Parents Should Control Their Children s Access To The Internet Essay

Parents Should Control Their Children s Access To The Internet Essay

1. Parents should see to it that kids have internet access at home.parents should see to it that kids have internet access at home ​

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1. 1. Parents should see to it that kids have internet access at home.parents should see to it that kids have internet access at home ​


Internet Safety Laws

A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) helps protect kids younger than 13 when they're online. It's designed to keep anyone from getting a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first.

COPPA requires websites to explain their privacy policies and get parental consent before collecting or using a child's personal information, such as a name, address, phone number, or Social Security number. The law also prohibits a site from requiring a child to provide more personal information than necessary to play a game or enter a contest.


ito po oh sana ma brainliest mo ako

2. children who use the internet and who access the social media should be guided by parents true or false pllsssss with explain GOOD BLESS


Depend or True

True: if you visit malicious sites.

depend: if you visit safe sites.

3. children who use the internet who access the social media should be guided by parents. true or false help pls​




It needs to be guide by parents because when the children/s click the wrong button to watch and they will learn a bad things.

I hope this will help.




because kids these days knows a lot and there's a lot of possibilities that they might press something wrong or they might see something they shouldn't see y'know



The debate surrounding the role of parents in their children's academic performance has been ongoing for many years. While some argue that parents should be more strict with their children's academic performance, others argue that a more relaxed approach is more beneficial. In this essay, I will argue that parents should be more strict with their children's academic performance.

Firstly, parents are responsible for providing a stable and supportive environment for their children to succeed academically. This means setting clear expectations, creating a structured routine, and providing resources such as textbooks, study materials, and access to technology. By being more strict with their children's academic performance, parents can help ensure that their children are held accountable for their actions, stay on track with their studies, and meet their full potential.

Secondly, research has shown that children perform better academically when they have a structured and consistent routine. This is because children thrive when they know what is expected of them and when they have a clear understanding of the tasks and responsibilities that lie ahead. Parents who are more strict with their children's academic performance are able to create a sense of structure and consistency, which can lead to improved academic performance.

Thirdly, when parents are more strict with their children's academic performance, they are able to better monitor their children's progress and provide the necessary support to help them overcome any challenges they may face. This includes providing extra help and support when needed, and identifying any areas of difficulty that need to be addressed. By being more strict with their children's academic performance, parents are able to provide a higher level of support and guidance to help their children succeed.

In conclusion, while some may argue that a more relaxed approach is more beneficial, the evidence suggests that parents should be more strict with their children's academic performance. By setting clear expectations, creating a structured routine, and providing the necessary support and guidance, parents can help ensure that their children meet their full potential and succeed academically.

5. two paragraph argumentative essay about parents monitor their childrens internet usage? Please thank you❤️


parents should monitor their child's Internet use because the Internet is filled with unfiltered potential for kids to be exposed to harmful interaction like bullying and harassment,as well as inappropriate content.There is real potential a child online could become who pretend to be someone online that they are not real life.

6. “Should parents have an active role in the education of their children?” short essay for


The more parents involved in their children's education, the better their entire class's motivation, behavior, and grades become. Encouraging parent engagement is more than common courtesy. It's one of the best ways to create a positive learning environment for every student


I think im wrong ->-

btw pa heart nalng po

7. Should parents always monitor their children's internet usage


Parents should monitor their child's internet use because the internet is filled with unfiltered potential for kids to be exposed to harmful interactions like bullying and harassment, as well as inappropriate content


pa Brainleist ^^

8. make a stand on this issue parents should limet their children playing cellphone s?​

yes, parents should limit children from playing mobile games because it is harmful to health but if it is a big help in answering the modules, just let it go but you should also see if they have played instead of answering the modules



In today's digital age, the internet has become an essential tool for communication, education, and entertainment. However, as much as the internet can provide benefits, it also poses many dangers, particularly for children. For this reason, it is crucial that children are supervised when using the internet.

The internet can expose children to a wide range of inappropriate content, including violent, sexual, and hate-filled content. Children may also be vulnerable to online predators who may attempt to groom them or exploit their naivety. Additionally, cyberbullying has become a significant problem, with many children experiencing harassment or intimidation online. Without proper supervision, children may be at risk of encountering these dangers and may not know how to respond.

Supervising children when using the internet can help prevent these risks. Parents, teachers, and other caregivers can monitor a child's online activity, limit their access to inappropriate content, and teach them about safe online practices. Additionally, they can educate children about the potential dangers of the internet and empower them to protect themselves when using online platforms.

Moreover, it is essential to set clear boundaries and rules for internet use. Parents can establish specific times for internet use and enforce rules about what websites or apps are allowed. By setting these boundaries, children can learn to use the internet responsibly and avoid unnecessary risks.

