Plato s Ideal State

Plato s Ideal State

difference between socrates skipticism and plato's idealism​

Daftar Isi

1. difference between socrates skipticism and plato's idealism​


Socrates skepticism is perform when a person has a doubt or aren't convince about the idea or reason being presented, while Plato’s idealism is perform when a person make his own idea of the topic being presented.

2. do you agree on Plato's idealism on crime?​


yes cose if you dont no


sana maka tulong

3. what are the commentaries bertrand russel about the ideal world of plato?​

Commentary 1

Table 5 indicates the data of the research on the internet misbehavior according to background in the past 12 months. As reported in the table, "unauthorized downloading of music or film" is the most common misbehavior among each background group which are gender, age, perceived internet competence, and access to internet. Experts, males and 20 year olds have the highest percentage of downloading unauthorized music or film. Another noticeable result is the gap between genders in pornography use. Pornography use increases with the age and males tend to use it five times more than females. Moreover, the experts tend to misuse the internet in all categories shown in Table 5. This is not surprising, because they have more knowledge to access illegal sources. They misrepresent themselves more than non-experts since they are aware to protect their identity on the internet. A surprising outcome of the study is that the difference between the use of a private personal computer or a share public computer is not significant for the illegal activities.

Regarding to illegal downloading, a hypothesis would be that people are not conscious that they harm the music or film industry with their activities and last but not least their favorite artists.

In conclusion one can say that the downloading from the internet is still not seen as an illegal activity on the internet.

Commentary 2

A survey was conducted to investigate self-reported instances of online misbehavior. From a summary of the data provided, it can be calculated that 57 percent of respondents were female. Using this as a base for a weighted average, the five categories surveyed of online misbehavior ordered from most to least severe were: unauthorized downloading of music or film (61.87 per cent), plagiarism of an essay or assignment (49.56 per cent), misrepresentation of self (42.84 per cent), pornography use (37.40 per cent), and unauthorized use of another's account (22.41 per cent).

These categories were then further split up to reveal the difference in usage from certain groupings in society. The groupings were: gender, age, perceived internet competence as expert or non-expert, and shared or personal access to the internet.

From the data, it can be inferred that the most common form of online misbehavior was the unauthorized downloading of music of films by male and expert users. However, this must be interpreted with caution, as the data do not contain enough information to say that this is the same grouping as 'male expert users'. The data do not show the correlation between the sampled social groups, such as gender and perceived internet competence. For example, the data do not show the percentage of perceived competent users who are male, which could be most, if not all of the respondents are male. Inferences from the data should be taken ceteris paribus (which means all other things being equal). Aside from a few outliers, there were no significant differences between the social groups because each category of online misbehavior had roughly the same percentage - male or female, expert or non-expert, and regardless of age. More surprisingly, the percentage of inappropriate usage did not differ by large amounts between private and shared computer accesses. It showed that the respondents were willing to conduct inappropriate forms of online usage, regardless of whether they were in public or not. The only major outlier from this is the percentage of males (79 percent) who access pornography compared to females (14 per cent).

hope this helps you

4. The philosophical thought according to Plato that art is an imitation of the real that was an imitation of the ideal


Art is imitation This is a feature of both of Plato's theories. ... In the Republic, Plato says that art imitates the objects and events of ordinary life. In other words, a work of art is a copy of a copy of a Form. It is even more of an illusion than is ordinary experience

5. Do you agree on Plato's idealism on crime?explain your view​




I don't know but ty sa points

Answer:Thanks po sa points


6. Discuss your ideal state of peace


My desired peace is quiet no quarrels no trouble loving each other and no problems facing life and every one they are good each other no more crying just always happy always praying to god and no more hunger thats what I want in peace

Sana naka tulong pag may mali ako paki sabi na lang sakin try kung ayusin yung sagot ko :›

7. SWhat was the book/ magnum opus of plato​

The Republic is widely hailed as Plato’s magnum opus.

8. Explain why you like Plato's perspective "The Ideal Self, The Perfect Self?​


isa lng nmn sagot niyan eh..

dahil gusto ko

9. it is evident on------- 's ideas that the mind is a tabularasan or blank state? A. Aristotle B. SocratesC. Plato D. Anaxagoras​




ayan ung lumabas nag search ako

10. What plato mean about child learns best in a happy state of mind?


Plato regards education as a means to achieve justice, both individual justice and social justice. According to Plato, individual justice can be obtained when each individual develops his or her ability to the fullest. In this sense, justice means excellence. For the Greeks and Plato, excellence is virtue.

11. what the state ideal gas laws


The law states that P × V = n × (R) × T, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of molecules, T is the absolute temperature, and R is the gas constant (8.314 joules per degree Kelvin or 1.985 calories per degree Celsius).


12. state self according to socrates and plato


according to socrate "self" exist in two parts. in physical part and soul part

according to plato he believed that true reality is not found through the senses.


the two philosophers believe it or that is they self according.

13. state that "self" of philosopher plato​


Plato argues that the soul is really an entity distinct from the body. Indeed, for Plato, the soul is the self. As we can see, the body and the soul can be separated. In fact, Plato believes that the soul is just residing in the body temporarily.

14. the ideal gas law states that the pressure p of s gas varies directly with the absolute temperature t of the gas and inversely as the volume v of the gas​


combined variation

Step-by-step explanation:

this quantity where one quantity varies directly to another quantity and inversely to the other quantity

hope it's help you :))

15. what is your ideal philippine state​




For me, my ideal Philippine state is to have good laws, and respecting each other's cultures and religion.

