Who Am I Philosophy Essay

Who Am I Philosophy Essay

Among the different perspectives presented by the Philosophers, to whom that you anchored your Philosophy in life then? By focusing on these questions? Who am I? What am I?​

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1. Among the different perspectives presented by the Philosophers, to whom that you anchored your Philosophy in life then? By focusing on these questions? Who am I? What am I?​


My Philosophy of Education

In life it is important to understand who you are as a person, what you believe in and what you hold to be real. These values are important because they dictate what you do in your life as well as how you act and react to situations that you may face. This concept holds no less importance or value in the profession of teaching. Who you are as a person and what you believe in controls what you will be like as a teacher. Your philosophy as a teacher is important because it leads to, among other aspects, exactly how you present yourself, your material and how you develop you students. Figuring out what precisely your personal philosophy is helps you to understand what kind of teacher you want to be.



I am who I am, I do what is right for me, and avoid those things that aren't.

To live, to make people proud, to make people love us, to help people, to make people care about us and other people who deserves to be cared/loved.

It can help you and us to know something better by asking.

3. Philosophy the -where am i?


Socrates answers the question “Who am I?” by affirming his ignorance. Socrates is regarded by the Delphic Oracle as the wisest man around. However, Socrates claims that that's only because he frankly admits that he knows only one thing, and that is that he knows nothing.

4. i realize that in doing philosophy i am required to look at all sides of the story in lifes issues so that...


I could give a fair judgment on a particular topic.

5. essay about doing philosophy​


My biggest flex is non of my ex cheated on me kase naunahan ko



6. essay about philosophy as a teacher​


My Teaching Philosophy

The nature of knowledge should be relative. Each student is different, and their education should fit their needs. Education should help the child grow both mentally and emotionally. Students should be given the right to think on their own. They do not need a teacher who will take their free will away. Students should not have to conform to something in which they do not believe. They should have their own thought processes. The best philosophical approach toward a child’s education is progressivism.

Progressivism allows the child to be a free-thinking individual. My teaching method will let the students become critical thinkers who can use their knowledge in the “outside world”. To accomplish this …show more content…The area of curricula that I have chosen is English-Language Arts. This subject area is important because it teaches students to think critically and accomplish problem solving tasks. The reading and writing of literature will help them think and interpret on a higher educational level.

Instead of being a strict teacher, I will be a facilitator. My classroom will be one of control, and not one with a strict code of order. I feel that if a teacher orders students around they will be given less respect. If you keep them in line without being too controlling, they will be more effective listeners. I will create a type of democracy in which everyone will have a voice in their educational curriculum. Students should be allowed to have some sort of input into the type of education they are receiving. If they do not like something you are doing, you should take the time and listen to their ideas. I will not act like I am more intelligent than they are. I believe that teachers should operate on the same level, and receive as much as they give.

My developmental plan is to further my education as much as possible. I plan on obtaining employment in an educational atmosphere that I enjoy working in.


pasabi kung mali

7. PhilosophyI am a good child.explainguys passagot Po pa explain thank u.​


mabait akong bata


mabait akong bata at mapagmahal sa aking kapwa


Whatever it means to be a good child, it does not mean being perfect. It does involve qualities like compassion, understanding, self-discipline, and appreciation though. Maybe one way to think of it is this: Good children put themselves on the path toward becoming happy, successful adults.

8. For Indians, their philosophy is Egocentric; “What am I doing here?” True or False​


Hello im under water Please help me

9. l.consider myself as midwife who helped the inquiring minds to achieve their wisdom l am the father of wester philosophy A.Socrates b.Plato C.Pythagoras D.Democritus E.heraclitus​

Answer for this question is letter A. Socrates

10. write an essay of the philosophy​


its bad and not good from others its fun but not good


11. Who's belief this" religion is Philosophy philosophy is a religion?


Philosophy looks for rational explications and justifications for beliefs. Philosophy has its basis in reason. Theology deals with thinking about religious beliefs in a rational manner but it presumes faith.

12. personal political philosophy essay.​


Political philosophy is a broad and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of ideas and ideologies. In this essay, I will outline my personal political philosophy, which is centered around the belief that all individuals have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

At the core of my political philosophy is the belief in individual rights. I believe that every person has the right to live their life as they see fit, so long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. This includes the right to freedom of speech, religion, and association, as well as the right to own property and engage in peaceful economic activities.

