News About Bullying In The Philippines

News About Bullying In The Philippines

News report about bullying

Daftar Isi

1. News report about bullying


Bullying is a serious problem that is affecting the academic and social lives of the school going children. In order to understand the problem and develop an intervention plan that can be used to stop it, it is important to identify the various forms of bullying that are going on within the schools and the trends they are taking. It is also important to understand how they have carried out and the effects that arise from the practice. This will help develop a plan that will be able to establish a safe and secure environment in the schools for all children.

Bullying is an issue that has been affecting many in the world today. It takes place in many forms some of which are direct and include physical harm on the victim. Verbal bullying involves name calling and insults or threats being directed at the victim and may also involve emotional bullying where the victim’s emotions are targeted by the bully. Other forms of bullying may be indirect where the harm is not caused by the person directly but it still ends up affecting the person.

Bullying in schools has become very common and it has led to some very serious consequences. It has led to physical violence in forms of fight and in some extreme cases deaths by suicides. Cases have emerged of some forms of bullying in the schools that have led to some of these severe consequences. Children who are victims have had to live with short term and long term consequences of the behavior. Some of the other effects include poor performance in their studies, depression, bedwetting, being withdrawn, changing schools regularly and is some cases suicides among others. Over 7% of children especially in the 8th grade tend to stay at home once a month since they are bullied in schools. Reports have also shown that about 15% of students are bullied on a regular basis with some being initiated into the bullying practice. Direct bullying is more common among boys than with the girls. However, physical abuse in boys tends to reduce as they progress in age. The victims of bullying sometimes carry these effects such as depression and low self-esteem into their adulthood.

Victims of bullies, on the other hand, are usually very insecure, cautious and they suffer from low self-esteems. They rarely confront the bullies to defend themselves. They are insecure and anxious and may lack social skills needed to make friends. They tend to come from families where their parents are overprotective. The major characteristic that is found with victims of bullying is that they are weaker than the bullies and this makes it difficult for them to fight the bullies back.

Cyberbullying is the latest and most commonly used form of bullying in the schools today. It continues to evolve with the changes in technology. It uses text messages, emails and various posts on websites as a way of bullying. Studies show that over 20% of young people in schools who are between the ages of 11 and 19 have been bullied through this form. The children in the schools today are growing up in a different technological world that is very different from that of the adults. They have experienced information and technological developments that they are now using to evolve the bullying practice. The environment in the technological world is becoming threatening and is creating anxiety among the children. They are misusing the technology especially the mobile and internet to bully others. Over 22% of young people have been reported to carry out cyber bullying. They are able to carry out the whole practice remaining anonymous to the victim. This form of bullying has made it possible for the bullies to carry out the practice at any time or place.

2. What was the news article about? A. The beautiful scenery of Dagupan B. The content of Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 C. The popularity of Philippine Information Agency D. The launching of anti-bullying hotline in Dagupan​


d. oky na


tama na pala ..haha

3. why news about bullying is important​


To prevent bullying to others


It is essential to raise awareness about the effects of bullying, bullying is a common to all youths. It causes harm and danger, that sometimes leads to suicide.

4. Theory about bullying?theory about bullying and studies?theory about bullying and learning?theory about the relationship of bullying and academic performance?

One theory about bullying is that it is a learned behavior that is reinforced by positive outcomes such as increased social status or control over others.

Studies have shown that children who witness or experience bullying may develop mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. They also have shown that children who bully others may have a lack of empathy, difficulty regulating their emotions, and a desire for power and control.

Another theory about bullying and learning is that it can negatively impact a student's ability to focus and succeed academically. Students who are bullied may have difficulty paying attention in class, completing assignments, and achieving their academic goals.

Research also suggests that there is a relationship between bullying and academic performance. Students who are bullied may have lower grades, test scores, and graduation rates than those who are not bullied. Additionally, students who bully others may also have lower academic performance due to disciplinary actions or the negative effects of bullying on their own mental health.


