Short Story Family Relationships

Short Story Family Relationships

Make a short story on how society, specifically your relationship with your family friends and others influences who you are. 40 words​

Daftar Isi

1. Make a short story on how society, specifically your relationship with your family friends and others influences who you are. 40 words​

hi has a number collab to choose to have your website hosted on your mobile and you will be able access your own domain names as well and you can contact our main account would give you further explanation about our collaboration and the two parties the right direction for the improvement of the country and then the Philippines will borrow money from other countries to meet the needs that result to the Filipinos these are the values that should be made in the right way to protect and promote democracy by making decisions on what we can do itto be our new brand ambassador you can contact our main account would give you further explanation about our collaboration and the two parties meeting halfway or reaching in a understanding because

2. Create your own family mission statement. Activity 2: Movie Analysis 1. Search for movies or stories about family 2. Create a movie analysis using this format I. Title of the movie II. Main characters and their roles in the story III. A short summary of the story indicating how strong family relationship have been established regardless of some conflicts that arise. IV. Short analysis of the story ( state your stand about the story)​

1. if you're happy and you know clap your hands


kase Ang galing ko

3. Performance Task: "My Own Sarsuela" Write a short story about typical Filipino Realities. (Social Relationship, Love, Family, Friendship, Hardship, Politics etc.) Make a TITLE PAGE, the story must at least 1 page or up to 2 pages only. (use a BOND PAPER) ​


It portrays the typical Filipino realities and stories in a particular country and social relations which viewers can relate in their lives such as elections and feasts, marriage and family vices,and values

Sarsuela originated from Spain and was made popular in the Philippines in the 1800'smit portrays the typical Filipino realities and story's and social relations which viewers, can relate in their lives such as elections and feasts, marriage and family vices,and values ...

4. LOOKING BACKBefore we continue with our new lesson, let us have a review onsynonyms and antonyms.Directions: Tell the relationship of the following pairs of underlined words,Write synonyms if they have the same or almost the same meaning orantonyms if they have opposite meanings.1. The chair made of wood is heavy while the chair made of plastic islight______2. Actress Marian Rivera is lovely. Her daughter, Zia is pretty, too._____3. Allan tried to remember the important details in the story he read sohe can easily recall them and answer during recitation.______4. I asked my sister to get my toy on top of the cabinet because she istall. I can't reach it because I'm short._____5. The house is clean. Everyone in the family helps to keep it tidy.______NEED KOO NA​







5. 1. Who is Itong's sister? a. Inciangb.Luisac. Mariad. Manang2. Why Itong needs to leave his family? a. He needs to work.b. Because his needs to finish his studiesc. because he doesn't like to stay in their house3. Family is the basic unit in a society.a. Trueb. False4. A family without a child can never be called a familya. Trueb. False5. Where will Itong will continue his studies?a. Ilocos Surb. Vigan, Ilocos Surc. Aparri6. Their mom died while giving birth to Itong and their dad never remarried and spent his time tilling the land for their needs. a. Trueb. False7. How young Inciang aided her brother Itong?a. 10 yrs oldb. 15 years oldc. 18 years old8. Unresolved conflicts affect relationship among family members. a. True, strongly agreeb. False, disagree9. The eldest sibling may take care of his/her siblings in the absence of the mother/father. TrueFalse10. Who is the author/ writer of the short story? a. Consorcio Borjeb. Luis Reyesc. Aniceto Gallardo​














6. I NEED HELP FOR EXPLAIN THIS WETHER TGALOG OR ENGLISH WORDS:3. Be inquisitive. If your boss is too shy to ask you questions about matters, they think are too personal, you can be more inquisitive than them. Ask them questions about the things you can see in their office like their collection of paintings and the photos of their family on his desk. Engage them in short banter about their country of origin and its people. You may want to tell them an interesting piece of trivia you may know about their country. However, be ready to continue the intelligent conversation that you started. Superiors appreciate staff that ask questions about something special and important to them. When you ask the right questions and engage you're superior in a wonderful conversation, they will be impressed by your sincere interest and hopefully more conversations will happen the two of you as you work together. The good thing about this is that your relationship will go beyond the time you are working together. Many bosses call their favourite staff and invite them to join them in their next assignment somewhere in the world. Being inquisitive can literally take you places around the world. I am a witness to hundreds of Filipinos that have been invited by their former bosses to join them in some of the best countries in the world. Many of them choosing to stay as immigrants in these countries. Many lives have been improved and transformed because of these relationships. The moral of this story is to always engage your bosses' wonderful and intelligent conversations.​

