How Technology Influence My Life As A Learner

How Technology Influence My Life As A Learner

how technology influenced my life as a learner?

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1. how technology influenced my life as a learner?


It enabled you to ask here lmao. But seriously,technology has allowed you to absorb a plethora of information at any given time hence,giving you the opportunity to enchance yourself in any field you may choose to engage in thus making the fields of which you can Excel wider

2. How technology influenced my life as a learner​


Technology helps us make everything easier and faster for a learner because it has everything we need


3. How technology influenced my life as a learner ​


technology helps use to easy get our

question and to improve our knowledge

4. how technology influenced my life as a learner​


Technology influenced my life as a learner by making my school life easier. When we compare our situation from the past where they need to go to libraries and find books for their schoolwork, it is much easier today. Just one click and we find numerous results and answers that help us with our schoolwork.



It helped me learn a lot faster, get useful informations to add in learning more about my lessons, know some things that our teacher might accidentally forgot letting us informed and helped me to be updated to all the news and major events that are currently happening in our country.  


5. how technology influence my life as a learner.​

Technology can help students by making learning more engaging and collaborative. Rather than memorizing facts, students learn by doing and through critical thinking. This could be as simple as taking an interactive quiz in class or participating in tech-enabled group discussions.


its help us to search our project or some information... lalo na sa ating mga studyante...LAlo narin po new normal na so we need to be a practical we need to use a gadget like phone, laptop etc.. to search what we want to know

6. how technology influenced my life as a learners? in paragraph form​


Now-a-days technology has made a great impact on student's life. Technology has changed the ways students communicate and live their life. ... These powerful tools have enhanced communication, research and literacy etc. and continue to impact the way student learn.

7. how technology influenced my life as a learner in paragraph form​

In my elementary days, I do not have any idea what is technology is, because all i know is playing in the outside or anywhere, in high school maybe i met technologies already because i can use phones or gadgets, life was easy because of technology. There are something i can do fast with technologies, in my high school day i can past my assignment on time because i searched all information already, also i can communicate with other people around the world.. Now that I am a college students, I learned that technology is not all about gadgets or internet, I learned that technology is in anywhere, there is a technology in the farm, school, hospitals and more. I realized now that we are all surrounded by technologies, and because of technologies, our society are more becoming modernized because of the new technologies that science releasing, I can say now that during my elementary days until now I am a college student technologies influenced me to become more creative in life, because this world is going to become more modernized than now.

8. how technology influence my life as a learner. Pa answer ASAP, thanks


Its is very help to everyone because we got new impormation thats ralated to our lesson and etc but this i have a negative effect if over use


How technology influence my life as a learner

~ Now-a-days technology has made a great impact on student's life. Technology has changed the ways students communicate and live their life. These powerful tools have enhanced communication, research and literacy etc. and continue to impact the way student learn.

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9. Quipper School PREMIUM Teaching Guide READING AND WRITING SKILLS Unit 11: Development of a Text- Grade 11/12 Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Technician Education Can Fuel Financial Success NewsUSA It doesn't take a college degree to understand that a four-year education may not be the end-all and be-all it once was, according to a new survey of U.S. high school students. With rising costs for higher education and the way it equates to a career, more high school students say costs will be a "deciding factor in which college they attend or whether they end up going at all," according to the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit College Savings Foundation. The survey, which is in its 10th year, found that of the 500 students polled, this year saw the highest percentage (55 percent) say they are thinking about technical schools and career schools in the same way they look at traditional universities. This is good news for technical schools (most notably transportation technology and repair), that to date have had trouble attracting students through their doors. "There is more computer code in today's cars than there was used to put a man on the moon," says Jennifer Maher, chief executive officer of the TechForce Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports students through their education into successful careers as professional technicians. "These are skilled, well-paying, technical jobs. "To put this into perspective, according to Motor Authority, a Ford GT has more than 10 million lines of code and the new Ford F150 pickup has more than 150 million lines of code. Compare that to the shuttle's primary flight software, which contains approximately 400,000 lines of code, and it becomes easy to see the necessity of skilled technicians and the job security the industry represents. According to data from the 2020 AutoCare FactBook, the auto care industry added approximately 41,500 jobs in 2018, and automotive repair and maintenance showed the greatest increase ip average hourly wages among technician jobs from 2009 to 2018 More good news: The demand for skilled technicians continues to rise as older technicians retire. Additionally, those numbers increase as technicians move into other industries, and new positions open up. To this point, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the replacement rate plus the growth rate will translate to 78,200 per year from 2016 to 2026. TechForce's publicity campaign, "Because I'm a Tech," encourages technicians to share their Quipper School PREMIUM Teaching Guide READING AND WRITING SKILLS Unit 11: Development of a Text Grade 11/12 stories about how they have succeeded in skilled technician careers. Some of their comments: "i bought my first house at age 27," "I get to do something I love every day." "I have a good work/life balance and have time for my hobbies." Technician jobs can be an ideal alternative for many nontraditional learners who can think outside the box, and who enjoy working with their hands and solving problems. Plus, there's the fact that technicians can learn their skills as soon as two years after high school and put them to use right away without the time and expense of a traditional, four-year college degree. TechForce's FutureTech Roadmap to the transportation technology career highlights some of the traits that make for well-paid, successful technicians and how parents and students can identify these valuable skills. Middle School: Sixth-graders to eighth-graders who like to tinker; those who fix the wobbly bike wheel or design the winning car in the scouts' soapbox derby, may benefit from a technical school rather than a traditional college education. High School: The high schooler who helps design and build the sets for the school play may be the next great technician. Also, students with diagnoses of ADHD who learn best with hands-on lessons and struggle with lengthy, desk-bound assignments are ideally suited to many technician careers. Post-Secondary School: High school graduates with a strong interest in science and technology can launch fulfilling careers with training at an ASE-certified program. The more certifications and degrees earned, the higher the tech's earning potential from future employers. Short Response Questions Answer the following questions. Responses should be backed up by textual evidence, and opinions should be clearly explained. 1. Who is the possible audience for this text? 2. Who could benefit from the information presented in this text? Justify your answer. 3. What could have possibly influenced the author to construct this text? 4. Create an alternative title for the text. 5. Is the text appropriate for the Philippine context? Justify your answer.​


High schools students

2. High school students

10. how technology influenced my life as learner​


As a learner, technology influenced my life because it helps me a lot in my studies such as research, it gives me the information I need in my studies and etc... The technology is very helpful to me, but I know there is limitations of using it.

11. How technology influenced my life as a learner? ​


Technology influenced you and other learners thoroughly.

Why? Technology helps you/us to improve your learnings and make it more easier, also its our environment now a days so we have to learn to addapt. It can help you/us make things easier

12. how technology influence my life as a learner​


You can use your gadgets


Because of technology you can browse different websites, communicate with others.Easy access and learning in fastest connection

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