A Class Divided Summary

A Class Divided Summary

Rearrange these sentences to form a good summary by numbering thesentences from 1-6 in your activity notebook / answer sheet.a. They applied the iodine test and discovered which part stores starch.b. The pupils opened up the corn grains and examined the different parts.c. The class wanted to know the parts and use:s of the corn grain.d. The teacher divided the class into four groups.e. The pupils drew the corn grain showing the endosperm, cotyledon andembryo.f. Each group brought materials for the experiment.​

Daftar Isi

1. Rearrange these sentences to form a good summary by numbering thesentences from 1-6 in your activity notebook / answer sheet.a. They applied the iodine test and discovered which part stores starch.b. The pupils opened up the corn grains and examined the different parts.c. The class wanted to know the parts and use:s of the corn grain.d. The teacher divided the class into four groups.e. The pupils drew the corn grain showing the endosperm, cotyledon andembryo.f. Each group brought materials for the experiment.​


1d-The teacher divided the class into four groups.

2f-Each group brought materials for the experiment.​

3c-The class wanted to know the parts and use:s of the corn grain

4b-The pupils opened up the corn grains and examined the different parts.

5e-The pupils drew the corn grain showing the endosperm, cotyledon and


6a-They applied the iodine test and discovered which part stores starch

2. You can summarize this selection using the six sentences written below. Rearrange these sentences to form a good summary by numbering the sentence from 1-6 on the blanks. _______a. The pupils drew the corn grain showing the endosperm, cotyledon and embryo. _______b. They applied the iodine test and discovered which part stores starch. ______c. The pupils opened up the corn grains and examined the different parts______d. Each group brought material for the experiment. ______e. The teacher divided the class into four groups _______f. The class wanted to know the parts and uses of the corn​




Hope it helps:)

Pero kung mali sorry po

3. The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Share your insights about the topic Cyberbullying with the class in a virtual panel discussion. Take note of the following salient points in preparation for your first online panel discussion. Use the GRASPS Model. NOTE: For Online learners: Make a video or write script of your presentation. For Offline learners: Write a script of your presentation. PANEL DISCUSSION GOAL Your task is to present information and discuss personal views as a panelist which will be facilitated by a leader or a moderator. ROLE You are the panel member who will introduce the issue or topic by asking questions or reacting to the panel members’ views and opinions. AUDIENCE Your presentation will be moderated by a leader with the panelists who will discuss the issue. SITUATION You will present and close the discussion and provide a summary of a panel discussion. Assessment Additional Activities 8 City of Good Character DISCIPLINE • GOOD TASTE • EXCELLENCE PRODUCT Your product is a panel discussion. STANDARD Your work will be graded through these criteria: • Correct sentence construction and pronunciation • Appropriate vocabulary • Giving information with supporting evidence • Demonstrate understanding of other panelist’s views for clarity


The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Share your insights about

the topic Cyberbullying with the class in a virtual panel discussion. Take note of

the following salient points in preparation for your first online panel discussion.

Use the GRASPS Model.


Online learners: Make a video or write script of your presentation.

For Offline learners: Write a script of your presentation.


GOAL Your task is to present information and

discuss personal views as a panelist which

will be facilitated by a leader or a moderator.

ROLE You are the panel member who will introduce

the issue or topic by asking questions or

reacting to the panel members’ views and


AUDIENCE Your presentation will be moderated by a

leader with the panelists who will discuss the


SITUATION You will present and close the discussion

and provide a summary of a panel



Additional Activities

8 City of Good Character


PRODUCT Your product is a panel discussion.

STANDARD Your work will be graded through these


• Correct sentence construction and


• Appropriate vocabulary

• Giving information with supporting


• Demonstrate understanding of other

panelist’s views for clarity

4. 1. Evelitually I didn't like to spend time reading in class, buil enjoy IL HUW. A Next B. eventually C. overall D. initially 2. Billy is poor, he does not resort to begging to survive. A despite B. however C. because D. although 3 the more educated a person is, the more choice he or she will have in a career. A Otherwise B. Meanwhile, C. In conclusion, D. Likewise, 4 Jean painted her room. Then, she bought a new dresser A. Specifically B. First C. Truly D. So 5. Most animals sleep like people do, they lie down birds and horses sleep while standing up! A. For example B. Likewise C. However D. Where 6. A good homework space is well-lit, with paper and pencils it is quiet and distraction free A. However B. In addition C. All in all D. Although 7. My brother is my best friend. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help me the other day he helped me study until 1:00 AM A. For example B. Additionally C. As a result D. Furthermore 8. There are other factors that could lead to violence besides video games. poor mental health could cause violence behavior. A for instance B. So C. however D. in addition 9. Mother didn't have time to go to the store, there was no milk in the refrigerator A. Nevertheless B. although C. consequently D. however 10. There is no homework tonight there has been no homework all week. A. in fact B. as a result C. therefore D. consequently 11. You can come with us if you are ready, you will have to ride the bus. A. Nevertheless B. similarly C. moreover D. otherwise 12. It is important to complete your homework, it should be turned in on time. A. Furthermore B. nevertheless C. otherwise D. although 13. The rhino in Africa is threatened with extinction, many species of gorilla are also endangered, B. nevertheless A. Consequently D. SO C. similarly 14. It is used to present the main points or topics of a given subject and each item may be divided into additional sub-items. B. Summary A. Outline C. Source D. Topic 15. This represents original thinking, reports on discoveries or events to share new information. A Secondary Source B. Primary Source D. Outline C. Topic 16. It helps explain new or different positions and ideas about primary sources. It describes, interprets and synthesizes. B. Primary Source A. Secondary Source D. Outline C. Topic 17 means learning from what you read and adding new ideas to what you already know C Summa D. Outlining pa sagot plssss​


1 a

2 b

3 b

4 a

5 d

6 c

7 d

8 a

9 d

10 c

11 b

12 a

13 a

14 a

15 c

16 b

17 d


kaytagal kong natapos basahin

tama yan

paki brainliest po

5. 1. It is the main section of a concept paper.a introduction b. conceptc. body of the essay d. plagiarism2. It is not only define, explicate, or explain something but are also used beyond the classroom.a. thesis statement b. concept paper c. presenting concept d. conclusion3. It is interprets another work by examining the concepts presenteda. explication b. clarification c. concept paper d. conclusion4. It is part of concept paper reemphasize the thesis statement, provides summary of the body of the paper.a. body b. introduction c. conclusion d. summary5. Are used to provide the meaning of a particular word or term.a. terins b. definition c. piece d. feature6. It is include the term, class, and distinguishing features.a formal definition b. informal definition c. features d. essay7. Is used to define a situation that has been thoroughly elaborated and expressed without leaving anythinguntouched.a. concept paper b. explicit concept c. implicit concept d. definition8. Is used to express something in directly or implied.a. implicit concept b. explicit concept c. implicit d. conclusion9. Is a parenthetical or brief explanation.a. conceptb. formal concept c. informal conceptd. definition10. It is usually ranges from 500- 2000 words and is divided into several parts.a reaction b. concept c. thesis statement d. critique​


1. a introduction

2. b. concept paper

3. b. clarification

4. d. summary

5. b. definition

6. a formal definition

7. b. explicit concept

8. a. implicit concept

9. b. formal concept

10. b. concept


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