How Did The American Education Progress In The Philippines

How Did The American Education Progress In The Philippines

How did education for women affect the progressive era

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1. How did education for women affect the progressive era

When one nation had freed their women to go in formal school, transformation in civilization were expected. Women became more aggressive to be part and active in issues in the society. They gave the same effort and revolution that men can provide to the nation. Women are uplifted by the education to secure the need of entire population. That's why they can go now for the political advancement or heading the industries and other social responsibilities.

2. -on the progress chart, give the contribution of the american and how it affected the philippine literature both in positive and negative ways​


contribution" of American ... impact. American Educational System in the. Philippines: A Brief History ... given technical jobs in the colonial ... literary, professional, and technical training.

Negative Results of American Rule • The Philippines became dependent exclusively on the United States to continue prosper economically. • There was no real industrialization in the hands of Filipino capital. • Our own delicacies and heroes are no longer appreciated. Filipino people focus about American culture. • Materialistic view of life has weakened the Filipino’s communal spirit towards an individualistic and consumerist way of life

3. How did Rizal see the role of education in attaining social progress


Rizal always considered education as a medicine or something that could cure the problems of Colonial Philippines. He believed in education that is free from political and religious control. He asserted that reform can not be achieved if there is no suitable education, a liberal one available to Filipinos.





Rizal always considered education as a medicine or something that could cure the problems of Colonial Philippines. He believed in education that is free from political and religious control. He asserted that reform can not be achieved if there is no suitable education, a liberal one available to Filipinos.

For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people's mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination.

Rizal insists that education is the instrument of social progress. He believes that the right to education is fundamental human rights. He also asked the government that education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.

4. How does education affect the development and progress of our country?​.


Education tends to raise productivity and creativity, as well as stimulate entrepreneurship and technological breakthroughs. All of these factors lead to greater output and economic growth.


Sana makatulong


Education increases the propensity for better employment opportunities. Not only education makes a smart, informed population, but it boosts economic growth and increases the GDP of a country.

. It allows people to live a healthy and quality lifestyle with a high standard of living.


5. How could humss strand contribute in the progress of the philippines society?


Many work will offer to you because we are the future servant. The HUMSS strand revolves around improving the students reading, writing and one of the benefit of this is your speaking skills will enhance and your it will help you to boost your confidence

6. How does education affect the development and progress of our country​


A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases since educated workers can more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking. ... As a result, many countries provide funding for primary and secondary education to improve economic performance.


7. it is a collection of filipino experience express in a creative way which has progressed with our historical experiencea. philippine literature b. japanese c. american d. spanish​




that is it:) happy day

8. How does education effect the development and progress of our country?


A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases since educated workers can more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking. ... As a result, many countries provide funding for primary and secondary education to improve economic performance.


yan na


The country's economy will become more productive


because there will be a lot of educated workers

9. 1•)compare the philippines into other member state of asean.2•) Describe the economy of the philippines. compare it to other asean member states.3•) How the educational system of each ASEAN countries contributed to achieving progress in economy?​

1.The Philippines are a group of 7,100 islands and islets off the coast of Vietnam in Southeast Asia, around 800 kilometers away. The Philippine Sea borders the archipelago on the east, the Celebes Sea on the south, the Sulu Sea on the southwest, and the South China Sea on the west and north. From north to south, the archipelago stretches for over 1,850 kilometers, with a maximum east-west extent of 1,130 kilometers. The big islands are grouped into three groups: the northern and western Luzon group, the central Visayas group, and the southern Mindanao group.

2.In the East Asia Pacific area, the Philippines has one of the most dynamic economies. The Philippines' economic vitality stems from strong consumer demand, which is bolstered by a thriving labor market and steady remittances. The services industry, which includes business process outsourcing, real estate, and the financial and insurance industries, has performed particularly well.

3.ASEAN supports global and regional commitments in education by promoting lifelong learning underpinned by the principles of equity, inclusion and quality. Specific priorities include advancing future-ready education at basic and higher education levels and technical and vocational education and training; ensuring inclusive education; building the capacity of education personnel; and mobilising resources for education through partnerships with various key stakeholders

10. how does science education progress in our country?​


This study aims to determine the importance of science education, to present a brief historical development of science education and to analyse which factors are effective for its development. This paper consists of three parts: The importance, aims, and objectives of science and technology education will be pointed out in the first part of this paper. Secondly, a brief historical development of science education will be presented. Then, some factors and reasons which can cause failure in science education will be discussed. Finally, some suggestions for development will be considered.

11. how did the invention of the microscope contribute to the progress of biology?


