Cultural Globalization Essay

Cultural Globalization Essay

example essay about globalization lies at the heart of modern culture; cultural practices lie at the heart of globalization​

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1. example essay about globalization lies at the heart of modern culture; cultural practices lie at the heart of globalization​


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Journals Social Sciences Volume 4 Issue 3 10.3390/socsci4030630


Open AccessArticle

Reconceptualizing Cultural Globalization: Connecting the “Cultural Global” and the “Cultural Local”

by Stephen Magu

Department of History and Political Science, Hampton University, Hampton, VA 23668, USA

Academic Editor: Joanna Swanger

Soc. Sci. 2015, 4(3), 630-645;

Received: 21 December 2014 / Revised: 13 July 2015 / Accepted: 30 July 2015 / Published: 19 August 2015

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cross-Border Movements and Subjectivities in a Globalized World)

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Scholars generally are in agreement that the pace of globalization is rapidly accelerating. Globalization’s impact, beyond the socio-economic and political discourses, is affecting conceptions of culture and cultural studies, and changing and restructuring spaces, global, national and personal interactions and relationships. The “texts” and artifacts borne of culture—activities, events and our conception thereof are a mechanism for the propagation of culture.



2. effect of globalization to culture and society essay po


effect ng globalization sa cultural and social

3. effect of globalization to culture and society essay po​


The major consequences of globalization have been: the transmogrification of traditional religions and belief systems; the beginning of the disintegration of the traditional social fabrics and shared norms by consumerism, cyber-culture, newfangled religions and changing work ethics and work rhythms; the fast spreading.Bringing together a flexible labor market, increased trading opportunities, and enhanced communication systems, more countries can now participate in the international market. ... Globalization gives more opportunities to countries who may not have been able to enter the international market on their own.An individual's cultural participation influences how she behaves toward others in society, and their cultural participation influences how they treat her. Culture permeates social, economic, and political action. ... As a result, society is more democratic and so, by definition, better at meeting its citizens' needs.Globalization also influences our cultural identity and affinity groups. Technology allows us to eliminate communication boundaries and interact with each other on a global scale. Globalization lends itself to cultural homogenization that is the world becoming culturally similar.

4. DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. Ais an interesting account of events, experiences and details pertinent to thedevelopment of culture and society.a. epicb. narrativec. essayd. play2. In the poem “The Clay of Youth", what did the author do with a piece of wet and soft clay?a. cooked itb. hold itc. fashioned it d. threw it3. Which of the following is a poetical composition intended to be performed by a human voice?a. songb. compositiond.gamec. music4. What is Covid 19?a. a global infectious diseaseb. a kind of bacteriac. a serious problemd. an acute pneumonia5. Where did Covid 19 originate?a. In Peking China b.In Wuhan Chinac. In Bangkok Thailandd. In Malaysia6. All of these are symptoms of Covid 19 excepta. serious respiratory disease c. fatigue and paind. vomitingb. cough7. The act of defining a problem, determining the cause, identifying and choosing alternatives for asolution is calleda. Problem Analysisd. Implementingb. Problem-solvingc. Prioritizing8. What do you call a collection of spoken words that expresses ideas or emotions in a clear andimaginativestyle?a. newsb. letterc. storyd. poem9. When someone is claiming using evidence and science knowledge to back up his claim, he isa. making an argumentc. making explanationb. making a requestd. making central to the way we view, experience and engage with all aspects of our lives and theworld around us.a. Traditionb. Heritagec. Practices d. Culture​



salamat Sana makatulong

5. what is the impact of cultural, political and economic globalization in the philippines?IN ESSAY PO THANKS​


Along with the Holy See, the Philippines remains to be one of the sovereign states in the world that does not vouch for divorce filed in the Philippines. Globalization has, albeit indirectly, caused the Philippine government to propose and promulgate legislations that are in likeness of the ones enforced overseas.


