Patterns Mathematics In The Modern World

Patterns Mathematics In The Modern World

patterns and regularities in mathematics in the modern world

Daftar Isi

1. patterns and regularities in mathematics in the modern world


Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world. These patterns recur in different contexts and can sometimes be modelled mathematically. Natural patterns include symmetries, trees, spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tessellations, cracks and stripes

2. what is pattern in mathematics in the modern world /?

like fibonacci sequence. you see the addition ing the pattern

like fibonacci sequence. you see the addition ing the pattern

3. mathematics in our modern world, and patterns and numbers in our nature

What is the question?

4. Reflection about pattern? How often do you appreciate things around you-mathematics in the modern world

Patterns in mathematics is normal. Almost everything in nature has patterns that can be related to math. Through the flower petals and snowflakes, through the cloud formation and spiral stuffs. These are proof that patterns are mathematical in nature and these patterns help to understand what are the behavior behind those objects.

5. Reflection about pattern? How often do you appreciate things around you-mathematics in the modern world


Every single moments in our daily life.

Step-by-step explanation:

We can see math, anywhere and everywhere. It also found in nature which can form some arts that is highly appreciated by everyone like in the tail of peacock, the pattern behind the sunflower and etc

6. Activity:A. Determine what comes next in the given patterns.1. A, C, E, G, I, K,2. 15, 10, 14, 10, 13, 10, 12, 10,-3. 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192,4. 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42,5. 41, 39, 37, 35, 33, 31,B. What is the next figure in the given pattern??C. Suppose you have circles of radius 5 cm, each of which will have an area of 25 mt cm. You are thengoing to fill a plane with these circles using square packing and hexagonal packing. Compute thepercentage of the hexagon's area and square's area covered by circles.Reference:Abad, Jr. Edmundo P., Mathematics in the Modern World, REX Book Store Inc., 2018Abratique, Daniel M. et al, Mathematics in the Modern World A Worktext, Nieme PublishingHouse Co. Ltd., 2018​


1. M






7. ACTIVITY NO. 1: MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD (NATURE OF MATHEMATICS) An application of patterns in real-life situtation I. Answer the following questions. (30 pts) 1. Consider an event or a situation that happen in your life. What Mathematical patterns are present? SITUATIONS NUMBERS PATTERNS


what happening on me is what i made everyday again and again (5-12-3-6-7)

8. essay reflecting your insights of the patterns and relationship in the nature and the world? in mathematics in a modern world​


nature is created by human while world us created by god.

9. what are the patterns in your life that can ypu relate in the mathematics in the modern world?​

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence appears all the time frequently in our nature. Those unconscious flowers, plants, or objects have no idea about mathematics. A divine force is just setting up a little system and they have been showing us beautiful mathematical art and fascinating us for thousands of years.

We, the normal people, can also use our imagination as an apparatus in order to read the universe, and also nature. If we can read, hence something is written. In order to write, a language is always needed. So, the universe should have a language. The letters are circles, triangles, hexagons, etc… Or this language just contains patterns.

Other things around us that show mathematical patterns:

Seasons have patterns. They come and go. And every time they have an influence on nature; the climate change, animals migrate north or south, rain comes, snow melts, earth changes color, etc…Of course, seasons cannot make these miracles happen. They can only have mathematical patterns. Stars have patterns. And most astrologists believe that our destiny depends on the patterns of the stars. Some astrologists think that the stars really determine who we are, and the others think that the stars influence our destiny. Yes, a person like me or you can not control his/her life. For that reason, people have been looking in the universe and searching for patterns to reveal their real characters and destiny. And when they find something, it is always about mathematics. Our universe is filled with spiral designs. Spirals can be found in the shape of DNA double helix, flowers, elephant tusks, sunflowers, hurricanes, draining water, horns of animals, a nautilus shell, a snail shell, a pinecone, a cabbage, a fingerprint, algae, galaxies.

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10. what is your ideas and concept about pattern mathematics in the modern world

one concept about pattern in mathematics is the fibonacci sequence.

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