1. Theory about bullying?

aggressive intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who.

5. 1. what is the news article/ news broadcast about? 2. according to the news, what happened to the bully students? 3. is the decision of the administrator to punish the bully right? why do you say so? 4. What is your stand on bullying especially in school? 5. If youre being bullied, what would you do?

1.News broadcasting is the medium of broadcasting of various news events and other information via television, radio, or internet in the field of broadcast journalism. The content is usually either produced locally in a radio studio or television studio newsroom, or by a broadcast network. It may include material such as sports coverage, weather forecasts, traffic reports, political commentary, expert opinions, editorial content, and other material that the broadcaster feels is relevant to their audience.
2.The students may home and protect this childs at home
3.No,This decision is not compatible in the community
4.President hihi
5.I just won't ignore them

Thank you po!!


judging to any people that thy want to bully

7. persuasive essay about anti bullying if your are a president of the philippines?

We are living in a world where some people think that violence is the only reason to solve every problem.  If people keep this violence around us, it’s not going to get better. Violence has been in this world for centuries now and for the same causes, to gain power of authority. Kids in schools feel superior to others by calling other kids horrible names and making fun of them. Men hit women so they can “earn” their respect back. The point is that violence won’t make you a better person, it will make you a monster and nobody likes a monster.

There are many different kinds of violence. One of them is called bullying. The victims of this violence are mostly kids and teenagers around the ages of 10-18. Bullying is when someone says mean things to someone in person or in a social network. Most of the time it happens in the social network because kids thing that by making fun of someone in a social network area, they won’t get in trouble by an adult. This is one of the worst violence in the world because is between kids and teenagers. Most of the teenagers today have very low self-esteem because of the media. They haven’t still found what they want to do with their lives, so, by saying mean things to them, it won’t help them be successful since they think that what they are saying is true.

There are over 3.2 million of students that are victims of bullying each year. Because of these, approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day to avoid the bullies. Some of these students drop out of school. Some schools don’t even help the victims that are been bullied. Over two-thirds of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying, with high percentage of students believing that adult help is infrequent and ineffective. I didn’t know that harassment and bullying has been linked to 75 percent of school-shooting incidents.

There have been many cases of suicide because of bullying. One of the recent ones was the suicide of Amanda Todd. She committed suicide on October 10, 2012 at her home in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.  She was 16 years old when she died. On September 7, 2012, she posted a 9-minute video on YouTube titled My Story: Struggling, bullying, suicide and self-harm, which showed her using flash cards telling her experiences being bullied.  The reason she was bullied was because when she was in 7th grade, she used video chat to meet new people over the internet. People she met would always give her complements about her looks. A stranger convinced her to bare her breasts on camera. He later blackmailed her with threats to expose the topless photo to her friends unless she gave a “show”. The photo of her circulated the internet. She moved to different places to start fresh, but the individual would always disguise himself as a student coming new to school. She tried to kill herself by drinking bleach and an overdose of drugs, but it didn’t work. Students from her school would make fun of her because she failed in her suicide and in her grades. After the entire nightmare, on October 10, 2012 at about 6:00 PM, she was found hanged at her home.

Like I said before, most of the teenagers have a very low self-esteem and by telling them mean things, they will only become worst. Everybody makes mistakes. Kids today are always in the internet and they meet strangers everyday. As a parent, you need to pay attention to everything that the kid is doing. If you don’t want to have problems like this, don’t talk to strangers over the internet. Once it’s on the internet it stays there forever.  If you see someone that is being bullied over the internet or at school, contact an adult or confront the person yourself. If we all stand up together against bullying, the world will be a better place. You might think that the one that you are making fun of is a monster because of the stuff he or she has done, but in reality, you are the monster for making them feel worst.