6. Activity 1. Essay WritingDirections: Explain the concept, aspects and changes of culture and society1. What are the positive effects of globalization?2. How can you make the negative effects of globalization into positive one?​

1.The positive effects of Globalization is that they allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products, and it also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers

2.By adjusting your perspective to encompasses all humans, not just those more connected to you. This doesn't change any of the effects, but it demonstrates the imbalance between the limited negative effects and the broad and significant positive effects.


basta yun na yon

7. How can the Filipinos contribute to global culture? According to theessay, how can Filipinos change their colonial mentality?​


we must to listen before we give our perspective .and always think positive. spread the truth.stand your one believe and prove it

8. Essay thay explain the dynamic between between local and global cultural production​

sa tingin ko ikaw mismo gagawa ng essay jan i mean sariling opinyon mo o kaya magsearch ka nalang ng mga tungkol jan sa dalawa tapos gawin mong essay

pahelp here thanks

9. Write a 3-sentence essay on your own opinion on the social and moral issues suggested in the poem. POEMSocial issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a societySocial awareness enables us to consider the perspective of other people and understand their needs.Social global awareness is conceptual learning that helps an individual to gain pertinent knowledge about cultural, political, ethical, economic, social, and environmental issues revolving around the world. ​


Moral values of society are standards of behaviour evolved in a society. They lead to common minimum acceptable conduct in society by the people. Mention the determinants of moral values of a society such as family values, schooling, culture, religion etc. Explain how they influence adherence of ethics in society.


thats it

10. what is cultural globalization in your own essay​

Social or cultural globalization, wonder by which the experience of regular daily existence, as affected by the dissemination of wares and thoughts, mirrors a normalization of social articulations all throughout the planet. In spite of the fact that homogenizing impacts do to be sure exist, they are a long way from making anything similar to solitary world culture.

For what reason is social globalization significant?  

Globalization of culture adds to the trading of social upsides of various nations, the union of customs. For social globalization portrayed the intermingling of business and shopper culture between the various nations of the world and the development of worldwide correspondence.

What are the social impacts of globalization?  

The significant results of globalization have been: the alteration of conventional religions and conviction frameworks; the start of the breaking down of the customary social textures and shared standards by industrialism, digital culture, novel religions and changing hard-working attitudes and work rhythms; the quick spreading

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The cultural and social environment​ :


11. Essay. Write your opinion on the topic below, use five sentences in one paragraph. "With the rise of globalization, geographic boundaries are now disappearing and people from all over the world can now mingle without being physically near each other and share their cultures. How would you, as a student, benefit from being able to see and process what other peoples' culture are without having to be physically present?"​


Globalization – what is it? What is the definition of globalization? Benefits and negative effects? What are the top examples of globalization? What famous quotes have been said about globalization?

What is Globalization? All Definitions of Globalization

A Simple Globalization Definition

Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the globe.


There are those who are not privileged enough to afford to go to different countries. Globalization exists to connect us to everyone worldwide and technology has also played a part in digitalizing it. We acquire new information every day by news or from books. Understanding the culture of everyone implies respecting what they do, act, and eat. In case, we meet individuals who have different cultures online, we are knowledgeable enough on what to say appropriately and how to act mannerly.

12. What I Can DoPICTURE ANALYSISDirections: Below is a digital artwork on Philippine culture and tradition. Analyzethe picture and write an essay about the role, functions, and characteristics of the21st Century Arts.Digital Painting (Philippine Culture and Tradition)By: Christian Rey R. Ricarzeanswer: 1: communication and art for social cause the image reminds us the disadvantages of too much use of mobile phone2: communication art for social cause and art for medical purpose the digital image shows mental health awareness3: communication art as a free zone art for social causes art for propaganda the digital art reflects the modern heroes who fight the covid 19 global pandemic​


1 communication and art for social cause the image remind us the disadvantages of too much use of mobile phone












