What Is Your Personal Definition Of Life

What Is Your Personal Definition Of Life

what is your personal definition of life?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is your personal definition of life?​


Life is a gift from God. Life is so valuable yet priceless. Life is so short, so expend it by doing the things that glorify God.



2. What is your personal definition of life?


is being healthy and happy.


Life is an opportunity. We beat the odds when we make it to this Earth. I just remember to enjoy all the pleasurable and joyful moments. foods are good of course. Some of the people who have given me the most joy are children. They are so refreshing and give me a positive attitude about humanity.

3. 1What is your personal definition of life? HoW do you appreciate life?2. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​



life is like pen,beause pen is the most usefull thing that everybody used but a pen not even live longer.Everytime you use the pen the ink will decreas,decreas and decrease and if theres no more ink its not usefull anymore..just like life everytime we incresed an age were getting older and weaker and then when it is time we die and theres no chance to live again like pen.

I appreciate the life as a treasure

4. WHAT s your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?


for me life is happiness


i can appreciate it by receiving things that I can't do it by myself


may life is happiness


i can appreciate it by receiving things that i cant it by myself

5. Task 2:Answer the following questions:1. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​

The definition of life is to fulfill your purpose.To accomplish your goals and enjoy life. Appreciate the little things that happen in your life and look out for others and love unconditionally. Have a positive attitude in life. Love Yourself!


Life is like a tree that needs water and sun for it to grow, our life needs also love and care from others for us to grow and that can make us enjoy life.

I appreciate life by doing things that can make me happy, just like other says "you only live once"

T^T (in my opinion)

6. what is your personal definition of life how do you appreciate life​


An existence Of an individual human being

because of life I feel what I feel right now, I see what I see right now..

7. 1.What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​

Explanation: For us as human Beings, true Life is the mysterious phenomena and ineffable arising of consciousness, and the inherent need for growth. It is the awareness and nurturing of that consciousness by working in harmony with all other life, in greater and greater degree!

For us as human Beings, true Life is the mysterious phenomena and ineffable arising of consciousness, and the inherent need for growth. It is the awareness and nurturing of that consciousness by working in harmony with all other life, in greater and greater degree!For example, the human body and brain require cooperation and unity of cells for health and consciousness to arise. The same is true of relationships, community, enterprise, and global affairs. The greater the degrees of cooperation and harmony, the more magnificent are the marvels we can potentially create! For this one reason alone, this wisdom reveals how isolationism and Nationalism are inherently destructive for the life, vitality, and advancement of humanity!

For us as human Beings, true Life is the mysterious phenomena and ineffable arising of consciousness, and the inherent need for growth. It is the awareness and nurturing of that consciousness by working in harmony with all other life, in greater and greater degree!For example, the human body and brain require cooperation and unity of cells for health and consciousness to arise. The same is true of relationships, community, enterprise, and global affairs. The greater the degrees of cooperation and harmony, the more magnificent are the marvels we can potentially create! For this one reason alone, this wisdom reveals how isolationism and Nationalism are inherently destructive for the life, vitality, and advancement of humanity!I really like this quote which challenges the people of the world to see life with fresh eyes…“The Earth is one Country and mankind it’s citizens.” - from the Baha’i Faith

For us as human Beings, true Life is the mysterious phenomena and ineffable arising of consciousness, and the inherent need for growth. It is the awareness and nurturing of that consciousness by working in harmony with all other life, in greater and greater degree!For example, the human body and brain require cooperation and unity of cells for health and consciousness to arise. The same is true of relationships, community, enterprise, and global affairs. The greater the degrees of cooperation and harmony, the more magnificent are the marvels we can potentially create! For this one reason alone, this wisdom reveals how isolationism and Nationalism are inherently destructive for the life, vitality, and advancement of humanity!I really like this quote which challenges the people of the world to see life with fresh eyes…“The Earth is one Country and mankind it’s citizens.” - from the Baha’i FaithI appreciate life by continually striving to better discover and help realize humanity’s deeper purpose for being! I appreciate the obvious signs that life is the result of intelligent design; that asking the big questions of life, exploring science, and searching the wisdom and need of virtue…all are part of how we fulfill our noble and awe-inspiring purpose in this life, and into the Great beyond of finer energies and realities!

8. Directions: Choose 5 English words that have great significance in your life. Look for dictionarydefinition of each word. Then, write expanded definitions of each word based on what you havelearned, as well as your personal beliefs. Remember to check your expanded definitions for correctuse of language.​


Agility, a quality of being a agile. But for me, Agility is not just agility. It brought me to the place what I am really now.

Strength, the quality of being strong. In my words, of course, all of us has been strong throughout our entire life, so why not?

