Cause And Effect Of Flood In Philippines

Cause And Effect Of Flood In Philippines

cause and effect of flood​

Daftar Isi

1. cause and effect of flood​


Cause: heavy rain

Effect: flood

2. Cause-and-effect of Floods?

Nasa pic po answer kasi ayaw po ma send wh

3. cutting treescause:effectsfloodingcause:effects:soil erosioncause:effects: destruction of animal habitatcause:effects:​


cutting trees:

cause: due to poverty and overpopulation, people are forced to cut trees also known as illegal logging.

effect:flooding, global warming, and loss of animal habitats.


cause:it could be due to heavy rains and without trees, it will cause flooding because trees sip the water from rains in the soil.

effect:landslides, loss of homes

soil erosion:

cause: it could be possibly caused by earthquakes, weathering, Titanic eruptions, and volcanic activities.

effect: no one will truly know where to find a place to live because of the unsteady ground.

destruction of animal habitats:

cause:illegal logging, human activities, soil erosion, flooding, etc.

effect: loss of many animals, and possibly extinction.

4. whats is cause and effect in flood​


A flood is caused by a combination of heavy rainfall causing river / oceans to over flow their banks, and can happen at any time of the year, not just in the winter. ... Coastal areas are also at risk from sea flooding, when storms and big waves bring seawater onto the land.


trash that didn't throw in trash can

2.cutting trees


can destroy housescan drownd an animals

5. in the Philippines what causes heavy rains and floods?especially in the cagayan ​




diba tama? bagyo ang dahilan kung bakit nagkakaroon ng malakas na pag-ulan at pagguho ng mga lupa


Deforestation and climate change


sana makatulong

6. Cause and EffectFlood waters destroyed many crops since​


cause:flood waters

effect:many crops got destroyed

7. -What is the cause of foreign products flooding the Philippines? - What is the cause of English being taught in all universities and schools? - What is the the effect of local industries in the Philippines gone bankrupt? PS this was for history during philippines american, not modern times




8. what is the cause of the street were flooded because of the heavy rain CAUSE AND EFFECT​

heavy rainfall

(its common for floods to occur because of this)

correct me if im wrong:)

also i thinks its cause

9. a one Write a cause-and-effect paragraph using effect multiple pattern on a topic about floods. cause​


cause:the flood is too strong for all residents to survive

effect:all the house's are been destroyed by the strong flood

sentence:the flood is too strong for all the residents to survive all the houses are been destroyed by the strong flood


hope it helps

10. floodProblemCauseEffectSolution​



because of the rain and many people not putting their garbage to the trash can

many people will have to evacuate

stop throwing your garbage everywhere


hope it helps you

11. what is cause and effect of fish flood​


the cause of it is because of dynamite fishing

12. flooding of streets is it a cause or effect?​


it is a effect, by global warming or natural calamaties that exist by the cause of not taking care of it.


It is an effect because it is caused by heavy rain


13. cause effect and solution in flash flood​



Flash floods occur within a few minutes or hours of excessive rainfall, a dam or levee failure, or a sudden release of water held by an ice jam. Flash floods can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels. Rapidly rising water can reach heights of 30 feet or more.

Answer..cause ;due to deforestation or cutting trees .effect;;many of lower area emmidiately flooded due to no trees can cacth rain from forest .solution;;must be monitor all our forest and nab all elligal loggers who cutting trees at forest .also cleaned up all garbage and separate bio and non bio degradable .

14. cause and effect of flooding in law areas​


Floods are the most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry.


Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas.


Flooding can result in significant damage to private property, including homes and businesses. Losses occur due to damage to both the structure and contents of buildings. Insurance of the structure and its contents against flooding can reduce the impacts of floods on individuals or companies.

15. what is the cause and effect of flash floods??​


CAUSE: when water overflows on or inundates land that is normally dry. ... Rivers can overflow their banks, causing flooding during heavy rains, severe storms and dam breaks.

EFFECT:floods can destroy buildings, roads, bridges, etc. Coastal flooding can result from heavy rains due to cyclones or tropical storms, causing sea water to flow towards inland


i hope it helps

God bless you po

16. What is the cause and effect of a flood

Floods or flashfloods are commonly cause by human interference in the environment. One such cause is ILLEGAL LOGGING. Having cut down numerous number of trees, without doing the effort of replacing them, illegal loggers leave the soil without roots to absorb the water that may pass through it, thus causing floods.

On the latter part, floods (if too much) can cause landslides, which in turn may cause devastation, loss of human lives, and destruction of properties such as buildings and crops.

17. give me an paragraph of cause and effect flood​


There are numerous causes of flood but the most common cause is garbages and the effects are destruction of properties and worse loss of lives.


Yan lang kaya ng english ko hejehe sana makatulong...