Sana makatulong

14. Personal Developmentonhowen154Explanadeves global Trategration,Comprarcarpeof susperant mediaprocess of globalinanWhat아 media inglobal integrationExplain the dynamic betureen localandglobal cultural productionHow does globalization affect religious practices and beliefsthan uritea songabout globalization andmake an essaybared anlyricsintegration7. Hustrate theGlobal​

im the very important on this world

because if im not her your not her too

15. describe thought Editorial Cartooning how politics ,political ideological, cultural variation and social differences affect the government management and response to COVID19 global pandemic. essay​


karayan it's a joke master diko Rin alam





16. Essay 1. What are the Role of globalization on local culture, societies and religion values?2. How globalization has provided greater access to foreign products? EXPLAIN clear :) ​


the source of my life time off smile happines and have a great time at kaayu ka nko subra

17. essay that explains the dynamic between local and global cultural production


A cultural production to see global product to adopt or not adopt to see your profet


Ex:Buyers on USA,USA see your product and clean profet

18. How do you think global media culture helps you personally? How can you maximize it and avoids its downfall? essay​


pls isip mo Kung ano Ang ANSwer

19. Activity 3: Read the following essay then answer the questions that follow. DIGITAL BAYANIHAN AMID COVID-19Experts all over the world believe that to mitigate the effects and end the spread of the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), all sectors of the society must work hand in hand to fight the deadly virus.It is not the sole responsibility of the government to stop the global pandemic, and it is imperative for people to join in the efforts and collectively stop the virus from further infecting anyone.This rings true in the Philippines, where the spirit of Bayanihan is slowly being revived amid the onslaught of natural and man-made catastrophes that struck the whole country during the first three months of 2020.Various non-government organizations and even individuals have started calling on Filipinos to help in the war against the pandemic, whether it’s through volunteerism or through monetary donations.Donations drives have been launched by various groups to help protect frontline healthcare workers from the virus. These came amid the reported scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPEs) in hospitals.Likewise, groups and individuals are seeking support to fund relief goods for the families that are in need of food and personal hygiene kits, as major cities and provinces and provinces impose in their own community quarantine protocols.There are hundreds of more donations drives that are hundreds of more donations that are happening across the Philippines today, signaling the strong revival of the Filipino culture of Bayanihan—only that with the strict implementation of community quarantines and social distancing protocols, donations are facilitated through mobile phones.Source: (posted March 2019) Questions:1. What is going on in the Philippines when this text was written? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What is meant by BAYANIHAN? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. How is bayanihan during the pre-colonial Philippines different from bayanihanduring this pandemic times?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. How are things different in the Philippines before and during the pandemic? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________​

Answer: is widely practiced tradition of extending help to others in order to achieve a certain goal with out expecting rewards

2.A.The filipino people revived the spirit of bayanihan-calling various individuals and organizations to help in the war against pandemic through volunteerism or donating.

3.C.The entire nation is facing the treats brought by the novel coronavirus disease while experts are finding ways to mitigate its effects.

20. Essay 1. What are the Role of globalization on local culture, societies and religion values? 2. How globalization has provided greater access to foreign products?EXPLAIN clear :) ​


1. american Japan


2. 5:))))

21. Answer the essay briefly and concisely. "This global pandemic has claimed lives around the world. It has shutdown normal living even in our culture, society and politics that we used to. If you could look at the lighter side of what is currently happening, what is the best thing it has done to humanity and in our community?"


well in my own understanding God just balances the population. Example good and beautiful ones are the one who is mostly claimed by God.


why?... because you think of a garden that has the beautiful and awful ones if you're asked to pick flowers in the garden(ofcourse you'll pick the good and beautiful ones because they are more deserving and precious ones to be with God)

