Rizal s Retraction Letter

Rizal s Retraction Letter

Who discovered the letter of retraction of Rizal?​

Daftar Isi

1. Who discovered the letter of retraction of Rizal?​

Since Rizal's retraction letter was discovered by Father Manuel Garcia, C.M. in 1935, its content has become a favorite subject of dispute among academicians and Catholics

2. . Based on the topic discussed about the retraction letter of Rizal, do you believe there was a retraction letter? Why and why not?​


There is one issue in Jose Rizal’s life that historians have debated on several occasions but remains unsettled. That issue is whether Rizal, on the eve of his death, re-embraced the Catholic faith and disassociated himself from Masonry. The matter is controversial because parties on both sides are affiliated with an organization that promotes moral values and the pursuit of truth. The pro-retraction camp is represented by the Jesuits, the archbishop of Manila, and a few other members of the Catholic hierarchy. Since they are all ordained priests, they are assumed to be truthful in their pronouncements. Their opponents are the members of Masonry, an organization that promotes brotherhood, integrity, decency, and professionalism.

This paper resurrects the retraction controversy in the light of the emergence of another primary source that speaks about what happened to Rizal on the eve of his death. This document was never considered in the history of the retraction controversy because it was made available to researchers only in the past decade. The author of the report is a credible eyewitness because he was physically present in the vicinity of where Rizal was detained. His narrative is lucid and contains details that cast doubt on the credibility and reliability of earlier primary sources on which previous narratives were based. This document needs serious consideration and should be included in the discourse on Rizal’s retraction.

Keywords: Jose Rizal, Philippine Revolution, Philippine Masonry, retraction controversy, Cuerpo de Vigilancia collection


Yes..please read to let u know

please heart this

kung nakatulog

3. who's signed as witness on the letter of retraction of rizal?

Fr. Balaguer is the one who signed as witness



Since Rizal’s retraction letter was discovered by Father Manuel Garcia, C.M. in 1935, its content has become a favorite subject of dispute among academicians and Catholics. The letter, dated December 29, 1896, was said to have been signed by the National Hero himself.

It stated: “I declare myself a Catholic and in this religion in which I was born and educated I wish to live and die. I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct has been contrary to my character as son of the Catholic Church.”

5. was the retraction letter of Rizal true or fake? Support your answer​




yes is it trrue beacuseshe our hero

6. how do you relate the story of the retraction letter of Rizal to your personal life? What lessons about human nature and values can be drawn from this controversial retraction letter of Rizal ?​


There is one issue in Jose Rizal's life that historians have ... Some even reprinted the retraction letter that he wrote, ...

7. 1. Was the retraction letter of Rizal true or fake? Support your answer.


Tru po.



8. who was involved in the retraction letter of jose rizal, was known to be the​


According to a testimony by Father Vicente Balaguer, a Jesuit missionary who befriended the hero during his exile in Dapitan, Rizal accepted a shorter retraction document prepared by the superior of the Jesuit Society in the Philippines, Father Pio Pi.


"On the day of the execution, the Spaniards published an article in all the local papers, according to which, Rizal, in a written declaration made by him on the day of his death, retracted all his writings and deeds and proclaims himself to be a repentant sinner and a loyal Spaniard.

9. rizal's retraction controversy​



From Rizal’s statement: "I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct have been contrary to my character as a son of the Catholic Church.", some says that this document is a forgery and the other are asserting that it’s authentic and Rizal was the only who wrote and signed the retraction paper.

ihope its help

10. Why did the Catholic church want Jose Rizal to write a retraction letter​

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data. Research data can be placed into two broad categories: quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative data are used when a researcher is trying to quantify a problem, ...


its answer

11. Explain how the retraction letter of rizal would affect the filipino people Rizal would affect the Filipino people.​


Some historians say he did retract. If that is the case, considering how we think nowadays, his reputation on the eyes of many Filipinos will change in a way that we will start to question his integrity as a national hero. Honestly, in my opinion, if there is a SUBSTANTlAL PROOF of retraction, I think he doesn't deserve the title of being our own national hero.

