Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory Reflection

Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory Reflection

What is your reflection about Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is your reflection about Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory?​

Answer: According to Bronfenbrenner, the environment influences the individual and the individual also has an effect on the environment. The example I stated above pertaining to the child in the environment helps to prove that Bronfenbrenner's theory is effective.


2. According to bronfenbrenner's ecological system theory

He divided it into 5 different levels 

3. How this Ecological theory by Bronfenbrenner's will help you to understand student​


How Bronfenbrenner ecological theory works?

Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory focuses on the quality and context of the child's environment. He states that as a child develops, the interaction within these environments becomes more complex. This complexity can arise as the child's physical and cognitive structures grow and mature.



Bronfeners will help to you if ya smart


4. How dynamic system theory and ecological theory applied in hurdling? ​


Dynamic systems theories conceptualize development as change within a complex system that involves interactions of multiple factors at different levels and on different timescales (e.g., Smith & Thelen, 2003; Dynamic systems theory explains development as the probabilistic outcome of the interactions of processes at many levels and many systems.



   H E L L   O W O R L D

5. What is Ecological system theory​


Ecological systems theory was developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. It offers a framework through which community psychologists examine individuals' relationships within communities and the wider society. The theory is also commonly referred to as the ecological/systems framework

6. Differentiate the Demonological theory from ecological theory.


Demonological Theology is the study of evil presences or the beliefs about devils. Others may have tell that they might be human or non-human, detachable spirits, or discarnate spirits which have never occupied a body.

It is an early clarification of wrongdoing, philosophical, or strict. It is known as a wrongdoing if an infringement of a commitment. They were considered as underhanded human instinct recommending adherence to Satan or under the spell of the sovereign of haziness. The reasons for wrongdoing have been situated in eccentric confidence in which hoodlums were purportedly seen as constrained by other common powers and no other than the devil.


Ecological Theory was created by Urie Bronfenbrenner. It offers a system through which network therapists inspect people's connections inside networks. It usually alluded to as the natural/frameworks structure.

The theory accentuates the significance of examining kids in different conditions, otherwise called biological theory and in the endeavor to comprehend their turn of events. Every one of these natural theory definitely connect with and impact each other in all parts of the youngsters' lives.


7. Who developed the Theory of evolution? Ecology.


charles darwin developed the theory of evolution

8. why is bronfenbrenner's theory important?​


Bronfenbrenner's work was very important in understanding a systematic approach of human and social development. ... His theory is important for educators to understand because it allows the educator to build fundamental relationships with their students and create a communication rich classroom that involves the parents.

9. Which of the following provides the best example of the microsystem as described in bronfenbrenner's ecological theory?


Bronfenbrenner. Bronfenbrenner's Structure of Environment: The Microsystem - this is the Layer Closest to the child and Contains Structures With which child has a direct contact.

10. how dynamic system theory and ecological theory applied in hurdling?

Answer:Dynamic systems theory (DST) outlines three constraints (i.e. individual, task, and environment) that influence the emergence of behavior. These constraints interact with one another to self-organize and create a spontaneous behavior.


hope its help

11. this ecological theory is an outcome of anthropocentrism. a deep ecology B. social ecology C. ecofeminism D. realist​




12. THE ECOLOGY OF LEARNERS INSTRUCTION Activity 2: Purpose: To understand the place of the teacher in the ecology of learners. • Create a concept map which demonstrates the ecology of a learner and where the teacher is placed within this ecology. You can use Bronfenbrenner’s concentric circles to do this task or be creative to have your own graphical organizer format. Describe your concept map ​


Here is a description of a concept map illustrating the ecology of a learner and the placement of the teacher within this ecology:

The concept map represents the ecological system of a learner, with the learner at the center and various interconnected elements surrounding them. The learner is depicted as a circle in the center of the map.

1. Immediate Environment: The first concentric circle around the learner represents their immediate environment, including family, peers, and community. This environment directly influences the learner's development and learning experiences.

2. School Environment: The second concentric circle represents the school environment, including classmates, school staff, and physical facilities. The school environment plays a significant role in shaping the learner's educational journey and academic development.

3. Sociocultural Context: The third concentric circle represents the broader sociocultural context in which the learner exists. This includes cultural norms, values, traditions, and societal influences that impact the learner's beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives.

4. Educational Policies: The fourth concentric circle represents educational policies and systems that guide and govern the educational landscape. This includes curriculum frameworks, standards, regulations, and educational reforms that shape the learning environment for the learner.