22. Consider the following elements of essay writing: Content 50% Organization 20% Grammar: 10% References: 20% In references, you may actually include in-text citations in your essay to back-up you claim with fact-based evidence and support. 1. How has globalization impacted the fashion industry in terms of trends? Discuss the ways in which the globalization of fashion has changed the way trends are created and disseminated, and how this has affected consumer behavior and preferences. 2. In what ways have global trends in popular culture been influenced by globalization? Analyze how the spread of media and technology has led to the emergence of global trends in music, film, and television, and how these trends have both reflected and shaped cultural values and identities. 3. To what extent has globalization affected the food industry and food trends? Evaluate the ways in which globalization has impacted the production, distribution, and consumption of food, and how this has led to the emergence of new food trends and cuisines that are both global and local in nature.​

All three essay prompts explore the impact of globalization on different industries and cultural practices. To effectively address these prompts, the following structure and weightage can be followed:

I. Introduction (10%)

- Briefly define globalization and its impact on industries

- Introduce the specific industry that the essay will focus on

- Provide a thesis statement that outlines the key points that will be discussed

II. Body Paragraphs (60%)

A. Content (50%)

- Discuss the ways in which globalization has impacted the industry in terms of trends

- Provide examples to support the argument

- Analyze the effects of these trends on consumer behavior and preferences


Copy code

B. Organization (20%)

- Structure the content in a logical and coherent way

- Use transitional phrases to connect different ideas and arguments

- Use topic sentences to clearly indicate the main focus of each paragraph

C. References (20%)

- Incorporate in-text citations to support claims and arguments with reliable and credible sources

- Use a consistent referencing style throughout the essay

- Include a reference list at the end of the essay

III. Conclusion (10%)

- Summarize the key points discussed in the essay

- Reiterate the thesis statement and provide a final thought on the impact of globalization on the industry

- End with a strong concluding statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader

23. how did covid 19 affected globalization in terms of politics, culture and economy? essay po sana, salamat sa makatulong​



The pandemic can affect the globalization adversely. Even before the covid pandemic the developed countries had already started moving towards protectionist measures to save local jobs and this Pandemic has just accelerated that process. Globalization would lose its essence for coming few years at least, because globalization primarily means people moving across borders and having knowledge and cultural exchange but due to pandemic even the movement within countries is restricted for citizens, forget international travel. However, Internet has brought the world closer and globalization will exist in areas of technology exchange/cooperation.

24. evaluate the socio-cultural judgement and or perceptions of the filipino as a person and global citizen write a short essay about how appearance of things change according to the emotions​

Here's my answer ayaw tanggapin Ng brainly Ang haba haba Ng type ko eh .


Globalization is not what we think We are lucky because di natin naabutan Ang WW1 at WW2 at iba pa tulad ng Conquering of British empire, Spanish Empire, Mongolian empire, Mayan Empire, Roman empire at iba pa ngayon Totoo Aim of globalization is International community dahil dito sila nakita Ang mga Negosyanteng galing iba ibang bansa para ipalaganap Ang produkto nila

26. make a Formal Essay. topic : "The Impact of globalization on cultural diversity."​

Globalization has had a significant impact on cultural diversity. While it has created opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding, it has also led to the homogenization of cultures. It is important for individuals and governments to actively preserve and celebrate cultural diversity to ensure that it is not lost in the face of globalization. By promoting cultural education and supporting local artists and traditions, we can ensure that the world remains a rich and diverse place.

27. pahelp po sa essay 1. What is a global media culture? 2. What is the role of mass media in the global media culture? elaborate your answer. 3. Research and List down atleast a minimum of six(6) World's largest Media Company and give a brief information about them.

Answer: definition global media is "the mass communication on a global level,allowing people across the world to share and access the same information"It is indeed the technologies made people's live easier all over the globe...of course,people to learn about other culture .