12. What is the main debate in the retraction letter of Jose Rizal? Explain ​


matalino sya sobrang sobra


13. Did Rizal really made a retraction letter? Justify your answer


There was certainly no signed letter of retraction, a contradiction in itself for a man so strong in conviction as Rizal. There was also no marriage with Josephine Bracken, although they did live together during his exile in Dapitan.Jan 2, 2018

Works written: Mi último adiós

Spouse: Josephine Bracken

Place of death: Bagumbayan


14. How does the alleged retraction letter affect the heroism of Dr.Jose Rizal?​


Yes, the so called retraction tarnished Rizal's image and question his principles as a man, yet for everyone who came to read his stories, his greatness, his works and sacrifices for freedom and independence he has done for the country is beyond impeccable hence the retraction detracts nothing from his greatness as a HERO


15. If Rizal wrote the retraction letter, would your perception of Rizal as Filipino martyr and hero change? Why?​


because of his sacrifices as to save us

16. What historical significance does "Retraction Letter" by Jose Rizal have in the present time?

The letter, dated December 29, 1896, was said to have been signed by the National Hero himself. It stated: “I declare myself a Catholic and in this religion in which I was born and educated I wish to live and die.

Why is Rizal's retraction important? If the noblest of all Filipinos can betray his own cause, it renders useless all his writings and great deeds. It also cast doubt on the character and honor of the rest of us Filipinos. If today, many of us have no faith in our own people, it is because of frauds like this.

17. how do you relate the story of the retraction letter of Rizal to your personal life?​


It inspires many people by Rizal's books and words as he wanted freedom.

18. What are the evidence of the Rizal’s Retraction?  Do you believe that Rizal Retracted?​

What are the evidence of the Rizal’s Retraction? 

The document of the retraction of Jose Rizal, too, is being hotly debated as to its authenticity. It was supposed to have been signed by Jose Rizal moments before his death. There were many witnesses, most of them Jesuits. The document only surfaced for public viewing on May 13, 1935.

Do you believe that Rizal Retracted?

No, Rizal did not retract. Although there were many opinions and evidences presented by various authors as to whether Rizal did or did not retract. Nonetheless, until now there is no proof or any justification to end the debate. When Rizal's family requested for the original copy, it was said that it was lost.

19. Retraction of rizal What is the important details about rizal retraction


RIZAL- one of the leader of reform movement in spain

- he is a hero because if his writing focused on ending the Spanish colonization

RA 1425- RIZAL LAW- schools and universities must teach the life of Jose Rizal in education

20. what is retraction? what important is the retraction of jose rizal for the catholic church?.


Rizal then wrote his retraction after making some modifications in the document. In his retraction, he disavowed Masonry and religious thoughts that opposed Catholic belief. ... “The retraction is just one aspect of the life, works, and writings of Rizal.”4 Oct 2011

21. If Rizal wrote the retraction letter, would your perception of Rizal as a Filipino martyr change? why?​


because of his sacrifices as to save us

22. Retractions of Rizal ​


"Retraction of Jose Rizal Protacio Y. Alonzo"


The document of the retraction of Jose Rizal, too, is being hotly debated as to its authenticity. It was supposed to have been signed by Jose Rizal moments before his death. There were many witnesses, most of them Jesuits. The document only surfaced for public viewing on May 13, 1935.

23. What is your stand about Rizal’s retraction letter?​

Rizal really retracted but his renunciation in his letter will never defeat the true love in his country.

24. RETRACTION OF RIZAL: Did Rizal retract or did he not?

Retraction of Rizal:Did Jose Rizal retract or did he not?

The question above is the center of debate between two Rizalist groups. The Masonic Rizalists believe that Rizal did not retract all the things he wrote and did against the Spaniards. Meanwhile, Catholic Rizalists believe that Rizal did retract his life’s work and principles against the Spaniards.

To know more about the national hero, click here: https://brainly.ph/question/368226 or here https://brainly.ph/question/1754206.

To know more about religious groups, including the Rizalist cult, click here: https://brainly.ph/question/1597763.