In this paragraph, the author is advising the reader to be curious and ask questions to their boss to build a better relationship with them. The author suggests that if the boss is too shy to ask personal questions, the reader can initiate conversation by asking about things they see in their boss's office, such as paintings and family photos. The reader can also engage in short banter with their boss about their country of origin and its people, and share interesting trivia they may know. The author emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions to show genuine interest and engage in intelligent conversation. By doing so, the reader can impress their boss and build a stronger relationship beyond just working together.

7. What's InA. Directions: Choose your answer from the word bank below. Write the correctanswer after each item. The first item is done for you.WORD BANKa .person to cureb.plaguec.problem symptomd.separatione.a quick test1. People around the world were alarmed because of the dreadful pandemic that isoriginated in Wuhan city in China, plague2. This dilemma had caused a trouble that change everyone,3. The patient arrived with a high fever.4. The patient who shows signs of the virus was admitted in the hospital,5. A person under monitoring undergoes a swab test.6. Covid. 19 patients were place in an isolation room.7. A person with a suspicious sign of covid-19 will be monitored.8. The COVID-19 survivor was hailed and applauded.9. Frontliners are having tousled relationship with friends, families and love ones.10. Denise and the other frontliners work with persistence to help the peopleB. Read the short story below.​














8. B. You will use your knowledge about what you read in the selection, A Dead Stars, to organize and summarize your thoughts. Use the organizer below to determine the events in the story. A DEAD STARS by Paz Marquez Enriquez Summary The story of the short story Dead Stars revolves around a man, Alfred Salazar, and his affairs. Alfred Salazar believes in true love and optimism to discover ecstasy in its stir. Esperanza is the first woman he falls in love with. The families of both of them are acquainted with each other and hence they start a loving relationship. Both get engaged after three years of their relationship. Alfredo is a lawyer who has strong desires and wants warmth and compassion, however, Esperanza is an impassionate woman having strong will and principles. Alfredo’s love for her soon fades away when he meets Julia. Julia, now, becomes a new object of his desire. Julia Salas is sister in law of the Judge, who is a friend of Alfredo’s father. Julia is an optimistic and enthusiastic person having her own dreams and desires. When Alfredo comes across her, he is strongly attracted to her. On his visit to her with his father, he engages himself in conversation with her and is attracted to her charm. Even he is so passionate that he doesn’t disclose his engagement to Esperanza. So as to avoid the discovery of his fiancée, he keeps secrets from Esperanza too. His eyes are doomed when he learns about Julia’s return to his native town. With the fear of losing her, Alfredo decides to declare his true feeling for Julia. When the Church’s function ends, Alfredo goes to meet her, though his fiancé is waiting for him. When he reaches there, he learns that Julia has already known about his engagement to Esperanza. She wishes him for his marriage and leaves him. On his return home, he gets a double blow. He finds Esperanza talking to her friend about loyalty and faithfulness. Alfredo senses a desire to communicate. He supports the reason for craving and choice over dishonesty Esperanza soon confesses that she knew about his affair with Julia. In pursuit of his lust and heart’s content, she encourages him to cancel the wedding. However, the wedding goes ahead as scheduled and Alfred surrenders to reason. Near Julia’s native town, Alfred, after eight years, is sent to some work duty. On his visit, he feels nostalgic and cannot resist his lust for Julia and soon finds an excuse to meet her. Julia is still single that forces Alfred to dream about starting a new life with her; however, he soon realizes that everything is not the same as it were before. Moreover, Julia has also changed lost something. TIME When the story takes place? How do you know? PLACE Where the story takes place? How do you know? SETTING The setting: PASAGOT PO NAG MAAYOS SALAMAT


