. The person who is brought in to plan the hairstyles and makeup to complement the costumes. 8. The writer of the script. 9. He or she is critical in creating the mood of each scene in the play, highlighting a dramatic moment, signaling the entrance of a character, focusing attention on a specific spot-on stage, or even providing the blanket of darkness for set and prop changes. 10. He or she builds the set (or sets) that will simulate the world that the play’s characters are supposed to live in ​


1. set designer

2.roles in a stage production procedure

3.roles in a stage production Arts

4.technical director

5. actor and actress


7.Make up designer

8.screen writer

9.costume designer

10.set designer

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