25. Retraction Jose Rizal


The document of the retraction of Jose Rizal, too, is being hotly debated as to its authenticity. It was supposed to have been signed by Jose Rizal moments before his death. There were many witnesses, most of them Jesuits. The document only surfaced for public viewing on May 13, 1935.19

26. 1. RIZAL’S RETRACTION (minimum of 3 paragraphs) Guide Questions: 1. Do you believe in Rizal’s Retraction? 2. Why or Why not? ( Support your stand by citing writings of authors) 3.1 If you believe in the Retraction answer this question. - What is the significance of the Retraction to Rizal’s life? 3.2 If you do not believe in the Retraction, answer this question? - What is the significance of Rizal’s rejection of the Retraction? 3. With or without retraction, do you think Rizal achieve what he intended to do for the Filipinos? Explain, ​


Many Filipinos believe that Jose Rizal recanted his writings and beliefs before his execution in 1896. According to documents found in the Archivos Históricos del Ministerio de Educación in Madrid, Spain, Rizal wrote a retraction document wherein he renounced his previous writings and announced his acceptance of the Catholic faith. Consequently, there has been a lot of debate among Filipino historians and scholars about the legitimacy of the Retraction.

Some people argue that Rizal’s retraction was authentic, citing the fact that his family was present when Rizal made the statement and that his brother, Paciano, had publicly acknowledged that Rizal had indeed retracted his views. Moreover, historian Austin Craig argued in his book, Rizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr, that the Retraction was genuine and that its significance lies in the fact that it was a manifestation of Rizal’s acceptance of the inevitability of his death.

On the other hand, some historians and scholars argue that the Retraction was not genuine. They point out that Rizal had publicly declared his belief in the Catholic faith before his execution and that he had refused to see a priest in his last few days


Rizal's Retraction refers to a document that allegedly contained a retraction of Rizal's anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish views, which he was supposed to have signed on December 29, 1896, just before his execution on December 30, 1896. The authenticity of this document has been a subject of debate and controversy among historians and scholars for decades.

Some scholars believe in the authenticity of Rizal's Retraction, while others do not. For those who believe in it, the Retraction is seen as significant because it shows that Rizal was not entirely opposed to the Catholic Church and that he had a change of heart regarding his views on Catholicism and Spain. However, critics argue that the document may have been fabricated by the Spanish authorities to undermine Rizal's legacy as a nationalist hero and to use it as a propaganda tool to justify their colonial rule.

For those who do not believe in the Retraction, Rizal's rejection of it is seen as significant because it shows his unwavering commitment to his beliefs and principles, even in the face of death. They argue that Rizal's steadfastness in his beliefs and his refusal to betray his conscience is what makes him a true hero, and that the Retraction, if it existed, would have been a mere formality and would not have changed his true beliefs and convictions.

Regardless of the authenticity of the Retraction, Rizal's impact on Philippine history and his contribution to the Filipino people's struggle for freedom and independence cannot be denied. Through his writings and actions, he inspired a generation of Filipinos to fight for their rights and to resist colonial oppression. His ideas and principles continue to influence the Philippines and the world to this day.

In conclusion, with or without the Retraction, Rizal achieved what he intended to do for the Filipinos. He inspired and mobilized a movement for independence, and his ideas and values continue to shape the nation's identity and aspirations. The authenticity of the Retraction may be debated, but its significance pales in comparison to Rizal's enduring legacy as a nationalist hero and a symbol of Filipino pride and dignity

27. opinion on the retraction of rizal ​


The Forgery of the Rizal"Retraction" and Josephine's "Autobiography" (Manila: BR Book Col, 1962). "Rizal's Retraction: A Note on theDebate,

28. Retraction of rizal



Rizal’s retraction: Truth vs Myth. THE DEBATE continues. Since Rizal’s retraction letter was discovered by Father Manuel Garcia, C.M. in 1935, its content has become a favorite subject of dispute among academicians and Catholics. The letter, dated December 29, 1896, was said to have been signed by the National Hero himself.

ihope its help ✌

29. what is your stand about rizal's retraction letter?​


It stated: “I declare myself a Catholic and in this religion in which I was born and educated I wish to live and die. I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct has been contrary to my character as son of the Catholic Church.”

30. Analysis of RIZAL'S retraction​


Rizal fell in love with Josephine and wanted to marry her canonically but he was required to sign a profession of faith and to write retraction

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