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Sana gets mo

9. Ullereaus textRead and study the sample short Marxist criticism of "Dead Stars" below, a classic Filipino short story by PazMarquez BenitezThe imbalanced societal power play is evident in the short story in the form of treatment of thecharacters based on their class. This is most easily evident in the conversation between Alfredo and his fiancée,Esperanza, about Calixta, their note-carrier who grew up in the latter's family. The scene depicts a parallelismin the circumstance of Alfredo and his new love, Julia, and Calixta and her live-in partner. However, while noone blatantly frowns upon the budding relationship between Alfredo and Julia, except for some whisperedrumors that reach Esperanza, Calixta is dubbed" ungrateful to her master for doing such an act. Alfredo doesnot have to answer to anyone for his unfaithfulness, but Calixta is responsible not only for what her familymight think, but also for the members of her master's family. Despite the same circumstances, the two peopleare regarded differently based on their positions in life.ACTIVITY 2After reading the passage above, answer the following questions in your answer sheet.1. What is Marxist criticism?2. Where did Marxism come from?3. What are the key concepts of Marxism?4. Who are the important 20th century Marxist literary critics?5. What is the relationship between Marxism & literature?6. What is the significance of Marxism to literary criticism?7.How are the concepts of Marxism correlated with literature? 8.what are the basic parts of Marxism critical analysis?​


1)Marxist Criticism is. a research method.

2)after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia.

3) Karl Marx’s Fifteen Key Concepts for Cultural and Communication Studies.

4)Important 20th-century Marxist literary critics include Georg Lucáks, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Terry Eagleton, Raymond Williams, and Frederic Jameson.

5) Marxism, literature belongs to the superstructure which is a product of the base realities. Marxist approach relates literary text to the society, to the history and cultural and political systems in which it is created.

6)Marxist criticism thus emphasizes class, socioeconomic status, power relations among various segments of society, and the representation of those segments.

7)In literary theory, a Marxist interpretation reads the text as an expression of contemporary class struggle. Literature is not simply a matter of personal expression or taste.

8)It contains three parts: Philosophy, Political Economy, and Socialism.


Don’t copy if you think it is wrong.

10. BUYER BEHAVIOUR AND RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH COMPANY TRIES TO SHOW THAT YOU CAN ONLY UNDERSTAND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR BY LIVING WITH THEIR BEHAVIOUR How can any marketer get inside your mind to understand how you actually make purchase decisions? Structured questionnaire surveys may have a role for collecting large scale factual data, but they have major weaknesses when it comes to understanding individuals' attitudes. Qualitative approaches, such as focus groups can get closer to the truth, but participants often still find themselves inhibited from telling the full story. Many marketing managers, especially those without large research budgets, inevitably end up relying on their own personal experiences to understand how consumers behave. This may be easy for target markets which are in the 20-40 age range (the age of typical marketers), but how do you get inside the mind of teenagers, or elderly people? Ethnographic approaches are becoming increasingly popular among marketers as a means of getting closer to the truth about consumer behaviour. Ethnographic research is nothing new, having been used by anthropologists in their study of the rituals of tribal people. Marketers have been relatively recent converts to the techniques of ethnography. The advertising agency BMP DDB has taken on board the techniques of ethnography in its "Project Keyhole" in a manner which is reminiscent of anthropologists' practice of living with tribes in order to understand them. Its consumer researchers live with a family for several days in order to record their every move. The project is designed to meet the needs of client companies who are looking for more than the data gathered using traditional quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Participants record their views and actions on a digital video camera, in the presence of a researcher who stays with them from 8am until 10pm for a few days.A normal project would last four or five days and the client may be invited along for part of the time. Participants are paid £100 for their troubles. What did they do with the direct mail when it came through the letter box? Did they use the coupon offer which it contained? Who drinks the fresh orange juice in the house? How long do they spend cooking dinner? How do they actually cook the ready-prepared meals they bought earlier? Does the family eat together? These are examples of the vital information that sponsoring companies hope to get hold of in order to position their products more effectively. According to the company, the advantage of this method over conventional research is that it picks up inconsistencies between what people say they are doing and what they actually do. Following them throughout the day allows the researcher to see why a person's habits might change according to random factors such as their mood, the time of day or the weather. Crucially it reveals the quirks in our behaviour that marketers are desperate to gain an insight into. For example, a person's store-card data might tell you that they buy bread and margarine, but it doesn't tell whether they eat the bread fresh, or toast it first before putting margarine on it. In 1998, the magazine Marketing put this novel research method to the test with a guinea pig family called the Jones's. It then compared the results of this approach with more traditional methods of profiling customers. In short, established systems such as CACI, Claritas and Experian might say one thing about the buying behaviour of a family, using lifestyle and electoral roll data, but did they bear any relation to reality? The information that the researcher gathered in a short space of time told a lot about the Jones family. By contrast, the database information about the Joneses, although detailed and often accurate, could not capture the quirks and details that make up the personality of the family. For example, it transpired that the Joneses had a keener than average eye on value for money. Although information on them from the four database companies correctly suggested that they enjoy luxuries like good food and foreign holidays, it didn't say anything about the real life factors that influence their purchasing decisions. The most noticeable of these was that although they like good food, Mrs Jones mixed her shopping between the supermarket and a local discount store which sells cut-price brands. This means that she only bought at Tesco or Sainsbury's what she could not get cheaper elsewhere. She showed the researcher a can of branded plum tomatoes which she got for 10p at the discount store as an example, explaining that it would have cost 26p in the supermarket. Mrs Jones prided herself on being able to hunt down bargains like this and occasionally rewarded herself by buying "something luxurious", such as smoked salmon from Marks & Spencer. ​