I also believe in the importance of limited government. I believe that the role of government should be to protect individual rights, rather than to control or regulate every aspect of society. I believe that the government should be accountable to the people and should not have the power to violate individual rights or to engage in activities that are not necessary for the protection of those rights.

In terms of economic policy, I believe in free market capitalism. I believe that the free market, when left to operate freely and without interference, is the most efficient and fair way to allocate resources and create wealth. I believe that individuals should be free to engage in economic activities of their choosing and that the government should not be involved in the economy beyond providing a stable legal and regulatory framework.

I also believe in the importance of personal responsibility and self-sufficiency. I believe that individuals should be responsible for their own actions and should not rely on the government or others to provide for their needs. I believe that this promotes self-reliance and a sense of personal accomplishment and helps to build strong, self-sufficient communities.

In terms of social policy, I believe in the importance of personal freedom and choice. I believe that individuals should be free to live their lives as they see fit, so long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. This includes the right to marry whom one chooses, to have children or not, and to live one's life in a manner that is consistent with one's own values and beliefs.

Overall, my political philosophy is centered around the belief in individual rights and limited government, as well as the importance of personal responsibility and the free market. I believe that these principles promote individual freedom, prosperity, and a strong and just society.

13. what is philosophy essay

philosophy is considered as an academic discipline. It is a study that seeks for the understanding of reality and the beginning of everything. It also helps you learn critical thinking skills that can help you understand our basic value ang importance of life.

14. Essay in philosophy. ​


Pa follow muna sa app nato


becuase the energy drink and fruits mixed together in the stomach and the stomach aches.

15. define philosophy (essay please)​

A philosophical essay should be an exploratory device, something. that starts with a question and takes you on a path towards an answer. 1. Philosophy is often defined as inquiry, more specifically inquiry into matters of profound interest to humanity—truth, knowledge, reality, meaning, social justice and the mind.

16. Give a situation or story happened in your life were you actually “Doing a Philosophy”. Explain why it is an example of “Doing a Philosophy”. For example: (That time when I am struggling on choosing what course I am going to take. For me, it is an example of doing a Philosophy because…) p.s maayos na sagot sana.

kase!naiiyak ka because?

17. what is philosophy? who is the father of philosophy? why philosophy is full of questioning?

Based on what I learned in my Philosophy subject, Philosophy comes from two Greek words: "philein" which means love and "sophia" which means wisdom. It is about how people view and think about the world and our society. Philosophy is about the ideas of people. The father of philosophy is Thales while the father of Modern Philosophy is Rene Descartes.

Philosophy is full of questioning because through these questions, we understand the world. Curiosity about how something happened or formed is already like questioning about something. With these questions, we seek answers about it and learn something; helping us know what they really are :)

18. For Indians, their philosophy is Egocentric; âWhat am I doing here?â

they are her for the sake of their country

19. i commit to apply philosophy in life essay


It helps us solve our problems -mundane or abstract, and it helps us make better decisions by developing our critical thinking (very important in the age of disinformation).







20. modern science as philosophy, essay pls.

Modern science is the perception, distinguishing proof, portrayal, exploratory examination, and hypothetical clarification of phenomena through new advances in science and innovation through the use of better equipments.

Applying science and innovation or "Modern Science" through our everyday living in our home, fields or work, esp. in hospitals or plantations of our everyday food.





1 im yesha

2my hobbies is reading books

3(yung mga bagay na gusto mo)

4 (yung mga bagay na nagpapasaya sayo)

(ex: pag nandyan ang mga pinsan ko nagaan ang loob ko)

5(yung mga pangarap mo sa future)

(ex:gusto kong magpatayo ng malaking bahay)

6my family

7(kung ano daw pangarap mo)


8my philosophy in life is simple:you treat me well and i definitely treat you better,

Sana po nakatulong

#carry in learning

#stay safe

22. 15. I am philosophy! A. Yes B. No C. Maybe Yes D. Maybe No​




because I didn't know you

23. essay of the philosophy of your life as a students.​


My educational philosophy is that I believe all students are capable of learning. They all do not learn at the same rate, but with different methods and strategies it is possible. ... Students must be able to function in the real world which not only requires academic knowledge but social skills as well.


hope it help

24. And what more am i? i look for aid to the imagination. [but how mistakenly!] i am not the assemblage of limbs we call the human body; i am not subtle penetrating air distributed throughout all these members; i am not a wind, a fire, a vapor, a breath or anything at all that i can imagine. i am supposing all these things to be nothing. yet i find, while so doing, that i am still assured that i am still something."rene descartes, mediations on first philosophy