16. What is the state of an ideal diode in the region of nonconduction?


Ideal Diode: A diode is said to be an Ideal Diode when it is forward biased and acts as a perfect conductor, with zero voltage across it. When the diode is reversed biased, it acts as a perfect insulator with zero current through it.


Hope it helpBrainliest and Follow @kayecassie5

17. In my own words, state what “self” concept of plato?


Plato ay isang bagay na ginamit nung kumain si self


na kailangang ma hugasan ni self pagkatapos

18. what is the summary of Plato' s Philosophy?​

Plato was a Greek philosopher who lived from 428/427 BC to 348/347 BC. He was a student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle. Plato's philosophy was focused on the idea that there is a higher reality beyond what we experience with our senses, and that the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is the key to living a fulfilling life. He believed that the best way to attain knowledge was through reasoning and critical thinking. Plato also emphasized the importance of justice, arguing that it is the foundation of a stable and harmonious society. Overall, Plato's philosophy stressed the pursuit of truth, wisdom, and morality.

Step-by-step explanation:

Plato was a Greek philosopher who lived from around 428/427 BCE to 348/347 BCE. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in Western philosophy, and his works have had a profound influence on the development of philosophical thought.

In summary, Plato's philosophy is based on the idea that there is a realm of reality beyond the physical world we perceive through our senses. This realm, which he called the world of Forms or Ideas, is eternal and unchanging, and it is the source of all true knowledge.

Plato believed that the physical world we see around us is a mere shadow or imitation of the world of Forms, and that the task of the philosopher is to gain knowledge of this higher reality through reason and contemplation. He also believed in the immortality of the soul, and that the ultimate goal of human life is to attain a state of perfect knowledge and understanding of the world of Forms.

Plato's philosophy also includes his famous theory of Forms, which posits that abstract concepts such as beauty, justice, and goodness exist as perfect, eternal Forms in the world of Ideas. According to Plato, knowledge of these Forms is essential for understanding the true nature of reality and achieving a just and harmonious society.

Overall, Plato's philosophy is characterized by a profound interest in the nature of reality, the relationship between the physical and the abstract, and the role of reason and contemplation in attaining knowledge and understanding.

19. study the given pictures. identify the ideal working station. why is it ideal? state your reason in one sentence.​

AnswersHere are varieties of "one sentence"Everything for work is in place and easy to find in Figure 2, while Figure 1 is a messy workstation.Figure 2 is a relaxing and refreshing workstation, while Figure 1 is a confusing and untidy workstation.It is easier to work and organize things in Figure 2 than in Figure 1.The Figure 2 workstation is more fun than the Figure 1 working station.Figure 1 feels like you can't get any work done, while in Figure 2, you can get work done fast.Figure 2 is a healthy working environment because it is well organized.

A Book That Many Hates -


20. state your beliefs,ideals,interest,andvalues in life​


My beliefs, ideals, interest, and values I life is to be successful

21. It sees the state as the supreme ethical ideal. what is it?​


Hegel's Philosophy of Right


Correct me if I'm wrong

22. State and derive the ideal gas equation


the ideal gas equations are

v  a[tex]\frac{1}{p}[/tex] (n and t are constant)- boyle's law v1p1=v2p2

V a T (n and p are constant)- charles' law- v1/t1=v2/t2

Va n (p and t are constant)- avogadro's law- v1n2=v2n1

p1/t1=p2/t2 gay lussacs law

ideAL gas law pv=nRT


23. write your research title and background of the study in your answer sheet.use seperate sheet/s if necessary.TITLEBACKGROUND OF THE STUDYparagraph 1:ideal stateparagraph 2:realityparagraph 3:how to address or solve the gap between the ideal and the reality​


tanongin mo sa goggle


para masagot

para masagot mo sagotin mo na ako


i love me

24. suggest any topic raised by philosophers pls. ex. Plato's Ideal Societyfor my philosophy subject​


The value of knowledge and truth.Distinguishing between knowledge and vagueness.Moral epistemology.Rationalism and its modern application.Feminist epistemology.Idealism and its modern applications.Behaviorism and cognitive science.


tama po ba?

have a good day! :))

25. what is just state according to plato​

Answer: Justice is, for Plato, at once a part of human virtue and the bond, which joins man together in society.


Answer: i dont get it

Explanation: please be specific

26. what State the Current and Ideal Situation​


current situation with the ideal situation. Keywords: Knowledge management, technology infrastructure, organizational culture

27. what does Ethics of Plato states?​


Like most other ancient philosophers, Plato maintains a virtue-based eudaemonistic conception of ethics. That is to say, happiness or well-being (eudaimonia) is the highest aim of moral thought and conduct, and the virtues (aretê: 'excellence') are the requisite skills and dispositions needed to attain it.

28. In your own words, state what self is for plato​


Plato also states in his idea of self, the soul, that the soul is composed of three parts, our desires, the conscious awareness of reason and the spirited part which gets angry at injustice (Plato, p. 40).




29. do you agree and Plato's idealism on Crime? Explain your view.​





no I'm not agree najakanwna

30. ________He wrote the “The Republic” which considered as the bible of ideal politics. a. Democritus b. Heraclitus c. Plato d. Pythagoras​


c. plato


sana makahelpp

C. Plato

He is the author around 375 BC

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