Microscopes were invented early in the 1600s by lots of different people. Each person made changes in the design that made it better. The new tools let scientists look at things too small for ordinary eyes to see. With microscopes, biologists discovered that living things were made of cells.


base on my research

12. How do you apply Spiral Progression in Business Education?​


Spiral progression is a teaching approach that emphasizes building on previous knowledge and skills over time. In business education, spiral progression can be applied by starting with basic concepts and gradually introducing more complex ideas and skills as the student progresses. This approach allows students to build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, and to apply what they have learned to increasingly complex situations.

13. How does science education progress in our country?​


In most the rates of growth have been higher at secondary level, where most science is taught, than at primary. Enrolment growth has been driven both by planned expan- sion for human resource development and by the exigencies of social demand for greater access to school systems.

14. Analyze the painting of American progress,how does this picture represent Manifest Destiny​


American Progress was painted for was those who were unsure if it was right to migrate west. By using the heavenly lady leading the settlers into an uncivilized land, Gast hoped to share his idea that it was morally just to migrate West.

15. how important is education and academic achievement in one's life progress ?​


It helps one to be certified in a particular field which gives room for one to make a living by working in your field. It raises your ability to see the world as it is, rather than how you want it to be. It challenges our mind on how to be a successful person one day and be smarter than Albert Einstein. The more knowledge you gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth.

16. Compare the impact of the Spanish and the American period on the lives of Filipinos in terms of Literature, tradition, and life, and answer the question below: Describe the impact of the two colonization on the literary progress in the Philippines.

Answer:Philippine literary production during the American Period in the Philippines was spurred by two significant developments in education and culture.The Spanish colonial strategy was to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ.


17. How does education affect the development and progress of our country?​


A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases since educated workers can more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking. ... As a result, many countries provide funding for primary and secondary education to improve economic performance.


I hope this will helps :D

18. explain how journalism and mass media has progressed in the philippines​


Journalism and Mass media has progressed in the Philippines through the new technologies we have today. As years pass by, journalism and mass media progressed for they are given attention and that journalists have improved a lot throughout the years.

19. how important is education and academic achievement in one's life progress​


big important to people the education and the academic achievement because this is how you prove your self as a person.

20. how does the Philippine Geography affect its Progress?​


Geography is linked to human development through it effects on health and agricultural productivity,distance,and institutions.Physical

21. How did the invention of the microscope contribute to the progress of biology​


Microscopes were invented early in the 1600s by lots of different people. With microscopes, biologists discovered that living things were made of cells. Cells are the little factories that work together to make up larger living things like humans. A man named Robert Hooke got the first look at cells in 1665.

22. Did the Philippines progressed during the colonization?

The Philippines is an archipelago (group of islands) of more than 7,100 islands just north of the Equator in the Pacific Ocean. There are numerous anthropology theories on the migration to the Philippines, the best agreeing that inhabitants of Southeast Asia of the same or similar ethnic groups gradually made their way to Australia, the Philippines and other islands in the region.

23. what was the progress of physical education all throughout the history from pre?-Spanish peripd to American period?​


Many things happen in PE throughout the history. Because of it, we are now given a chance to do things what History gives to us.


The History of Physical Education. The history of physical education dates back to ancient Greece, where competition and intensity were second nature.


sana makatulong

24. how does education effect the development and progress of our country?​


→how does education effect the development and progress of our country?


A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases since educated workers can more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking.Explanation:

→As a result, many countries provide funding for primary and secondary education to improve economic performance.


It affects that every child deserve to learn and to get a better job in future, and without education we can't build buildings House's even language's

sana makatulong ket konti hehe

25. how does education affects the development and progress of our country?


A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases since educated workers can more efficiently carry out tasks that require literacy and critical thinking. ... As a result, many countries provide funding for primary and secondary education to improve economic performance.

26. how does science education contribute to the progress of our current education system​


To make a ungiqyunique invention


27. Explain how journalism and mass media has progressed in the philippines


Journalism and mass media was the very entertaining source of news .they gives us knowledge about whats happening to our country.

28. How can you help the Philippine economy progress in education, tourism,health, and business industries?​


1) Supporting K to 12.

2) Giving Free College Education.

3) Building more Public Math and Science School.

4) Instituting a National Feeding Program.

5) Higher Teacher's Salary.

6) Continuous Teacher Education.

7) Pushing for Alternative Education.

8) Reviving Mandatory ROTC.


29. what was the progress of physical education all throughout the history from pre-spanish period to American period? give explanation..​


changed a lot


whenever I go, physical education is strengthened through teaching of education so that students bost his/her confidence in terms of sportmanship.

30. how did the oral communication contribute to your progress ?​


It gave a huge contribution when it comes to my progress. It helps me to develop a new confident and express emotions, ideas, and feelings. And expand my knowledge more.

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