Write a two-sentence reflection about the importance of practicing 5Rs of waste management. I realized ___________________________. *


Write a two-sentence reflection about the importance of practicing 5Rs of waste management. I understand______________________________. *

25. live a life virtue,B. LEARNING APPLICATIONFREE-LINE ANSWER. Attached your separated answer here.1. WHO AM I2. What is you philosophy in life?​


I am theresa Camile cardano


my philosophy in life is everything happens for a reason

26. What's is you're philosophy about self? Essay. (I need help) ☹️​


Life is short and we can't predict the future, I always strive hard and live life to the fullest because i don't want to drown in regrets when I grow old. Mistakes are fine, they help us learn to be better persons and we shouldn't think of them as an anchor that weighs us down. I just want to live a life of happiness without regrets.

Add whatever you think is necessary :)

27. Reflection: Doing Philosophy 1. I am now aware that _______________________________ 2. I understand that _________________________________ 3. I realize that _____________________________________ ​


1. I am now aware that

Philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand.

2. I understand that

philosophy study the basic ideas about knowledge.

3. I realized that

philosophy is interesting, because there are things that I have learned about my curiosity.


I hope it help you.

Thank you!

God Bless.

Study Hard.

28. What is your Philosophy in life? (Essay)​


We shouldn't judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to other

29. philosophy reaction essay​

Answer:To begin with, as we see in the First Meditation, Descartes eradicates the foundations of common beliefs and earthly perceptions in attempt to lay down new foundations for a very struc-tured, purposeful argument. This idea, in conjunction with the cogito ergo sum are among the few things that I do not disagree with. The issues I have arise when he attempts to build his argument from this point, as he seems to be starting from the middle. As I understand it, Des-cartes begins his argument with Descartes, the only thing he knows to exist, and from there proceeds to establish the rest of the universe. Not only does this seem a bit egocentric to me, but he later establishes facts that seem to contradict his method. Take, for example, his proof that God exists. To summarize briefly, all things that exist must come from something larger, and as we define God as an infinite, perfect being of infinite, perfect goodness, then all things must therefore stem from Him. Also, because we have within us this idea of God, which itself is big-ger than us and therefore must have come from God, then we humans, as we humans are in es-sence our thoughts, must have come from God. This is what I take issue with: if all things begin with God, then how can Descartes, without contradicting himself, begin his argument with Des-cartes?

The next argument of Descartes' that I find objectionable is, assuming God is infinite, perfect, and therefore not a deceiver, that Descartes' ideas, which he believes come from God, are true because God would not deceive him. This seems to me to be somewhat of a cheap fail-safe established to back up his arguments in case of a disagreement. I may be wrong, but it seems to me like Descartes is saying, albeit more verbosely and with more sophisticated language, "I thought of it, therefore it's true." This idea leaves room for much extrapolation. Take the follow-ing for example: Personally, I perceive the universe to be infinite, and not with my senses, as the universe is far beyond their range. This idea of the universe therefore does not come from with-out. Following Descartes' argument, this idea, as it is larger than me, cannot come from within. It must therefore come from God, and once again following Descartes argument, it must be true because God would not deceive me. Yet here is the issue-if Descartes arguments are to be tak-en for truth, then both God and the universe are infinite, and as such neither could have created the other. Following this, several options present themselves: 1) God is finite, meaning Descartes is wrong; 2) the universe is finite, meaning God has deceived me and therefore Des-cartes is wrong; 3) God and the universe are separate entities, which creates numerous contradic-tions in the origins of things and once again leads to Descartes being wrong; 4) God and the un-iverse are the same entity, but since deception exists in the universe and God is not a deceiver, this is either false or Descartes is wrong; 5) God does not exist, meaning Descartes is wrong; 6) the universe does not exist, once again meaning God has deceived me and Descartes is wrong; or 7) Descartes is wrong. Odds seem to point to Descartes being wrong.

I can see that my own reasoning is not perfect, but as I see it, Descartes argument is in-complete, which is why I remain dissatisfied with Meditations over all. I also take issue with several general facts about Descartes arguments, namely that he attempts to explain the un-iverse using logic and that he shapes his arguments somewhat like an upside-down pyramid, extrapolating expansively from a single foundation, which, like an upside-down pyramid, is ra-ther unstable. And so, while I found Meditations to be interesting in itself, that is as far as my opinion of it goes.

30. essay of the philosophy of your life as a students.​


im polite in the school helping,and listening on the teacher arigato guzaimasu

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