Be the change of a good person dont wait for the time that everyone leaves you

8. Cyber bullying in highschool: a study of students behavior and beliefs about this new phenomenon (summary)​






if some 1 punches you warn them if they punch you again beat them up and make them bleed if you cant well its your fault

2.if its verbally bullying you jus verbally bully them back its simple

just ignore him and give him the middle fingere

9. written report about bullying and cyber bullying?

bullying is a not good for children
a cyber bullying is a the sorses of media

10. Describe cyber bullying in the philippines

Cyber bullying is perhaps the most known incident and type of bullying happening in the Philippines. Most cases occurs on social media where person or people upload unnecessary photos, confront through chat or in the comment section that involves someone's personal issues. The bully guys mostly done this by mockery or by threatening the person. Like many other types of bullying, it may greatly affects the person's inferiority complex.

11. SAMPLE conversations about a classmate bullying a new student











a. Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim like punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlocks, inflicting school pranks, teasing, fighting and the use of available objects as weapons;

b. Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional well-being;

c. Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim undue emotional distress like directing foul language or profanity at the target, name-calling, tormenting and commenting negatively on victim’s looks, clothes and body; and

d. Cyber-bullying or any bullying done through the use of technology or any electronic means.

13. A classmate who was bullying a new studentAnswer:A classmate who was bullying a new student should be reprimanded by the teacher ​


A classmate who was bullying a new student should be reprimanded by the teacher


A classmate who was bullying a new student should be reprimanded by the teacher

It can be the cause of suicide of many people

15. a classmate who was bullying a new student?​


A classmate who was bullying a new student must be punish by the teacher.


Because it's bad...

16. Here in the Philippines, cyber bullying is _____. How do I feel about it? I feel _____ because _____. One proof of this is that ______. Again, cyber bullying makes me ____ as ____.​


Here in the Philippines, cyber bullying is bad. How do I feel about it? I feel angry because of cyber bullying. One proof of this is that it happened. Again, cyber bullying makes me angry as bad.


sorry po kung mali

17. Describe bullying in the philippines

Bullying is widely popular incident in the Philippines specially at schools where most students are involved. Bullying is one of the cause of a person/student's depression and likelihood do be rebellious. Bullying is a major factor in the contribution to a person's (bullied) inferiority complex. Bullying is widespread in the Philippines. I was a victim of it, verbally and physically, and I really hate it. There are many times that I cry than the days that I was happy and I couldn't count how many times, they cross the boundary. I don't know why do that to me. They maybe are envy, and find fault against me to destroy my name. They made my name like garbage, and make a laughing jokes about me, and many instances that a part of my body was bleeding after I started a duel against the bullies. I know, I was not the only one who face these kind of problem. If I could wish to escape that moment of my life, I will do.

18. Anti descrimination bullying law philippines


Philippines. The Republic Act 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 was signed into law by former President Benigno Aquino III on September 6, 2013. The law requires all elementary and secondary schools in the country to adopt an anti-bullying policy.


hope it help:)

good luck sa modules mo:)

19. Write 250-300 words essay about Online bullying remains prevalent in the Philippines, other countries.​

Bullying in kindergarten, elementary and secondary education is not a new phenomenon. While schools are expected to be a safe haven for our children, they can still be pervaded by bullying. Bullying is a reality that has been with us for as long we can remember. Others ignore it to consequently avoid being the object of bullying. It is also undeniably present in colleges, universities, workplaces, and organizations.

To most, bullying is improper or ill conduct —a result of an attitudinal problem. However, when the bully starts to instill fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to property of another student. creates a hostile environment for the victim, or substantially disrupts the education process or orderly operation of the school, then the bully must be subject to disciplinary measures (Section 3(b), Rule II, Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 10627).

It is interesting to note that the word “bully” was used five hundred years ago as a term of endearment; derived from the Dutch word “boel” for brother, or the German “buhle” for lover. The meaning of “bully” later evolved to define someone who is a bluster or harasser of the weak, and today describes a person who abuses another

20. Cyber bullying is a relatively new phenomenon. Is it as harmful as offline bullying? Explain why


yes,Because cyber bullying can also hurt other peoples feelings


Yes and no.