18. 7. Cause :Effect: People experienced floods and landslides.8. Cause :Effect : They shouted with joy.9. Cause : We are late for school.Effect :10. Cause :Effect: Andrea is very happy.​


7. Cause: People cutted down trees.

8. Cause: The football team won the battle.

9. Effect: We where sentenced at detention for 1 hour.

10. Cause: They bought Andrea a puppy for her birthday.

19. cause and effect peom about flood​


The flood came roaring in the night,

And washed the city in its might.

The cause was rain, so fierce and strong,

That swelled the rivers all day long.

In fact, it was a month of rain,

That caused the floods to wreak such pain.

Such heavy downpours, day and night,

Turned streams into a raging fright.

Like that, the waters surged and rose,

And overflowed where no one knows.

In other places, it swept away,

The things we cherish every day.

Indeed, the flood left such a mess,

That people struggled with distress.

In conclusion, it’s clear to see,

That nature’s power can’t be set fre



20. Cause and effect flooding in low areas

Answer & Explanation:

When rainfall in low-lying areas and urban environments fall faster than the ground can absorb, water height rapidly rise, resulting in floods. Extreme rainfall in river courses contribute to flooding as well, as water travels down and overflows riverbanks onto surrounding land.

Hope it helps!Correct me if i'm wrong.Have a nice day!#studyhard!!


[tex] \huge \color{red} \boxed{CAUSE✨}[/tex]

Cut down treestrashpollution of air global warming

hi pa mark ok



[tex] \huge \color{blue} \boxed{EFFECT}[/tex]

Destroyed houseslost of livesdestroyed belongingsIllness


The amount of energy and water contained in a huge tsunami can cause extreme destruction when it strikes land. ... Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water behind the initial wave front, as the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods powerfully into the coastal area

22. 10. A heavy rain flooded the town.Cause:Effect:​

Answer:cause:heavy rain

Effect:flooded the town


Heavy rain is the cause, while flooded the is the effect

23. What is the cause and effect of the climate change of flood​

Cause: Climate change is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, which releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. This leads to changes in weather patterns, including more frequent and intense floods.

Effect: Flooding can have devastating effects, including property damage, loss of life, and water contamination. Floods can also lead to increased erosion, landslides, and other types of natural disasters. They disrupt economic activities, displace people, and can cause serious health issues, such as water-borne diseases.


Climate change is one of the main causes of floods across the globe. The increase in global temperatures is causing glaciers and ice caps to melt, which in turn leads to the rise in sea levels. As the sea levels rise, coastal regions are becoming more vulnerable to flooding caused by storms, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Warmer temperatures are also causing more intense and frequent rainfall, resulting in heavy downpours and flash floods.

The effects of flooding caused by climate change are devastating. Floods can result in loss of life, destruction of property and infrastructure, and disruption of livelihoods. They can also lead to the spread of waterborne diseases and contamination of water sources. Floods can cause long-term economic damage to communities, as businesses are forced to close and tourism is affected.

Climate change and flooding are closely linked, and urgent action is needed to mitigate their effects. Governments, communities, and individuals must work together to reduce carbon emissions, protect natural habitats, and improve infrastructure to prevent and manage the impact of flooding caused by climate change. By taking action now, we can minimize the impact of floods and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

24. it rained all day so the street was floodedcause effect​


It rained all day.


The street was flooded.


end if the the rain rained harder go to high places

25. what are the effect And caused of flash floods?​


Flash flooding occurs when it rains rapidly on saturated soil or dry soil that has poor absorption ability. ... Flash flooding can also be caused by extensive rainfall released by hurricanes and other tropical storms, as well as the sudden thawing effect of ice dams. Human activities can also cause flash floods to occur.

hope it helps po

26. What is the cause and effect of a flood?


Severe flooding is caused by atmospheric conditions that lead to heavy rain or the rapid melting of snow and ice. Geography can also make an area more likely to flood. For example, areas near rivers and cities are often at risk for flash floods. A flood is an overflow of water onto land that is noramally dry


All the house would flood and be broken



27. what are changes in the sphere that causes flooding and their effects on other spheres?​


Floods affect three spheres of the Earth (hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere). They affect both plants and animals (biosphere).

28. The street was flooded when it rained for several hour Cause or Effect​




29. 1. A. Give the cause and effect of the following1. FloodingCause:Effect:2.Cutting of tressCause:Effect:3.High gradesCause:Effect:4.Healthy bodyCause :Effect:5.Destruction of animal habitatCause:Fffe​


just understand it

1.A lot of people were be sick because of the lyptospirosis

2.Flooding, irrigation

30. write paragraph showing cause and effect floods​


                       By throwing trash in the ground may block the passage way to the canal, Because by blocking the canal may or will cause flooding. By illegaly cutting trees can cause lots of disaster like landslide and even flood!


Thats a shortened cause and effect ic ant write a whole 3 part paragraph sorry i typed 1 paragraph to atleast help

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