5. Teacher: Positioned within the immediate environment and connected to all the other circles is the teacher. The teacher plays a vital role in the learner's ecology as a facilitator, guide, and mentor. They provide instruction, support, and guidance to the learner, helping them navigate and make sense of their educational journey.

Arrows and lines are used to illustrate the interconnectedness and influence between the learner, their immediate environment, the school environment, the sociocultural context, and educational policies. The lines connecting the teacher to the other elements highlight the important role of the teacher in mediating and facilitating the learner's interactions and experiences within their ecological system.

Overall, the concept map visually represents the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the learner's ecology, emphasizing the central role of the teacher in supporting the learner's growth, development, and learning within this ecosystem.

13. PAKI ANSWER NAMAN PO PLSSS LANG PO TALAGA PLSS PO HUHUH THANK YOU​Answer the ff. questions substantially and comprehensively: Provide a brief discussion of the graphic organizer and the its content. (5- 10 sentences) As much as possible be creative in presenting your ideas.1. What is ecology? How does it relate with the concept of socialization? 2. What is socialization? How does it relate to development and adaptation? 3. What are the key assumptions of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory? 4. Explain different ecological contexts of development and describe how they are interrelated.5. Describe how useful the ecological theory is in understanding the role of the teacher and the community in learning of children in schools.PAKI ANSWER NAMAN PO PLSSS LANG PO TALAGA PLSS PO HUHUH THANK YOU​


1)By living in diverse ecological conditions, inhabiting diverse ecological niches, certain animal species have developed different levels of sociality or different kinds of social organization, and therefore their processes of socialization may also differ.

2(Socialization is the learning process wherein we develop our personality through adapting another person`s culture.

3(Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory focuses on the quality and context of the child's environment. He states that as a child develops, the interaction within these environments becomes more complex. This complexity can arise as the child's physical and cognitive structures grow and mature


In Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, a child's development is significantly impacted by the environment. In Bronfenbrenner's model, the environment is represented by a series of systems that directly or indirectly impact the child's development. Thus, a child's development is a factor of their biology and the environmental systems that surround them.

5For teaching purposes, teachers can use the model to create personalized learning experiences for students. The systems support teachers and school administrators to develop school environments that are suitable to students' needs, characteristics, culture, and family background

14. write a poem about urie brenfenbrenner ecological theory.​


Answer is on the picture


#hope it's help


According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory, if a child's parents are actively involved in the friendships of their child, for example they invite their child's friends over to their house from time to time and spend time with them, then the child's development is affected positively through harmony and like- ..

15. ecology or environment theories of crime causation​


Sana mkatulong salamat pa Brainliests salamat

16. what Theory belongs to ecological crises as an outcome of anthropocentrism?A.Social EcologyB.Deep Ecology C.EcofeminismD.Ecocentrism​


a social ecology


17. In this present day of pandemic, how do the different systems in Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory interact and influence a child’s and an adolescent’s growth and development? Be able to give specific circumstances/situations to present how the systems relate to one another during this time. If you prefer, you may cite personal (yours or others’) experiences to show the impact of the interplay of the different systems.​


it affects my brain because I have too many questions like when do pandemic end and why people use face mask?


ganyan po ba or NASA picture

18. what are the different theories in radical ecological philosophy?​


Conservationism, protectionism, the science of ecology, and deep ecology are some of the major components in the political and ethical movement of environmentalism. Deep ecologists often contrast their own position with what they refer to as the “shallow ecology” of other environmentalists.

19. ecological theories of crime​

Sana mkatulong salamat pa Brainliests salamat

20. Is ecological systems Theory useful to educators?​


His theory is of great importance to educators and teachers across the world because it allows the teachers to build fundamental relationships with their students and create a communication-rich classroom that involves their guardians.

21. Example of Exosystem bronfenbrenner​


the neighborhood, parent's workplaces, parent's friends and the mass media.


this is the correct answer for sure

22. explain human ecology theory?​


Human ecology theory is unique in its focus on humans as both biological organisms and social beings in interaction with their environment. ... Emphasis is given to the creation, use, and management of resources for creative adaptation, human development, and sustainability of environments.

23. differentiate the environment theories-Deep Ecology- Social Ecology-Ecofeminism​


deep ecology - which regards human life as just one of many equal components of a global ecosystem

social ecology - as the study of the relation between the developing human being and the settings and context in which the person is actively involved

Ecofeminism- is a branch of feminism that examines the connection between women and nature.

24. what is the role of school and teachers in childs development based on bronfenbrenner's theory​


Promote positive relationship with the child, and educate the child on the effects of the social environment around him/her.


Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory states that an individual is affected by the environment he/she grew up in. There are four systems in the environment:

1. Microsystem - composed of the people with whom the child directly interacts with, such as parents, playmates, teachers

2. Mesosystem - composed of the relationships between and among people in the microsystem such as parent-teacher relationship

3. Exosystem - composed of people who do not directly interact with the child but nevertheless affects him/her, such as the people in the company where the child's parents work

4. Macrosystem - composed of cultural elements that affect the child and everyone around them, such cultural values or an official religion

5. Chronosystem - the stage of life that the person is in regarding the situations they’re going through, such as the death of a loved one during either young or old age

Now, considering that the teachers belong to the microsystem, the way the teachers interact with children has a very strong impact. If the teacher promotes a good classroom environment while successfully making the children learn, children would be pleased to go to school and they would not treat the school as a place they hate going into. Whenever children perform well in school, parents would also be pleased and the positivity experienced by children in school would also be present at home. Also, when the teachers educate children about how things in the environment affect them, these children would have a better sense of the world and they would be inclined to do things that are worthwhile.

25. Answer the ff. questions substantially and comprehensively: Provide a brief discussion of the graphic organizer and the its content. (5- 10 sentences) As much as possible be creative in presenting your ideas.1. What is ecology? How does it relate with the concept of socialization? 2. What is socialization? How does it relate to development and adaptation? 3. What are the key assumptions of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory? 4. Explain different ecological contexts of development and describe how they are interrelated.5. Describe how useful the ecological theory is in understanding the role of the teacher and the community in learning of children in schools.PAKI ANSWER NAMAN PO PLSSS LANG PO TALAGA PLSS PO HUHUH THANK YOU​


1. Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with their environment. It relates to the concept of socialization because socialization involves the process of learning social norms and values, which are shaped by the environment in which a person grows up. The environment in which a person is socialized can have a significant impact on their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.

2. Socialization refers to the process by which individuals learn the norms and values of their culture. It relates to development and adaptation because socialization helps individuals develop the skills and knowledge they need to function effectively in their social and cultural environment. Through socialization, individuals learn how to communicate, interact with others, and navigate social hierarchies.

3. The key assumptions of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory are that development is shaped by the complex interplay between an individual's biology, environment, and cultural context, and that development occurs within multiple nested levels of influence. These levels include the microsystem (immediate environment), mesosystem (connections between microsystems), exosystem (indirect influences), and macrosystem (cultural context).

4. There are many different ecological contexts of development, including family, peer groups, schools, neighborhoods, and broader cultural contexts. These contexts are interrelated in that they influence each other and are influenced by broader cultural factors. For example, a child's experiences in their family may influence their experiences in school, and both of these contexts may be influenced by broader cultural norms and values.

5. The ecological theory is useful in understanding the role of the teacher and the community in the learning of children in schools because it emphasizes the importance of multiple levels of influence on development. Teachers and communities are part of the mesosystem and exosystem, respectively, and can have a significant impact on children's development and learning. By understanding the complex interplay between different levels of influence, educators can better support the development and learning of children in schools.

26. What could you learn in the media ecology theory?​




Media ecology:

A definition

It is the study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs. ... It is grammar and rhetoric, semiotics and systems theory, the history and the philosophy of technology.

27. in this Theory, ecological crisis is an outcome of anthropocentrism?a. socialb. social ecologyc. deep ecologyd.ecofeminism​




Sana'y Makatulong pa brainlist po!

In this Theory, ecological crisis is an outcome of anthropocentrism?

a. social

b. social ecology

c. deep ecology


#CarryOnLearningSana makatulong!Pa brainliest po pls!

28. compare and contrast general sytem theory and ecological system theory​


Ecology, often considered to be a special instance of general-systems theory, is at a lower level of abstraction than general-systems theory and is therefore closer to human phenomena. Second, ecology is con- cerned with adaptation and the relations between organisms and their environments.

29. Give the strength and weaknesses of these 6 theories 1. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory 2. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Theory 3.Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory 4. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development 5.Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory​


1 to 3 po Muna maya na Yung 4and5


hope it helps

30. this theory argues that the ecological crisis is a consequence of male dominance​

Answer: Social Ecology

Explanation: It is a critical theory founded by American anarchist and libertian socialist author Murray Bookchin.


(let me guess, Grade 12 Philo ?)



social ecology


Social ecology claims that the ecological crisis is a result of the hierarchical organization ... "The domination of nature by man stems from the very real domination of human by human"

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