Intelligence, the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations. This word gave me the power to live in this messy world.

Ethereality, of or relating to the regions beyond the earth. Yes, I am religious, and being religious has been a part of my life.

Vendetta, an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts. This is the most word I meant for myself. I mean this. Being fierce and retaliatory made me strong.

I hope this helps you.

9. Additional Activities 00 S You are indeed successful in studying this lesson, now you are to do a certain task to enhance your skills in knowing yourself better Kindly ask your parents, guardian, or relatives of a short history of how they name you. You They say that people do live in accordance or opposite to what their names suggest. may also surf the net of the meaning of your name. After having the knowledge regarding the definition of your name, face the mirror, contemplate, and relax for a moment. You are to recall happy thoughts and the lowest moment personality, actions, and values, , of your life. In your mind, try to list down things that makes you familiar with your behavior Then, after a moment of contemplating make a diary note and write down your thoughts there. Be guided by the instructions below. Write a three-paragraph reflection on how you lived your life for the past five years. Please take note of the guide questions given below. 1. Have you lives in accordance to your name? What delivered you to having this kind of life? 2. If given a chance what would you like to change in your life? State why. 3. What best quote can sum up your life? My Life​

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10. 2.what signifacance will the acceptance or non acceptance of this definition make into your life as a human person living here on earth?​


Sustainable development is important for protecting the environment and promoting economic and social well-being. While the acceptance or non-acceptance of a definition of sustainable development would not have a direct impact on an individual's life, the principles of sustainability are important for ensuring the long-term viability of our planet. Individuals can support sustainable development by making conscious choices and supporting policies that promote sustainability.

11. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?


Life is a gift sent from above. It is not ours, but the Creator's. We are tasked to take care of it while we are still human beings living in this Earth. With that, we must take care of our lives and make the most out of it. Our life is precious and we must not take it for granted. Life is short so we must do everything to make it worthwhile before the Creator gets it back from us.

Appreciate life and the beauty of it. There's more to life and we must do everything to make it worth it. Life should not be grand, should not be exaggerated, but it must be simple, good, and happy. Yes, trials and challenges will come and test us, but is it up to us how we will deal with it and defeat it. Life may be hard at times, but remember that it is just a phase and that no one has to dictate on how to live your own life but you.

If you want to read more about this topic, you can click these link/s for more reads/information:

Other definition of life


12. What is your personal definition of a "good life"?​


Living the good life means living a life that sets you free. A life that satisfies and fulfills you, that adds happiness, joy and a sense of purpose to your life. But it also means to live a life that is worthwhile – a life that makes a contribution, instead of being solely self-centered. The good life is a life that is not primarily wasted with mundane activities. Instead, it adds value and contributes to making this world a better place. Even more so, it also contributes to your own growth. The attainment of a high standard of living alone might not be fully fulfilling and will definitely not set you free. Therefore, the good life combines aspects of exploration, self-mastery and civic responsibility with the endeavor to spend your time in a worthwhile manner that both satisfies and fulfills. It is only through the combination of these aspects that a joyous and happy life can be truly considered the good life.

13. what is your definition of life ?how can you say that a person is truly living?how does reproduction impacts assistance of spieces and biodiversity ?are you for or against the production of GMO?what is your opinion about people who are selling their organs in exchange for money ?what does "survival of the fittest" means define and give an example ? do you believe that all things are interconnected one way or another? in other words, if you get to change one part of a system in our world, do other parts become affected by the change? explain.​


— Life is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth (reproduction and metabolism).

— Truly Living Each person has his or her own vision of what a perfect life looks like and what one would really consider living life to the fullest to be. Living a life of satisfaction can be met through money, love, or even adventure.

— The role of sex in driving genetic variation and generating higher biodiversity has been debated for over a century. Speeding up evolution may increase genetic variation, but surprisingly it can reduce species diversity,

Why we are against GMOs;

Most GM crops fall into one of two categories: either engineered to resist chemical herbicides, or engineered to produce insecticides themselves. When herbicides are used on resistant crops, over time the weeds develop resistance, leading to the use of even more chemicals. Crops engineered to produce insecticides on the other hand produce toxins that are not only harmful to pests but other insects such as butterflies, moths and insect pollinators.