Consumer behaviour in marketing refers to the actions and decisions that people make when they are purchasing or using products. Consumer behaviour towards a product includes everything from the initial decision to buy it, to how they use it and whether or not they continue to purchase it in the future.



11. VIII. Directions: Read the short story entitled "Dead Stars" by Paz Marquez Benitez. then compose an independent critique about the story. Write your answer at the back of your answer sheet. (48-53 items) Dead Stars The short story "Dead Stars" revolves around a man, Alfredo Salazar, and his affairs. Alfredo Salazar believes in true love and optimism to discover ecstasy in its stir. Esperanza is the first woman he falls in love with. The families of both of them are acquainted with each other and hence they start a loving relationship. Both get engaged after three years of their relationship. Alfredo is a lawyer who has strong desires and wants warmth and compassion, however, Esperanza is an impassionate woman having strong will and principles. Alfredo's love for her soon fades away when he meets Julia. Julia, now, becomes a new object of his desire. Julia Salas is sister-in-law of the Judge, who is a friend of Alfredo's father. Julia is an optimistic and enthusiastic person having her own dreams and desires. When Alfredo comes across her, he is strongly attracted to her. On his visit to her with his father, he engages himself in conversation with her and is attracted to her charm. Even he is so passionate that he doesn't disclose his engagement to Esperanza.​


"Dead Stars" by Paz Marquez Benitez is a beautifully written story that delves into the themes of love and society's expectations. The author uses the character of Alfredo Salazar to explore the complexities of love and how it can easily be mistaken for infatuation. The story is set in a time where one's social status played a significant role in determining their life choices. This societal pressure is evident in the way Alfredo is torn between his love for Esperanza and his attraction to Julia.

The character of Alfredo Salazar is relatable in many respects. He is depicted as a man who believes in the concept of true love and is optimistic about life. This trait is laudable, but at the same time, it makes him vulnerable to misunderstanding his own feelings. His love for Esperanza is sincere, but he fails to see that her lack of passion is not a flaw, but a personality trait. His attraction to Julia is also genuine, but he fails to realize that his decision to pursue her would hurt Esperanza deeply. This internal conflict that Alfredo wrestles with is what makes the story engaging.

The women characters in the story are also well crafted. Esperanza and Julia represent two different aspects of the society they live in. Esperanza embodies the ideal woman of her time - reserved, subservient, and focused on her domestic duties. Julia, on the other hand, is a woman who has dreams and aspirations beyond the confines of societal expectations. The fact that Alfredo is attracted to both women, albeit for different reasons, highlights the tension between traditional and modern norms.

"Dead Stars" is also notable for its setting. The story takes place in the early 1900s when the Philippines was under American occupation. This historical background adds another layer to the story, as it highlights the impact of colonization on the Filipino way of life. The author uses the contrast between the old and new ways of living to drive home the theme of change.

In conclusion, "Dead Stars" is a well-written story that explores themes of love, society, and change. The author's characterization of Alfredo Salazar and the women in his life is nuanced, and the historical setting adds another dimension to the story. Paz Marquez Benitez's writing style is engaging, and she does an excellent job of capturing the complexities of human emotions. Overall, "Dead Stars" is a must-read for anyone interested in Philippine literature.


pa brainliest po :)

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