In conclusion, children should be supervised when using the internet to ensure their safety and well-being. With proper supervision, children can learn how to use the internet responsibly, protect themselves from harm, and enjoy all the benefits that the online world has to offer. By taking an active role in a child's online life, parents, teachers, and caregivers can help create a safe and positive online environment for children.


Kid's have to be let alone when using mobile phones, however the risk of their health is also something that you need to correspond

10. Make an argumentative essay about Parents should meddle in the marriage of their children.


1. The only diffrence is the generation gap. If you are a starunch supporter of present generation and the parents for older then there may be a clash betwwn two.

2. Sometime they give more importance to social status rather than the mind state of the child.


pa brainliest

11. Parents should see to it that kids have internet access at home

True most kids need internet, parents think the internet is dangerous, but it’s what’s inside the internet that is dangerous.

12. write an argumentative essay about should parents decide which career their children will pursue​


Should parents decide which career their children will pursue? My answer would be NO.  Parents should never interfere with their children's careers because it only adds pressure. Parents should only be there for their children as a support system and guide them towards what they are passionate about. Let's just give others an example of someone whose parents decided for them what to take, and now they are miserable and not happy with the career they chose. They're not motivated and blame their parents because it's not their dream job. While those who were not their parents' decisions were successful and motivated to work. We can see the big difference. Therefore, parents should never decide on their children's careers.

13. essay 3 paragraph and 5 sentens acadimic writing children should be supervised when using the internetchildren should be supervised when using the internet​


The internet has become an essential tool for learning, communication, and entertainment for children. However, the internet is also a vast and complex place that can expose children to potentially harmful content and online predators. For this reason, it is critical that children be supervised when using the internet.

Parents and guardians have a responsibility to ensure that children are safe while they navigate the internet. This can be done by setting up parental controls and limiting their access to certain websites. It is also important to have open and honest conversations with children about what they should and should not do online.

Children may not fully understand the consequences of their actions online, and supervision can prevent them from making poor decisions that could have lasting effects. Additionally, parents and guardians can monitor their children's online activities to be alert for any concerning behavior or encounters with strangers.

14. II. Directions: For learners without internet access, interview yourgrandparents regarding the parenting style that they applied to theirchildren and answer the following question.1. What lessons did you get from your grandparent?2. Is your grandparents a responsible parent or not?3. What do you think a parent should do for his/her children in times ofproblems?​


1.)I got many lessons from them from all about their parenting style that they applied to me.

2.) Yes,they are rensponsible parents from me.

3.)Cheer up their children and give them more hope and faith


15. internet accessibility essay​


Hacker Man

Go to to do the hacking


hello yan po HEHE ...sana mka tulong..

16. children should be supervised when using internet write 3 paragraph essay​


Nowadays, children have access to the internet at a younger age than ever before, making it essential for parents to be more vigilant about what their kids are doing online. It is imperative to supervise children when they access the internet, as it provides a wealth of information that may not be suitable for them. In addition, children may not be aware of the risks involved in their online activities, making them vulnerable to online predators.

Parents should not only supervise their children's internet use but also educate them about the potential dangers they may face while online. By teaching children about the risks of online activities such as cyberbullying, sexting, and predators, they can learn how to protect themselves from these threats. Moreover, parents should establish rules on internet use, including the sites that are off-limits and the time spent on the internet.

Finally, while it is important to supervise their children's internet use, parents should also respect their child's privacy. Monitoring their online activity does not necessarily mean parents should invade their children's privacy. Instead, parents should focus on keeping an open line of communication with their children, which can make their children feel more comfortable discussing their online activities, as well as any concerns they may have.

17. 1. Children like you should be guided by parents or adults in accessing websites. Why?​

Children must be accompanied by parents or adults while accessing websites because the internet contains content that may not be suitable or safe for children. Adults can securely guide children in internet browsing and help them access only age-appropriate content.


Children like us should be guided by parents or adults in accessing websites to ensure their safety and protection. The internet contains a vast amount of information, some of which may not be appropriate or suitable for children. There are also risks such as cyberbullying, online predators, and exposure to inappropriate content. Parents and adults can help children navigate the internet safely by setting guidelines, monitoring their online activity, and teaching them how to identify and avoid potential dangers.

18. Make an essay about “Students should get limited access to the Internet”


The Internet is a powerful tool that is often abused by students who lack proper supervision. As students spend more and more time using the Internet, there are many benefits and problems associated with it. There are many benefits associated with the Internet.

It provides students with unlimited access to information. It also allows them to research their school work and to take tests. With the use of the Internet, students can research historical topics, take practice tests for various subjects, and learn how to use new software.