Life is valuable to each and one of us


Have you ever wondered why ants help each other or go to battle with each other it's just like us humans we need to help each other to achieve our goals on something that unknown yet, like going to colonies other planets achievements makes us more bonding and war makes us bond us too when it's over

reproduction impacts us humans because bigger is better

No, I am not against GMO if it's for good purposes but if they fail or make zombies like that or pandemics by accidentally then my opinions change on the experiment

I have no argument against those people who sell their organs for money it's their choice to do it and maybe they need it but if they kidnap people and sell other organs without consent of the victim then they are phsycos

survival of the fittest means who will dominate the land or the seas like when a country goes anarchy and no one is governing it chaos will erupt and many factions will fight each other to take control on the land just like The Purge

Yes, but theories like that isn't confirmed if it's true or a hokes (fake)

14. what is your personal definition of life? how do you appreciate life?​

For me life is the most beautiful gift given to us by God. I appreciate it by spending time wisely and doing great things for my family and fellow human beings and to please God.


15. 1. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​


Life is what we make it.


YOLO. So it means that you should live life to the fullest


life is too short if i were to describe.we are living in a cruel world where our life and health are uts stake.

even if i live in a cruel world i still appreciate it cause i have the chance to see gow the world works,gow to feel the love and care to our close friends and families. i will srill treasure my life and enjoy it cause we live only once and if ever i will reincarnate that would be a different story

paki brainliest pls

16. 1. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​


The value of life is a happy body and a happy friendship. And it also includes a happy life like our fellow Filipinos


I Hope It Helps❤

Thank you❤

17. Performance Task No. 3: “DEAR DIARY” They say that people do live in accordance or opposite to what their names suggest. To enhance your skills in knowing yourself better, do the tasks below: Kindly ask your parents, guardians, or relatives of a short story how they name you. You may also surf the net of the meaning of your name. After having the knowledge regarding the definition of your name, face the mirror, contemplate, and relax for a moment. You are to recall happy thoughts and the lowest moment of your life. In your mind, try to list down things that make you familiar with your behavior, personality, actions, and values. Then after a moment of contemplating, make a diary note and write down your thoughts there. Be guided by the instructions below: Write a three-paragraph reflection on how you lived your life for the past five years. Please take note of the guide questions given below: 1. Have you lived in accordance or opposite of your name? 2. What delivered you to have this kind of life? 3. What would you like to retain the same or to change your life. 4. What best quote can sum up your life? 5.​

ikaw po mag sasagot Jan ikaw po tinatanong


ikaw po Yung sasagot niyan


ikaw po Yung tinatanong

18. 2. What is your personal definition of life?3sentence​

Ask yo momma ya kid atop asking random stranger whats the answer

19. 1. What is your personal definition of life?​

Life for me means, living your best without bringing others down so you could rise above them.

Life is a Time you have on earth and by this time you have many questions that are needed to be answered by you but the most important question here are :

do you accept God and Jesus Christ 's love and sacrifice?

do you believe in God's words?

would you like to spend eternity with God?

( This is only my Personal definition of life)

20. what is your personal definition of life? how do you appreciate life? ​


in the pic


Hope it helps


21. What Is Happiness? Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction. The two key components of happiness are the balance of emotions and life satisfaction. Balance of emotion is when a person experiences both positive and negative emotions, feelings, and moods. Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative. On the other hand, life satisfaction relates to how satisfied you feel with different areas of your life including your relationships, work, achievements, and other things that you consider important. A. Key Idea:​




22. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​


life is suçks for me i don't appreciate life


God gave us life so don't mess it

Ok lol

23. 1 What is your personal definition of life? How do you annreciate life?​


my definition is go to Korea


소문 ㅛㅐㅕ

24. 1. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​

For me, life is a joke. It is a funny, boring and dark joke that we will have to deal with. I appreciate my life through the people who I know make it the best. It's hard to live a life without having anyone. The people I'm with brings out the best in me. I appreciate my life because the people around me make it a life worthy of living.

25. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life ?

Life means everything around the world, everything in existence.

26. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​


Life is full of happiness. Life is important, wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Life is a blessing and gift. I appreciate my life like I can be responsible, always smile, help other people, go ti church and thank to God.

27. Task 2:Answer the following questions:1. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?​




I don't know how to explain

28. What is your definition of freedom? What is the importance of freedom to you as a student, as a doughter, as a person in your community?Would you have wanted freedom? why or why not?Why is it helpful to have many people desire for freedom? How is having freedom affect your life?what I want to know about freedom? What I have learned about freedom?​


I don't know ma'am I'm sorry

29. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?

my grandma and i appriciate it

30. A.Mainidea:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Key information: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is Happiness? Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as Invoking positive emotions and life satisfaction. The two key aspects of happiness are the balance of emotions and life satisfaction. Balance of emotion is when a person experiences both positive and negative emotions, peelings, and mids Happiness is currently linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative On the other hand, life satisfaction relates to how Satispred you peel with different amas of your life inside your relationship, work, achievements, and other things that you consider important

" Happiness is what makes you happy"

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