Yes, Cyber bullying is harmful BUT in a mentally way not in a physical why like offline bullying.

And no, cyber bullying is not that harmful like offline bullying. In cyber bullying you will only be bullied through comments, posts, tweets. etc. While in offline bullying you are being bullied physically, like being pushed around, throwing papers to you, etc.

Hope it helps!

21. Below is a news report about bullying in the Philippines, Read and analyze the problem and plan out what data gathering instrument and data analysis procedure are appropriate to use. Describe them comprehensively. Copy the graphic organizers and write your answers on your answer sheet.​


The researcher must obtain the interviewing experience/skills to appropriately redirect the participant when the topic wanders outside of the approved interview content. This requires roleplaying with an experienced qualitative research interviewer.



The researcher must obtain the interviewing experience/skills to appropriately redirect the participant when the topic wanders outside of the approved interview content. This requires roleplaying with an experienced qualitative research interviewer.


22. news report about bullying i need like a news about it and i need to record it pls help me find a news :((​


Maghanap kaa,try mo maghanap ng example.


cant find one, you can search it tho


23. Why bullying still happens in philippines?​

[tex]\huge \colorbox{pink} {Answer:}[/tex]

Why bullying still happens in philippines?

Because of the insicurities of people. Insicurity can cause a bullying, or maybe someone is mad or angry at you. That's why bullying is still happening in the Philippines.

24. 1. What is the video clip about? 2. Who is bullied in the video? 3. Who is the bully? 4. What did the bully do to the new boy in the class? 5. Because of the bullying, what did the bullied plan to do? ​

1. The video clip is about bullying.

2. The new boy in the class was bullied shown in the video.

3. His classmates bully the new boy.

4. They send bad words to the new boy and hurt him.

5. Each students need a protection from teachers or principals, bully deserve to teach new more things about bullying on how bully can affect the status of one person.

25. Went to the philippines for a short lecture series wherein she lectured about how to avoid bullying. the lecture series lasted four weeks.


Becauss four week is good for the day and life you behind the since after fourdays


It can be the cause of suicide of many people and being unfriendable

Republic Act 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Act (the "Demonstration")

plans to secure kids took on kindergarten, rudimentary, and optional schools and learning focuses (all in all, "Schools") from being harassed. It expects Schools to receive approaches to address the presence of harassing in their individual establishments

If may nakita, narinig o nasaktan, it's condiered as Bullying and there's always libel on who's been bullied.

While physical attacks are illegal, mere insults, shouting, generating rumors, or giving "the cold shoulder" typically are not enough to produce a valid legal claim. However, there are some notable exceptions. Under certain laws, bullying may be a basis for a lawsuit if it is directed towards legally protected characteristics.

27. question about bullying that you want to further discus about bullying​


Why does it happen? or What causes someone to bully?



What is the proper way to Discipline the Bully at School that would be effective?


Sometimes Teachers ignore them cause they dont know how llolol

28. As a news caster how to stop a bullying

you can't stop bullying. Everyone needs to be bullied. dahil papaano uunlad ang pagkatao mo kung hindi ka maghihirap? parte ng ating buhay ang mabully. kailangan nating maranasan iyon dahil parte iyon ng ating buhay.

29. What was the news article about? A. The beautiful scenery of Dagupan B. The content of Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 C. The popularity of Philippine Information Agency D. The launching of anti-bullying hotline in Dagupanwag na sumagot kung walamg kwentaisa lng po tohreport​


B.the content of anti-bullying act of 2013

yan na

30. what are your purpose solution about gender discrimination, racism, bullying, fake news, and child abuse


Solution: Based on revised penal Code.As for me, A better governance and community organization to raise up the concerns or give an voice/advocacy in these terms and defenses to promote common-good human rights.


See to it book of revised penal code and constitution under terms of abuse and unfactual news.

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