There is a downside to this however, the Internet can be very distracting for students. Many students are wasting time on the Internet when they should be doing other things. Some students spend all day long on the Internet, playing games and visiting social media sites. This can be a problem because if a student is not focusing on his school work, he will not be able to get the grade that he wants. Some students get so addicted to the Internet that they start missing assignments or school work entirely. The Internet has become so popular that many schools are starting to make rules for what students can and cannot do on the Internet.

Should students get limited access to the Internet? My answer is yes, students should get limited access to the Internet. I believe that some of the benefits of the Internet outweigh the negatives that come along with it. If students are being distracted by the Internet, schools should limit their access to the Internet so that they can focus on their school work.

All in all, students should get limited access to the Internet. It will benefit them more in the long run. They will be able to learn more if they do not waste too much time on the Internet. If they are allowed to use it for research, they should also be supervised while using it so that they do not get distracted and do not spend too much time on it.

19. Argumentative essay on should students get limited access to the internet?​

Internet access should have limited access to students because there are some contents and sites in the internet which exposed pornography contents wherein it might affect their development especially how they think. It will actually lead them to do negative activities which can cause negativity to the society

20. single parents should not be allowed to adopt children in persuasive essay​


No. Single Parents are not allowed to adopt a child.


A child should grow normally with both father and mother and eventually siblings. The adoptee must also be married and have a good financial source of income. They must not have criminal records and are free from any suits.

An adopted child should be raised and grow in a family.

21. as a parent, you deeply believe in the principle of liberalism and the advantages of allowing your children to have full access to the internet & media what is the effects of it

Internet and media nowadays had became one of those prior needs of human. It plays a vital role to daily living in a lot of aspects but became a thread to a meaningful living when used abusively and inappropriately. It could affect a child's social and mental development negatively. So for parents, it is best to have proper guidance and strong connection with children.

22. Should parents have access to the social media of their children under 18?


yes because they are still minors, some don't know how to use social media yet. parents should also have access to it because for the child to be safe because social media nowadays are dangerous.




because they are still minor and a lot of dangerous in social media

23. parents should restict their children's media exposure academic writing essay 170 words​


In today's world of technology, media has become an integral part of everyone's life. However, excessive media exposure can have damaging effects on a child's development, and parents should play a significant role in monitoring and restricting their children's media exposure.

Media exposure can adversely affect a child's development by compromising their cognitive and social abilities. Children are vulnerable and can be easily influenced by what they see on TV, movies, or social media. Exposure to violent or inappropriate content may cause negative behaviors, aggression, and anxiety. Moreover, excessive media usage can lead to obesity, sleep deprivation, and vision problems.

Parents must regularly monitor and regularly monitor and regulate their children's media consumption to ensure that they are exposed to age - appropriate content. They should limit their children's screen time and encourage them to engage in physical activities and social interactions. They should also provide guidance on online safety and have regular discussions about the impact of media on their lives.

In conclusion, parents should prioritize their child's well-being and restrict their media exposure to ensure a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is important to keep children away from negative influences and allow them to grow into responsible individuals who can make conscious decisions about their media habits.

24. how ease of access to the internet have affected the relationship between parents and the their children​


Unfortunately, recent studies also suggest that the internet can have negative effects on family relationships. High internet use may lead to conflict between parents and adolescents over teenagers' lack of social skills and it can mean that people neglect their family relationships


┐( ∵ )┌

25. Argumentative Essay:WHAT'S YOUR ARGUMENT? INTERNET ACCESSShould all people have a right to internet access ?why or why not?​




BECAUSE IT is the view that all people must be able to Access internet in order to exercise and enjoy their rights to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND OPINION and othe FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS

26. 200 words essay of should student get limited access to the internet​


internet is very essential this days, because it makes life easier especially on online class,but for me students must have limited access on internet only,time only for online learning so by that they could be able to manage time,not enserting extra time for games, particularly mobile games that are online,by that if they have limited access on internet they will finish their modules first, because they would remember the limitation of internet.they could be more attached on mobile games than their modules most especially, if they are bored,so it might be a good step to make students more responsible,making study as the most important,that they must put their attention, than online games or In any different distraction on internet.

hindi yan 200

pero sana makatulong ✌️

sorry sa wrong grammar

27. 1. Should Parents should be punished for their minor children's crimes? essag I issue - Parents claim Jargument counter argument​


Explanation: because hurting a child so much is eligal!

28. Parents Should schoe thier children Stier introduction essay​



29. Questions : Should parents Play an active part in their children 's education ?​




oo dahil they need to support out financial needs to learn

30. Why should parents monitor that internet site their children visit?​


In order for them to know if that site is good for their children.

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