Sorry po yan lang po yong alam ko

sana naka tulong

28. Write a three (3) paragrph essay explaining your understanding of Global Culture and Tourism Geography.​


Global culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society that spans across the globe. With the advancements in technology, communication, and transportation, the world has become more interconnected, and global culture has emerged. It encompasses various aspects of human life, such as language, art, music, food, fashion, and sports, among others. Global culture has also brought about cultural diffusion, whereby different cultures interact and share their practices, resulting in new hybrid cultures.

Tourism geography, on the other hand, refers to the study of the geographical distribution and patterns of tourism, including its social, economic, and environmental impacts. The tourism industry has grown significantly over the years, and it has become a crucial part of many countries' economies. It involves people traveling to different destinations for leisure, business, or other purposes. Tourism geography helps to understand the factors that influence tourist behavior, such as the natural attractions, cultural heritage, infrastructure, and transportation networks of different destinations.

Global culture and tourism geography are intertwined. Global culture has contributed to the growth of the tourism industry by creating a demand for travel and exploration of different cultures. People travel to experience new cultures, taste different foods, and witness diverse lifestyles. Tourism, in turn, has also influenced global culture by promoting the exchange of ideas, customs, and traditions between different societies. Global culture and tourism geography continue to evolve, driven by the changing preferences of tourists and the constant exchange of cultural practices.

29. True or False6. Close reading involves knowing the life story of the author 7. Critical analysis utilizes interpretation in arriving at the meaning of the text. 8. Textual elements are used as bases for interpretation 9. The Last Days of Magic is an essay about globalization and its effect on culture 10. Kulas is the narrator in The Last Days of magic​








I'm not sure in number 10 sorry

But Hope it helps

30. Activity 3: Read the following essay and identify the context with which the text was written by answering the questions that follow. DIGITAL BAYANIHAN AMID COVID-19 Experts all over the world believe that to mitigate the effects and end the spread of the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), all sectors of the society must work hand in hand to fight the deadly virus. It is not the sole responsibility of the government to stop the global pandemic, and it is imperative for people to join in the efforts and collectively stop the virus from further infecting anyone. This rings true in the Philippines, where the spirit of bayanihan is slowly being revived amid the onslaught of natural and man-made catastrophes that struck the whole country during the first three months of 2020. Various non-government organizations and even individuals have started calling on Filipinos to help in the war against the pandemic, whether it's through volunteerism or through monetary donations. Donations drives have been launched by various groups to help protect frontline healthcare workers from the virus. These came amid the reported scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPEs) in hospitals. Likewise, groups and individuals are seeking support to fund relief goods for the families that are in need of food and personal hygiene kits, as major cities and provinces and provinces impose in their own community quarantine protocols. There are hundreds of more donations drives that are hundreds of more donations that are happening across the Philippines today, signaling the strong revival of the Filipino culture of Bayanihan-only that with the strict implementation of ​


Activity 3: Read the following essay and identify the context with which the text was written by answering the questions that follow. DIGITAL BAYANIHAN AMID COVID-19 Experts all over the world believe that to mitigate the effects and end the spread of the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), all sectors of the society must work hand in hand to fight the deadly virus. It is not the sole responsibility of the government to stop the global pandemic, and it is imperative for people to join in the efforts and collectively stop the virus from further infecting anyone. This rings true in the Philippines, where the spirit of bayanihan is slowly being revived amid the onslaught of natural and man-made catastrophes that struck the whole country during the first three months of 2020. Various non-government organizations and even individuals have started calling on Filipinos to help in the war against the pandemic, whether it's through volunteerism or through monetary donations. Donations drives have been launched by various groups to help protect frontline healthcare workers from the virus. These came amid the reported scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPEs) in hospitals. Likewise, groups and individuals are seeking support to fund relief goods for the families that are in need of food and personal hygiene kits, as major cities and provinces and provinces impose in their own community quarantine protocols. There are hundreds of more donations drives that are hundreds of more donations that are happening across the Philippines today, signaling the strong revival of the Filipino culture of Bayanihan-only that with the strict implementation of

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